Hren | Photography - a memorable day filled with love

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Oncei nawhi l eyouexper i encegr eatj oy

Gr eathappi ness

Ambi ent alPer f or mances

( Sl oveni a)

Butonl yoncei nal i f et i meyouexper i ence

Shar am

( Yoshi t oshiRecor di ngs,USA)

Gr eatl ove

Davi dGuet a

( Gum pr od/EMI ,Fr ance)

Lovet hati ssost r ong

Davi dMor al es

( Def Mi x,USA)

Thatyouwanti tj ustf oryour sel f


( Axt one,Sweden)

Lovet hati ssouni que


( Sl oveni a)

Andt hati swhyi ti ssospeci al

SvenVat h

( CocoonRecor di ngs,Ger many)

Lovet hati sj ustyour s

Bybl osdi scot heque

( Por ec,Cr oat i a)

Butatt hesamet i meyouwantt oshow i t

Capt ur i ngt hatl ove

Ar mi nVanBuur en

( Ar madaMusi c,Net her l and)

I swhatwedo


( St eal t hRecor ds,USA)

Becausewewantyout o

AmbasadaGavi ol i ( I zol a,Sl oveni a)

Remeberi tf or ever

Kat hyCat

( I ndi e,Sl oveni a)

Bi ogr aphy Fort hatr easoni n2005heboughthi sf i r st Dej anHr en,bor nonSept ember26t h1985i n camer aandst ar t edpl ayi ngwi t hdi f f er entl i ght Koper ,Sl ov eni a. Hegothi sMast er sdegr eei n sour cesi ncr eat i ngst unni ngpi ct ur es . Ful l y Busi nessI nf or mat i csi n2009. Forhi sf ur t her oyi ngandconst ant l ydev el opi ngt hi smuch educat i on,att heendof2009heat t ends“ Ci sco enj ecr eat i v esi deofl i f e,hegotachancet obe CCNAAcademy”t ost udynet wor kt echnol ogi es . mor anof f i ci alphot ogr apherf orsomef ott hebest Nowl i v esandwor ksf ul lt i mei nhi shomet own ghtcl ubsi nt hi sr egi on. Butf ur t her mor e i nBuz et ,Cr oat i a. Out si deofhi sf ul lt i mej obhe ni el opi nghi scr eat i v enesswhenf acedwi t h i sdev el opi ngwebsi t esandhel pi ngbusi nesses dev numer ousnewandt hr i l l i ngexper i ment sand pr omot et hei rpr oduct sandser vi cest hr ough chal engesi nav astv ar i et yt hatphot ogr aphy br andi nganddev el opi ngt hei rI nt er net . Fr om spor t s ,ar chi t ect ur e,f ashi on,ar t , pr esencei nwhi chabi gr ol lpl ay sphot ogr aphy . has l i f est yl e,ni ght ,macr o,ad,panor ami c ,por t r ai t phot ogr aphyj ustt onameaf ew.

Hi spassi onf orcapt ur i ngpeopl e’ semot i onsand moment shasear nedhi mr espectamongcr eat i v e i ndi vi dual si nt hef i el dsofphot ogr aphy . Wor k ed f oranumer ousev ent sandcl i ent st hr ought hese y ear shasgai nedhi m exper i encei nwhati s i mpor t antt ocapt ur eonanev entt osat i sf y publ i shi ng,pr omot i ngandshar i ngt hoseev ent s andpl acest hr oughdi f f er entki ndsofmedi a,no mat t eri ft heyar eanal ogordi gi t al . Andbecause oft hatdel i v er i ngy oupi ct ur est hatsayi tal li s whathewi l lal way st r yt oaccompl i sh. Ar espect f ul numberofcl i ent spr ov esj ustt hat .

St eveAngel l o

( Si zeRecor ds,Sweden)

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