Hristo Vassilev
Architecture student +49 157 79823263 WelkenratherstraĂ&#x;e 19. 52074 Aachen
Personal statement For me good architecture means something organic and is developed based on the basic principle of nature, namely that only instances which adapt themselves to their surroundings may endure.
Personal details Bulgarian nationality born on 24.02.1995 in Sofia has a drivers license
Software AutoCAD
Education Internship March - December 2017 HĂśhler und Partner, Aachen Student assistant in quantity surveys and construction management
Language skills Bulgarian Native German fluent English fluent Spanish basiv
Bachelors degree completed in February 2018 RWTH - Aachen Bachelorarbeit - Mobile Fabrik Examiners: Prof.S.Brell-Cokcan, Prof.Markus Kuhnhenne School degree completed in May 2014 91.Deutsches Gymnasium, Sofia - 91. German highschool, Sofia with specialisation in Math
MOBILE FACTORY – This Project is about the development of a façade system, which allows for a high customization and lets itself wrap around various geometries. Topics include: parametric design, digital production
LEARNING FACTORY - This mixture from a learning space and a production facility explores a new typology. The emphasis of the project is placed on the constructional design and the integration of building services.
LÜTZOW BARRACKS - A new use is planned for the barracks complex in the German city of Aachen. The project consists of an urban analysis and concept which takes in consideration the cultural heritage.
HABITATION FOR EVERYONE – the planning of this residential building is to be carried out in consideration of its inhabitants and their personal interests.
Mobile Factory
2017 | Individual work | Bachelor thesis
Since the inception of construction, the façade was a necessary mean to provide protection against the outside world. A properly built house had the aim to minimize the climatic influences as well as to keep predators and enemies away. Therefore, higher chances of survival as a product of suitable housing were the reason for the development of the art of building. It wasn’t until people gathered in larger groups, that architecture gained a communication purpose as well. The language of form had to increasingly serve as a statement of a social status or the communal value of the building which became the driving force for the façade. The best epoch to observe the phenomenon of the connection between architecture and
*eigene Aufgaben: Konzept, Detailplannung, grafische Darstellung
technological progress is in the times after the industrial revolution: Factories could produce goods with speeds unknown previously. The usage of prefabricated parts had established itself as the most cost-effective building solution to the ever-growing human population and the ornament was disbanded to make way for light and transparency. In a similar sense we are living today in a transition state of technology, where the interlinking of services is growing in importance. Machines can with the help of advancements in the digital communication react to their surroundings and our wishes and are thus becoming part of our lives. The organisation of automatic processes has therefore the potential to play an important role in how we design and construct the buildings in which we live.
The Idea of the project is to develop a product, which was to have multiple applications and was individually customizable with the help of digital production. The goal was to also find alternative methods in lightweight constructions with metal. Some uses include sun shading or a self-supporting pavilion. First the potentials to create a robust and customizable structure through folding in comparison to other techniques was examined and acknowledged. The specific efficiency could be accomplished through the production on the building site. The simpler logistics as well as the fast processing of the material could be viewed as cost-effective alternative to welding or screwing. A form was sought after, which could yield a complex geometry after simple interventions. This would be an element that would be a part of a faรงade system, to which one could add further elements.
The developed system is flexible thanks to the digital production on the building site. Through the planning phase the form of the system can be adapted to that of the building. The folding angle in the picture above demonstrates how it affects the position of the anchor points, which in turn determines the curvature of the whole system. On the other hand, small misalignments can be adjusted or compensated for on-site.
The first step of the production of the elements takes place in the workshop. Identical panels are cut from steel sheet, which has all the benefits of mass production such as time and cost efficiency. The panels remain in the flat state until they are delivered on the building site to cut costs from transport and storage. In order to make the folding possible a preconfigured layout of folding edges is cut away with a laser. These consist of small arches, lined up where the future folding should occur (see picture on the bottom right). This reduces the bending force without impairing structural integrity.
The production on the building site on the other hand focuses on the customization and three-dimensional shaping of the element. One approach would be the use of openings with different sizes, produced with laser cutters, which would generate different ambiences and give a sense of ornamentation when viewed from the outside. The digital control of the folding also allows for corrections or adjustments on-site which are specific to the project and the current situation.
