1 minute read
From the Editor
Dear Reader
As you read through this magazine at this very moment I hope you are smiling, I hope you are truly proud of all you Got, I hope you have appreciated all the Tiny steps you’ve taken to this very moment.
BREATH, because you are another version of yourself that was never there before. I am truly proud of the beautiful and talented young souls you will get to see as you scroll through the pages. Tiny bodies but huge souls that have so much Faith, hope and self believe in all they put their minds and hearts to do. From cooking to posing on the camera, it takes a lot of confidence. That’s why today I stand for that kid, from different sorts of life, that young heart ready to explore the world and colour its footsteps high. I am Proud. So keep that smile and Chin up, because that little smirk, little nod, that cute smile, goes way through to someones Heart. You look so much better when you SMILE.