Business Information Portal ONLINE Magazine focusing on entrepreneurs in the West Midlands
Business information portal Online Magazine focusing on entrepreneurs in the west midlands
bipmagazine THE
West Midland Issue
October 2010
BUSINESS FOCUS Inside the new innovation centre for BIRMINGHAM
STUDENT ENTERPRISE Join our exclusive workshops for student entrepreneurs
ENTREPRENEURS ZONE Social Network secrets for STARTS UPS
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About us: The BIP is one of the fastest growing Midlands-based cross-platform publication of its class. We specialise in bringing you, the reader, the best in form of reviews, interviews, news and service journalism – all in the name of entrepreneurism.
The BIP: -The BIP (Business Information Portal) is a brand new business website/magazine created specifically to cater for the needs of entrepreneurs of the West Midlands. Our target reader will be an entrepreneur or a SME wanting to know more about the area’s newest business ventures and trends, while being offered the opportunity to advertise yourself.
a. Mission To provide entrepreneurs of the West Midlands with a business magazine that offers guidance, support and advice that is much needed, especially for start-ups. The magazine will be the core supply of news, exclusive features and interviews for everything business related, primarily within the area of the West Midlands. b. Vision The vision is to be the number one magazine for start-up/leading business entrepreneurism within the West Midlands -- A magazine that specialises and focuses on the needs of entrepreneurs.
Advertisement: To set up an Adsense, The BIP can add your Google Ad Client ID and Ad Slot IDs to add to the applicable fields through the backend of the website to appear on the home page. Our design department are able to design flash banners and static ads, tailor made for your company. Each banner will be positioned within the category which best suits your company model (please refer to website for terms and conditions regarding IPR and licensing). Supplied media from client: > Our current website supports these dimensions for Google ad Client ID for Flash and graphic inserts: 728 x 90 300 x 225 468 x 60 PX > Standardised picture inserts, flash or JPEG files should be in any of these dimensions: 728x90 300x250 468x60 PX Fees: Advertising fees are comparative to the size of the images and a fee will be negotiated and facilitated through our advertising department: @:
Reciprocal linking Companies can supply The BIP with a 150-word comapny profile and The BIP will license free reciprocal linking rights for three days (within the post, wherever necessary). After the three-day period, because of traffic and refreshing of overall content, The BIP needs to circulate its stories apprpropriately, giving proportionate exposure to all, and will therefore remove linking at the end of this period. (Terms and Conditions supplied on demand). > After the three-day period: Option 1. Reciprocal-linking: Charges will apply in relation to your page’s traffic statistics at that time – the client will be supplied with a quote after the three-day period. Option 2. Flat rate - Pay-per-click: 30p every time a visitor moves from our site to yours. @: The BIP’s traffic is monitored by Google Analytics - an add-on to our site which helps us track traffic sources and monitor page views and unique visitor counts. The BIP is able to then see how your page is doing, in terms of exposure and the amount of time spent on your particular page.
The BIP-Chart: 1. Publish story (only after copy approved) > Buzz words for SEO attached > Reciprocal linking attached at the footer > Homepage ‘feature’ placement 2. Story posted on Facebook page > Mirrored to Twitter > Retweeted to appropriate vendors (that customer can predetermine)
Your Website
3. Views push SEO up and will be better indexed. 4. Weekly Google Analytics email notification informing client of traffic. 5. This whole process is representative of one post. If a client has multiple posts, results will be pooled together to produce an overview of all copy. Single stories will also be analysed so the client can determine its most successful. 6. If any correspondence, relating to the client’s post, falls within the domain of our system, The BIP will notify the client immediately and pass on any leads.
Delivery of Inserts to Scan: Seven days before the publication goes to print will be the deadline that advertisement copy will need to be arranged in the magazine. Alternative delivery address for artwork and production: The BIP CTR Group Birmingham Science Park Aston Faraday Wharf Holt Street Birmingham B7 4BB
Our Partners: Our magazine is going from strength to strength. Obviously, we do not except you to take our word for it, alone. Although, we would ask that you take their word, too:
The views and opinions expressed in The BIP are not necessarily the views of CTR Group. The BIP makes every effort to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up-to-date. However, we cannot accept responsibility for any loss or inconvenience caused by reliance on inaccurate material contained on The BIP. > Copyright All rights in the design, text, graphics and other material on our site and the selection or arrangement thereof is copyright of The BIP or other third parties, unless otherwise stated. Any use of the materials on our site without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. > Privacy Policy The BIP does not collect any of your personal information, unless otherwise stated (like voluntary surveys, comments or emails). Where personal data is requested through forms, such data will not be sold to any third parties. If you have registered online, raised a ticket or invested with CTR Group or The BIP, The BIP will not sell, rent, swap, embezzle or authorise any third party to use our e-mail address without your permission. The BIP collects traffic information, purely for usage statistics. This information is anonymous and held on a temporary basis. These statistics will not include information that can be used to identify any individual.
This privacy policy only covers The BIP website.
Š 2010 The BIP & The BIP credited writers