Erudition (The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong E-Newsletter) July 2022

Page 28

Student Development Activities


HSUHK Entrepreneurship Challenge 2022

香港恒生大學企業挑戰賽 2022 HSUHK Entrepreneurship Challenge 2022 (E-Challenge) was successfully held on 27 May 2022. It was organised by the Wu Jieh Yee Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and co-organised by the Department of Marketing and Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited (Cyberport). Under the theme of ‘Kickstart Your Entrepreneurship Journey’, E-challenge aimed to encourage students to turn their innovative business concepts into implementable start-up business plans.

由伍絜宜創新及創業中心主辦、恒大市場學系 和香港數碼港管理有限公司合辦的「恒大企業 挑戰賽 2022」,於 2022 年 5 月 27 日順利舉行。 比賽主題是「啟動您的創業之旅」,旨在鼓勵 學生將創新商業理念轉化成可行的企業計劃。 今年共有 15 支隊伍參賽,每支隊伍均由來自恒

A total of 15 teams participated in the competition this year. Each team 大以及其他本地大學 / 大專院校的學生組成, comprised students from HSUHK and 並由一名恒大學生擔任隊長。經過 other universities/tertiary institutions, with 激烈的競爭,當中六隊脫穎而出晉 an HSUHK student as the leader. After 身總決賽,並向精英專業評審團, fierce competition, six teams stood out 包括香港人工智能及數據實驗室執 and advanced to the finals. They pitched their creative business concepts, covering 行總監梁季笙先生、蜂巢社企業合 diverse fields such as the metaverse, 作有限公司聯合創辦人方偉麟先 artificial intelligence and social innovation, 生、數碼港智慧生活部經理馮澤謙 to a high-calibre panel of adjudicators, 先生、拾貳門創科資本及 18 堂行政 including Mr Timothy Leung, Executive 總裁林溢鋒先生,以及亞馬遜雲端 Director of HKAI Lab; Mr Lawrence Fong, 運輸服務區域業務發展經理林文聰 Co-founder of HoneyComb Corporate Community Ltd.; Mr Stephen Fung, Manager 先生,講述創業理念,涵蓋元宇宙、 of Smart Living of Cyberport; Mr Alvin Lam, 人工智能以及社會創新等項目。最 Managing Director of T12M Ventures and 18 終,冠軍由市場學工商管理(榮譽) Hall; and Mr Kelvin Lam, Territory Business Find a Care, Champion and recipient of the My 學士四年級的黃銘軒同學的隊伍 Development Manager for Hong Kong of Favourite Start-up Idea Award. 「互托幫」奪得,並同時獲「我最 Amazon Web Services. Finally, the team 冠軍及「我最喜愛的創業意念獎」得獎隊伍「互托 Find a Care, led by Year 4 BBA-MKT student 喜愛的創業意念獎」。至於亞、季 幫」。 Mr Ming-hin Wong, won the Championship 軍分別由隊伍 Startie 和 MemSage and the My Favourite Start-up Idea Award. 奪得。「科技創新獎」則由電子計 The teams Startie and MemSage won the 算系講師何健漢博士指導的隊伍 first and second runners-up respectively. Fitbulous 奪得,隊伍成員包括應用 The Technological Innovation Award went to 及人本計算學(榮譽)文學士三年 Fitbulous, which was coached by Lecturer of the Department of Computing Dr Roy Ho 級的陳子俊同學與林懷遠同學、管 and formed by Year 3 BA-AHCC students 理科學與資訊管理(榮譽)學士三 Mr Tsz-chun Chan and Mr Wai-yuen Lam, 年級的鄧嘉豪同學、企業管治與合 Year 3 BMSIM student Mr Ka-ho Tang, Year 規工商管理(榮譽)學士三年級的 3 BBA-CGC student Ms Shu-lin Yap, and 葉淑琳同學和專業會計學工商管理 Year 4 BBA-PA student Ms Bi-qing Fang.


Fitbulous, winner of the Technological Innovation Award. 獲「科技創新獎」之隊伍 Fitbulous。



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