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70 years, what a ride


what a ride!


South Africa's oldest recognised, proudly South African horse breed has officially reached its 70th birthday. So many of our top riders started their careers on the back of a Nooitgedachter over the past seven decades, and it gives us great pride to have reached this point. The lesser-known stories of everyday riders and their Nooitgedachters are the true gems of this beloved South African treasure.


From its humble beginnings in 1940s, when it was known as the Basotho Pony Project, to the breed the Nooitgedachter has become today, the journey remains a remarkable achievement. The colourful history of the breed has had its ups and downs, as do all horse breeds of the world.

Even though the Nooitgedachter might not be as visually recognisable as the American Saddler, Arabian or Friesian, their non-visible traits are by far their greatest attributes. The Nooitgedachter is prized for its temperament, affection towards humans, hardiness, structural integrity, surefootedness, trainability, work ethic and absolute adaptation to the South African environment.

Historically we can recognise four time periods that roughly coincide with the four genetic infusions into the breed. These phases are referred to as the Foundation Phase (1952-1964), the Consolidation Phase (1965-1975), the Expansion Phase (1975-1990) and the Modern Era (2000 onwards).


The Foundation Phase was marked by the selection of suitable stock to start breeding with, and details of this phase were recorded in meticulously kept stud records by the Department of Agriculture. This phase was critical in establishing the genetic basis and breed standard we see today. As the project was a staterun project, top animal experts and veterinarians made breeding decisions based on the scientific methodology of the day. However, the selection criteria were so stringent (only 1 in 4 of the horses bred made it to breed the next generation), that the already small genetic pool was confronted with the realities of inbreeding from very early on. The original stock was bought from Jan Cloete, of which all were related to the stallion Punch. Later on, the breeding team acquired similar but unrelated stock from Mr Willemse, which can be seen as the first genetic infusion. Even though the numbers were still low, with creative breeding strategies, the potential of this initial stock was maximised, and this gave way to the next phase.


The first story many hear when they get to know the breed is the origin of its name. However romantic some fairytale versions may be, the truth is much less so. The breed owes its name to the name of the Department of Agriculture ExperimentalFarm, Nooitgedacht, in the Ermelo region.


The Consolidation Phase saw the birth of the eight daughter studs. These studs were identified to increase the numbers and serve as reservoirs for the stud still at Nooitgedacht to source stock from as needed. Within three years of the first eight daughter studs becoming active, the multiplying of stock became so successful that another four daughter studs were established. Because of the rapid increase in numbers, the need to make use of genetic donors again became a reality, and this gave way to the second infusion with Arabian stallion, Rommel, and Arabian x Boerperd stallion, Defence. This raises the obvious question of why Arabian stallions were chosen. When looking at what was otherwise available at the time (American Saddler, Friesians, Thoroughbreds), the Arabian compromised the least on the type and ability of the Nooitgedachter and reinforced their inherent stamina. This second infusion ultimately resulted in slightly larger animals with more refinement without compromising the Nooitgedacter's prized attributes.


The Expansion Phase, which lasted till the end of the 90s, is still considered the glory days of the breed. Ponies sold for good money, and there was still a considerable riding culture in the broader public. Shows, competitions, parades, and just generally riding for pure enjoyment were at the order of the day at a time when everything was still relatively affordable. The improvements in the breed saw many Nooitgedachters making a name in the showing, dressage, eventing and showjumping disciplines. Many Nooitgedachters worked on farms in the week and went showing and eventing on the weekend. Nooities even

Tempered, tested, true has never rung more true in 2022 than with the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the Nooitgedachter breed.

made an impression on the endurance scene back when the tracks were slower and more technical.

The third infusion was again inevitable, and many attempts using different breeds were made. Today almost none of the Quarterhorse descendants remain, and none of the Hackney descendants made the cut. Two studs were able to successfully breed Arabian, and Warmblood donors up to SP level, and the SA Boerperd/A2 line attempt has also had some representation. However, SA Studbook's analysis shows that less than 2% of this outside blood has stood the test of time.

Nooitgedacht Breeders of the 1990s naturally became uneasy again with the lack of new blood and recommendations were made to investigate the Spanish horse as a potential genetic donor that would not dilute any important traits. The other reason for deciding on the Spanish horse was that the initial ancestor of the Basotho was the Cape Horse. The latter was a melting pot of Arabian, African Barb, Javan Pony and Spanish horses. With the use of Arabian stallions in the breed's early history, it made sense to balance that with Iberian blood again. Spanish horses were revered throughout history for their temperaments (often being used as the horses for royalty), nobility and trainability. Back in the 90s, the world was not as small as it is today, and the cost of importing a horse was just not feasible for the Nooitgedacht breeders. The idea was shelved, but it did not deter the competitive rider from excelling in the equestrian sports. Names like Ubi-Cras Rubie, - Vlam, Nooitgedacht Predikant, Triggol Sultan, Nooitgedacht Kassie, Triggol Student, Dirita Konsul, Kindgsdale Kole, Univers Gunimed and Nooitgedacht Logan were well known and would probably have their own social media accounts today. These horses rubbed shoulders with the best of the day, and they are still looked for in pedigrees by today's breeders.

From the early 2000s, we were treated to legends like Pretman Tornado, Arop Raka, Daydream K Burning Sand and even later Waaksaam Staal, which made even international judges make mention of the high quality of these Nooitgedachters.

