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Common Core Curriculum
Aims and Objectives
• To provide rigorous general education for students in preparation for their major studies;
• To promote integrative learning through competing critical viewpoints and a variety of pedagogical models;
• To foster speaking, reading, writing, critical thinking, communication skills, and IT and numerical skills necessary for students’ academic studies and future successes in an everchanging world;
• To cultivate students to be literate and responsible participants in the workplace, society and the world; and
• To develop students’ understanding of the ethical values and dimensions of their actions.
Under the Common Core Curriculum, students are required to take
• GEN1000 Perspectives on General Education • at least 1 module (3 credits) from each of the following four academic clusters to make up a total of 6 modules (18 credits): Cluster 1: Humanities Cluster 2: Social Sciences Cluster 3: Science and Technology Cluster 4: Moral Reasoning • 3 modules (9 credits) in each of the following areas: Chinese English (or 4 modules for Year-1 entrants in AY2021/22 or after) • and at least 1 module (3 credits) in each of the following areas: Information Technology Skills Quantitative Methods