2 minute read
3B. Resilience
3. Resilient and sustainable
Focus Area descriptive statement
A resilient Shire that can withstand shocks and stresses, adapt to a changing environment and bushfire risk
Services contributing to this Focus Area:
Asset Operations and Maintenance Fire Control Natural Resources Sustainability Trees
3B.K01 New RFS training facility Mount Colah – site selection, preparation of approval package and detailed design for construction
2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 Responsibility Manager | Director Source / contributing document/s Inf and Major Projects
3B.K02 New RFS training facility Mount Colah – construction √ √ 3B.K03 Advocate for aerial cable bundling or undergrounding of powerlines 3B.K04 Undertake a review of the Emergency Dashboard Trial √ 3B.K05 Prepare a vulnerability assessment to determine future impact of climate change on biodiversity values Inf and Major Projects Parks, Trees and Rec Urban Forest Strategy 2021
Strategy and Place √ Natural Resources Biodiversity Conservation Strategy 2021
3B.A01 Maintain RFS brigade stations 3B.A02 Coordinate the provision of new fire control assets 3B.A03 Provide out of hours emergency response for Council’s road assets and buildings Responsibility Manager | Director Inf and Major Projects Inf and Major Projects
Asset Ops and Maint
3B.A04 Review and track all actions associated with extreme and high risk categories in the Climate Wise Hornsby Plan 3B.A05 Participate in “Get Prepared” – Action 23 Resilient Sydney Strategy Responsibility Manager | Director Strategy and Place
Strategy and Place
3B. Resilience
Responsibility Manager | Director 3B.A06 Embed resilience across the organisation Strategy and Place 3B.A07 Assess and maintain Approval To Burn applications and process for private lands Natural Resources 3B.A08 Assess and maintain asset protection zones Natural Resources 3B.A09 Assess and prepare hazard reduction burn proposals and environmental assessments to facilitate operations on Council land Natural Resources 3B.A10 Assess fire trails on Council managed land Natural Resources 3B.A11 Assess illegal burning reports on private properties as required Natural Resources 3B.A12 Assess, prioritise and implement ecological restoration associated with bushfire mitigation activities Natural Resources 3B.A13 Identify and prioritise Council’s bushfire mitigation requirements Natural Resources 3B.A14 Implement site preparation for the implementation of hazard reduction burning on Council land Natural Resources
3B.A15 Implement works resulting from bushfire hazard complaints on Council managed land 3B.A16 Maintain collaboration with partner land managers and fire agencies to facilitate best practice bushfire management on a landscape scale Responsibility Manager | Director Natural Resources
Natural Resources
3B.A17 Maintain fire trails to classification as required Natural Resources 3B.A18 Prepare annual works plan, in collaboration with partner agencies for hazard reduction burning, manual hazard reduction and community education events Natural Resources 3B.A19 Process public bushfire hazard complaints Natural Resources 3B.A20 Provide assistance to implement bushfire hazard reduction burning Natural Resources 3B.A21 Work in collaboration with partner agencies to inform and implement Fire Access and Fire Trail Natural Resources
3B.M01 Square metres of asset protection zones maintained 3B.M02 Square metres of new asset protection zones established Result 2020/21 Target
not previously reported 10,000m2
not previously reported 14,000m2 Resilience
3B.M03 Number of ‘Approval to Burn’ permits issued Result 2020/21 Target 1,054 1,000
3B. Resilience
BUDGET 2022/23 Original Budget $ Original Budget $
Operating income (472,196)
Controllable expenses 1,691,583 Internal transfers and depreciation 35,272 Operating Result 1,254,659