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PD Spotlight: Transforming HRM Aotearoa
HRNZ’s inaugural Transforming HRM Aotearoa course was held in Te Whanganui-a-Tara (Wellington) in June. Thanks to the hard work of Karli Te Aotonga and Bentham Ohia, this vision is now a reality.
Course facilitator Karli Te Aotonga CMHRNZ reflected on a successful wānanga, saying, “Words cannot express the aroha I have for bringing the kaupapa of Transforming HRM Aotearoa to life. This, for me, has been an aspiration and, in the words of my cousin Bentham, raising consciousness to shift mindsets, open hearts, and effect change.”
Responsive and equitable
Twenty-two leading HR professionals experienced a transformational learning journey, discovering how to develop culturally responsive and equitable HRM practices to improve the employee experience for Māori in the workplace.
The course covered a variety and depth of content. It addressed important topics from Pehea ōku tātou whakaaro? (understanding our HRM why) to Ngā ūara: a valuesled approach in the workplace and cultural safety and wellbeing in the workplace, workplace realities for Māori and a kaupapa Māori approach to HRM practices in Aotearoa workplaces.
Positively regarded
The positive feedback received from this inaugural course was a tribute to Karli, Bentham and all the others who helped make it such a success.
“This was one of the most inspiring, challenging, thought-provoking courses I have ever attended,” says Frances Smorti, General Manager People and Culture at Manawatū District Council. “Huge thanks to Karli, Bentham and Koro Timi. Ngā mihi nui kia koutou. He wero ināinei.”
“I believe everyone was deeply impacted by the aroha of the presenters who shared their knowledge so generously and embodied the values we were learning about. I gained a deep understanding of Māori values and how to create a culturally safe and mana-enhancing environment. I have come away with practical tools to apply right away as well as many new thoughts and ideas,” says Jane Temel, Chief People Officer, Niche Recruitment.
Rachel Wells, Head of Culture and Transformation, Lyttleton Port Company, clearly valued the course, saying, “For three days I have been so incredibly fortunate to sit, listen, share, laugh and learn about Transforming HRM in Aotearoa with an amazing rōpū of people.” She closed with a poignant reminder by adding, “Poipoia te kakano, kia puawai – Nurture the seed and it will blossom.”
More positive feedback came from Bronwyn Koroheke, Finance and Operations Manager at Toimata Foundation. “This course was ‘on point’ in terms of what I know to be the key issues facing Aotearoa today – how do we value Māori competencies, and how best to acknowledge Māori perspectives in an HR environment.”
Into action
Former New Zealand Olympic kayaker Jaimee Lovett (now People and Capability Adviser at Hawke’s Bay Regional Council) encouraged fellow HR professionals to follow in the footsteps of this rōpū. “The Transforming HRM in Aotearoa programme was incredibly inspiring and the best learning experience I have had. Karli, Bentham and Koro created a safe environment that enabled the group to openly discuss their thoughts while raising awareness around the importance of this kaupapa. Ngā mihi nui to all involved in bringing this programme together. I would highly encourage all HR professionals and leaders to invest in this learning experience,” she says.
Looking forward to putting these learnings in place, Moana Keiper, Organisational Development Advisor at Emerge Aotearoa, commented that, “The Transforming HRM Aotearoa course was a truly enriching experience: great kōrero, inspiration and connection. I am excited to see how we will transform the HR and people space in our organisations as a result of the insights shared around bicultural and multicultural practice.”
In closing, course facilitator Karli Te Aotonga reflected on the exciting opportunities HRNZ’s Transforming HRM Aotearoa programme provides. “The possibilities are endless in creating the momentum of this ‘movement’ to support and uplift Mana Māori, Mana Motuhake and Mana Tāngata katoa in the workplace through human resources.”
Aroha ki te tāngataAhakoa ko waiAhakoa nō wheaMauri ora
The next Transforming HRM in Aotearoa runs in October and December. Click here for more information and booking details.