What we heard from the community What our community loves about living in Hornsby Shire
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People love living in Hornsby Shire because of the natural environment, particularly the bushland, national parks, trees and green spaces. Consultation shows the community is passionate about protecting the region and looking after each other; they express an appreciation of the peaceful lifestyle, proximity to the city and welcoming community. People also value opportunities to collaborate with Council.
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A Statement from the Next Generation
“WE BELIEVE IN: A culturally diverse and inclusive Shire; with a global approach to sustainability, and a local sense of community. Where the values of the people are reflected in the actions of our leaders.” Participants at the Youth Future Forum
Top 10 issues
1. Natural environment – bushland, trees and waterways
2. Population growth, housing diversity and supporting infrastructure 3. Climate change, waste and environmental sustainability 4. Transport – traffic, walking and cycling, roads, parking and public transport
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5. Community facilities and cultural events 6. Diverse, inclusive and accessible communities 7. Parks, open space, recreation and sports 8. Resilience to shocks and stresses 9. Youth, ageing, family services 10. Economic development and vibrant town centres