2 minute read
From the editor
Welcome to our latest Human Resources magazine. In this issue, we delve into the world of flexible working. As organisations navigate this rapidly evolving landscape, we are seeing the traditional boundaries of work and life being blurred and then redefined. The shift towards flexibility has become not just a trend, but a powerful mechanism for recruitment and retention in our workplaces of Aotearoa. Here, we explore how flexibility fosters a more engaged and productive workforce. We share a case study of a company that has successfully implemented the four-day week. We confront the challenges and considerations that come with embracing flexibility and we speak to researchers and experts who are studying how to overcome these hurdles.
From effectively managing remote teams to ensuring equitable opportunities for all employees, nuanced aspects need to be considered to maximise the potential of flexible work arrangements. Our contributors provide practical insights and actionable advice on navigating these complexities. As advocates for meaningful HR practices, we also explore the broader implications of flexible working on culture, performance and inclusion in an article by Allana Coulon at MartinJenkins. How can companies use flexibility as a strategic advantage in attracting top talent? How does it contribute to resilience in the face of unforeseen disruptions? These questions underscore the strategic imperative for HR professionals to champion flexibility as a core component of organisational strategy.
Whether you are refining your organisation’s approach to flexibility or contemplating its implementation, we hope this magazine will be your trusted companion in navigating the evolving landscape of work. Enjoy, and warm wishes for spring!
Kathy Catton Managing Editor Kathy.Catton@hrnz.org.nz