Hampshire Scout News June 2012

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l l a I H

MoreWelcome & more Groups areApril asking for archery sessions but still to the 2012 edition of HSN. don’tFor know who to ask and localCounty archeryOffice leader is. distribution andwho anytheir other

matters please use: So we are putting together a contact list of archery leaders county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk who can go to Groups or Groups can come to them for an archery session.

email me, Tall Paul (Jon), This will entail your contact details being posted on the now with all your photos, County web site and being circulated to Districts so Groups articles, adverts roll can contact you directly and ask forand your help. of honour for the next If you feel you can offer your services please email…. edition of HSN Tim Beeching: hsn@scouts-hants.org.uk Hampshire Scout Archery Club timfbb.hsac@ntlworld.com

P lease, please, please

Can you send text in a Word doc and photos as an attachment as jpeg file.

Cheers TP

Please ensure that you have permission from all people included in photo’s, before sending them to us.

Hampshire Scout Rifle Club


s u t abou

Hampshire Scouts provides adventurous activities and personal development opportunities for over 16,000 young people aged 6-25, promoting the physical, intellectual, social and spiritual well-being of the individual, helping them achieve their full potential. In Scouting, we believe that young people develop most when they are ‘learning by doing,’ when they are given responsibility, work in teams, take acceptable risks and think for themselves.

s u n joi

To join the adventure of Scouting whether as

s t n e t n co 4.

I Vow to Thee, My Country...



www.Scouts.org.uk/join or email: county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk or phone us on: 02380 847847



inesc www.onl

Online Scout Manager is a free tool to help you to manage your entire section or group online - badge records, termly programmes, evening attendance, camps and events, and more!!

Thank you

to the County Bookkeeper


er g a n a m t ou .uk online sc nager.co

Annual Review & AGM


a Adult or Young person fill in the form at:


Adam’s bit

Air Activities

1st Romsey Beavers

Brighton Hill Cubs

Trip to London


River Raid

Hamble Scout


Going carbon free

14th Eastleigh Scout Group


St. George 2012

New Forest West

It has been developed by a Scout leader for Scout Leaders. Since its launch at Easter, it has over 250 groups and 500 users using it. It is incredibly easy to use and is even suitable for the technophobes amongst us!

20. St. George with a difference

If you have any questions or suggestions, please email: ed@onlinescoutmanager.co.uk

Hampshire 2011

Hook Explorers

24. Adult Training 31.

Windsor 2012

Our day, what a wet day!

I Vow to

… y r t n u o C Thee, My

June is the highlight of our celebrations for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee - with street parties, beacons, and communities getting together. What is quite remarkable about the Queen is that, while born into a position of great power, wealth and privilege, she has dedicated herself to the service of her people and country. The words of dedication spoken by the Bishop at the recent Hampshire County Diamond Jubilee Service of Thanksgiving at Winchester Cathedral speak to us all and echo Scouting’s values. “Will you join with The Queen in devoting yourself to the service of others?” “Will you strive to live as a good neighbour and to build up the communities in which you live and work, always affirming the worth and integrity of each person?” “Will you speak, think and act with honesty and compassion, honouring what is good, and celebrating all that is life-giving?” Leadership as service, respect for the individual, and building the common life are ideals which are ever more important in a world hurt by selfishness, violence and hate. But if we are to make them real for young people, we need to live them out in practice. Not being focused on ourselves, but thinking of other people first. Not Us and Them, but welcoming people to our communities and building bridges to other communities. Not standing by, but having the courage to do the right thing and make a difference. We’ll be celebrating all of these at our Diamond Jubilee Service in June at Winchester Cathedral, and rededicating ourselves to do our duty to God, the Queen, and other people.


County Commissioner Hampshire Scouting

Peter Moody, The County Chairman and Adam Jollans, The County Commissioner, invite you and a guest to join us at the Hampshire Scouts

Annual Review and AGM Thursday 21st June 2012 at The Ashburton Hall, Sussex St, Winchester.

19:00 Displays and refreshments 19:30 Review of Scouting in Hampshire with Reports and Interviews 20:15 Annual General Meeting 21:00 Finish

RSVP to: The County Office, Ferny Crofts, Beaulieu Rd, Beaulieu, Brockenhurst, Hampshire. SO42 7YQ county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk 02380 847847

u o y k n a h T


keepe k o o B y t n u to the Co

After nearly 8 years working for Hampshire Scouts, Sandra Burden has decided to spend more time with her family and will be leaving the County Office in a few weeks time. We thank her for all her hard work and contributions to the office and Scouting. We are therefore looking for a new part-time County Bookkeeper. If anyone would like more information or to be considered for the role please contact Helen Mack, Senior County Administrator: senior.administrator@scouts-hants.org.uk The closing date for applications will be: 15th June 2012

Hampshire Scouting was very well represented at the service of thanksgiving for Her majesty the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, held at Winchester Cathedral on Sunday 27th May, and even got mentions in both the order of service and in the introduction by the Dean of Winchester. Over 30 members of our Diamond Volunteers, Explorer Scouts, Network, and County Team members attended along with 1500 other people from all walks of life within Hampshire, including members of the armed forces and other voluntary organisations. The service was organised by Dame Mary Fagan, Lord Lieutennant of Hampshire, and President of hampshire Scouts, and attended by HRH the Earl of Wessex. Our picture shows the Earl of Wessex talking to some of the Network members at the reception after the service.

