Talent Management Excellence - August 2022

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1610 23 30 Soft Skills In The Workplace: Why They Matter - Michael Gibbs, Go Cloud Careers Cultivating HighPerformers: These Are The Skills Workers Need Now - Andrew Gold, Pitney Bowes 3 Ways Pay Equity Supports DEI And Grows Businesses - CiannaRibbonWalker-Flom, Top 10 Most Valuable Soft Skills In The Workplace - BrettTerkel.ioFarmiloe, AUGUST 2022 • Vol. 9 • No.08 (ISSN 2564-1972) BACK TO BASICS: THE CASE FOR SOFT SKILLS IN THE AGE AUTOMATIONOF - Lauren Fitzpatrick Shanks, Founder and CEO, KeepWOL

07INDEX On the ArticlesCover Talent Management Excellence AUGUST 2022 Vol.09 No.08 Back To Basics: The Case For Soft Skills In The Age Of Automation Amid rapid innovation, employers expect their workforce to deliver value through human capabilities - Lauren Fitzpatrick Shanks, Founder and CEO, KeepWOL 35 Actionable Steps You Can Take To Provide Employees With Exciting Growth Opportunities Money isn’t everything - Matt Parkin, Business Development Lead, FindWRK 38 A Guide For Coaching First-Time Managers Managing a first-time manager requires a different approach - Kevin Sheridan, Kevin Sheridan International (ISSN 2564-1972) 14 The Power Of Transferable Skills To Restart Careers Throughout careers, no matter the industry, people gain transferable skills - Misty Frost, CEO, Penn Foster / Carrus 19 Master Four Motivational Dimensions To Improve Individual Performance Strategies that will give you the edge on how to spark motivation - Stephen McGarvey, Founder & President, Solutions in Mind 26 Does Your Company Really Care About DEI? 5 DEI red flags to look for - TaChelle Lawson, Founder, FIG Strategy & Consulting

Top Picks 10 16 23 30 Soft Skills In The Workplace: Why They Matter Soft skills enable collaboration. Collaboration enables success - Michael Gibbs, CEO, Go Cloud Careers Cultivating Performers:High-These Are The Skills Workers Need Now How can organizations retain those who possess the skills? - Andrew Gold, Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer, Pitney Bowes 3 Ways Pay Equity Supports DEI And Grows Businesses Pay equity ensures a more diverse workforce - Cianna Walker-Flom, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Program Manager, Ribbon Top 10 Most Valuable Soft Skills In The Workplace Soft skills are now more valuable than hard skills in the workforce - Brett Farmiloe, Founder and CEO, Terkel.io INDEX

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Babitha Balakrishnan Editor, TalentExcellenceManagement Debbie Mcgrath Publisher, HR.com


Check out this edition of Talent Management Excellence, which includes informative articles on the relevance of soft skills in the workplace, talent retention strategies including pay equity and DEI, and much more.

Why Soft Skills Matter in the Workplace

Disclaimer: The views, information, or opinions expressed in the Excellence ePublications are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of HR.com and its employees. Under no circumstances shall HR.com or its partners or affiliates be responsible or liable for any indirect or incidental damages arising out of these opinions and content.

The past couple of years saw workplace dynamics changing drastically. From work, to workplace and culture, organizations had to rework their strategies to keep moving forward. We need empathy, resilience, and communication skills in every aspect to survive and thrive today. In brief, the need and importance of soft skills are at its peak. Hard skills alone will not help anyone succeed in their career. Interpersonal abilities and compatibility with a workplace’s practices and culture are mandatory to build relationships and solve workplace problems. When automation is taking away jobs and technological advances are changing the nature of jobs, it’s evident that soft skills are the most valuable skills that would help organizations survive in the future.

According to a recent report, 92 percent of companies surveyed reported that soft skills matter as much or more than hard skills in today’s business world. But if technological innovation is accelerating, why are soft skills in such great demand? KeepWOL's CEO, Lauren Fitzpatrick Shanks explains that and more in her article, Back To Basics: The Case For Soft Skills In The Age Of Automation. Studies have shown that employees who exhibit a high level of emotional intelligence, which is one of the most important soft skills you can exhibit, make on an average of $29,000 more per year than those who lack that skill. What type of skills fall under the banner of soft skills? Go Cloud Careers CEO, Michael Gibbs writes about that in his article, Soft Skills In The Workplace: Why They Matter. A new career and a fresh start bring a lot of energy. Can existing skills brought to new endeavors help people accelerate toward and thrive in their new careers? Yes, says CEO of Penn Foster/Carrus, Misty Frost in her article, The Power Of Transferable Skills To Restart Careers. While achieving pay equity in your organization isn’t instantaneous, it doesn’t have to be overly complicated. Ribbon's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Program Manager, Cianna Walker-Flom in her article, 3 Ways Pay Equity Supports DEI And Grows Businesses talks about implementing pay equity and transparency as a significant first policy step on your journey to a more people-focused workplace. In brief, this issue of Talent Management Excellence explores some of the best talent management strategies that can help you recruit and retain talent and build programs that meet the needs of all employees. We hope you find the articles in this issue informative and helpful and, as always, we welcome your valuable feedback and suggestions. Happy Reading!

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Back To Basics: The Case For Soft Skills In The Age Of Automation

Automation has profoundly changed the way we live and work. As artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) continue to cause cultural shifts, shape industries and integrate with other technologies to drive further innovation, the workforce is under immense pressure to develop new skills in order to stay relevant. Although technical or “hard” skills have been in strong Amid rapid innovation, employers expect their workforce to deliver value through human capabilities By Lauren Fitzpatrick Shanks, KeepWOL demand in this age of automation, according to a recent report, employers are now expecting their workforce to “deliver value through human capabilities or ‘soft’ skills.” In fact, 92 percent of companies surveyed reported that soft skills matter as much or more than hard skills in today’s business world. But if technological innovation is accelerating, why are soft skills

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Soft skills are defined as: “a combination of people skills, social skills, communication skills, character or personality traits, attitudes, career attributes, social intelligence, and emotional intelligence; quotients that enable employees to navigate their environment, work well with others, perform well, and achieve their goals with complementing hard skills.”

