1 minute read
Shannon's Snippet
Shannon’s Snippet
November is a time for raking leaves (sometimes shoveling snow) and for planning delectable dishes and comfort food for our families. It is also a time of thanksgiving. In the spirit of Thanksgiving we are highlighting our core value of GRATITUDE this month.
Expressing gratitude releases dopamine, and serotonin, in our brains, makes us happier (not to mention those to whom we express our gratitude) and, ultimately, allows us to be more productive and successful. It also makes for better relationships and more enjoyable lives.
At HomeServices we like to think of gratitude as GREAT + ATTITUDE. So, this month, hug your kids, send a thank you note to that co-op
agent who really made your life easier and compliment the chef at Thanksgiving.
What we do matters every day and expressing our gratitude is a great way to make a positive impact. Go forth and be thankful.
Shannon R. Harner

One family, One team, One goal.