Interior perspective of a closed faรงade
Possible patterns for openings
Interior perspective of an open faรงade
Night elevation
The on-site Production takes place in a transportable Factory consisting of 6 20ft. ISO Containers (1). The main logistic within the factory takes place on a crane runway (2), which folds out into its full length after being transported on the site. Although the process is designed to be fully automatic the need for human quality control remains (3).
Assembly: Four flaps on the edges take care for a tight connection and simple installation. The flaps of two Elements overlap so that the mountings of both parts fit together which would temporarily secure the element in order for it to be screwed by hand onto the system. The point symmetry of the elements makes their later replacement possible.
Section of an exemplary building
Task-specific hydraulic press
1_Preparatory work 1
2_Folding 7
3_Storage 13
11 2
At first the parts are unloaded from the forklift with a swing crane (8) onto a rotary table (5). With the help of a robot arm, equipped with a Laser (9) the openings are cut away and are discarded with the magnet of the swing crane in a container (7). Hydraulic plyers (6) are used as an end effector by the robot in order to dent the mountings into their desired form. The flaps are then bent with the help of a custom hydraulic press. During the folding phase which follows the parts are transported on the crane runway (11). Four robot arms (12) grab the sheets with their vacuum gippers (10) directly above the flaps and fold the element into its final form by twisting and pulling at the same time (page 6)
Section of the mobile factory
Fipa Spider Vakuumheber
max 500 kg
4x Kuka KR 16 Traglast 16kg
Fertiges Produkt
Fipa Spider Vakuumheber
max 500 kg
Drehbiegemaschine Schwenkkran r=2m
Entsorgung Verschnitte
Arbeitsraum von Maschinen Bewegungsraum Menschen
Materialfluss Abfallentsorgungsweg
Learning Factory 14
Aachen | 2016 | Group project*
A central point of the project is the topic of Industry 4.0 – a term which describes the digital interconnectivity in factories. This makes new efficient ways of production, whereas communication between men and machines is of utmost significance. The concept proposes that this information exchange should occur on two levels – on one hand digital and on the other– through physical interaction. The challenge of the project was therefore to translate this interdependence of humans and machines in a place for education and research, which would be used from the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen.
*personal tasks: concept and detail development, graphical presentation
The focus was on the arrangement and constructive implementation of the spaces and the inner circulation. The scale and complexity of use require an efficient network of technical building services, which are to be implemented and used as a design concept.
The plot lies between a residential area and the Campus Melaten – a region dedicated to research and education, a place for communication between academics and contractors, with the purpose of mutual benefit. The border with the city is defined through the motorway, which serves as a visual and a physical border alike. A connection takes place in the form of a pedestrian bridge south of the plot.
Reference to the Campus
Prominent spaces are placed at the top of the building to ensure a visual connection with the rest of the Campus.
All faรงades in the ground floor are see-trough in order to give the impression of a Volume suspended in the air as well as to make the functional area of the factory perceptible from the outside.
Noise pollution
Visual Communication
Waste heat
The office spaces are separated vertically from the functional area of the factory to avoid direct proximity to sources of noise and bad air.
The shifting of the office spaces in the vertical direction helps to make use of the waste heat of the machines as a heat source in winter, effectively reducing the energy demands.
Air spaces between the office and the seminar spaces make the internal communication between the rooms possible as well as the observation of the factory and its processes from above.
At the ground floor the complete faรงade is to be equipped with automatic doors to ensure effective logistics.
1st floor
In order to implement these guiding principles a concept for spaces in the plane of the supporting structure was fleshed out. The circulation runs along the façade and forms a zone for communication between all users. Its informal qualities are defined through the use of furniture – benches and tables as well as kitchenettes in niches which bring everybody on the same spot. Two delicate stairways and a corresponding elevator make the connection to the ground floor and facilitate the meaning of the kitchenettes as a meeting point. The spaces directly next to the stairs act as supply cores and serve as sanitary, service or first-aid rooms, with the exception of offices of particular importance. The rest of the offices and seminar rooms are prominently placed above the factory area.