Air Activities - Activity Badge

1st Romsey Beavers

On Thursday 15th March the 1st Romsey Beavers visited The Spitfire Museum in Southampton in order to learn more about aeroplanes and to finish their Air Badge. As they were learning about Spitfires the children decided that they wanted to take their Grandfathers along instead of parents. This proved to be very successful and as well as Grandfathers, one Beaver took his Great Grandfather also. Altogether 40 people attended the evening, where we learnt much and spent time in the cockpit of an Airbus and a jet fighter. The perfect evening for any young boy and their Grandpa.

snail racing

Thanks go to the Southampton Spitfire Museum and their staff for making the evening possible. At the end of the evening the boys were presented with their badges by the Museum staff. The new Scout Headquarters was packed for the first ‘snail racing’ evening ever in Romsey District. The evening did not include a fish and chip supper, as originally hoped, and the cost per ticket was therefore suitably reduced, but everyone who came had a thoroughly enjoyable evening. The racing snails were in cartoon form and encountered the most unlikely hurdles in their rush to get to the finish first. It was all very exciting and also extremely funny. One person commented a few days later that she couldn’t remember the last time she had laughed so much. Light refreshments were available and a total of nearly £700 was raised towards the climbing wall, which is hoped to install in the HQ, to the benefit of everyone involved in scouting in Romsey District. This may have been the first snail racing, but it’s sure not to be the last!

! e l p o e p l d cheerfu

n a c i t s a i Enthus h Car Park 11th Itchen


On the 19th May 2012 the above miraculous change to the Car Park at the 11th HQ occurred. This did not just happen by chance, but was due to the effort of some wonderful volunteers from Balfour Beatty. They gave up their Saturday morning to work in unison with the young people from the Scouts, so that the HQ facilities could be accessed more easily for all of its many users. The Balfour team of enthusiastic and cheerful people arrived on site at 08.00 in the morning having been up since 06.00 getting the equipment ready. They came with Lorries full of old road planeings’ and a digger to fill the holes. Road rollers to flatten it in to place and enough rakes and spades so the young people (from Beavers , Cubs and Scouts ) could all give a helping hand and learn about road building, recycling and sustaining the future for all. We are all part of a large Community, and we need to work together to make things happen in the best interest of this Community. Thank you to David and his team of fabulous people from Balfour Beatty, for supplying the manpower, experience, tools and materials. Thank you to all the young people for coming and helping to sustain their HQ. Thank you to Matt for laying on the supply of tea, coffee and chocolate biscuits. I would also like to thank John Dyer-Slade (Southampton City Council) and Colin Floyd (DC Southampton City) for their work in putting this together. This is a great example of Community spirit in action which has kick started a new beginning in the local area. There is now a great feeling of wanting to improve the area further still and being part of something great. This activity has got the ball rolling, so it is up to all of us to keep the momentum going. Thank you again to all involved!

Andy Viney DC Itchen South

es d i u G d n a ee outs l c i S b t u s J r d u n h o d Lyn iam D s n e e u Q Celebrate servation project. with a con

Saturday 26th May was hot and sunny and members of 1st New Forest North (Lyndhurst) Scouts and 1st Lyndhurst Guides spent the day working on a conservation project in Pond Head Inclosure in the New Forest. Armed with loppers, saws and strong gardening gloves the young people set about removing holly and other invasive species from the floor of the forest ride. The aim is to allow more sunlight to reach the forest floor to thus enable a larger variety of plants to grow and thrive. The cut down branches had to be either moved to the fire point to be burned or dragged deeper into the wood to decay naturally. It was hot thirsty work and regular breaks for drinks and snacks were essential. Sun screen had to be reapplied at regular intervals. A well earned rest was had by all at lunchtime when packed lunches were consumed with gusto. The young people all worked incredibly hard and surprised themselves as to how great an area they were able to clear. At the end of the day every one made their way back to Deorfrith Lodge, the home of 1st NFN (Lyndhurst) Scout Group for a well earned feast of barbecue food and ice lollies. All those present enjoyed watching the photos that had been taken throughout the day and the day ended with every one being presented with a Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Challenge Badge before making their way wearily home for a well earned shower and rest. “It was very hard work but I had great fun” “I had lots of fun even though it was hard work. I enjoyed the barbecue and got a really nice badge to keep. “I loved doing it and it was good fun, the forest looked much better when we had finished. The Forestry Commission Beat Keeper, when he saw the work that had been done said “I can’t believe how much they have cleared. An excellent job. When are they coming back to do some more!!!!!

