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Chairman Dr. CHENG Mo Chi, Moses 鄭慕智博士
Vice-Chairman Mr. James S. TSIEN 錢乃駿先生
Members nominated by the Board of Governors Ms. CHAN Shet Hung, Suzanne 陳雪紅女士 Dr. CHENG Mo Chi, Moses 鄭慕智博士
Members from the business community,as nominated by the Board of Governors Mr. CHENG Kam Por 鄭錦波先生 Mr. CHEUNG Kong Ting, Dannie 張江亭先生 Dr. CHEUNG Wah Keung, Jacky 張華強博士 Mr. DOO William Junior Guilherme 杜家駒先生 Mr. LI Wing Kuen, Philip 李永權先生 Mr. James S. TSIEN 錢乃駿先生
Members from the education community,as nominated by the Board of Governors Professor NYAW Mee Kau 饒美蛟教授
President of The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Professor HO Shun Man, Simon 何順文教授
Provost and Vice-Presidents of The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Professor HUI Yer Van 許溢宏教授 Dr. FONG Wing Ho, Tom 方永豪博士
Staff Representative of The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Dr. LUK Koon Yung 陸觀勇博士 (Academic) Mr. SHUM Tse Ming, Samuel 岑子明先生 (Administrative)
Student Observer of The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Mr. LEUNG Chun Yin 梁俊賢先生
Secretary Dr. FONG Wing Ho, Tom 方永豪博士