Mobiler Sonnenschutz
Hauptrohr Lüftung
eine modulare “Box”
Fester Sonnenschutz
Section A-A
The concept of a volume, seemingly suspended in the air requires a special approach to the supporting structure of the building. A Vierendeel frame is chosen to bear the loads of the roof and the spaces which are incorporated in it. The HEB 700 profiles hence become an integral design element of the interior space.
Along the long side of the building the top floor manifests itself as separate heavy solid, hovering above the glass factory. Complementary to this design and as a way of reducing cooling loads a fixed sun shading made of perforated copper sheet is installed. A mobile shading, mounted on rails on the outer side of the faรงade is used to protect the rest of the
area, adapting to the current weather situation without sacrificing the flexibility of the building. On the transverse side of the building the copper garment of the faรงade is used to complement the geometry of the supporting structure and make it readable in the elevation, effectively reinforcing its identity.
To create a suitable work environment factors like temperature and air quality had to be considered. In order to ventilate the volume of the factory a natural ventilation through windows at the top of the faรงade has to work together with an air-conditioning system. Solar thermal collectors store the collected energy with the help of a thermal energy store and a heat pump. The accumulated energy can then be used to heat or cool the offices and seminar rooms.
Section B-B In regard to the changeable requirements of the Learning factory a system of modular prefabricated wall panels had to be developed in order to adapt the spaces to changes in the usage by moving and adding divisions in the grid.
Aluminium Kunsstoff Aluminium, 200 x 60 x 5 Edelstahl, 5 mm Kunststoff Edelstahl Aluminiummantel PUR-Kern 8 cm Dämmstärke 23 cm
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Anpressleiste (PRF) Wärmeentkopplungsleiste Pfosten (PRF) Führungsschiene Dichtung Seitenscharnier Wärmeentkopplungsprofil wärmegedämmte Sektion
10 11 12
Dreifachverglasung Stiel (Rahmen-Tragwerk)
Blendrahmen Türrahmen Türpfosten
Aluminium, 36 x 75 mm Aluminium, 110 x 75 mm Aluminium, 78 x 75 mm
14 15 16 17 18
Sandwichpaneel mit Alu-Deckschicht und PUR-Kern
Sandwich Eckpaneel mit Alu-Deckschicht und PUR-Kern
WSG, 5mm HEB 700 Dämmstärke 23 cm
Kupfergewebe Anpressleiste
LĂźtzow Kaserne 26
Aachen | 2017 | Group project
The Lßtzow barracks is a part of the German city of Aachen which distinguishes itself through its rich history. Its specialty is the training of military personal in the field of mechanics, which is a fact that hasn’t changed since the inception of the facility in 1920. The site analysis and the proposed design concern a fictional scenario in which the area is opened for the public and the military corps is moved or disbanded. The planned changes and conservations should take into account the current social and economical state of the direct surroundings and the city as a whole.
*personal tasks include: analysis, concept development, physical model building through CNC milling, graphic presentation.
Anb indu ng sm ög lic hk ei
In the first step the main futures of the surrounding were explored. The region is part of the outskirts of the city. The districts are divided by infrastructure elements such as the Trierer street and the motorway A44. The location is praised by the locals for its tranquility and green spaces. The opening of the barracks to the public could however open up new possibilities and compensate for a number of disadvantages of the neighborhood.
Erweiteru ngspotenzial
Rothe Erde Europaplatz
Panneschopp St. Fronleichnam
St. Elisabeth Ostfriedhof
Tuchfabrik Niessen
Aachen Arkaden
Haus Magarete
Trierer Straße
St. Adalbert
St. Katharina Forster Linde
Kath. Grundschule
Aachen Innenstadt
Ehem. Forster Rathaus
Bahnhof Rothe Erde
Grabeskirche St. Josef
The Herz-Jesu Kirche
eodor-Körner Kaserne
700 600
Ausländeranteil: 21,8%
Ehrenamtspass Wahlbeteiligung
Bedarfsgemeinschaften Ausländer
Durchschnittspreis von Immobilien: 2.566 €/m 2
Demographic landscape In order to satisfy the individual needs of the residents, information about the social milieu was gathered and analyzed through interviewing passers-by and by using official sources. In spite of the overall satisfaction and feeling of familiarity in the inhabitants, statistics show that factors such as unemployment, number of criminal suspects and foreigners in the area have a high value relative to the
+2,0 in %
60 65
75 70
85 90
Siedlungstyp: 4
city. Teenagers are often described as disruptive because of using playgrounds as meeting places.