COVER STORY in such great demand? Simple. Humans can add value in ways that technology cannot. And this value, such as emotional intelligence or connecting with other people on a human level, can contribute to business productivity, foster cultural intelligence, and give an employer a competitive edge. Lack of Soft Skills Can Derail Even the Best Employees

Why Soft Skills Are Needed as Automation Ramps Up We’ve entered not only a new era of business but also a new era for the workplace. Advanced technologies like AI and ML are taking over an array of processes and performing repetitive and mundane tasks once only done Back To Basics: The Case For Soft Skills In The Age Of Automation by humans. While some view this in a negative light, automation is actually streamlining complex projects for teams and giving employees more time to focus on providing value―whether it’s taking an extra half hour to communicate with a client or honing in on a handful of new business leads. Soft skills are also needed before, during, and after the implementation of automation. Effective communication can help leaders and managers explain the benefits associated with automating certain processes and functions. Being flexible and open-minded can help employees adapt to the changes brought on by automation. A positive attitude across the board can make automation more successful and reduce the anxiety associated with the changes.

An overwhelming majority of employers―93 percent―say soft skills play a critical role in their decision about whom they want to hire. Some of the most in-demand soft skills include dependability, time management, effective communication, and critical thinking. Still, according to LinkedIn’s Global Talent Trends report, 89 percent of recruiters say when a hire doesn’t work out, it usually comes down to a lack of soft skills. Unfortunately, lacking these core human capabilities can derail even the best job candidates and employees, especially those with solid technical Communication,skills. for example, is not only essential for building cohesive and productive teams, it also aligns with today’s diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging (DEIB) initiatives and maintaining and maximizing corporate culture.

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To be a diverse and inclusive employer, your employees have to work with team members that likely have vastly different backgrounds and are distributed across multiple geographic locations. This presents an array of challenges including cultural differences, language barriers, and a lack of in-person interaction. Effective communication can help team members recognize each other’s individual potential and foster connections between them.

As a result, employers are seeking new ways to develop their workforce, particularly around the cultivation of soft skills. Many companies are now leveraging more immersive solutions such as virtual and augmented reality and games-centric talent development platforms, which can elevate the human experience, improve workforce capabilities, and maximize cultural intelligence in the workplace. These platforms often combine multiplayer web-based games, assessments, and personalized educational content to better understand employees and help hone their human capabilities.

Developing Workforce Soft Skills Requires a New Approach Learning new skills has never been easy. Add to this the fact that the old methods of talent development no longer work as they once did. Pre-recorded videos, personality assessments, seminars, surveys, and panels are helpful in circulating information, but these techniques fall short when it comes to changing employee behavior or instilling new skills because they often occur as boilerplate one-offs. They don’t focus on modern, real-world scenarios that ebb and flow with trends, meet the individual needs of employees, and tie in with DEIB initiatives and corporate culture.

Lauren is the first Black woman to graduate from The University of Kansas’ Aerospace Engineering Department and the first Black woman to win the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) international design competition. and what gaps need to be filled. This exercises the skill of asking good questions and improving Havinglistening.a time limit imposed improves our time management and helps us exercise our processing skills. Games that are thought-provoking, require us to dig deep and encourage self-reflection to help us build on our skills of compassion, vulnerability, and empathy. All of these outcomes are things that automation is not capable of, yet are skills that are needed to build relationships, lead people, create a great workplace culture, and provide an excellent customer Althoughexperience.technology can solve a variety of business challenges and perform some manual processes faster, soft skills are innate, valuable, and can never be replaced by AI or machine learning. So even as automation continues to accelerate across the spectrum of business, cultivating enduring human capabilities should be a top priority.

Soft skills can also be a differentiating factor because they are not something that automation can replace. Chatbots, for instance, are now a digital mainstay. But while they can handle simple requests, humans are still needed to dive into the more nuanced conversations and add a bit of humanity to the customer experience.

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For example, playing interactive group games that provide open-ended prompts, ambiguous information, time limits, and multiple approaches to tackling specific challenge exercises many soft skills. These types of games require strong communication to determine a game plan, figure out people’s strengths, and sort through role delegation. Once that’s done, critical thinking comes into play. You must figure out what information is missing

Lauren Fitzpatrick Shanks is the Founder and CEO of KeepWOL and an award-winning engineer and tech leader, who spent fourteen years working at five Fortune 500 companies, holding various leadership roles in design, system testing, product creation, staffing, software program management, and operations.


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Back To The Case For Soft Skills In The Age Of Automation

● What type of skills fall under the banner of soft skills?

They include the ability to show empathy, to adapt, to solve problems, to be humble, to communicate well, to function as part of a team, to resolve conflicts, to display intelligenceemotional,andtobring out the best in others, to name a few of the more important ones. You might think of soft skills as the skills that bring the human touch to a situation.

When you are responsible for making sales, soft skills enable you to establish rapport with the customer. In the cloud computing world where I work, the sales process involves gathering information from a client that allows you to understand their problem and design a solution around it. Once you have developed that solution, soft skills are necessary for selling it back to them. Adaptability is a critical soft skill that comes into play in the sales process. It allows you to hear feedback, apply it, and move forward with a solution that works.

Connecting is important in business, which is why soft skills are critical for business success. There is an African proverb that says, “If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far, go together.” In other words, nothing great is ever produced by a single person. It takes a team, working together, working well, and connecting. To achieve that level of cooperation and effectiveness, nothing is more important than soft skills. Soft skills enable one person to establish a connection with another. Soft skills enable the formation of relationships and allow the workings of all other skills to be optimized.

Soft skills enable collaboration.

Soft Skills In The Workplace: Why They Matter

Collaboration enables success

● Soft skills are critical for those leading teams because leading a team means dealing with humans. Employees are not robots who can be programmed. We all have our own goals, our own initiatives, and our own motivations. To achieve something together, we need to connect around a common goal. Soft skills are used to call people into that connection, allowing leaders to motivate and influence others in many areas of the workplace.

Using Soft Skills in Sales


By Michael Gibbs, Go Cloud Careers

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Using Sof Skills in Team

Soft Skills

In The Workplace: Why They Matter

Michael Gibbs is the CEO of Go Cloud Careers , a global organization that provides training for elite cloud computing careers. Go Cloud Careers is focused on helping individuals achieve their dream technology career by getting hired.

Michael has 25 years of experience in networking, cloud computing, and IT security. Would you like to comment?

