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5 Questions Emotionally Intelligent Leaders Ask Themselves Every Day
Since we’ve become increasingly aware of emotional intelligence (EI), a great deal of focus has been on the importance of emotional intelligence in leadership. While it is recognized that EI is important in all levels of an organization, it becomes more crucial in leadership. Many studies have shown a direct negative impact of bad leaders on employee morale, retention as well as productivity. Emotionally intelligent leaders are more self-aware and aware of the needs of those they serve, making them excellent motivators, coaches and mentors for those that work for them. This results in a more motivated, happier workforce that gives people greater control over their workplace as well as increased workplace satisfaction. Workplaces with high levels of emotionally intelligent leadership stand out for their high employee retention rates as well as their being known as great places to work. Leaders high in EI are constant learners and are always asking themselves questions in efforts to continuously improve.
Here are 5 questions that leaders high in EI ask themselves daily:
Did I empower my team enough?
Leaders constantly walk a fine line between giving their team enough freedom and taking charge when necessary to prevent things from going off the rails. Recognizing the importance of allowing people to create, take calculated risks and the importance of learning and growing from mistakes, they allow their team maximum freedom. These leaders are constantly asking themselves where they are in terms of giving their people freedom versus stepping in when they see things going in the wrong direction.
Am I listening and understanding well enough?
Leaders high in EI are great communicators. As well as being able to get their message and ideas across, they recognize the importance of being effective listeners. They excel not only at giving clear messages but being aware of what is going on with their people. This helps them understand their teams and gives them early indicators of what their concerns and challenges are. They become aware of and deal with issues before they become overblown and reach the point of becoming a crisis. One thing that leaders high in EI do well is to constantly look for opportunities to show appreciation to their team members who they find doing something well. They are aware that blanket appreciation is the lazy way out for leadership and can actually be a demotivator for those that are going above and beyond. Because of this awareness they spend the time and effort to get to know the roles of their staff in order to spot those that are going above and beyond what is expected of them.
Am I supporting my people in achieving their goals?
Emotionally intelligent leaders not only know the roles of the people that work in their area but are aware of their individual career desires and goals. They want to know if their current roles are satisfying their overall work goals and if they are learning and growing toward their overall goals. Being aware of the individual goals of those that report to them, these leaders let people know that they not only care about what benefits they bring to the organization but want to support their overall career and life goals.
Am I making my vision for the organization clear and consistent?
One of the chief roles of a leader is sharing a clear and consistent vision for their organization with their staff. The desired outcome is not only that everyone is aware of the goals and mission they are working towards but know how their individual roles contribute to that outcome. As well as the ongoing goals and vision for the organization, a highly emotionally intelligent leader is open, transparent, and timely in sharing changes within as well giving continuous updates in how well the organization is reaching their vision. Knowing they are always kept in the loop of organizational information increases employee trust and loyalty.
Harvey Deutschendorf is an emotional intelligence expert, internationally published author and speaker. To take the EI Quiz go to theotherkindofsmart.com. His book THE OTHER KIND OF SMART, Simple Ways to Boost Your Emotional Intelligence for Greater Personal Effectiveness and Success has been published in 4 languages. Harvey writes for FAST COMPANY and has a monthly column with HRPROFESSIONALS MAGAZINE. You can follow him on Twitter @theeiguy.
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