4 minute read
Most ponies seem to have mastered the art of getting unimaginably dirty in the shortest amount of time possible. It’s a skill developed by generations of ponies and seems to bring them great joy. This, of course, means that grooming is an essential part of our ponies’ routines (even those kind ponies who keep themselves a little bit cleaner).
Here we run through the key elements of a grooming kit so that you can be ready to put in some elbow grease and get your pony looking sparkly clean!
What is it for? The hoofpick is used to remove mud, dirt and stones from your pony’s hooves.
How do I use it? Use the hoofpick from heel to toe. The grooves next to the frog are very important to clean properly, as is the central sulcus at the back of the frog, but just be aware that the frog is sensitive.
What is it for? The body brush gets rid of dirt and scurf in your pony’s coat and helps to work up a shine.
How do I use it? Start at the neck and work your way down your pony’s body using short strokes of the brush. Following the direction of the coat, brush firmly with each stroke to get him looking super-shiny.
What is it for? The dandy brush removes dried-on mud and dirt.
How do I use it? Starting at your pony’s neck, brush in the direction of his coat. Pay close attention to where his tack and boots sit to ensure there’s no mud there that could rub him but be gentle on sensitive and bony areas.
What is it for? The rubber curry comb helps to remove loose hair and gives your pony a massage.
How do I use it? Rub your pony’s coat in small, circular motions to lift loose hair. Bang the brush on the ground to clean the hair from it every few strokes.
What is it for? The face brush gently cleans dust and dirt from your pony’s face.
How do I use it? Gently brush your horse’s face and ears, being particularly careful around his eyes. Use your fingers to work out any stubborn, caked-on mud and then approach it with a brush.
What is it for? The metal curry comb removes dust and loose hair from your brushes.
How do I use it? The metal curry comb must NEVER be used on your pony. Instead, you hold it in the opposite hand to the body brush and, every few strokes, run the brush across the teeth of the metal curry comb. Knock it gently against the floor to clean the dust out and stop it from transferring back onto the body brush.
What is it for? The mane comb keeps your pony’s mane and forelock tangle-free.
How do I use it? Starting at your pony’s ears, comb his mane over, so it sits neatly on one side. For any particularly tangled sections, work the knots out by combing from the ends of the mane and work your way up to the roots. This avoids pulling out too much hair!
What is it for? The tail brush removes bedding and dirt from your pony’s tail and brushes out tangles.
How do I use it? Standing to the side of your pony, hold his tail in one hand and the tail brush in the other. Brush small sections of the tail at the time, leaving the detangled hair hanging loose and keeping hold of the tangled hair until you’ve worked your way through the whole tail.
TOP TIP: Use a detangling spray on your pony’s tail to make it easier to brush through. It will mean that fewer hairs are pulled out and also adds a bit of shine too!