l l i H n o t h g i r B n d n o L o t o p i r t s cub


t the end of March, 27 Cubs, 6 Leaders and a young DofE volunteer from our 2 Cub Packs went on a trip to London, for some it was their first trip to the capital and/or on a train. We used public transport including 3 underground trains, and were surprised at how easy it was to make sure everyone was on or off the train - we spread out along the platform, each Leader got their group in or out of the carriage and then gave a thumbs up sign to the ‘plus 1’ Leader who was waiting on the platform or train for the sign to show that everyone was accounted for. Below is a report by one of the Cubs, which gives a real feel of the day. Sharon Duffy, Gladstone and Baden-Powell Cub Packs Brighton Hill, Basingstoke West. On the Saturday 24th March 2012 I went to London with my cub pack. First we all met and got together at the front of the station after everybody found out their groups. I was with Rosie and the other children in my group were Verity, Nathaniel, Robert and Nicolas. Soon after we were on the train discussing what we had brought to eat and talking about London in general. After that we caught 2 underground trains. Then we were in London!! First of all we went to the History museum as a surprise. In the History Museum we visited the dinosaur expedition it was amazing!!! There were 3 small moving dinosaurs and 1

huge one which was very loud!

Also there were lots of skeletons of them as well. There was animal skin we could touch. After that we had some food “yummy”. Next we went to the Science Museum. In the Science Museum we went to the launch pad and watched a show about rockets “it was cool” then we done some experiments of our own “cool”. Then in our groups we were allowed to visit what we wanted. My group visited the aeroplanes, who am I and the future. Next we caught the train to Buckingham Palace, it was very grand. We couldn’t see the Queen though! On the way to Buckingham Palace we saw a large golden egg which was 1 of 50 throughout London After that we went on a walk to find the London eye. We were a bit late and had to queue up for ages. On the way we saw Big Ben also we heard him chime. Luckily we had fast track tickets. After the fantastic ride on the London Eye we then went into the 4D London Eye experience. After that we headed home on the train – we were all very tired.

Over all the entire trip was AMAZING! By Chloe

The 1st Milton Cubs Community Heroes Awards event was a huge success!

The local mayor, councillors, local sports club volunteers, cubs, parents, leaders past and present together with other community heroes were all in attendance. The cubs started preparing and working on this in February. They decided upon the venue, who to invite, what entertainment they would put on and what to have for eats / treats as well as what the awards for their community heroes would look like. They entertained the audience with a set of performances ranging from slapstick comedy through orchestra with crafted cardboard instruments!! The 1st Milton cub pack linked their heroes award evening with their queens jubilee celebration. The cubs taking part all really enjoyed themselves. This was a fantastic opportunity for the 1st Milton sporting adventurers to showcase their art work and progress they’ve made whilst completing their “Our Sporting Adventure” programme. http://oursportingadventure.scouts.org.uk/ A superb activity to take part in. We would consider incorporating this into future programmes, perhaps as an annual or bi-annual event.

Hampshire County Cub Scout Programme 2012

Updated 23 January 2012 - Latest Programme (updates to) www.hampshirescouting.org.uk/cubs

Sara Hawker Month Day & Date/s Akela 1st Milton/3rd NFS March Sun 25th

Event 6-a-side Football competition

Location/Details Wide Lane, Stoneham, Eastleigh

Dates for the diary

Hampshire County Scout Programme 2012 EntryCub £25 + raffle prize May County Section Updated 23 JanuarySun 2012 TBC - Latest Programme (updates to)Cub www.hampshirescouting.org.uk/cubs Meeting


Day & Date/s 25thth

March June

Sun 16 Sat

June May

Sat 30th Sun TBC

September June

TBC Sat 16th

June October

Sat 30th Fri 26th - Sun 28th

September October


For Cub ADCsEvent and Leaders


6-a-side Football Cub Scout Gilwell Day Not planned as a County event competition Entry £25 + raffle prize Hampshire Cub Big Day Out County Cub Section Meeting For Cub ADCs Leaders Super Cub and Challenge Cub Scout Gilwell with Mastermind Day Not planned as a County event Competition Hampshire Cub Big Day County Cub Survival Out Camp

Paultons Park, Romsey Pinsent Campsite, Winchester

Cubs aged 9½+ (was Sixer/Seconder camp) Super Cub Challenge


County Cub Section with Mastermind Meeting Competition

for yourLane, information only Wide Stoneham,

Eastleigh Paultons Park, Romsey


for your information only

Ferny Crofts

Open Day

ÂŁ1 a ticket

23rd June 2012

g n o l a e Com ! o g a e v a h &

ore... BQ and m B , g in t f Ra hooting, eiling, S s b A , e ir W bing, Zip pes, Clim o R h ig H , Archery

Gates open at 10am and close at 4pm Contact us for more info:


023 8084 5092 E: openday@fernycrofts.org.uk W: www.fernycrofts.org.uk P: Ferny Crofts, Beaulieu Road, Beaulieu, SO42 7YQE

ll a o t n e Op

Need a hand? Not a problem Get some help…with recruiting adults The quick fix! •

Identify your target market (what type of groups could you recruit from and where do they meet – Scout Network, school/college, leisure activities, work?) and target individuals

Distribute your programme/diary/newsletter more widely

Organise a set piece (dvd, display) which can be taken to all Unit/Group/District meetings/

AGMs •

Regularly distribute up-to-date information (newsletters, posters, scouting magazines, displays) to public places (schools, colleges, libraries, leisure centres, town halls, work places, coffee shops).

