Building competencies for digital transformation While talent acquisition remains crucial for businesses to succeed in today’s complex environment, talent development and retention are other factors that impact the disruption to businesses. The HR team plays a pivotal role in ensuring that the workforce is ready to embrace and harness the benefits of digital transformation.
o ensure that the accountancy and finance workforce is equipped with relevant skill sets for the future economy, the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (ISCA) has launched the ISCA Professional Business Accountant (PBA) Programme to enhance the competencies of accountancy and finance professionals amid the digital transformation. The ISCA PBA Programme will cover topics in the areas of Future Finance, Business Acumen, Professional Values and Ethics, Technical Excellence, and Leadership and Personal Empowerment. This is aligned to the ISCA Professional
Accountants in Business (PAIB) Framework which provides an overview on the five key DNAs of a Professional Accountant in Business (PAIB). Upon completion of the programme, participants will not only be awarded the ISCA Professional Certificate in Business Accounting, but they will also be able to gain professional recognition by becoming an ISCA Professional Business Accountant (subject to meeting membership eligibility requirements). The ISCA PBA Programme is run on an e-learning platform which allows busy accountancy and finance professionals the ease and flexibility of attaining new skill sets at their own pace.
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At the same time, businesses can build capabilities of their finance team by ensuring that they are equipped with emerging skill sets and knowledge to handle dynamic business situations. Organisations will need to continue to acquire, develop and
retain talents to keep up with the new skills required to drive the future. Constant learning is key to build a more agile team and having a future-ready workforce will help businesses safely navigate the uncertainties in a rapidly changing business environment.
THE INSTITUTE OF SINGAPORE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS (ISCA) is the national accountancy body of Singapore. ISCA’s vision is to be a globally recognised professional accountancy body, bringing value to the members, the profession and wider community. There are over 32,000 ISCA members making their stride in businesses across industries in Singapore and around the world. ISCA is a member of Chartered Accountants Worldwide (CAW), a global family that brings together the members of leading institutes to create a community of over 1.8 million Chartered Accountants and students in more than 190 countries.