Because teams involve real people with real lives, there is always a chance that someone on a team is going to be having a bad day. A leader with good soft skills will leverage their emotional intelligence to identify and address this. He or she can talk empathetically with that person, bringing out the best in them and helping them to effectively contribute to the team. He or she can also resolve conflicts when they arise. A leader with soft skills will always raise the energy in the room, bringing out the best in a bad situation and allowing the team to perform at a higher level.


Any situation that requires two people to connect requires the use of soft skills. When a doctor is talking with a patient, soft skills allow him or her to get better information and establish a clearer diagnosis. When executive leadership is guiding teams through challenges, soft skills allow them to connect with employees, gain their trust, and motivate them. When a job applicant is meeting with an interviewer, soft skills allow that person to connect better and stand out. In fact, 92 percent of hiring managers report that when considering applicants, they rate soft skills to be just as important as — if not more important than — hard Goodskills.employers know that employees who exhibit soft skills are valuable. Studies have shown that employees who exhibit a high level of emotional intelligence, which is one of the most important soft skills you can exhibit, make on an average of $29,000 more per year than those who lack that skill. When layoffs must be made, employees with soft skills are the ones who are the last to go. Soft skills enable collaboration. Collaboration enables success. Success enables growth. For businesses and business leaders who want to grow, soft skills are skills that must be developed and employed.

Using Soft Skills to Make Important Connections

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The Power ToTransferableOfSkillsRestartCareers

The former retail manager who leveraged data to ensure in-demand items were in stock could bring that skill set to their local pharmacy after completing pharmacy tech training and certification. Those who were customer-facing in previous roles are often surprised at the many roles that are available in healthcare where their people skills can shine.

The last few years have seen massive shifts in people’s careers and recordbreaking interest in developing professional skills through online learning. Many employers are hiring, but jobs are going unfilled. In fact, government data released about job openings and labor turnover shows a deficit in the millions between open roles and hiring numbers. Organizations fiercely compete for talent and are taking new steps to attract and retain talent. Retail and hospitality are ramping up efforts to attract back the talent they lost last year. Major retailers recently made news when they announced they will cover 100% of college tuition and books for employees. Yet, many people working in sectors like retail and hospitality are quitting in record numbers, citing the Throughout careers, no matter the industry, people gain transferable skills By Misty Frost, Penn Foster / Carrus desire for improved pay, benefits, or a different career path.

1. Remember Your Strengths Listing out the aspects of you that you want to grow and use in a future career can often help you determine what training or professional program is right for you.

When it is time for a career restart, it’s important to take the following steps:

One important thing for anyone seeking to develop new skills to remember is that throughout careers, no matter the industry, people gain transferable skills.

As a leader of a healthcare training organization offering more than 40 programs to prepare people to take certification exams and start their healthcare careers, we have seen record-levels of interest from learners wanting a fresh start. If I could spend time with each person who is bravely restarting their career, I would encourage them to keep moving forward. Often, when starting something new, we can feel like we are starting over completely. This fact can make people feel overwhelmed or, worse, hold them back from trying something new.

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A new career and a fresh start bring a lot of energy. In hard moments, they can also bring doubt and uncertainty. It is reassuring to be centered and know that a fresh start doesn’t mean a start from zero. Existing skills brought to new endeavors can help people accelerate toward and thrive in their new careers.

4. Stay the Course You will encounter doubt. Uncertainty or frustration may sneak up on you, but reviewing the steps it takes to complete your goal and growing your existing skills is all part of the process that, once finished, can unlock new opportunities.

Misty Frost is CEO of Penn Foster / Carrus

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2. Identify Your Skills

Once you’ve taken a personal inventory and identified your desired career, map the steps to get there. If the career requires certification and training, speak with those who have successfully done it and write down how you can achieve your goals.

Write down what soft or transferable skills you have already developed. Aspects of how you work don’t disappear simply because you’ve selected a new career path. Talents such as clear problem solving, communication, strategic thinking, resilience, and collaboration can take you far in a new career.

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3. Map Your Path

The Power Of Transferable Skills To Restart Careers


The labor and economic landscapes are facing unique turning points: While unemployment rates 1 have remained at 3.5-3.6% for the last four months, fears over an impending recession and a resulting increase in unemployment are on the rise. With How can organizations retain those who possess the skills?

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By Andrew Gold, Pitney Bowes unemployment comes greater availability of talent –something employers have struggled with over the last year amidst the pandemic and “Great Resignation” or “Great Reshuffling.”



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1. Managing diversity. Recently, many companies have placed an increased focus on creating a diverse and inclusive environment for employees. To achieve this, they need empathetic leaders who can develop employees and recognize that people come from different cultures and backgrounds. This also means taking meaningful actions for employees, such as ensuring pay equity and creating safe spaces.

While this can be a challenge as workers may define meaningful, purposeful, or integrated work differently, this is also another area where diversity training and leadership play a role, as leaders need to listen and help people find the right solutions to make their jobs work for them. At Pitney Bowes, we respect our employees’ needs and find an arrangement that best suits them and their needs. Now: the scale is bigger. We know people will have dogs in their team meetings or may want to pick up their children after school. Organizations must respect their workforces, communicating that their lives are not less important than their work. In turn, this will create a sense of loyalty and commitment that retains high-performing workers.

However, regardless of the landscape, strong talent – those who possess the latest skill sets – always remains in demand. Not only is it up to workers to cultivate these skills but also their employers to help develop them and retain these high-perform ing workers.

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Andrew Gold is the Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer at Pitney Bowes

Andrew has been involved in work across the business that has been recognized by various groups and has been a champion of HR transformation, talent development, diversity, and employee health.

What Makes a High-Performer?

3. Project management. People need to understand how to understand your mission and what is needed to achieve it. To carry this out, organizations need effective project managers who have strong change management and communication skills in addition to a solid understanding of the business.

Cultivating High-Performers

2. Data analytics. New technologies have impacted the ways the workforce processes information and make decisions, and as such, employees across all areas of the organization need to possess skills in data analytics. In fact, McKinsey & Company predicts that leveraging data will become a natural part of all employees’ work by 2025. This means going further than looking back at a report, but rather working with data to understand the story it tells.

One of HR executives’ biggest challenges right now is addressing the reality that many employees are looking for a purpose; employees want to gain more from their nine-to-five beyond just coming to work. Organizations must help them find that purpose by fostering an understanding among employees of how they are truly making an impact and can integrate work within the rest of their lives. Workers are focused on their families and communities, and with this, helping them find the right integration of work and life helps retain them for the long term.