Establish direct communication (face-to-face, e-mail, leaflet drop, birthday cards, invitations, letters) with individuals.

Recruit Young Leaders from your local Explorer Scout Unit.

Regularly invite Explorer Scouts and members of your local Scout Network to your activities.

• Promote the excitement of Scouting and our volunteering opportunities to friends and work colleagues. •

Help Explorer Scouts and Ranger Guides and members of the Scout Network with their pro gramme and Awards.

Send the poster on the next page to local businesses and employers.

Resources that can help: Induction Pack template and User Guide – scouts.org.uk/appointment Induction: Starting adults in a new role – scoutbase.org.uk/support/integration/resources/ The Induction Toolkit – scoutbase.org.uk/support/integration/resources/ Adult Support promotional leaflet: i.volunteer could you? County Development Officer Contact: vanessa.slawson@scouts-hants.org.uk mob: 07900 536504 Can help with: 1:1 Advice, opening new sections and groups, reducing your waiting lists, engaging with parents, events, workshops for leaders, recruitment resources etc. Recruitment stands for the Development Handbook

The Hamble

River Raid The Hamble River Raid was once again a great success. Twenty Six teams entered, ten of which were under 16 teams. The youngest entrant being 9 year old Toby who rowed the course, from Hamble Quay to the Jolly Sailor and back, single handed. Hamble River Rowing had a strong presence with many Bursledon gigs racing under their colours. Hamble Sea Scouts had five teams racing Egrets and Bursledon Gigs. The winning Egret is shown. The Scouts Girls team was the fastest16 and under crew. Three Sea Cadet Units were present with 5 of their Trinity 500’s. One of these large heavy boats was rowed with only 3 crew members, which was considered a sterling effort by all. The fastest Bursledon Gig was once again the Yachting Sports Team, who completed the course in 46 minutes and 46 seconds. Crazy Daisy was the fastest ladies team. They finished less than a minute behind Yachting Sports Team! Finally, our newest class is the MegaGig. (Anything bigger than a Bursledon Gig) Again, this was a close and challenging race. These big fast boats start last, so in order to set a winning time, they have to overtake the smaller slower boats. The winner of the MegaGigs Megaphone was the Foulkes / Meakins crew.

Hampshire Scouts Photographic Competition A picture is worth a thousand words, but in Scouting there should be only one word – ‘adventure’. We want you to send us photos that celebrate Hampshire Scouting. This year you will have plenty of opportunities with Scout Community Week, the Jubilee celebrations, your camps, your parades, your weekly activities will be good material. We will also display a selection of the images at the County Conference at the end of Oct when the winners will receive their prizes. Each prize will be worth at least £100.

There will be a prize for each age group of entrants: a. Beavers or Cubs - b. Scouts or Explorers - c. Network or Adults 3 prizes (photo vouchers) have been donated to the value of £100 each by London Camera Exchange, Southampton - so what are you waiting for? When submitting your photo’s please ensure that they: • Are adventurous and fun - we’re not after the posed certificate & uniform shot • Conform with POR, ie. All required safety equipment is worn in the photo • You have permission of any people in your photos to use them. • Are of a good quality Submit your pictures on a CD/DVD/memory stick before 30th September 2012 for your chance to be in it to win it. Send your photos (marked Photo Comp 2012) to us at the County Office, Ferny Croft Scout Centre, Beaulieu Road, Brockenhurst, SO42 7YQ. Competition Rules 1. You must own the photo and ensure that you have access to photo permission forms for everyone in the photo. (You do not need to send them). 2. Entrants may submit more than one photo but no more than twenty. Where more than twenty photos are submitted only the first twenty will be entered into the competition. Disc’s and memory stick will not be returned. 3. By submitting your photograph you give permission for it to be used by Hampshire County Scouts for scouting purposes. This includes but is not limited to: promotional material, the annual report, the county website, press releases to the media and displayed. 4. Images may be digitally enhanced to remove spots or scratches, but not manipulated. Entrants can enhance the picture to make it brighter, clearer etc, but not manipulate the content. The judges reserve the right to exclude any image they believe may have been excessively treated so as to alter its authenticity. 5. All entries will be judged by a panel of judges. Their decision is final. The prizes for best photos are as stated and cannot be transferred or exchanged. 6. All entries should be labelled with the authors name, age group and Scout Group/District/ County role. If you are entering in group 3 (adults) then please include your membership number as well. 7. Have fun! Check List: Have you included your name, scout group and age group? Please specify which category you belong to A, B or C. Please include an e-mail address so that we can acknowledge receipt of your entry. The images are of a manageable size – large enough to be of good quality but not so large they take hours to open! Recommended size no larger than 6-8MB

