4 minute read
The Bearded Collie
from DQ Magazine Issue 1C
by hqmagazine

Place of origin: Scotland
Function: Sheepdog and drover of cattle
Availability: Not readily; a waiting period is generally required
Average Life span: 13 years
Guard dog: No, but will give a good bark
Family dog: Yes
Other pets: Generally very good
Grooming: High maintenance
Minimal Exercise: Needs exercise and stimulation or will become bored
Outside dog: Beardies enjoy daytime exercise and play but are happiest when they are with their owners, so they need to sleep indoors.
Townhouse dog: Yes, provided there are daily walks, exercise and stimulation
Health Issues: Hip dysplasia; autoimmune diseases; Collie Eye Analomy (CEA)
Character sketch: Clowns with big hearts

The Bearded Collie is a medium-sized Scottish herding dog with a long, shaggy coat and an exuberant, intelligent personality. Nowadays, most Beardies are pets, but they are still used for herding in Britain and Europe, as their working style is particularly suited to cattle and hill sheep.
Beardies can be found in four colours (slate, blue, brown and fawn), with or without white markings. All colours fade as the dog matures and then return to a darker shade at around three years of age.
A Beardie has a well angulated, natural body shape and moderate bone underneath the double coat. The outer coat has a somewhat harsh texture whilst the dense undercoat is soft; this would protect him from the elements if he was working all day. They are a medium-size breed with size at the withers of around 51 to 56 cm for males and 51 to 53 cm for females.


Beardies appeal to those owners who enjoy an intelligent, responsive and energetic dog. They are self-confident, boisterous, agile and easily bored. They thrive on human companionship and can become destructive if left alone all day. Whilst not a natural guard dog, they are known to give a good bark and are protective of their people!
Generally, they love children and other animals, but as herding dogs, they may chase and nip when excited, so play with very young children should be supervised. They also have lots of hair that young children may pull at, which is unfair for any dog.
The breed is very trainable, and indeed they are most versatile and compete in many disciplines, including agility, herding, and obedience. They do not respond well to harsh training methods, being very sensitive to human moods and behaviour inconsistencies. Firm, consistent and kind, reward-based training with clear communication will result in a very engaging and amenable companion. As lateral thinkers, they will not always be predictable and programmable, and a sense of humour is recommended for any Beardie owner!
It is safe to say that once discovered, there will always be space for a Beardie at your side and in your heart.

Their characteristics and degree of intuition are almost human. Indeed, sometimes, they really do know best! Notwithstanding this, they are not for everyone, and it is advised that a prospective new owner consider the following:
Answer the following questions before you consider a Beardie:
• Am I prepared to have muddy feet through unrestricted areas of my house?
• Do I want an indoor dog that will be integrated as a family member?
• Am I prepared to take a Beardie for basic obedience training and ensure that he is stimulated with regular exercise and play?
• Am I prepared for at least one hour a week of grooming, or at the very least a 10 minute a day tidy up? The breed is not low maintenance. The coat changes continually in both colour and texture up until about three years of age, and age determines the time needed to invest in grooming to ensure that the coat remains matt free. A Beardie should not be shaved to the skin at any age; the coat has a purpose, insulating the skin against harsh temperatures.