High-Performers: These Are The Skills Workers Need Now Retaining

At Pitney Bowes, where I lead our HR function and have spent the greater part of my career spanning over 28 years, we look for specific skill sets in our talent, among both existing and potential employees. These skills represent the convergence of people skills, culture, and emerging technologies, including the below, which I believe are pertinent to any organization:

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Master Four Motivational Dimensions To Improve Individual Performance

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Many people struggle to cultivate motivation in themselves. In HR, you are faced with the task of understanding how to trigger motivation within others. For the average person, igniting motivation is fickle at best. As challenging as it may initially seem, keep reading because you’ll discover tested and proven strategies that will give you the edge on how to spark motivation. Ready yourself with Eachknowledge!individual has several motivational traits which drive their behavior, and these vary depending upon the context.

People’s motivational inclinations are expressed through verbal cues and when you identify these preferences and then adjust your response to reflect what is relevant to them, you provide them with the experience of being

Understanding what is currently motivating someone and then investing the time to adjust your language in a way that mirrors their motivational preferences will exponentially increase your ability to influence them. Actively listening and responding appropriately are the keys here.

Below,understood.I’llwalk you through four key motivational dimensions, how to recognize them, and what they mean for your work in HR. Keep in mind that these motivators always depend on context. To some degree, we are all driven by each of these motivational preferences at one point or another. Listening to ascertain when a person exhibits one motivational trait more than another can help you to determine what’s most relevant to them and why. Once you have this knowledge, you can then echo what is most meaningful to them in order to trigger their motivation.

In Human Resources, you have probably already noticed many cases of toward and away from motivation. How people react in interviews can be very telling. People who are currently driven by an “away from” motivation may talk more about why they are leaving their last position. Those who are expressing more of a “toward” motivation may talk about why the position they have applied for is attractive and what they believe they may get from it.

Away From and Toward Motivation

Our first motivational trait is “away from” or “toward”. Away from and toward motivations are all about someone’s perspective. Are they focused on what they want to prevent, eliminate or avoid? Or are they looking toward what they can accomplish, gain and achieve?

Strategies that will give you the edge on how to spark motivation

By Stephen McGarvey, Solutions in Mind

Internal and External Motivation

It’s important to remember that neither motivational style is inherently better or worse than the other and that everyone shifts between these motivational preferences. People who express “away from” motivation may seem like more negative people, but “away from” motivation can be positive in the workplace, helping people become motivated to do tasks that are necessary to avoid negative consequences. Similarly, “toward” motivation can be useful for employees to sustain the effort needed to complete long, arduous projects that have great rewards at the end.

Individuals who are internally motivated are driven by their own internal criteria. Externally motivated people, on the other hand, are driven by external criteria. Internally motivated people will likely gather information from various sources before making a decision and then will ultimately choose for themselves the course of action that they believe will produce the best results (i.e., “Although the marketing department has a different opinion, based on my experience I believe the best strategy is...”).

Those who are externally motivated will seek out trusted sources and expert opinions, and they lean more towards decisions based on general consensus (i.e., “90 percent of the consultants I interviewed recommend...”).

While everyone vacillates between these two states depending on context and time, knowing what is currently relevant to someone can be highly useful for human resources professionals. People who are internally motivated regard instructions as simply information, and they may disregard them. They respond better when you put the control in their hands, to the extent that you can. Individuals who are externally motivated prefer clear instructions and crave feedback to let them know they’re on the right track. When identifying a person’s motivational preferences, be careful to avoid assumptions. Ask questions, and frequently seek to update your knowledge about what someone is thinking and feeling at the moment.

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Master Four Motivational Dimensions To Improve Individual Performance

Sameness and Difference Motivation This motivational preference is all about whether someone is likely to see the similarities or the differences. People who tend to prefer sameness are more likely to spot similarities within a task and may think of change as disruptive. They are comfortable with the routine. People who favor differences are more likely to identify differences within a task, and they may enjoy change and feel it is necessary. If things have been the same for too long, they will often feel the need to switch things up and create change for the sake of change.

Gathering distinctions about another person’s motivational preferences (and indeed, your own) optimizes your ability to cultivate real, intrinsic motivation. Identifying an individual’s motivational traits also enables you to communicate workplace incentives such as work trips, the social environment, workplace culture and compensation in a way that’s most meaningful and relevant to them.

Master Four Motivational Dimensions To Improve Individual Performance

Options-oriented people focus on the possibilities before them. They tend to be fulfilled by developing and creating but may be weaker in following through with their projects because they can get sidetracked with the many different choices and ways to do things. Procedures-oriented people think there is a “right” way to do things and they like to follow through on all steps of a project. They may, however, miss out on the opportunities that come with exploring alternatives and changing up their routines.

There is a place for both options-oriented and proce dures-oriented motivational preferences in the workplace. In fact, according to Mariani and Sarlo-McGarvey in “The Power of Unconscious Communication,” 40% of people in the workplace tend to be options-oriented, 40% are more procedural, and 20% fall in between these two extremes. In your work environment, you will have to contend with both. Equipped with this knowledge, it becomes easy to spark interest in individuals based on their motivational inclinations. For someone who prefers options, engage them in a conversation about the possibilities and how many different ways there are to do something. Procedural people are motivated by focusing on the sequence and steps of the procedure itself, which they believe is the best way to do something. To motivate them, you’ll want to talk about the process or series of steps involved in accomplishing a task or project.

Options and Procedures Motivation

Stephen McGarvey is the Founder & President of Solutions in Mind, and a world-leading authority on unconscious communication, positive persuasion and influencing with integrity. He has worked with businesses around the world to optimize their performance by helping them understand how their staff and their customers think, and what unconscious elements and patterns drive their behavior. He is a sought-after speaker, presenting to a variety of international audiences in a myriad of venues, ranging from the American Psychiatric Association Conference to numerous Fortune 500 companies. Would you like to comment?

