S at i s f i edi nT heCl ouds
S at i s f i edi nT heCl ouds HS i ao
Event hought heant hr opol ogybookss ayt hatwear edecendant sof t hechi mpanz ee whi chl i vesi nt het r ees . . . . T hi si snott r ue. . . Acut ual l ys omehumanbei ngsal waysl i vedi nt hecl ouds . T heyar et he“Cl oudpeopl e� . T hi shasbeenas ecr ectf oral ongt i me. . . . .
T hi si sSat i s .Shei sr eadi ngabookaboutcl oudpeopl eands hebel i evesi t .
Manypeopl ewer el aughi ngatSat i s .T heyt houghts hewascr az y!
Af t err eadi ngaboutcl oudsci t y, ever yt hi ngt ohers eemedbor i ng. . .
Pi cni ci nagar den. . .
Hangi ngoutwi t hf r i ends . . .
Wat chi ngT Vwi t hf ami l y. . .
Af ew year saf t er ,s hebecomesai nvent orands hef i nal l yi nvent st hecl oudsgener at ors hoes .
Cloud City!
yone ! Is an
No one here?
Who are you
Who are you
I am Satis.I come from the place below the clouds.
Um...Where are the other people? Are you alone?
Many people used to live in the clouds.... However,the numbers of the cloud people became fewer and fewer because of the difficulty of living in the clouds. Clouds tend to dissolve and seperate easily . Especially,in high winds.Sometimes, I can’t see my family and friends when I feel lonely.It all depends on the wind. You can’t decide where you want to go,who you want to meet. So, we always treasure the moments when we can stay together.
T heyar et hepeopl eus edt ol i vei nt hecl ouds . . .
Maybe, I can help!I invented these shoes.They’re called the cloud generator shoes .You can control the direction where you want to go with these shoes. Also,they can not only generate the clouds,but also include the wind function.You can make clouds and move them.They can take you anywhere you want to go!
Wow!Really? thanks
Sat i shel pst hecl oudpeopl e,now t heyar eal lhappyt oget her .
Shegoesbackhome.L ook!Shei swear i ngahat ,agi f tf r om cl oudpeopl e.
Ever yt hi ngs hes eesnow i sver ycol or f ul !
Pi cni ci nagar den.
Hangi ngoutwi t hf r i ends . . .
Wat chi ngT Vwi t hf ami l y. . .