14th Eastleigh Scout Group

goes carbon free! The improved headquarters of 14th Eastleigh Scout Group (The Spitfires), Allbrook, Hampshire, is now one of the most environmentally friendly community buildings and Scout headquarters in the country. The group have completed a series of environmental improvements to make their building carbon neutral, including the installation of an environmentally friendly Air to Air heat pump system. The new system absorbs heat from the outside air and distributes it throughout the building taking heat to areas which were previously unheated and uncomfortable to use. The system also replaced very inefficient blown air gas and electric fan heaters. The system is operated by electricity the group are generating themselves, from their solar panels, which means the building can now be heated with zero carbon emissions and at no cost. This project was the final stage of a range of environmental improvements undertaken by the group, who are committed to educating young people from the local and wider community about the effect they have on climate change, and how they can reduce that effect. Previous projects have included the installation of a solar photovoltaic electric system, solar hot water system, a full range of energy efficiency measures including cavity wall insulation and energy efficient lighting and the installation of a rainwater harvesting system. The cost of the heat pump project was in the region of £15,000. Funding was achieved through Eastleigh District Scouts and group fundraising and with generous grants from the First, Black Velvet and Blue Star bus companies, Eastleigh Borough Council, and The Veolia Environmental Trust awarded through the Landfill Communities Fund. Project Co-ordinator Ian West said, “With the fantastic support from all the funders who made it possible to complete this project the group will continue to operate a carbon free building and young people can continue to take the lead in tackling climate change. The reductions in the costs in operating the building will make more money available for young people to undertake activities and support community projects and will lead to a better sustainable future for all.” Executive Director of The Veolia Environmental Trust, Margaret Cobbold, adds, “It is great that we are able to support community groups with environmental projects such as this through the Landfill Communities Fund. The completed improvements have transformed the building into a great community venue benefiting both the environment and all who use it for many years to come.” Editors’ notes: The Veolia Environmental Trust has been supporting community and environmental projects for 14 years. Under the Landfill Communities Fund, landfill site operators can donate a percentage, currently 6.2%, of their landfill tax payment to these projects. Since its inception, Veolia Environmental Services (UK) plc has supported the Trust with contributions of over £47.5 million to 1320 projects. The Trust has helped fund a diverse range of projects, including the repair of woodland footpaths, the renovation of community halls and the installation of playgrounds and play areas. For more information, or to find out how to apply for funding, visit the Trust’s website www.veoliatrust.org

Gosport District Camp Gosport District Scouts held its Annual District Camp at Lyons Copse over the week-end of 25-27th May. Over 300 young people and more than 70 leaders of Gosport district attended the week-end. We had a fantastic camp with a petting farm, bouncy castles, backwoods cooking, jubilee woggle making, shooting, climbing to name but a few. In the afternoon we let off 420 red white and blue helium balloons and each one had the Scouts name and group on the label with the furthest winning a prize! As part of the camp each young person receives a different coloured T shirt depending on their section so we decided to put together an Scout E 11 R and release the balloons. As part of the Jubilee celebrations we held a lunch street party with the Scouts having the opportunity to make Jubilee hats etc as one of the bases. Alan Seymour was presented with a bench to place outside the wardens caravan at Lyons Copse in recognition of his 12 years service to Gosport District and his continued service as Assistant Warden to Lyons Copse. A brilliant weekend with even the weather smiling on us. by Ian Batchelor DC Gosport

2 1 0 2 e g r o St. G eFo rest West N ew

It was a challenge and Scouting at its best! With an early start we were on the big (still grassy) field at Bragger’s Wood near Christchurch by 0900 and we had the big old Imperial Scout Bell tent up as we waited, hoping the drizzle would stop. Nine hours later, it was a mud maze which crisscrossed with hundreds of children carrying any mud that wasn’t on the ground. They were pretty chirpy around the campfire at 18:30 nine hours later, but they looked a desperate crew. In between you could make (under cover in large marquees) pancakes, wooden woggles, wonderful bracelets or emerge into the light, BMX bike, dry out on the zip wire or dangle on the climbing wall. There was archery, crate stacking, death star throwing (Scouts only) and wooden mallet flinging and every hour the siren went and bedraggled Beavers, Cubs, Scout and Explorers tramped muddily past...smiling. From our tent we enjoyed an unparalleled view of the wonderful Field Gun Relay provided by the 3rd Ringwood. Each team was given a set of large cable drums, an axle, linch pins and the limber and ‘barrel’ of a field gun which they had to assemble to fire a litre plastic bottle (pumped full with a foot pump).

It was pretty spectacular as the green bottles exploded into the air. The field gun then had to be dis-assembled and transported over the ‘mine field’ piece by piece using the equipment to walk on and then rebuilt and fired again. It took planning and leadership and organisation. It was great spectator sport. Its fair to say that by 16:00, one of the bike pumps was so mired with mud it was no longer operational, but nothing could diminish the excitement of the teams. It was the first and second battles of the Somme before our very eyes. We were in a fit state to devour the fine barbecue feast prepared the doughty Scout Fellowship and then assembled to re-take our Scout Promise in the presence of Adam, the County Commissioner, and to say a sad good-bye to Sue, our wonderful District Commissioner before raising the roof with some rousing songs and fun. All the vehicles that left looked down on their suspensions, all the occupants carrying a kilo or so of mud… To Graham and his team and the all Base Commanders, our thanks for the wonderful gift of Scouting and to all who survived, well done!


