1 minute read
Employer Checklist for a Comprehensive Obesity Prevention Initiative
Workplace Support for Healthy Lifestyles
• Access and/or storage for healthy foods and water • Access to safe places for physical activity such as walking paths, stairwells, fitness rooms
Culture of Health in the Workplace
• Visible leadership encouragement in activities • Supervisor and Management support of participation • Policies that support participation in health and wellbeing activities • Communication about wellbeing and weight management offerings • Encouragement of socially appropriate and distance activities • Programs that promote improved diets, physical activity, and weight management
Employee Health Benefit Design and Incentives
Community and Family Connections
• Coverage of Medical Weight Management Programs • Coverage of Bariatric Surgery • Aligned incentives for participation in obesity management options • Coverage of visits with a Registered Dietitian, Certified Diabetes Educators, and Health Coaches
• Partnership and discounts to local community fitness and recreational venues such as parks, sports fields, etc. • Promotion and encouragement of local Farmers Markets and businesses that offer healthy foods and beverages • Support for local events such as walks, runs, biking and invite employees and their families to participate