7 minute read
Callaho’s Breeding Magic
by hqmagazine
Callaho Warmblood Stud are back in force with their Summer Collection. Twentythree magnificent sporthorses are in the line-up, and we’re in for a real treat come the 12th of October. The bidder enthusiasm seen for the Winter Collection is sure to be matched this summer, and we’d advise anyone looking for their next sporthorse partner to browse the collection, which is now available online.
As Callaho stated in their recent newsletter, “Without doubt our decision to split the 2021 auction into two offerings has proven to be more than providential. With the maintenance of a very light training schedule and a further six months to mature, the result has been quite astounding. Not only have they further settled into their routine with quiet zeal, their obvious joie de vivre has catalysed the revelation of aptitudes only hinted at six months ago.
It is thus with a great deal of anticipation and excitement that we’re now able to disclose the Summer Auction Collection. Our Callaho adage, “Breeding Magic”, has never been more apt and now truly finds expression in this year’s final offering.”
For this first look at the auction collection we look at the stallion influence across this impressive offering.

Callaho’s Lissabon
Lissabon needs no introduction. He is a sire of Warmblood sport horses in a class of their own. To see five of his progeny in this auction shows Callaho’s commitment to breeding the best of the best.
Callaho L’Esplendor (Lissabon/Esplendor xx/Gratuity) – Gelding
Callaho Latoya (Lissabon/Fürst Romancier/Charon) – Mare
Callaho Layla (Lissabon/Embassy I/Eiger I) – Mare
Callaho Lebanon (Lissabon/Stolzenberg/Escudo I) – Gelding

Callaho Lebanon
Callaho Lejeune (Lissabon/Guidam/Landadel) – Gelding

Callaho Lejeune
Just to round off the excitement of all the look-a-likes – Callaho Lebanon and Callaho Lejeune are also the spitting image of Callaho Lexington, who jumps in the open classes with Jeanne Korber. Not only his match in looks, this pair have a jump to rival that of their ‘other’ half-brother, promising great things for the future!
Carnaval La Silla is a Holsteiner stallion imported to South Africa after a long and prestigious career in Europe. With Carthago Z as his father and a dam-line which produced the mare, Operette la Silla, ridden by Jan Tops in big international championships, it is small wonder that this stallion is an ultra-reliable producer of top-level showjumpers. Combined here with Callaho’s own magnificent Con Coriano, Callaho Carrera is sure to be a favourite:
Callaho Carrera (Carnaval La Silla/Con Coriano/Landadel) – Gelding

Callaho Carrera

Callaho's Benicio
Anyone who knows anything about dressage knows Benicio. Following in his father’s footsteps, Benicio won the 2011 6 year old German Bundeschampionate under the guidance of Anna Fiebelkorn. Six months later he aced his Stallion Performance Test at Schliekau with perfect 10s for walk, trot and canter. His final score for the dressage section, 9.88, superseded that of his father and was the highest score to ever be achieved in a stallion performance test. This auction features two of his offspring:
Callaho Bayenne (Benicio/Fürst Nymphenburg/ Falkland) – Gelding
Callaho Beniro (Benicio/De Niro/Weltmeyer) – Gelding

Callaho Beniro
In looking at Callaho Bayenne specifically, one sees Fürst Nymphenburg as the dam sire, which is a very popular choice, and for good reason! Then with Callaho Beniro, De Niro again brings huge qualities as a dam-sire. De Niro features in lots of Olympic lines, and has 92 offspring competing at Grand Prix, with 201 approved sons. This is not a common line to find represented in South Africa, and we’d expect both of these geldings to be snapped up very quickly!
Isabell Werth just won the Individual Silver and Team Gold in dressage on Bella Rose 2, who is by the same sire as Benicio (Bellisimo M).