Central Idea To counteract these tendencies a concept had to be developed for a residential district with an integrated education center and a park. The guiding principle is to create centers, which complement the
Gewerbegebiet Eilendorf Süd
district and create amenity value for the people as an alternative to the city center. Young people are to be encouraged to pursue a profession through the opportunity for professional development. An intermixed residential zone should offer suitable housing types for all kinds of user groups. A general increase in the urban density with attention on creating clear edges makes for better public spaces and fills up gaps in the growth of the city.
1-2 Stockwerke 3-4 Stockwerke
Friedhof Kolpingstraße
Gewerbegebiet Brand
5-6 Stockwerke >6 Stockwerke
Lützow Kaserne
Städtebaul. Dominate Brander Bahnhof
Zentrum Königsberger Staße
Driescher Hof
Bevölkerungsumsatz -1,0
50 45
Tatverdächtige -1,5
20 25
Arbeitslosigkeit: 18,5%
St. Donatus
Eilendorf Süd
Anschluss Vennbahnweg
Ländliches Wohngebiet
Schulanlagen und Kindergärten
Durchmischtes Wohngebiet
Urbanes Wohngebiet Erweiterung des Wohngebietes
Technisches Ausbildungszentrum
Schönforst Treppenanlage
Azubi Wohnanlage
Driescher Hof
This development framework roughly shows the intended actions. The layout of the new streets is shown in white. On page 32 you can see the final floor plan of the area. The Technical Education Center uses the area of the old parking space and consists of administrative buildings and lecture halls. The old canteen is to be expanded in order to frame a small town square. The lecture halls are planed with respect to an adequate open space to accommodate temporary exhibitions and events. In north-east the ensemble ends with a composition of workshops which are open for the trainees and serve as a transition to the industrial park in the north.
The residential area is very diverse and hence satisfies the demands of a wide variety of user groups. The dormitories for the trainees use the former one-room flats of the soldiers, which are in direct proximity to the educational centre. Affordable as well as age-appropriate living is found in the three to four-storey urban residences. Semi-detached houses offer the possibility of a private garden for high-income earners not too far from commercial centres. The sport centre and the park like the residential area comply with the different interests of its users. Starting from the entrance at the Trierer street a sequence of different layouts shapes the character of the park, making it vary from public to intimate the further one travels away from the busy street. A large stairway makes the impression of an open-air stage, serving as a meeting point for all groups. The sport complex of the barracks is supplemented with further disciplines and is given a more public character. A man-made hill landscape with playgrounds for children serves as a recreational space for families, leading up to the school and kindergarten complex, making it the final stop of the journey. An ensemble of office buildings serves as an entrance of the park and is designed to attract attention through its shape of a funnel. The high-rise buildings protect the park from the loud noise of the street, at the same time profiting from its leisure activities. They also allow for more jobs which are easily accessible thanks to the already in place infrastructure.
Cultural heritage Named after the Prussian major general Ludwid […] von Lützow the barracks serves today for training the machine engineers of the army. The Building ensemble (red), characterized by its pragmatic brick architecture and protected as a historic monument is to be integrated in the design concept.
Infrastructure Despite the remoteness of the region a fast connection with the city centre is made possible with the help of the Triererstreet and the public transport (red). The proximity to the motorway (orange) allows the fast access to and from other metropolises. The infamous country bike route – the Vennbahn (blau) is to be connected with the Lützow barracks.
