Champion of The Seas: Watch Michael Phelps Take On A Great White Shark ! Guess what? Just In Reviews has a breathtaking news for you. After reading it, you would be awed ! The fastest swimmer on earth in Michael Phelps is to take on a Great White Shark !!! It would decide on who is the true champion of the waters. Now can you believe that? Yes, that’s true! As a grand start to Discovery’s yearly week-long event, he takes his start July 23 (8 ET/PT) for a 100m, open water race in Phelps versus Shark: Titled Great Gold versus Great White, off the shore of Cape Town, South Africa.
He won’t be swimming next to the other (that is excessively dangerous), and won’t uncover precisely how they were matched up. In any case, he strapped on a monofin (a wide blade with pockets for the two feet that gives a decent lift in speed) trying to even the odds.
For your information, a shark swims at a pace of 40.2 km/h and keeping in mind that during an attack, it reaches a speed of 56.3 km/h, and Phelps then again swims at 9.6 km/h. Be that as it may, we ought to always remember the way that Michael Phelps is the fastest person on earth inside water.
Not only is it a once-in-a-lifetime experience for him, Phelps decides to spread the message that sharks truly aren’t out to gobble us or come up and gulp down us. That is something from Shark School that other individuals can take away and comprehend what to do and what not to do in untamed waters. The trailer of the event is out now and you can check out the same. You would enjoy watching it.
The challenge is to take place on Sunday July 23. Michael Phelps has been seeing Shark Week for about as long as we have been watching him on television. Phelps who is an Olympic champion, 32, expressed that he ended up noticeably fixated on sharks as a young person. So, who are you betting on to become the champion of seas? Keep visiting Just In Reviews.