May 2022 HR Professionals Magazine

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It’s Catching!

10 Ideas to Beat Spring Fever @ Work By LEEANN BAILES FOSTER

March Madness! Spring Break! April Flowers! These things and more can signal spring fever in your office. Think to yourself, “What can I do to beat the fever, not only for me, but for my teammates, also? We can improve focus and keep everyone on task by implementing some or all of these 10 ideas. 1. Start a New Endeavor @ Work

7. Set Wellness Challenges

Stop the boredom. Provide new projects and new challenges. How about job swopping, taking on a special project, or tackling a new endeavor? All of these can provide a burst of new energy and a jump-start on focus and concentration.

Challenge employees to participate in a monthly wellness challenge.

2. Offer a Class

• Have a big map hanging in a visible place with a start and finish line. Imagine you are walking from the office to downtown (and maybe back). Each employee can print their on-line avatar and move it along the map as they add miles throughout the Spring month.

Give employees the opportunity to learn a new skill. Do a survey to find out what employees want to learn? Sign language is a popular topic right now. Maybe a beginner Spanish class? While learning something new, the focus will shift from the beautiful spring weather.

• Have a water challenge. Hang a huge jug on the wall. Have employees report weekly the amount of water was drunk. Once the huge jug is full, do a group celebration for the participants.

3. Move, Move, and Move Some More Moving brings energy and clearer focus. Encourage walking or standing meetings. Mark off a walking track around the area. Offer a discounted gym membership or on-site exercise classes. Get moving to shake off Spring Fever!

4. Take a Morning, Lunch, Stretch, & Afternoon Break Lead by example! Ask others to join you. Breaks will not decrease your productivity. Taking breaks increases productivity and quality. Breaks are good for mental health and focus. Set a timer for hourly stretch breaks. Five minute stretch sessions periodically throughout the day will keep you alert and on your game!

5. Change the Scenery Hang colorful artwork around the office or commission a floral mural in the break room. Employees can also meet at a local coffee shop, play disc golf, play a board game or cards, etc. during lunch. Ensure that your breakroom has adequate lighting and perhaps some upbeat music piped in. Change bulletin boards at least monthly. Employees will appreciate your efforts will enjoying the warm weather, and the change of scenery boosts creativity, productivity and motivation.

6. Eat a Drink Healthy Encourage employees to limit sugar intake, or better yet, cut out sweets. Sugar gives a short boost of energy; then, sends us to a lower energy level than before we eat it. Fill your break room with healthy food and beverage options, including fruit, veggies, whole grains, and water. These snack options boost mood and creativity and improve your employees’ overall health. 32

Competition unleashes energy! Games keep employees entertained and as a bonus, you’ll see a stronger spirit of cooperation.

8. Bring the Outdoors Inside Check around the office to learn who likes to get their hands dirty. Have that group of employees lead this initiative. Indoor plants can purify the air and improve mood. Arrange plants around the office as you bring a bit of the outdoors inside your office. The pure oxygen level will increase and the dirty cardon dioxide will decrease.

9. Implement Spring (and Summer) Hours Can your employees arrive early and leave early during the warm months? If yes, let them. Also, how about ½ day Fridays? Talk about a way to boot morale. If this is possible regarding your work type and workload, employees will get to enjoy the warm, sunny afternoon weather. Adjust work hours, if possible, and allow employees to indulge their spring fever while completing their work.

10. Again, Lead By Example Your employees will do what you do! The Team reflects the coach. Please! Lead these initiatives. Doing so makes it safe for the employees to participate. Longevity is so very important to our career. Not only will you avoid Spring Fever by participating, but you will also avoid burnout. Positive energy is contagious. Spread yours! Spring fever might try to curtail productivity in your office, but you can improve focus with these ideas. Everyone will be happier and work smarter thanks to your efforts.

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