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Using ResourcesTechniquesMotivationalinHuman

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Pay equity has been a prominent conversation for forward-thinking and innovative organizations over the last decade. With pay inequity at the intersection of gender and race, companies have gone from talking about its importance to strategic activities such as centering their compensation structure around it. According to an analysis from the Pew Research Center on the gender pay gap, women continue to make 84% of what men earn. During the pandemic, Latinx professionals were impacted by pay cuts and job loss more than any other community. It’s evident that the need for pay equity across industries and sectors is critical to leveling the field and addressing systemic inequity within compensation. The drive for pay equity isn’t only touted by those suffering from it. According to Glassdoor, 76% Pay equity ensures a more diverse workforce By Cianna Walker-Flom, Ribbon of employees and job seekers say that a diverse workforce is important in evaluating a company or job offer. Pay equity ensures a more diverse workforce. Considering an average of 3.95 million people quit their jobs per month in 2021, increased diversity to match job seeker sentiments can lead to better recruitment and retention. Pay equity will simplify your hiring process, improve employee satisfaction, and help your organization land and keep top candidates.

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3 Ways Pay Equity Supports DEI And Grows

3 Ways Pay Equity Supports DEI And Grows Businesses

While achieving pay equity in your organization isn’t instantaneous, it doesn’t have to be overly complicated. Market research is the primary impetus for a quality pay equity program. Gather and utilize market audits to analyze location, the industry space, and market pricing based on the position you are planning to hire. Once you establish an appropriate pay range within that market, your team can decide what percentile to match and begin creating fair, competitive offers.

How Do You Achieve Pay Equity?

Simplifying the Hiring Process Pay equity removes a significant number of hurdles across the business. The ability to provide an exact salary or wage on all job postings gives transparency to applicants and ensures that the people who do apply are serious about their Businesseseffort.canalso utilize a pay equity mode that removes negotiations from their hiring practices. With a no-negotiations pay equity structure in place, the exact wage you offer is set, and you don’t need to grapple with ranges and “what ifs” from unpredictable negotiations. Not only does this aid the business in assessing their budget more accurately, but skipping the negotiation process is also a boon to women and other historically excluded communities. Improve Satisfaction and Retention Through pay equity, companies ensure that their pay is fair and equal to those with the same title and experience in their respective market. By doing this, employees won’t need to constantly compare to others in the industry or debate if they’re being underpaid. Pay equity can also be worked into promotion and pay increase processes. Creating a clear leveling structure that details the skills and competencies expected at each tier helps communicate a company’s leveling and promotion philosophy and can increase employee satisfaction because there is a shared understanding of what they need to do to get promoted. Defining and sharing goals, outlining how compensation plays into upward mobility, and ensuring everyone is on a level playing field are essential to retention.

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Cianna Walker-Flom joined Ribbon in 2021 as the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Program Manager with the goal of building an extensive DEI infrastructure. Walker-Flom implements programs committed to building an inclusive community, both for Ribbon and those who engage with the company. Prior to Ribbon, Walker-Flom worked within the nonprofit sector, where she focused on community development first through representation in education, and then through access to nature. Would you like to comment?

Pay equity helps battle long-term systemic inequities and evens the playing field for a greater variety of employees. That, in turn, leads to a more diverse team, which leads to a more varied wealth of experiences, knowledge, and abilities that fuel sustainable impact and growth for the company. Innovation and creativity go hand-in-hand with creating a healthy and diverse company ecosystem. Statistics demonstrate that companies with a racially and ethnically diverse workforce have a 36% higher likelihood of financially outperforming those that do Representationnot. across teams, departments and levels of leadership matters. Pay equity in hiring practices and promotional structures can help ensure that leadership teams are diverse. That means new employees at any level are more likely to see someone at the top who looks like them, which is vital to motivation, retention and satisfaction. Implementing pay equity and transparency is a significant first step in creating a company culture that can simplify the hiring process, increase employee retention and satisfaction, draw in top candidates and create a diverse workforce. Make this the first policy step on your journey to a more people-focused workplace.

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Attract Top Candidates and a Diverse Workforce Pay equity is one element of a shift toward people-focused practices instead of creating policies and procedures that check a box. That means that rather than your recruiting efforts explicitly stating that you are seeking to hire women in tech, you can instead identify the qualities, traits, and policies that will draw those candidates in and share those in job postings or other recruiting materials.

3 Ways Pay Equity Supports DEI And Grows Businesses

2. They Make Sure Whoever is in Charge of DEI has Time to be in Charge of DEI DEI can be a full-time job. Many companies have recognized this and have created roles specifically to head up DEI efforts. This is great if your company has the budget and need for this. If not, hiring an outside DEI consultant or trainer (like FIG!) is a great option.

1. They Make Sure Whoever is in Charge of DEI is Qualified to be in Charge of DEI DEI is a field of study. Just because someone is a POC or understands HR, does not mean they understand DEI. Any individual can learn about DEI, but it takes time and effort. Whoever is in charge of your 5 DEI red flags to look for

Does CareCompanyYourReallyAboutDEI?

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By TaChelle Lawson, FIG Strategy & Consulting company’s DEI program should have some background - whether professional or educational - in DEI. The responsibility of your company’s DEI program is given to an “only” (the only POC, woman, etc. in the office) simply because of their minority status, with the assumption that their individual experience means they understand DEI.

In the working world, DEI has rapidly gone from being a nice perk to an essential component of the business. Companies know that a DEI program is necessary for them to survive and thrive in today’s social and economic landscape. While this is generally a good thing, it has made it difficult to identify what companies have truly bought into DEI, versus those who are using it as a box to check off. Here are 5 ways to identify whether or not your company (or a company you are interested in working for) really cares about DEI, and 5 DEI red flags to look for.

The responsibility of implementing a DEI program is given to someone who already has a full plate and does not have the ability to prioritize it.

They need to be able to do this in confidence without repercussions, and leadership should lead by example, as well as encourage all employees to do so. Employees are discouraged from or actively retaliated against for reporting issues or raising concerns.

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Improving office culture, creating an inclusive workplace, and obtaining diversity at all levels will be a continuous ongoing process that is built into the framework of the company. The DEI program is limited to a “one and done” training or an update to company policy.

4. Leadership is Genuinely Open to Communication and Feedback For DEI to be successful, all employees must feel comfortable expressing concerns, giving feedback, and reporting issues.

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Does Your Company Really Care About DEI?

3. They Understand that DEI is a Long Game DEI is a process, and one that never really has an “end.”

5. They Practice Inclusion DEI isn’t DEI without the I. Diversity, especially in entry-level positions, is easy to achieve. It is more challenging and involved to facilitate an inclusive workplace. Making sure all employees can show up as their authentic selves and that everyone has the tools to succeed at work is true inclusion.

