HSN September 2010

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Hampshire Scouts the adventure goes on . . .

September 2010







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ADVENTURE, YOUNG PEOPLE, FIELD LEADERS, AND COUNTY SUPPORT Adam Jollans - Hampshire Scouts County Commissioner I’ve just returned from a great few days visiting HamJam – our outstanding County Scout camp at Great Tower in the Lake District. Great Tower was where I led my first summer camp as a Scout Leader many years ago, and I was delighted to return and see HamJam going so well. HamJam is a great example of how we can take Scouting forward in Hampshire over the coming years. • Adventure – the event was packed with exciting activities, from sailing to canoeing on Lake Windermere, from climbing on real rock faces to braving the high ropes course and zip wire, and from mountain biking to overnight hike camps in the fells. • Young People – as I wandered around the site and chatted with the Scouts, everyone was having a brilliant time – and learning teamwork, leadership and how to overcome challenges from all the activities and camping they were taking part in. • Field Leaders – the adults were really positive as well about the event. This was a collection of Troop camps, rather than a County camp, and the Leaders ran their camps independently so building up their experience and confidence for the future. • County Support – there was a small central team who provided the support including transport, first aid, and programme scheduling. Troops could take advantage of as much or as little of the

central programme as they wanted. Congratulations and thanks are due to the HamJam team and the Great Tower instructors for enabling this event to happen, and especially to Dominic Howell for a great HamJam to finish his term as ACC (Scouts). Dominic is now planning to become a Scout Leader again and start a new Scout Troop – and he will also continue to help organise the successful County Scout events. Over the next few months we’ll be sharing and discussing our proposed County Strategy with you, during the new Youth Council in September, and the County Conference and then our iScout Leaders event in November. Our strategy is based around these four themes of Adventure, Young People, Field Leaders, and County Support, and aims to provide practical ideas and actions which will provide more support to help more leaders deliver more adventures to more young people in Hampshire. Young people join Scouting for the adventure, and if we can deliver it, then the sounds of “mighty, mighty Hampshire” will continue to echo around our campsites - at home, in the mountains, and across the world.

100 YEARS AT HAWLEY By Mike Dawson

At the end of the summer term the 6th Bramshill (Hawley) Scouts, both old and new, came together to celebrate over one hundred years of Scouting in Hawley. There was a brilliant turnout which included parents, former Scouters and representative of the local church and council as well as our own District Scouts. It was a very special occasion when we unveiled the updated history of the Group which can trace its lineage back to a unit started by sergeants from the nearby Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst before 1910. With the help of the County Archivist, the RMA Archivist and some brilliant investigative work by one of the Explorer Scout mums we were able to reconstruct the story of our second Scoutmaster Sergeant Dawes. It was also a time to look forward as well, when younger members of the scouting movement were presented with their Silver Chief Scout’s Award. We also welcomed back our original Wolf Cub flag which was returned to the Group after nearly forty years away!


Hawley Scout’s show how the uniform has changed

Sending a press release out? Please include us in your email. Got a good news item? Please send it to us for inclusion. HSN is edited by Tim Palmer in the County Office and printed by Russ Parke MBE. Deadline: 20th of each month to: County.office@scouts-hants.org.uk The County Office, Ferny Crofts, Beaulieu Rd, Beaulieu, Hampshire, SO42 7YQ Tel: 02380 847847

Blackwater Valley’s District campsite at Runways End is now owned by Hampshire County Council following the sale of the land by the Ministry of Defence. This now clears the last major hurdle to allow the £6M redevelopment of the site to move forward. Whilst there will be some disruption during the build phase we have negotiated with the contractors, Morgan Sindell Construction, to ensure that Scouting activities can continue throughout the build. There will be minor disruptions but through weekly liaison

meetings with the Centre Director, Camp Warden and the contractors these will be minimised. Following a rigorous selection process a Centre Director has been appointed. With a Scouting and outdoor education management background and together, with activity experience from across the world, Andrew Friedmann will bring a new experiences to Runways End. Over the next 12 months Andrew will develop operating systems, safety systems and training programmes which will bring the site in line with best practice in the outdoor education business. This will all run alongside traditional Scouting and camping. During evenings, weekends and all school holidays Runways End is a Scout Activity Centre with full use of all activities.

LIZZIE PRESENTS BIRTHDAY BADGES Hampshire Network Scout Lizzie Harvey, was chosen to present Richard Hammond with a Scientist Badge and Sir David Attenborough with a Naturalist Badge as The Scout Association announces its Birthday Honours List. To celebrate Scouting’s birthday, its half a million members from across the UK have had the opportunity to vote online for public figures who have encouraged others to try new activities and learn new skills.