But nothing in life is plain sailing, and between the years 2000 and 2004, the breed lost genetic material to the SA Boerperd (SAB). Subsequently, the SAB has closed its studbook, and the SA Studbook only allowed this as a onetime concession. The reasons for the move are irrelevant, but the event must be mentioned to indicate why we accept genetic donors from the SA Boerperd.


The Modern Era, especially since the 2010s, marks a period of rising interest in the breed. However, the number of breeders is still relatively low and spread throughout southern Africa; thus, Nooitgedachter's demand outstrips its supply. A good Nooitgedachter with a solid foundation in training still fetches high prices even in a buyer's market. Because of this, there are many that falsely claim the breed when selling/ dealing horses. To make sure you are actually getting what you paid for, it is handy to know the following: all Nooitgedachters will have a brand on their left shoulder depicting a line diagram of a Basotho hat (looks like a turned-over martini glass). The brand indicates that the horse/pony has passed inspection and may breed the next generation of Nooitgedachters. Alternatively, the seller must provide proof of foal-book registry and DNA verification of parentage. If not, you are probably being taken for a ride (pun intended).

Many of the studs are currently being taken over by the younger generation, and because of the renewed interest in the breed, there has been strong growth in recent times. Together with the Iberian project established in 2015, breeders have many exciting avenues to explore. Finally, the vision of the breeders of the 1990s has been set in motion, and the results from the first Iberian stallions used looks promising. The Iberian project as an infusion project is the brainchild of Braam Olivier, who acquired top Lusitano stallions (a Portuguese Iberian breed known for bullfighting) to breed to his Logan line-bred Nooitgedacht broodmare base. The other avenue for bringing in Iberian blood, using Candice

Hobday's Calvero Esclavo FM (PRE Andalusian), was the more traditional up-grade breeding used by Maret Van Rensburg and the late Lizelle Smit. The first mentioned avenue will result in a higher percentage of donor genetic material but much more risk and cost to the breeder. The second avenue is a slower progression resulting in less risk to the breeder but a steadier impact on the population as a whole. Both options have their pros and cons, but the Nooitgedacht Constitution makes provision for both, and there is no risk of the breed losing its identity.

The quality of imported Iberian stallions has markedly improved over the past decade to the point that the project is viable and vital. Even though this will markedly improve the quality and incidence of horse-sized Nooitgedachters, this action by no means will replace the population that will still service the maximum height pony and 'hony' market. The result should be that the whole family can now own a Nooitgedachter and use the same mount for leisure and sport. Both Nooitgedachter ponies and horses have a place in the breed. The average human has become taller in the past 100 years; it is natural for their horses to follow suit. The biggest challenge with the influence of the Iberian project is that horses may become atypical when bred for height only, but this is only of concern to breeders and inspectors, who must remain the custodians of type.

An atypical Nooitgedachter horse can still treat the riding public to an exceptional competition partner even if they did not pass inspections to contribute to Nooitgedachter breeding. Temperament and type will remain the disqualifying criteria. Temperament in this context refers to how quickly a horse calms down (how controlled their reactions are) and focuses on work even when they have had a fright. There might be more sensitive and less sensitive Nooitgedachters, each suited to different uses. You don't want a first pony to be as sensitive as your Advanced dressage prospect, but both can be solid and reliable no matter what life throws at them. Internationally, breeders of sporthorses are moving away from the overly tall, hyper-mobile horses with limited rideability. The Nooitgedachter is positioned so well to competitive riders’ needs.


Seventy years down the line, and its time to celebrate the unsung heroes of the breed, the breeders. The following studs have lasted for 50 years or more: Daydream (one of the original eight daughter studs – currently owned by Dr Petrus Engelbrecht), Kleinwitberg (Johan Schreuder), Gillroy (Faunty Gillmore), and Toronto Stud. Studs that have bred for 40 years or more: Silvretta, Arop, Kolonie, Kleinfontein, Studvet (Onderstepoort), Groenveld and Suikerbos Stud. Studs that are still active

and contribute more than three foals a year over the past decade: Kleinwitberg, Suikerbos, Daydream, Wilgerus, Studvet, Clifford, Marmari, Destalsmit, Breivilo, Daydream, Arop, Adup, New England, Cherubium and Karorado Stud.

The future looks bright with the core of dedicated breeders and the newer breeders as well. The aim is not to overstock the market but to focus on top quality from a genetic point of view and quality production of riding prospects. It is also key to continuously communicate with the buying public, so they have the correct information to make informed decisions.

Finally, the Nooitgedachter still has strong scientific influence, partly due to its origins as a state-run project and partly because our small genetic pool necessitates using scientists and scientific methods to prevent population decline. For this reason, the way the society communicated traditionally was maybe not as compatible with the changing times. However, transparency and sharing of information have become much easier in recent years, which may well be one of the reasons for the renewed interest in the breed.


When Nooitie people (breeders, enthusiasts, owners and riders) find each other it inevitably results in a social event of note. They can get very excited about their horse's pedigrees and attributes, but the main success of the Nooitgedachter lies in the bond between human and horse. Whether you explore the natural beauty of the South African veld, compete in many an equestrian discipline or just pour your heart out to your Nooitie, the friendship these horses offer is second to none.



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