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Schedules of Fees (Taught Postgraduate)

(in HK Dollar unless otherwise stated) *

-Aided Translation)


Acceptance Fee (students admitted in 2022/23) (2)

Auditing Taught Postgraduate Modules (to be settled before auditing starts)

Auditing a TPG module offered by the student’s Free current Department/School

Auditing a TPG module offered by a 1/3 of the fees of Department/School other than the student’s own the audited module

Auditing a TPG module by staff members 1/3 of the fees of the audited module

Administration Fee for Non-Local Admittees (3) $500

Caution Money (4) $800

Penalty Charge for Late Payment of Tuition Fees (to be paid in addition to the tuition fees due)

First Week beyond the Payment Due Date

Second Week beyond the Payment Due Date

Review of Final Module Results (per module) (5)

Deferral Fee (per semester) (6)

Academic Transcript / Letter of Certification upon request

Send to local address / Collect in person (per copy)

Send to overseas address (per copy)

To be sent by Registered Mail (Local or Overseas)


* Unless otherwise stated, the fees listed are for both local and non-local full-time and part-time students. All fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.

(1) Tuition fees are calculated by the number of credits registered for the semester and should be paid before the start of the semester. After the Module Add/Drop period, the balance of tuition fees for the semester, if any, will be collected from/refunded to the students. The tuition fees apply to full-time, part-time and visiting students.

(2) Acceptance Fee will be counted as part of the tuition fee and it is non-refundable.

(3) The Administration Fee includes the application fee and postage for one visa. For subsequent visa/visa extension applications submitted to the Immigration Department of the HKSAR Government via the University, students will have to reimburse the University the application fees and related postage.

(4) Caution Money is normally converted to payment of the graduation fee and it is nonrefundable.

(5) If the review warrants a change of grade, the application fee for review of final module results will be refunded to the applicant.

(6) Deferral Fee is chargeable every semester except that deferment of study in the first semester of the first year of study when the student has not yet started the programme.

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