TaChelle Lawson is a nationally recognized diversity, equity, and inclusion leader. She founded FIG to eliminate the divide between diversity initiatives and brand strategies to assure alignment in target identification, content creation, goal-setting, product development and operational implementation.

TaChelle is D&I Certified by Cornell University and Diverse Business Certified by the Tuck Business School at Dartmouth College and is a graduate of Goldman Sachs’ 10,000 Small Businesses program. She is a member of UNLV’s Leadership Advisory Board and Clark County Business Development Advisory Council. She is also an active mentor and member of the National Diversity Council.

The company emphasizes diversity in the hiring process, but stops there. Turnover is high and the company is only “diverse” at entry level positions, while leadership remains white and male.

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The workplace is an interconnected environment, and everyone who’s part of it impacts each other. People with positive attitudes lift up others around them, are pleasant to work with, and are motivational in nature. They also interact well with other members of the team, which keeps the workplace harmonious. If you want an office with high morale, positivity is a powerful soft skill to look for.

Talent Management Excellence presented by HR.com AUGUST 2022 30 Submit Your Articles LisaKromaOdenweller,Wellness Top 10 Most Valuable Soft Skills In The Workplace What is one example of a valuable soft skill in the workplace? To help you identify valuable soft skills in the workplace, we asked HR professionals and business leaders this question for their best tips. From positivity to negotiation to leadership, there are several soft skills that you will find valuable in the Hereworkplace.are10 valuable soft skills in the workplace: ● Positivity ● Confidence ● Conflict Resolution ● Energy Management ● Openness to Criticism ● Critical Thinking ● Negotiation ● Adaptability ● Communication ● Leadership Soft skills are now more valuable than hard skills in the workforce By Brett Farmiloe, Terkel.io TOP PICK Positivity

Soft skills are those that are not typically thought of as job-related, such as communication, teamwork, and leadership. However, they are just as important in the workplace as any other skill set. According to a study by Forbes, soft skills are now more valuable than hard skills in the workforce. This is due to the fact that soft skills can be learned and improved upon over time, whereas hard skills can be developed only through experience. Therefore, employers are increasingly looking for employees with strong soft skills. Soft skills can be defined as those skills that are most important in the workplace. One of those soft skills is conflict resolution. Conflict is a natural part of life, and it should not be avoided or ignored. However, it must also be handled well if it is to be resolved effectively.

Conflict Resolution

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DavidDoorloopBitton, TravisnexusLindemoen,ITgroup

Ricardo von Groll, Talentify Energy Management

It is no secret that hybrid or remote work has come to stay, and before the pandemic, time management used to be the trend regarding productivity in the workplace. The fact is that no matter if people work hybrid, remotely, or in-office, there are times during the day when they are naturally more productive. Once workers understand their best time, in the morning, afternoon, and night, they can manage their energy to be at their full potential and get the best outcomes possible. Now, it is obvious that not everyone can work at their own chosen time. In that case, I see time management as an essential skill if a person feels their schedule does not match their most productive time.

Top Most Valuable Soft Skills In The Workplace

Confidence Confidence is one of the most essential soft skills in the workplace— confidence without being arrogant. Confident people play to their abilities and are aware of their limitations. They are self-assured in their ideas and can freely express them while remaining receptive to criticism. Confidence is essential during decision-making processes for crucial project efforts or during collaborative work. Confident individuals may not only convey their ideas effectively, but they can also critique the opinions of others by asking insightful questions to drive creativity. This encourages teams to think outside the box and opens up new paths for success.

MaxGoodHireWesman, LindaCheckrShaffer,

Critical thinking is a valuable soft skill in the workplace because it allows employees to assess a situation and make sound decisions. This skill is important for both individual contributors and leaders, as it can help prevent costly mistakes and ensure that company goals are met. Without it, employees may make poor decisions that can impact the bottom line or cause safety hazards. Additionally, critical thinking can help employees solve problems and come up with creative solutions.

Talent Management Excellence presented by HR.com AUGUST 2022 32 Submit Your Articles Top 10 Most Valuable Soft Skills In The Workplace

Though often overlooked, being receptive to criticism is a crucial soft skill in the workplace. Regardless of how much experience you have, there are always new things to learn and improve. You could benefit from the perspectives of people with varied backgrounds, some with more experience who could make a meaningful difference to the way you work.

Critical Thinking

In a developing market fit with ever-advancing technology, one can never assume that they know best.


Remember that even if you’re great at your job, it never hurts to ask if you could be better.

Franceen San CocoLoanAndres,

Closing a deal or managing expectations are key factors in this industry. We cultivate skills that aim to help people without hurting the business. Affiliated with this, the failure of an individual to create offers that compromise the desires of both parties to meet in the middle ground can result in a backlash in interpersonal or business relationships which can result in a loss in profit. Openness to Criticism

For businesses focused on money and finances, it is only natural to offer a proposal and strike a deal. Although soft skills vary from role to role, one key soft skill that we are looking for almost generally is negotiating skills. Negotiating skills can easily be seen during the hiring process. The way individuals accept, reject, or make counteroffers during the recruitment process when presented with offers and possible compensation is one of the best methods to gauge this skill.

After the pandemic, we’ve seen first-hand how quickly the working climate can change and adapt to its surroundings. Having the maturity to identify your weaknesses and seek feedback is a hallmark of a truly effective worker, setting you up for long-term success no matter the industry.

Leadership Leadership is one of the soft skills that employers value and which is extremely useful at work. Regardless of the position, leadership skills allow employees to gain further career milestones and managers to lead a team effectively. This skill makes a person trustworthy and reliable. Co-workers feel they can rely on the person and can count on their support. Leadership traits boost active listening and responding to issues that require immediate action. In fact, leadership skills entail several other valuable soft skills such as decision-making, organizational skills, management, communication, and problem-solving.


As a result, it turns out that one such extensive skill makes an employee a great asset and maximizes their potential.

