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Green Activities with Students and Staff 師生齊參與綠色活動

HSUHK organises diverse green activities to boost students and staff’s interests and understanding of greening and environmental sustainability, and encourages them to integrate these concepts into their daily lives. Recent activities include: 恒大一直舉辦多元化綠色活動,提高師生對綠 化及環境可持續發展的認識,並鼓勵他們在日 常生活中實踐。近來活動包括:

Student Affairs Office (SAO) 學生事務處


Through various green activities such as a papermaking and natural dyeing workshop, recycling campaign and more, SAO hopes to raise students’ awareness of environmental protection and sustainability. 學生事務處期望透過不同種類的綠色活動,如造紙及 自然漂染工作坊,回收計劃等,提升學生對環境保護 及可持續發展的意識。

Student participants of the VolTrekkers Service-learning Award and Training Scheme collect and upcycle used glass bottles into natural essential oil diffusers. 參與「順龍仁澤 ‧ 學義同行」服務學習獎勵及培訓計 劃的同學收集玻璃樽,升級再造為天然精油擴香樽。 Participants practise papermaking in a workshop. 參加者在工作坊學習用舊紙張再造 紙。

Residential Colleges (RCs) 住宿書院

RCs offer different experiential activities for students to blend sustainability in daily life. The introduction of the RC Sustainability Leader Programme this year further enhances students’ understanding of sustainability in addition to nurturing their leadership skills. 住宿書院為學生提供不同的活動體驗, 將可持續發展融入生活。本年度住宿 書院更推出「住宿書院可持續發展領 袖計劃」,培訓學生的領導才能之餘, 亦提高他們對可持續發展的了解。

RC residents learn to transform food waste into compost. 住宿書院學生學習用廚餘製作堆肥。 Sustainability Leaders organise a coastal cleaning activity to raise peers' awareness of environmental conservation. 可持續發展領袖舉辦海岸清潔活動,提高同儕對 環境保育的關注。

Institute for Youth Sustainability Leadership (IYSL) 青年可持續發展領袖研習所

Aspiring to mobilise young people to achieve the United Nations' Sustainability Development Goals through youth education and empowerment, IYSL has organised eco-tours and workshops to introduce biodiversity in the neighbourhood to students and staff, hoping to deepen their connections with the community and inspire new thinking about sustainable development. 青年可持續發展領袖研習所(IYSL)致力 透過年青人教育與賦權,落實聯合國可持 續發展目標。IYSL曾舉辦生態導賞團及 工作坊,向師生介紹鄰近環境的生物多樣 性,期望藉此加深他們與社區的連繫,並 啟發他們對可持續發展的新思考。

An eco-tour by IYSL introducing biodiversity in Ma Lai Hau Hang, a river neighbouring HSUHK. 馬麗口坑是位處恒大附近的河流,IYSL舉辦 生態導賞團介紹此地的生物多樣性。 IYSL organises the Leaf and Vein Frottage Art Workshop, where participants document characteristics of plants and make their unique nature notes through artwork. IYSL舉辦「一葉一脈拓印工作坊」,參加者紀錄植物的 特徵,並將之化成藝術品,製作獨一無二的自然筆記。

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