MANAGING EDITOR Kathy Catton Ph: 021 0650 959 Email:
From the editor I
’ve been editor of the Human Resources magazine for almost three years this winter, and it’s fair to say I’ve had the steepest learning curve producing this issue. Coming from a Western lens of HR, and working for over 10 years in HR in the UK, I have a new appreciation for Aotearoa: our country, our people and our uniqueness. The Human Resources magazine’s theme for winter 2022 is bicultural HR. Research shows that organisations that incorporate Māori language and culture into their workplace benefit from improved cultural satisfaction and increased job satisfaction. More than that, with the transformation of HR practice in Aotearoa, we start to see workplaces that enhance the quality of life and wellbeing for all people. Humanising our work environment, whether that’s for Māori or non-Māori, has to be a good thing. We look at the importance of the Māori workforce both now and in the future, and we investigate what two organisations have done on a practical level to integrate bicultural HR into their businesses. HRNZ is, of course, integral to this kōrero on bicultural HR transformation, so we look at what our organisation is doing by way of guiding principles for its members, and what support the organisation provides for those starting on this journey.
We also celebrate our HR superstars, with coverage of the HRNZ Awards, which took place on 17 May. A new addition to the Awards is the Mana Tāngata awards, which celebrate the emerging Māori leaders within organisations throughout Aotearoa. I hope you get as much learning from these articles as I did in producing this magazine. Now, more than ever, is a time to celebrate our people. He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata! Warm wishes to you all!
Kathy Catton Managing Editor
ADVERTISING & SPONSORSHIP Steve Sheppard Ph: (04) 802 3954 Email: DESIGN Selena Henry, Crux Design Ph: 022 417 6622 PROOFREADER Jenny Heine Email: SUBSCRIPTION ENQUIRIES Email:
PUBLISHER Human Resources is published quarterly by Human Resources New Zealand PO Box 11-450, Wellington Ph: 0800 247 469 The views expressed in Human Resources are not necessarily those of Human Resources New Zealand, nor does the advertisement of any product or service in this magazine imply endorsement of it by Human Resources New Zealand. Copyright © Human Resources New Zealand Inc. Vol 27 No: 2
ISSN 1173–7522