Callaho’s Bolzano du Quinze
The Anglo-Arab influence proved popular in the Winter Collection, with several professional riders seeing the promise of this influence in creating athletic top performers. Bolzano Du Quinze himself is a Selle Francais stallion by the WBFSH Top-20 sire, Quaprice Bois Margot out of an Anglo-Arab mare. In the words of Team Callaho, Bolzano was “possibly just the spice needed to add blood and hybrid vigour to the Callaho melting pot.”
Just like their father, the three offspring on this auction, demonstrate Bolzano’s remarkable elasticity and scope:
Callaho Baccara (Bolzano Du Quinze/ Acord II/Wanderer) – Mare
Callaho Bolivia (Bolzano Du Quinze/ Nimmerdor/Landgraf I) – Mare
Callaho Bontender (Bolzano Du Quinze/ Contender/Capitol I) – Gelding

Callaho Bontender

Callaho’s Casparon
Casparon’s famous sire, Eurocommerce Berlin (Caspar), under Gerco-Schroder was at the very apex of 1.60m International Jumping competition for many years. As if this was not enough, his dam United Love was also a spectacular 1.60m International Jumper under Olivier Guillon and Tobias Meyer.
Under the guidance of Carl Boonzaaier, Casparon has grown in stature to become one of the most revered competitiors in the 1.50m classes here in South Africa, coming 3rd in the 2019 South African Derby, and more recently winning the 2021 Reonet Riders Grand Prix and coming second in the Aquelle World Cup Qualifier. This auction features one of his offspring, and we are very excited to see this gelding develop and give his father a run for his money! Callaho Casparov (Casparon/Valentino/Condor M) – Gelding

Callaho’s Victory for Ever
Victory For Ever is a Selle Francais stallion sired by Corofino, one of Holstein’s best. A modern athletic horse with three elastic and powerful paces, Victory has exceptional temperament and rideability. To top it all off, he is very careful and shows phenomenal power and scope in his jump which he consistently passes onto his offspring. This auction features two of his offspring, Callaho Vanguard and Callaho Vicetta, both of whom clearly display Victory’s qualities.
Callaho Vanguard (Victory For Ever/Lissabon/Capitol II) – Gelding
Callaho Vicetta (Victory For Ever/Azett/Gervantus I) – Mare

Callaho’s Larison
Larison is a clever, sensitive horse with much blood, a classic technique and more than enough scope for the really big International 1.60m classes. In the words of Team Callaho, ‘He has surpassed even our most optimistic expectations, producing exceptional offspring from the outset.'
The two Larison sons featuring in this auction collection, are sure to be a big hit.
Callaho Larimero (Larison/Ramiro Z/Libero H) – Gelding

Callaho Laruno
Callaho Laruno (Larison/For Joy/Almé Z) – Gelding
Callaho Laruno combines the magic of Larison and For Joy in one, not so small, package!
A final note from Team Callaho encourages us all to stay tuned for more information on this spectacular collection: “The production of our Summer Auction Collection's ridden and free-jumping videos are complete and will soon be posted together with all their Veterinary Information as well as their Compatibility, Suggested Utility details and relevant statistics. Please don't hesitate to contact us should you need assistance or have any queries regarding the collection.”
Callaho Baccara (Bolzano Du Quinze/Acord II) – Mare
Callaho Bayenne (Benicio/Fürst Nymphenburg) – Gelding
Callaho Beniro (Benicio/De Niro) – Gelding
Callaho Bolivia (Bolzano Du Quinze/ Nimmerdor) – Mare
Callaho Bontender (Bolzano Du Quinze/ Contender) – Gelding
Callaho Carrera (Carnaval La Silla/Con Coriano) - Gelding
Callaho Casparov (Casparon/Valentino) – Gelding
Callaho Chianti (Chiletto/Huntingdale xx) – Mare
Callaho Chilton (Chiletto/Clinton) – Gelding
Callaho Chinook (Chiletto/Argentinus) – Gelding
Callaho Conca Vella (Con Coriano/Lissabon) – Gelding
Callaho Hera Du Ayenne (Herald III/Baloubet Du Rouet) – Mare
Callaho Kalinka (Kannan/Landor S) – Mare
Callaho L’Esplendor (Lissabon/Esplendor xx) – Gelding
Callaho Larimero (Larison/Ramiro Z) – Gelding
Callaho Laruno (Larison/For Joy) – Gelding
Callaho Latoya (Lissabon/Fürst Romancier) – Mare
Callaho Layla (Lissabon/Embassy I) – Mare
Callaho Lebanon (Lissabon/Stolzenberg)
Callaho Lejeune (Lissabon/Guidam) – Gelding
Callaho Tobasco (Tolano Van’t Riethof/Espri) – Gelding
Callaho Vanguard (Victory For Ever/ Lissabon) – Gelding
Callaho Vicetta (Victory For Ever/Azett) – Mare