Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 Vs. Snapdragon 821 JustInReviews presents to you, a head to comparison between Snapdragon 835 and Snapdragon 821. Thus, let’s take a look at technology updates, as far as the world of chipsets is concerned. Qualcomm had as of late at the CES 2017, reported that the Snapdragon 835 chipset that would empower a large portion of the leading smartphone gadgets of the year 2017. This ought to without a doubt be the ideal successor to the Snapdragon 821 processor that was presented in the second half of 2016, and controlled the likes of Google Pixel, OnePlus 3T and ASUS ZenFone 3 Ultra.
Speed: As indicated by Qualcomm, the Snapdragon 835 chipset is 27% speedier than the Snapdragon 821. With respect to the energy utilization, the new chip will devour 40% lesser power.
Camera compatibility: The 14-bit double Spectra image signal processors should bolster up to 32 MP cameras, while the past generation one had compatibility for up to 28-megapixel cameras only.
Sizes: While there happen to be major changes in the speed and energy utilization, this latest technology chipset will even now be 30% smaller than its former one.
CPU specifications: Because of the new GPU, the graphic rendering will be 25% quicker and with the expansion of better sound yield, the chip is said to be supporting the virtual reality world in a greatly improved manner. In the this new technology SD835, there is a mix of Kryo 280 CPU and Adreno 540 GPU, while the SD821 had utilized Adreno 530 GPU, with a few contrasts. The more up to date blend is significantly for the support to be provided to VR and AR, as this is the thing that will be much popular this year.
Connectivity: As far as the Wi-Fi goes, there is a 802.11ad multi-gigabit Wi-Fi contrasted with 802.11ac gigabit Wi-Fi in the past one, and the Snapdragon 825 will accompany Bluetooth 5.0 when contrasted with the Bluetooth 4.2 version in the Snapdragon 821. The LTE network is additionally different, with the X16 gigabit LTE modem supporting downloads of up to 1000 Mbps and 150 Mbps uploads, while the past chip had the X12 LTE modem supporting downloads around 600 Mbps.
Battery life: According to the manufacturers, this new chipset is said to be providing 1 day’s talk time, around five days of music playing and over 7 hours of 4K video streaming. This is around 25% superior to the Snapdragon 821. These were some of the major points of comparison, between the two. JustInReviews is your place for technology reviews and more‌.