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‘No oven’ pony birthday cake - especially for load shedding
Between school, load shedding, and actually riding, finding time for baking could be a challenge, but the holidays should give you much more opportunity. This pony cake from ‘Our First Horse’ ois the perfect option for some festive fun! You only need a fridge, and even if the power is off, it should still be cold enough to get the job done.
1 cup of quick oats (like Jungle Oats)
2 carrots
¼ cup of molasses or honey
1 sugar cube (if you like)
1. Grate the carrots until they are shredded into fine pieces.
2. Mix in with the oats and molasses/honey.
3. Place the mixture into a small dessert dish to give the cake its shape, and stuff the sugar cube in the middle if you want to.
4. Flip the dessert dish over onto a plate until the cake releases, and then pop it into the fridge until hardened.
5. Put on your best party clothes and make sure you sing happy birthday to your pony.
A note on feeding special treats to your pony
Different foods affect your pony in different ways, and too much of anything could make him sick. Keep treats to a minimum, and remember that cakes are for special occasions only. Enjoy, and let us know how your pony feels about the recipes above!
Awesome pony treat recipes
Spoiling your pony with treats is fantastic, and you can get creative when you make treats at home, but be careful, as feeding your pony too many treats can make them very unwell.
HQ Pony Mag chatted to treat entrepreneur Eran Pot about her tried and tested recipe, and she was kind enough to share it with us. It took her a year of trying different variations, and finally, the perfect treats came to life. Horses absolutely adore them; the best part is that you can ice them too!
Important: Make sure you have a parent’s permission to use the oven and ingredients, and ask the yard owner, manager, your coach, or the owner of the pony you ride if it’s okay to feed them treats! Sadly, some ponies have conditions that mean they shouldn’t get treats, so it really is important that you check first to avoid making your favourite pony unwell!
Eran’s Delicious Treat Recipe
Depending on what shapes and sizes you make, you can have any number of treats from this recipe, so go crazy and just have fun!
1 carrot or apple
½ a cup molasses or honey
¼ a cup of sugar
1½ cups of oats
1 cup of flour
1 tablespoon of sunflower oil
2 tablespoons of water
2 egg whites
Icing sugar to taste
Any food colouring you like
1. Turn on the oven to 180 degrees Celsius and wait for it to warm up.
2. Mix the flour, sugar, and oats until they are mixed really well.
3. Grate the carrot or apple and mix it in with the dry ingredients.
4. Add the water, oil, and molasses and mix well.
5. Roll out the dough with flour, so it doesn’t stick to any particular surface, and cut your treats in any shapes and sizes you like.
6. Put them on a greased baking tray and place them in the oven for ten to fifteen minutes, but keep an eye on them, as they may need to stay in for slightly longer.
7. When they’re done, take them out of the oven and let them cool down completely before you ice them.
1. Beat the egg whites until they’re nice and frothy.
2. Add the icing sugar a little at a time until you get the thickness you want.
3. Add a few drops of the food colouring of your choice.
4. Put the icing onto the treats once they are cool.
5. Leave them to dry, and you’re ready to go!