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Welcome to the Monthly HSNE Newsletter

We are happy to reveal these 8 pages packed full of sweet information - now all at the tip of your fingers!
Communication! It is an all-important thing, and one we at HomeServices of Nebraska are committed to doing better (and well!). So, WELCOME to the inaugural edition of THE SCOOP.
On a monthly basis we’ll assemble this publication to keep you in the loop. Suggestions? Send ‘em over to hsne-marketing@homeservicesne.com. Want to contribute an article? Let us know.
We’ll highlight our community and charitable endeavors, and let you know how you can get involved. We will also spotlight a person or two, maybe throw out some useful marketing or business tips, and update you on important information you need to know. Lastly, we will highlight a particular aspect of our WHY, our core values and our culture (aka what makes us, us).
If you’ve never seen Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle TED talk, take a few minutes and enjoy it on TED.com or YouTube (maybe you’ll get hooked on
TED talks, there are worse things). What gets YOU up in the morning, ready to embrace the day? Find it out – it’s your individual WHY and it connects you to your community and your clients. As a company, what connects us to one another and our communities is the idea that what we do every day matters. Our WHY?
Bettering lives, building dreams and positively impacting our communities.
Collectively, we live our WHY every day. Thank you for your good work; you make us who we are and I am proud to be associated with you.
So, ENJOY the newsletter, contribute, and constructively critique away. See you around the block.

Shannon R. Harner

One family, one team, one goal.