Talent Management Excellence presented by HR.com AUGUST 2022 33 Submit Your Articles Top 10 Most Valuable Soft Skills In The Workplace

A soft skill that not only applies internally but also externally to clients, is communication. Effective, open and honest communication enables a business to thrive because well-informed and actively engaged employees make for positive workplace culture. This then has a direct correlation with customer experience, with research showing that a highly engaged organization will strive to improve customer experience. Customer ser vice-focused companies have employees 1.5x more engaged than those who Two-waydon’t.communication is vital – nobody wants to be talked at; they want to join in on the conversation, to have their voice heard. Again, this applies to both employees and clients. Great communication also leads to earned respect. Communication and respect are two core values, and two soft skills that companies should strive for each and every one of their employees to have.

Talent Management Excellence presented by HR.com AUGUST 2022 34 Submit Your Articles Communication

Brett Farmiloe is the Founder and CEO – and currently CHRO - of Terkel.io, a platform where business leaders can answer questions related to their expertise and get published in articles featuring their insights.

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Adaptability is one of the most valuable soft skills you can have in today’s workplace. With constant change being the new normal, being able to adapt to new situations quickly and efficiently is a highly sought-after attribute. There are many ways you can develop and hone your adaptability skills. One of the best ways is to simply make a point of observing how people around you handle change. Pay attention to what works well for them and what doesn’t, and then try to apply those lessons to your own life.

Additionally, stay open-minded and flexible in your own approach – be willing to try new things and embrace change instead of resisting it. Of course, not every situation will be perfect. HR leaders need to be able to become comfortable with change, and be able to support staff with how they can also effectively deal with, and adapt to, an ever-changing working landscape.

Top 10 Most Valuable Soft Skills In The Workplace




Saadia Hussain,PearlScan

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opportunities aligning with their interests and career goals. Sometimes this means providing them with extra professional development opportunities like online courses. Other times it can involve on-the-job learning and mentorship.

Simon Sinek speaks about the importance of starting with the “why” behind what we do. When you delegate tasks to others, make sure to explain the “why” of the task so they can understand the end goal. This will help them stay motivated as they will feel like they’re working towards a greater purpose.

The Eisenhower Matrix is a tool to help you prioritize your time, sorting tasks by urgency and importance. The Urgent and Not Important bucket suggests delegating the task when it needs to be completed but doesn’t require your expertise. While it can be difficult to release control over a task to someone else, it’s a great low-risk way to provide others with exciting growth opportunities outside the scope of their regular role. Be weary about only delegating menial tasks however as this can diminish employee motivation.

By Matt Parkin, FindWRK

Learn to Delegate

Ask Questions It’s easy to assume what types of growth opportunities your employees are interested in. Problem is that everyone is different. What may be exciting for one person may not be for another. Taking the time to sit down with your team one on one and ask them what they’re hoping to learn can help you personalize their development and provide them with Money isn’t everything

Actionable Steps You Can Take To Provide Employees With Exciting Growth Opportunities

In a recent study with 113 job seekers on FindWRK, participants were asked what makes them choose one job over another. Oftentimes, we jump to the conclusion that money is everything. While it’s important to pay a competitive wage, the survey results highlight there are also non-monetary factors that contribute to a job seeker’s decision-mak ing Theprocess.mostcompelling reason leading the way with 33% of the vote was “exciting growth opportunities”. This highlights that you don’t need to break the bank to attract and retain your talent. With this in mind, let’s dive into some practical ways you can provide exciting growth opportunities to your employees.

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In a hotel environment, you might have a housekeeper join a maintenance supervisor for a building inspection or a restaurant server help out at the front desk. In a restaurant, consider building relationships between front and back-of-house staff to learn more about each other’s roles and how they can make each other’s lives easier.

These four tips are just the beginning of what you can do to create exciting growth opportunities for your employees. As we move past the Great Resignation, companies will need to continue strengthening their employer brand to effectively attract and retain top talent.

Cross-Functional Training It’s easy to get caught up in a silo within your function, but exposing employees to other areas of the business is a great way to educate them on potential career opportunities. It can also increase an employee’s ability to help cover other departments when there are staffing shortages.

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Starting as a note taker is a great way for them to stay engaged during the meeting and provides them with an opportunity to ask questions and clarify action items with meeting participants. It also gives them an opportunity to get exposure to other employees if they’re emailing out the meeting minutes to participants after the meeting.

Actionable Steps You Can Take To Provide Employees With Growth


Job Shadowing

Matt Parkin is the Business Development Lead at FindWRK

The best way to learn is by doing. Get your employees off the sidelines and into some of your meetings where they can actively contribute fresh insights.

Once they get comfortable taking meeting minutes, encourage them to take turns leading meetings. They don’t need to be the most knowledgeable person in the room to chair a meeting. Having them prepare the meeting agenda, send the calendar invite, and facilitate conversation between speakers during the meeting is a great opportunity to build strong communication skills and public speaking confidence.

If you’re looking for ways to stop bad meetings, Greg Harrod has some excellent free resources you should check out.


From on-demand to cohort-based offerings, below is a listing of virtual courses that will challenge and empower you by giving you the tools to drive innovation and success in your organization.At HR.com, we are committed to educating and inspiring HR professionals and helping them build meaningful and impactful careers. With products and resources rooted in education, research, and leveraging cutting-edge technology, we help at every career stage - and over 1.92 million HR pros agree! (How could that many people be wrong?) By delivering best-in-class learning products, 250+ annual webcasts and 30+ world-class events, and innovative and thought-provoking research through the HR Research Institute, HR.com strives to inspire and strengthen workforces to change the world. HR.com also offers the most comprehensive HR certification exam preparation and guarantees a passing score on all SHRM and HRCI certification exams. Technology and experience drive our customized solutions that will help you become the best and most successful version of yourself.

HR.com prepares HR leaders to be strategic business leaders by curating and delivering best-in-class products and services so you don’t have to waste time seeking out content on your own. We leverage technology and experience to provide you with customized solutions to best meet your professional development needs at every stage of your career.


Managing Remote Employees Course explores the benefits and drawbacks of remote work and provides managers with tips for helping their employees stay connected and motivated. Earn Great Respect, Build Strong Leadership Gain an understanding of the impact of Respect on working relationships and ability to influence others without intimidation to lead teams more effectively.

Creating More Respectful Workplaces: LGBTQ Employees Increase your understanding of the LGBTQ+ community and improve company culture. An immersive, adaptive course to discover how to develop, implement and maintain an inclusive, safe and accepting workplace for LGBTQ+ individuals through policy, procedures and personal

Performance Management

Introductory-level course covers the challenges and issues that organizations face in developing and retaining their employees.