Chas, 1st FSM

Explorer Scouts

Values and Relationships St. George’s Day, April 23rd fell on a Monday this year which is our normal Unit night. Some of the Explorers couldn’t make the church service on Sunday and had missed renewing their promise with the rest of us. How then could we work in the concepts in the ‘values and relationships‘ zone with renewing our promise? Members of the Movement may have seen the reports in the Sunday Times suggesting that the Movement has plans to change the Scout Promise and that’s exactly what we asked our Explorers to do. We asked them to explore what a Scout promise would look like from the perspective of a different race and religion. You may have thought they would not be very enthusiastic about that but we gave them some scenarios totally off the wall! We broke the Explorers into three groups and to the first group gave a printed sheet which explained the culture and religion of the Klingon Empire! To the others we gave the same document for a Jedi Knight and a Romulan. For those of you who think that’s daft remember that the religion of Jedi Knight was finally recognised in the 2011 census returns. At the end of the evening we reviewed what the groups had written and then made our promises three times over. One of the Explorers actually wanted to do one of them in the Klingon language but we thought that was going a little too far (in fact she even wrote the Scout Law from a Klingon perspective!). We will let you see what you would have said for your promise if you were a Jedi Scout. “On my honour I promise to be understood as to understand, To do my duty to keep the force in balance and to the Jedi masters, To use our abilities for good, To keep the Jedi Law and not succumb to the Dark Side”. Mike Dawson Hawley & Frogmore Explorer Scouts

ay D es g r o St. Gea Difference with plorers Hook Ex

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Oral history.

We need your help to obtain, the views, opinions and ambitions of past and present members of the movement, via oral history. This will include those participating in the 6-25 training programme so that current and future generations will benefit from their experiences. We are inviting volunteers to join 4 teams in the County and to undertake professional training so that they may conduct interviews with those willing to share their experiences and memories. Training is free and mileage expenses maybe claimed. If you are interested, please contact Ron Dear, by 30th June. Hampshire Scout Heritage Oral History c/o 27 Tamarisk Gardens Bitterne Southampton SO18 4RA tel: 0845 604 6451

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Join us

012 wh ing. The Hampshir le. 1st July, 2 are grow e s th r e n b o t to a new ro m n u s a e c v a o v m the n s e , uting, r 7 years ner becom about Sco position fo te e Commissio a n th io ld s e s eir a h p o has eds to be derstand th e n n u t d Noice, wh n n a a c li e me team ssful app age rang e program The succe 8-25 year th 1 f e o th r e b to m County late ome a me Assistant c r e able to re e b th o o ls a e l le, please y, th ey wil uss this ro pported b c u s is needs. Th d e b to d e n with, a me, would lik and work th Program ns. If you u o o ti Y c e e s th r f e o n com Commissio a Kerrigan, Director btinternet. n n @ o n a D ig rr e .k a contact onn 6895 or d 12 01425 65 st May 20 1 3 s n io plcat the ate for ap found on e b n a c Closing d n tio .php k/network le descrip .u ro rg ll .o fu ts n a a nd w.scouts-h n forms a http://ww : e it Applicatio s b e e scout w Hampshir twork Scout Ne e ir h s p Ham 61 7 7228 90 shire t/text: 07 .org.uk ork Hamp tw e N t u uts-hants o o c c S S : @ k e o c o Faceb ounty.offi 7847 e: c 4 8 0 8 3 2 twork t: 0 .org.uk/ne ts n a h ts u w: Sco

A unique opportunity has arisen for volunteers to assist at the 10th European Dragon Boat Championships. Meet other people from all over Europe and help to make the Championships a success.

Book your place NOW!

National Water Sports Centre, Nottingham 26th July – 30th July £150 full board, camping accommodation

You must be 18+ on 26th July to take part Contact Paul and Joanne Griffiths for more details Email: p-griffiths2@sky.com

Adult Training in Hampshire 2011

2011 was a good year for us with an increase in all areas particularly with Wood Badge & module certificate recognition through County & District run modules. The number of Wood Badges gained in Districts increased by 38% to 212 over the number gained in 2010 to 153. The number of module certificates issued to leaders was 929, an increase of 13% over those issued in 2010 of 819. We also had fewer courses cancelled due to low attendance than in previous years and the number of ‘no shows’ at training modules continues to reduce. The Trainers, as usual, were very supportive of all initiatives including the need to put in place and present at additional Workshops to cater for the introduction of the Executive Training Sessions across the County. The introduction in 2011 of the revised M16 – Introduction to Residential Experiences and M38 – Skills for Residential Experiences and a whole list of other revised modules meant the trainers needed to review and look at new presentations and delivery formats. Delegate evaluations mean we know all these modules went well. We continue to recruit to increase the numbers of Training Advisers in each District and the number of Local Training Managers, so that we can offer training delivery support to all new leaders and ensure that our team mantra of LOVE is widely accepted. During 2011 we increased the Deputy County Training Manager (DCTM) numbers (we now have three) to ensure that the areas covered were in line with ‘District Cluster Groupings – this was to enable a more direct input/support line to the Districts/TA’s within each cluster. During 2011 we ran our first Hampshire Leadership and Management Residential pilot aimed at DC’s & GSL’s who have been in post for up to 24 months. We have also planned a further weekend over 3/4th November 2012 for the same cohort. Hampshire again leads in this area of Adult Training and is working with Gilwell to develop this exciting initiative in Leadership and Management. Once again my thanks to everyone who supports Adult Training in Hampshire, you all do a great job, particularly as I know that in many cases LTM’s and TA’s in particular, have additional responsibilities elsewhere in Scouting. My thanks also to the County Commissioner and my colleagues in the Core Hampshire Team, who’s comment and advice I always value. Martin Rudd Director of Adult Training/ County Training Manager i.Train Hampshire Hampshire Scouting Mobile: 07747 476 755 Email: ctm@scouts-hants.org.uk