Urbanes Wohngebiet
Eingang Ausbildungszentrum
Wohnen fĂźr Alle 34
Leipzig | 2015 | Individual work
The project is to be viewed as a counter-reaction to the constantly rising land prices of the inner cities. The high rents and buying prices force people with smaller budgets to look for accommodation in the outskirts of the city. To circumvent these circumstances people from different social classes and cultural origins join together in Baugruppen (or building groups), which develop house models for themselves.
One such community plans to build a residential building in the centre of Leipzig. The plot of land is narrow and scarcely exposed to light, which makes its price rather low for its central location. The residences must comply with the different budgets and social and cultural demands of its inhabitants. Because with a properly negotiated trade-offs a common household is also possible, it was assumed that a strong cultural program would be beneficial to the inhabitants and the neighbourhood.
viele Menschen tagtäglich vorbeigehen. Um das Tageslicht möglichst besser auszunutzen werden Möglichkeiten gesuch
auszurichten und möglichst weit von der umliegenden Bebauung zu platzieren. Der Entwurf soll “offen” wirken - Glasfa
räume die an prominente Stellen platziert werden, wie z.B. die Eingangshalle im Innenhof. This inner-city location balances the practicality of living close to the city centre and the comfort keeping distance from any large road arteries. Although from the streets the area seems densely populated, on the other hand one can often times discover spacious backyards overgrown with trees and other vegetation. The Dorotheenplatz is a local centre and offers shops and gastronomy.
The residential buildings enclose a big backyard, which is shared amongst the inhabitants of the blocks and is traversed on small walkways. The walkways connect the building entrances and define meeting points at their junctions. The chosen plot lies on a place where many walkways cross, which gives it local importance and prominence. The focus of this concept is to strengthen the characteristic properties of this location in terms of urban planning and at the same time to put emphasis on the cultural program of the project.
ht die Fassaden der Wohnräume nach Suden
assaden werden bevorzugt fĂźr Gemeinschaftliche
Private space Private space
In order to give more meaning to the community nature of the project a private space, limited to the inhabitants of the building is planed in the form of a roof garden. The spaces with a public character are to be used as pedestal on top of which it stands.
The height of the surrounding buildings leads to scarce illumination of the plot. To account for that the residential spaces are situated preferably in the upper floors. Glass façades are planed on the south sides to maximise direct sunlight.
The existing use of the plot as an exit to the backyard is continued with the use of a passage. This measure, together with the glass facades in the first two floors ensures the building stays a point of interest.
1st floor
Ground floor
5th floor
3rd floor
DThe different functions which are accommodated by this residential building require a circulation in multiple layers. Vertical circulations are therefore partially redundant and are given to separate user groups. The public spaces – bar, concert hall and library are connected with an internal staircase. An outdoors concrete staircase leads to the roof garden where the entrances to the two residential sections are.
These two residential building components both contrast the horizontality of the base but are fundamentally different in their organisation. The communication between the blocks is expressed through the sharing of the roof garden and through the visual connection of the two facades.
The base is dedicated to culture and education. Loud spaces (concert hall, bar) are vertically separated from the quite ones (library and study room). Horizontally the management spaces (caretaker office, librarian) are positioned right next to the main entrance. The kid’s room transitions from the base into one of the residential parts. In order to expand on the topic of diversity the structure of the library allows for different literature topics to have their own cell. The study room then serves everyone by effectively bringing the users together.
kid’s room
A library cell terrace
study room kitchenette
The residences of all people who only require a single room are situated in the cluster. Even though the users may differ in their income or social status, unlike in the other residential component, here there isn’t any hierarchy. Identical one-room flats are vertically interlaced around a staircase, in order to emphasize the belonging of the inhabitants to a community.
local common room apartment main common room kid’s room
space division of the cluster
Each flat boarders with one of the common rooms, which are situated in the core of the building. There the residents perform their daily tasks and therefore come into contact with one another. These rooms grow in importance from top to bottom with the undermost being the living room and kitchen at the level of the roof garden. This room serves as a meeting point for the whole cluster. Eine eher schlichtere Gestaltung des privaten Raum wird daher ausgeglichen durch den von allem gemeinsam genutzten und finanzierten Wohnraum.