Dr Alice Lam 林李翹如博士
Dr David Ho 何子焯博士
Dr Helen Lee 利易海倫博士
Beyond the great support from its founders and founding organisations, HSUHK has also relied on outstanding management and leadership for the University to grow by leaps and bounds from HSSC to HSUHK. Since the time of HSSC when she was a member of the Board of Directors, Dr Alice Piera Lam Lee Kiu-yue has been instrumental in securing funding support, as well as making donations for many initiatives that laid the foundation for the institution’s development towards a university. Dr Rose Lee Wai-mun, who was the Chairman of the Board of Governors of HSMC, also played a crucial role in leading HSMC to take key strides in transforming into HSUHK. In addition, Dr Lee has provided many valuable opinions for the HSUHK’s Five-Year Strategic Plan (2018-2023), which has helped the University define its key focus and objectives clearly. Dr David Ho Tzu-cho, Dr Alice Piera Lam Lee Kiu-yue, Dr Helen Lee Yick Hoilun, and Dr Rose Lee Wai-mun have not only made significant contributions to HSUHK, but are also dedicated to serving the community with remarkable achievements. HSUHK takes great pride to confer Honorary Doctorates on the four distinguished recipients to recognise their immense contributions.
Dr Rose Lee 李慧敏博士
除了創辦人及團體的大力支持,自恒商到香港 恒生大學,院校得以長足發展,亦有賴傑出的 管理及領導。林李翹如博士自擔任恒商校董會 成員,便不遺餘力為學校的發展項目爭取資金 及慷慨捐款,為院校的發展奠下鞏固的根基, 促使學院正名為大學;曾任恒管校董會主席的 李慧敏博士,更是帶領恒管蛻變成大學走出關 鍵一步。李博士並對香港恒生大學的《五年策 略發展計劃》(2018-2023)提出許多寶貴意見, 幫助大學訂下清晰的發展重心及目標。 何子焯博士、林李翹如博士、利易海倫博士及 李慧敏博士不但對香港恒生大學發展貢獻良多, 多年來亦傾力服務社會,成就卓越。香港恒生 大學十分榮幸藉頒授榮譽博士學位,表揚四位 社會賢達的重大貢獻。
Highlights of the Conferment Ceremony
頒授典禮精彩片段 With on-site participation and live streaming, the Conferment Ceremony allowed the families and friends of the recipients as well as the public to witness this memorable moment. The opening of the Ceremony was officiated by Dr Moses Cheng, Chairman of the Council of HSUHK, followed by President Simon Ho’s address.
當日頒授典禮透過現場參與及網上直播同時舉行,讓榮譽博 士得主的摯親及公眾人士能夠一同見證這個值得紀念的時 刻。典禮由香港恒生大學校務委員會主席鄭慕智博士主禮開 始,隨後由何順文校長致辭。
Dr Moses Cheng (middle) presides over the Conferment Ceremony. 鄭慕智博士(中)主持頒授典禮。