“CENTENARY GROUPS” To-date the presentation of the special ‘Centenary Plaques and Certificates’, which began in March 2008, has seen some 22 Hampshire Groups recognised as providing Scouting to their local community ‘over’ the past 100 years, with a further two Groups in the process. To qualify your Group will have commenced in 1912 (or earlier) and will have been in existence for the major part of the ensuing 100 years... The plaque will be signed by Adam Jollans, County Commissioner, and by Dame Mary Fagan, DCVO, our County President. Providing his commitments allow, Adam will make the presentation. To make application, please contact County Office, with as much relevant detail as possible.

Ken S.

e r Ham pshi y t i v i t c A Scouts Clubs

e Scouts Hampshir s ivity club t c a e v i f r has unities fo t r o p p o g try offerin people to g n u o y d ipate in a adults an c i t r a p , y ip ctivit leadersh out the a , e m m a r g ro vity regular p , and acti s e s r u o c s! g sessment & coachin permit as d ramme an g o r p ’ s b the clu heir ase visit t details on le r p e , h t s r ie fu it r Fo r the opportun websites o ct: individual club conta Scout Hampshire oe Club County Can .org.uk www.hsccc tly John Goligh 59 07967 4814 k hsccc.org.u @ e te it m m co y Club out Archer c S e ir h s p Ham .org.uk www.hsac g Tim Beechin 01329 318519 .org.uk info@hsac lub cout Rifle C S e ir h s p m Ha hsrc o.clara.net/ www.doho vell Andrew Tra 5 01256 76228 .uk ts-shoot.org andy@scou Team taineering n u o M t u o Sc Hampshire info www.hsmt. r Owen Taylo 73 01980 6259 .org.uk outs-hants c s @ in ta n mou b t Caving Clu u o c S e ir h s Hamp rg.uk ndomstuff.o a .r c c s .h w ww ick Dave Chadw 88 07768 0400 k -hants.org.u ts u o c s @ c c hs

Activity Leadership Courses Activity Leadership Courses 2012-2013 10 June 2012

Dinghy Sailing Activity Permit Assessment Day

£25 per person

10 June 2012

Girl Guiding UK Level 1 Climbing & Abseiling (Walls & Towers) Assessment BCU Foundation Safety & Rescue Training

23 June 2012 (afternoon)

Rafting Activity Permit Assessment

£65 per person (includes the training) £20.00 per person if not a BCU member £15 per person

6-8 July 2012

NSRA Air Rifle Instructor Course

Approx £120 per person

8 July 2012

Powerboating Activity Permit Assessment Day

£30 per person

9 September 2012

BCU Foundation Safety & Rescue Training

13-14 October 2012

Climbing (Walls & Towers) Permit Training & Assessment NSRA Air Rifle Instructor Course

£20.00 per person if not a BCU member £65 per person

17 June 2012

1-3 February 2013

16-17 March 2013

GNAS Archery Leaders Course (Part 1 of 2)

23-24 March 2013

GNAS Archery Leaders Course (Part 2 of 2)

20-21 April 2013

Remote Emergency Care Level 2 – First Aid

25th Southampton (Northam) Scout HQ Ferny Crofts

Lakeside Country Park, Eastleigh Lakeside Country Park, Eastleigh Ferny Crofts

25th Southampton (Northam) Scout HQ Lakeside Country Park, Eastleigh £65 per person

Approx £120 per person

Ferny Crofts

Approx £160 per person for both parts Approx £160 per person for both parts Approx £120 per person

Ferny Crofts

Ferny Crofts

Ferny Crofts

Joan Veal E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk T: 01489 782804 Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: fernycrofts@fernycrofts.org.uk Joan Veal Itchen South District Canoe Centre E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk Joan Veal E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk T: 01489 782804 Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: fernycrofts@fernycrofts.org.uk Joan Veal E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk T: 01489 782804 Joan Veal Itchen South District Canoe Centre E: joan.veal@isdsc.org.uk Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: fernycrofts@fernycrofts.org.uk Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: fernycrofts@fernycrofts.org.uk Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: fernycrofts@fernycrofts.org.uk Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: fernycrofts@fernycrofts.org.uk Ferny Crofts T: 023 8084 5092 E: fernycrofts@fernycrofts.org.uk

DISCOVERY SAILING PROJECT Providers of Sail Training for young people for 40 years Join us for some exciting Summer Sailing in 2012 on board Thermopylae Clipper 


Cruise Hamble to St Malo (Brittany, France)

30th June – 7th July


Tall Ships Race St Malo to Lisbon (Portugal)

7th – 21st July


Cruise Lisbon to Porto (Portugal)

21st – 29th July


Cruise Porto to La Corunna (Spain)

29th July – 5th August


Tall Ships Race La Corunna to Dublin

11th – 25th August


Cruise Dublin to Penzance

25th August – 1st Sept.