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Learn what every good manager does every day: makes sure employees know what they need to do to achieve the organization's goals, checks to make sure the employees are doing those things, praises employees for doing the right things, and uses constructive criticism when that is not the case.

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Gain access to more expert-led courses.

Talent Management and Career Development

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“People do not quit companies; they quit managers.”

A Guide For Coaching First-Time Managers

Having been exposed to only “Command and control” types of leadership, most new managers find themselves ill-prepared and poorly equipped for their new role as a manager. This skill deficit is even more pronounced given that today’s digital world has ushered in a whole new work paradigm. Today’s new business world is smarter, faster, more democratic, and more agile. Thus, the leader of the past is quickly becoming obsolete, and consequently, the newest generation of managers need to do things differently than their management predecessors. Despite the aforementioned changes to the workplace, most organization leadership development programs haven’t transformed in response to this changing reality. This is well illustrated by the fact that only 10% of organizations have aligned leadership Managing a first-time manager requires a different approach

Here are 3 proven and specific strategies for coaching first-time managers:

By Kevin Sheridan, Kevin Sheridan International development programs with the future business needs and the competencies required by the digital age.3 Hence, this new and complex platform of work means new managers must master the skill sets required to successfully navigate the new digital age.

irst off, if you are managing first-time managers, it is imperative that you realize the impact their role has on the employees they manage, as well as other non-direct report employees. Fully 76% of employees believe their manager is the one that impacts the culture most at work.1 At the same time, nearly 50% of employees have quit a job because of a bad manager.2 Hence, it is not an accident that the following quote is probably most often cited to discuss poor management:

1. Develop Your Talent On Their Way To The Top

3. Teach Coaching

Many first-time managers may not intuitively know how to develop their own people. Coaching has become increasingly important to attracting and retaining top talent, creating a culture of innovation and growth, and obtaining the full value of your workforce. Countless research studies have proven that adding an element of coaching into a leadership development program measurably improves business outcomes. Teaching your first-time managers facilitates their ability to help their employees reach their goals by establishing rapport, identifying performance gaps, and utilizing questioning and listening techniques.

Here are 12 valuable points to emphasize in your leadership development program for both the coach and the person being coached: For Coaching Managers


For first-time managers to quickly learn new skills and identify career growth opportunities, they first need to embrace a growth mindset. Truth be told, ineffective leaders often have fixed and rigid mindsets, acting only on old and outdated management methods, as opposed to choosing to innovate by trying new things and taking risks. But to successfully manage the complexity and speed of the digital age, leaders must take risks and learn from mistakes, adapting, and transforming to achieve success.

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2. Instill Critical Mindsets, Especially An Insatiable Hunger For Learning & Development

There is no better way for first-time managers to witness the positive results of coaching than to be on the receiving end of excellent coaching practices. Such coaching gives first-time managers the motivation and inspiration to create and innovate, in addition to providing the commitment to strive for success – because when your first-time managers are successful, so is your organization. Coaching is also beneficial because it illuminates the importance of two-way communication between managers and employees. In addition, coaching encourages first-time managers to take ownership and responsibility for their own development. Great coaching is not “hands-on” and micromanaging; instead, it is about creating an environment where the first-time manager is not afraid of making mistakes, thereby learning valuable lessons. Lastly, best-in-class coaching the first-time manager the confidence to delegate and trust their direct reports. By delegating early and often, first-time managers quickly build rapport with their direct reports.

It is important to develop your talent early and often. Do not wait until employees have become managers to develop their leadership skill sets. Cultivating your bench is critical to strategic succession planning, as well as talent attraction and talent retention. Keep in mind that it is far easier to shape mindsets and behaviors than it is to change them. One advantage you have is that many of these first-time managers have already been acting as informal leaders of the team. Give them the tools to be effective now and they will seamlessly and successfully step into their future leadership roles.

A Guide

10. Design immediate and long-term career paths for first-time managers Revisit these career path plans with the first-time manager on a quarterly basis, if not monthly. The previous research showed that Career Development is the second most powerful driver of Employee Engagement. Leverage it.

1. View all employees as integral to your organization’s success.

Sources: Society For Human Resource Management (SHRM) Study, 2020. Study By Robert Half, 2019. Study Bt Brandon Hall Group, 2018. Resources: https://www.kevinsheridanllc.com/books/https://kevinsheridan.tradepub.com/?pt=dir&page=kevinsheridan


2. Delegate and trust people to do their job and be self-managing.

5. Provide all of the resources necessary to fully train first-time managers’ knowledge, capabilities, and behaviors in order to experience their ultimate success.

3. Promote two-way communication between managers and team members.

12. To ensure your managers are leveraging each of the most important drivers of Employee Engagement, give them the following Manager Employee Engagement Checklist which details the 20 most impactful drivers of engagement:


7. Encourage your first-time managers to have a firm grasp of their self-awareness and appreciation for self-discovery, as well as a desire to help others change and grow.

For six years running, he has been honored on Inc. Magazine’s top 100 Leadership Speakers in the world, as well as Inc.’s top 100 experts on Employee Engagement. He was also honored to be named to The Employee Engagement Award’s Top 101 Global Influencers on Employee Engagement for five years in a row.

11. Teach change management. Given the ever-changing digital age workplace, change management is where most first-time managers will need immediate guidance and supervision.

https://www.linkedin.com/groups/6569113/ A Guide For Coaching First-Time Managers

Kevin Sheridan is an internationally-recognized Keynote Speaker, a New York Times Best Selling Author, and one of the most sought-after voices in the world on the topic of Employee Engagement.



In summary, coaching can be incredibly rewarding for both the coach and the person being coached. As you regularly see the successful results, enjoy and relish in the fact that you made a difference!

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4. Encourage people to take ownership of their own learning and development.

6. Discover all performance management opportunities and offer best-in-class action plans to close the performance gaps.

9. Recognize your first-time managers’ achievements and success at every possible opportunity. The research I did to write my New York Times Best Seller, Building A Magnetic Culture, showed that recognition is the most powerful driver of Employee Engagement. As such, recognize your first-time managers early and often.

Talent Management Excellence presented by HR.com AUGUST 2022 40 Submit Your Articles

8. When coaching, put you and your needs second, by emphasizing that the needs of the person being coached are most important.

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