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From the editor
The ‘face’ of Aotearoa is changing rapidly as a result not only of the pandemic but the settlement of migrants, growing ethnic diversity, population ageing, changing fertility patterns and urban growth. This issue of the magazine focuses on how we, as HR professionals, can better prepare and respond to these demographic changes in order for the country to maximise the benefits associated with an increasingly diverse population.
We share insights from Professor Paul Spoonley, who looks at New Zealand’s changing demographic and the flow-on effects on the workplace, and Kathryn Jackson from CareerBalance, who asks whether we are truly building resilience amongst all this change. We also have a guest feature written by Roz Grant, from Crescent Consulting Group, who looks at the challenges of online recruitment, and Rob Perry, from the Sustainable Business Council, who looks at sustainable development goals and the need for integrating these into our businesses.
I am continually grateful for the support of our regular contributors. Lane Neave brings us up to date with upcoming immigration law changes, and Dundas Street Employment Lawyers provide relevant and practical employment law updates. Natalie Barker at Southern Cross
Health Insurance provides her warm and heartfelt reflections on being a line manager, and Maretha Smit from Diversity Works New Zealand considers how diversity training might look in your organisation.
Thank you to all those members who took part in our recent magazine survey. It is pleasing that members value the magazine highly and enjoy the practical content they can apply in their workplaces. In this issue we launch the 'HR in a COVID World' column discussing how COVID-19 has impacted the HR profession.
In coming issues, in response to your feedback, we will be adding a regular employment relations case review and a sustainability case study. If you would like to add further feedback, I look forward to hearing from you.
Kathy Catton Managing Editor, Kathy.Catton@hrnz.org.nz