Cruise Penzance to Southampton

1st – 8th September

We are pleased to be able to offer an exciting Summer Programme on board Thermopylae Clipper in 2012 as above. We have kept the costs to a minimum and have ensured that the changeover ports are serviced by budget airlines. Voyage fees: SS1 Hamble to St Malo SS2 Tall Ships Race St Malo to Lisbon SS3 Portuguese Cruise Lisbon to Porto SS4 Spain Cruise Porto to La Corunna SS5 Tall Ships Race La Corunna – Dublin SS6 Dublin to Penzance SS7 Penzance to Hamble

£225.00 per person £490.00 per person £250.00 per person £250.00 per person £490.00 per person £225.00 per person £225.00 per person

Open to all over 14 yrs of age Age range 15 – 25 years old Open to all over 14 yrs of age Open to all over 14 yrs of age Age range 15 – 25 years old Open to all over 14 yrs of age Open to all over 14 yrs of age

Voyage fees are all inclusive of food, waterproof hire, fuel costs and mooring fees. Bursaries may be available. If you would like to take part as an individual or a group please contact the office for a booking form. We offer substantial discount for anyone who wishes to participate in more than one voyage Unit 6 Universal Marina, Crableck Lane, Sarisbury Green, Southampton SO31 7ZN Tel: 01489 580099 Email: office@dsp.uk.com Web site: www.dsp.uk.com

Dave Chadwick E: david@theroost.demon.co.uk

For registration contact: contact:--

Closing date for entries is 15 June 2012

(£5 per single handed boat & £10 per double handed boat)

Cost is £5.00 per person

Blashford Lakes Ringwood, Hampshire

Saturday 7th July 2012

County Sailing Regatta 2012

2 1 0 2 r o s d Wur idan et day! y, what a w O

It was wet, windy and cold in Windsor. Add to that a very long wait in the Quadrangle of the Castle, no formation of the Queen’s Scouts and no Royal walkabout. Boo! The Mattins service in St George’s Church was the usual service for the fourth Sunday of Easter. However, once a year, on the day of the Queen’s Scouts Service, the chapel is filled with Young people and Adults from Scouting, many proudly displaying their awards. It was far from usual to stand whilst the Military Knights of Windsor enter and leave and the standard of the chapel choir was outstanding. A very special and spiritual experience. The Parade – Chief Scout, Bear Grylls, and CEO, Derek Twine, walk around the Quadrangle talking to as many as possible, super. The 14th Eastleigh Scout band marched in, played and displayed, wonderful and so very good. Her Majesty The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh arrived to view the parade, then things brightened up. Then, from all over the UK, the 2012 Queen’s Scouts, dressed in see-through blue plastic waterproofs, marched in so defiant of the weather and so proud. 40 Scouts plus high commissioners from Countries of the Commonwealth (Anguilla, Antigua, Australia, Bangladesh, Belize, Canada, Gambia, Gibraltar, Grenada, Malta, Mauritius, New Zealand, Singapore, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Sri Lanka, St Lucia, Swaziland, The Bahamas, and Uganda) braved the English weather. The Scouts joined this year’s Queen’s Scouts for the parade and service. Well done to the Hampshire Queen’s Scouts, the best, of course, and to the Queen’s Scouts working party making everything run smoothly. Queen’s Scout St Georges service in St George’s Church in the afternoon was a brilliant experience once in a lifetime experience. What a wonderful day! Young people and Adults attended and worked together on this day of achievement and celebration so we thought we would work together on this article. See more at; http://www.scouts.org.uk/news/490/top-achievers-honoured-by-hm-the-queen http://www.itv.com/news/update/2012-04-29/queen-presents-scouts-with-awards http://www.scouts.org.uk/news/491/the-commonwealth-comes-to-gilwell

untries nwealth co o m m o c m the fro Scouts for 40 scouts ’s n e e th e u d Q n a r rs a dy, the designe ined this ye et and win y, jo n w a y s n e a la w th E r s h o a “Winds e, and after Sara very cold on looking h the servic o g brave and u rn ry e ro e ft th v a d e re n th e a w nt h g high rvice. I spe her to lunc sts includin e e d s u e d g rt n o d a c e s e it e d v para s, and Grylls.” of other in iScout dres scout Bear h a number f it ie w h c a e te of the new th n o d o ntries, an er for aftern nwealth cou o then took h m m o c m ers fro commission

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