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Kids and Photography

East Africa kids Fashion week Models

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E s t a b l i s h e d I n 2 0 1 9. E a s t A f r i c a K i d s F a s h i o n magazine is the biggest fashion magazine that gives parents and kids a unique taste of art, music and fashion
Mellisa is a fun loving 7 year old girl whose hobbies include modelling, swimming and ballet. She is currently in grade 2 and she loves God and enjoys going to Sunday school. Melissa is the reigning Mini Miss World Kenya and she has also previously won Little Miss Environment Nakuru 2018, Little Miss Kenya Nakuru 2017/2018 and Miss Lions Nursery 2017 respectively. In March 2018, she was appointed WEEE center E-Waste Good will Ambassador owing to her initiative and effort in creating awareness and collecting E-Waste. She has covered several schools in Nakuru County where she has managed to create awareness on E-Waste. In June 2018, she won the Green Kid Award, Individual Category and was awarded a certificate and Trophy. So far she has collected 207kg of E-waste that she has delivered to the WEEE Centre for safe disposal. On October 13th 2018 she was invited to the WEEE Centre to inaugurate the International E-Waste Day where she was the chief guest.

Her runway fashion modeling and E-waste journey has been covered by various media houses including BBC, The Nation Newspaper, the Standard Newspaper, Kameme TV, The People Daily and various online news channels. Mellisa would love to be a doctor but also aspires to be a Fashion/Runway/Commercial Model and a world famous environmental ambassador. Her role models are Professor Wangari Maathai and Diva Davanna from U.S.A.
kids and the fashion industry
With the changing fashion trends and fast growth of fashion lifestyle, we all want to look fabulous, do a little cloth match make with the kids, pose for a picture, post it on the socila media and get those likes. interesting right, what comes with it is either positive or negative to the parent, and people around and indirectly to the kid.
Someone asked Victoria Rubadiri at girlfiends talk “how do we deal with the fact that when one person posts a pic of say, “am selling certain cloths” gets alot of likes and following. Then the other second party posts the same kind of clothing and get most 10 likes? , Second party gets demoralized and feel he? she is loved less. depression follows, same as personal pictures.

Depression follows and end up in bad shape and do other extreme ideas that totally destroys his / her life. we all or sometimes get the feel of that story, its about growth, the steps you take one day at a time, the count of the progress is important, the point is, as we develop our kids from being toddlers to being solely grown people, we need to “invest” on them from as early as their talents can be discovered.

pay for that teacher to train them on public speaking, pay that trainer to give her life skills, pay that teacher to teach hi/her any instrument, take your time out of the normal busy day and have a conversation on body reality, don’t wait till he/she is 19 or 20, then they go out of their way to find out themselves, jerk of all trades they say. build that child from the young age, then you will see the difference once she is 20.
That is Investment on kids on fashion industry, its the growth, the process, then results.