Updated February 21, 2014
Support the Maidan medical services in Kyiv
Request for financial donations
In the course of six weeks, riot police in Kyiv has attempted to disperse the demonstrators in the center of Kyiv. Twice, large numbers of demonstrators have been killed and wounded. The tally after the February 18-‐20 events stands at some 100 persons dead on the demonstrator side alone. Since the failed December 11, 2013 attack, medical personnel at Maidan have been the object of direct aggression of State structures. Like journalists, medics working at the front line have been shot at, wounded, beaten up and even abducted and arrested for fulfilling their professional responsibility. During the attacks on February 20, police had 30 ambulances destroyed to prevent wounded to be taken away, abducted wounded demonstrators from intensive care units in regular hospitals and seriously wounded a female medic who was shot in her neck. The medical services at Maidan are of vital importance. Demonstrators who go to regular medical services run the risk of being arrested or abducted. Riot police has no compassion for those wounded, and thus it is of vital importance to get them out of the battle zone to safety. The staff of the Maidan hospital, all volunteers of various ages and backgrounds, are doing a magnificent job under incredible circumstances. They put the Hippocratic Oath into effect and deserve our support. We have decided to support the Maidan medical services both in the short and long term. In the short term this means helping to get the needed medical supplies to be able to function as a field hospital and carry out emergency
surgery. In the longer term it means providing financial support to have seriously wounded ferried to safe places for specialized treatment, e.g. because of lost eyes or limbs. It also means setting up support in developing services to deal with trauma and grief, both for the victims and their families. People who want to make donations can do so by transferring their donation to the bank account of the Federation Global Initiative on Psychiatry. We will make sure all your donations find their way to the right destination. Our partner on the ground is, among others, the Ukrainian Psychiatric Association, with whom we have worked for more than 20 years. Our bank account is: Bank account number: NL46 INGB 0006 0707 13 Federation Global Initiative on Psychiatry Hilversum, the Netherlands ING Bank BIC code: INGBNL2A In case you are a US citizen and you want to send us a check, please make it out to "GIP-‐USA" and send it to our postal address: FGIP P.O.Box 1282 1200 BG Hilversum The Netherlands Global Intiative on Psychiatry also has a paypal account. To use that please visit the website www.gip-‐global.org For more information: rvvoren@gip-‐global.org Or Robert van Voren on facebook Thank you!