3 minute read
Ask DQ
from DQ Magazine Issue 2A
by hqmagazine
Q: Why does my dog scoot along the floor on his bum?
A: When dogs rub their bottoms across the floor or grass (often called ‘scooting’), they are showing you that there is something wrong. Dogs may scoot to relieve itchiness associated with tapeworms or allergies around the anus. Long-haired dogs that have matted hair around the anus may scoot to try and ease the discomfort of this. Inflammation of the anal glands due to a failure to empty properly can also cause scooting, and in this case, you will need to visit your vet to have the glands expressed.
Q: How many hours a day should my dog sleep?

A: Dogs require much more sleep than humans. However, the total amount of sleep a dog needs can vary depending on various factors. Of these factors, age is the most important and has the biggest impact on the amount of sleep required. Puppies: Research is limited in puppies, but one critical study showed that puppies sleep at least 11 hours per day. Unfortunately for us, however, puppies tend to sleep less at night than adult dogs and instead sleep during the day! Adult dogs: Most adult dogs seem to need somewhere between eight and 13.5 hours of sleep every single day, with an average of just under 11 hours. Adults dogs tend to sleep longer at night than puppies do but will still take daytime naps. Senior dogs: Senior dogs tend to wake up less often overnight and sleep later in the morning. They also sleep more during the day with regular naps.
Q: What colours can my dog see?
A: Cones are the cells in the eye that allow us to see colour. Humans have three types of cones in their eyes, but dogs only have two types. This means that humans can see a greater variety and more vibrant colours than dogs. However, dogs still see colour, just with less variety and vibrancy. The two types of cones that dogs do have enable them to see shades of yellow, blue and brown alongside black, white and grey. However, these cones don’t allow them to see shades of red or green, so a dog instead sees red and green as shades of brown or grey.
As dogs don’t see red and green colours, opt for toys made in yellow and blue for your dog. These colours are seen brightly, so they are much more appealing. This is one reason why yellow tennis balls are so popular among dogs!

Q: Why does my dog dig at the carpet?
A: Dogs, especially Terriers, are natural-born diggers. Sometimes they may be investigating a smell on the carpet, searching out a small forgotten piece of food, or attempting to create themselves a comfy place in which to sleep. If the carpet digging is problematic, give your dog more exercise, more time playing, and a digging pit outside to reduce the behaviour.