1 minute read
From the editor
It is hard to fathom that we are rapidly reaching the end of the year already. The year 2020 has been, without a doubt, a monumental year. I’ve heard of people wanting to ‘write this year off’, ‘forget it even blighted us’, and ‘start afresh with 2021’. But I’m convinced that plenty of learning is still to be had for all of us on the difficulties and complexities of the past 12 months. We just need a moment to reflect and unwind.
Again, I am reminded that leadership is crucial: both in times of crisis and times of business as usual. Our theme for this issue is diversity and inclusion. I have concluded that the only way diversity and inclusion efforts will prove worthy of their well-deserved fame is if they are embedded in the hearts of leaders. And we all have some responsibility, some power, to make this happen. As Michael Ien Cohen, director of Humanity Stoked says, “As individuals, you and I can’t change this world, but together we all can. Our collective actions add up and can indeed make a difference”.
Reading the words of our feature writers on the subject of diversity and inclusion has been truly inspiring for me. Zoe Brownlie and Kaisa Wilson look at the importance of place and how we can cultivate this within our workplaces for the benefit of all. Maretha Smit from Diversity Works New Zealand asks what we can do to make the workplace more inclusive, and Anne Hawker, Principal Disability Adviser at the Ministry of Social Development, outlines specific steps for working with disabled people. Even if we only dealt with the low-hanging fruit, we have the power to make a huge impact in the area of diversity and inclusion in New Zealand. As Josh Bersin says, “Companies that embrace diversity and inclusion in all aspects of their business statistically outperform their peers”.
For me, the festive period will be a time of consolidation and gratitude. I am grateful for my family, my friends and colleagues and for living in Aotearoa. As hectic as pre-Christmas is, I hope you find a quiet moment to reflect on the year and enjoy this inspiring issue. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the HRNZ team. We look forward to seeing you next year.
Kathy Catton, Managing Editor, kathy.catton@hrnz.org.nz