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Results Announcement of the 6th Business Journalism Awards of HSUHK 第六屆「恒大商業新聞獎」得獎結果公布
The School of Communication (SCOM) of HSUHK announced the results of the 6th Business Journalism Awards (BJA) on 28 April 2022 to recognise outstanding business journalists and honour their contributions to society and the industry. Mr Paul Chan, Financial Secretary of the HKSAR Government, congratulated all awardees through a video message. He remarked that quality business reporting drives the dynamic and healthy development of the local economy and the markets. President Simon S M Ho remarked that, in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and the trade conflicts between China and the US, it is challenging for journalists to realise the mission of communication while maintaining professionalism. The entries of the BJA this year reflected that Hong Kong’s journalists, unafraid of adversity, continued to provide the public with quality news reports. Professor Scarlet Tso, Associate Vice-President (Communications and Public Affairs) and Dean of SCOM, expressed her heartfelt gratitude to all sectors of the community for their support of BJA throughout the past six years. She was glad that BJA continued to receive entries, with depth, breadth and altitude no less than those of their predecessors, which fully demonstrated the strong willpower, professional spirit and social responsibility of business journalists. She hoped that media practitioners would continue to embrace the spirit of public service in fulfilling their functions of communicating up-to-date information and monitoring social developments, thereby enriching the entire industry and making it a valuable asset in which we all take pride. This year, over 400 entries were received from over 300 journalists, who competed for awards in nine categories covering various business and financial journalism areas. More than 50 distinguished professionals from different fields selected the award-winning entries according to judging criteria including news value and impact, storytelling and writing skills, originality and exclusivity, reportorial quality, analytical skills and visual impact. 恒大傳播學院於2022年4月28日公布第六屆「恒大商業新聞獎」 得獎名單,以表揚傑出商業新聞專才及肯定他們對社會和業界的貢 獻。香港特別行政區政府財政司司長陳茂波先生透過短片祝賀各得 獎者,並指出具質素的商業新聞,推動本地經濟和市場朝着更活潑 健康的方向發展。
Mr Paul Chan congratulates all awardees. 陳茂波先生恭賀各得獎者。
President Simon Ho says that BJA recognises the excellent performance of business journalists. 何順文校長表示獎項對商業新聞從業員的優良表現致以 肯定。
Professor Scarlet Tso expresses her heartfelt gratitude for the support of BJA from different sectors over the past six years. 曹虹教授衷心感謝社會各界過去六年來對「恒大商業新 聞獎」的支持。
Ms Yun-yan Lee, the recipient of ‘Business Reporter of the Year’. 「年度商業新聞記者獎」 得主李潤恩茵女士。 Ms Xin-lan Zeng, the recipient of ‘Young Business Reporter of the Year’. 「年度新晉商業新聞記 者獎」得主曾新嵐女士。