Richard topped the poll in the Scientist section, having inspired Scouts across the By July 2011 Runways End will have a self country with his high octane stunts on Top Gear and Brainiacs. Sir David topped contained 50 bed accommodation unit, the poll in the Naturalist section, having new climbing tower, caving system, high enthused Scouts members through his and low ropes course, fully accessible canoeing facility with showers, 35m multi tireless broadcast and written work about use hall suitable for shooting and archery the Natural World over many decades simultaneously or as a clear hall, camping Lizzie (left) presents Richard Hammond’s badge. services building with hot showers and Picture from Essex Scouts washing up facilities, fully refurbished main building, 60’x40’ pack holiday building and camping for up to 300. So, if you are thinking of coming to Runways End we are open and our booking Secretary, Becky Riley, will be happy to assist and advise. Contact Becky on becky-riley@ o2.co.uk or 01252 76849


note, that depending on what course you require, you may need to attend both weekends): • 8-9 October 2010 – South Wales • 12-14 November 2010 – North Wales

The Hampshire Scout Mountain Team have released their Autumn 2010 course dates. Courses available include Hillwalking Activity Permit Assessments, Mountain Leader Award Training/Assessment, Walking Group Leader Award Training/Assessment, Single Pitch Award (rock climbing) Training/Assessment and refresher courses. The dates are as follows (please

For full details on course syllabus, course fees and course applications please visit their website of http:// hsmt.info/index.htm The team are also happy to answer any questions you may have on the courses and the most suitable course for you.

WEBSITE OF THE MONTH: www.highfieldscouts.org.uk/ While searching for stories to put in HSN I found this fantastic site for 14th Southampton (Highfield). It’s bright, exciting, has fantastic pictures of people having fun and does an excellent job of selling Scouting. Is yours this good?


Congratulations to Fiona Durrant, Scout Network member and joint Chair of the County Scout Network Committee, for being selected to take part, as a youth voice, in the 39th World Scout Conference, Curitiba, Brazil, 2011. Scouting is currently active in 216 countries and territories with a global membership of over 31 million. Two thirds of the international membership are in developing countries. The World Scout Conference is the governing body, the “general assembly” of Scouting, and is composed of all the members of the Organisation: the National Scout Organizations. Its function is to consider the policy and standards of the Scout Movement throughout the world, formulate the general policy of the World Organization, and take the action required to further the purpose of the Movement. The Conference meets every three years and observers authorised by their National Scout Organization are also eligible to register and attend the event. Delegations usually include International Commissioners, the Scout responsible for relations with WOSM and with Scout Organizations in other countries. One of the functions of the Conference is to elect members of the World Scout Committee, admit new member countries, and select the venues for forthcoming World Scout events, which includes the World Scout Jamboree, the World Scout Moot, the World Scout Conference and the World Scout Youth Forum. The 39th World Scout Conference will be held from the 10th to 14th of January 2011 at Estação Embratel Convention Centre in Curitiba, Brazil. To get the latest news regarding the Conference, please visit www.wsc2011. org

19TH BASINGSTOKE CANAL CHALLENGE The Basingstoke Canal Challenge is to paddle 2, 6 or 8 miles in the fastest possible time and takes place on Sunday 26th September 2010. This is suitable for all those of BCU 1 Star / Paddlepower Passport standard and above. Each entrant will be timed over their chosen distance, and the emphasis is as a personal challenge rather than a race. Both single and double canoes and kayaks are eligible. The event is organised by the North Hants Water Activities committee, and all competitors are encouraged to seek sponsorship in aid of the charity ‘Accessible Boating’. The entry fee is £3.00 per seat if paid in advance (£5.00 if paid on the day). After expenses have been deducted all entry fees will be donated to ‘Accessible Boating’ and donations will also be accepted and given to the charity. Since 1998 we have raised a total of £6,486.45. John Penfold, 25 Petworth Road, Milton, Portsmouth, Hants (023 92862834) Mobile 07785 918710 e-mail john. penfold@scouts-hants.org.uk

E-NEWS SNIPPETS Swimming Update - Wayne Bulpitt A review group has met including representatives from within the movement with an interest/knowledge of swimming activities, our technical advisers and the RLSS and they considered the issues raised, progress made on some options and identified some additional research/work to be undertaken. They are working to the following timetable: - Undertake further work and finalise proposals by mid September - Circulation of proposals to team mid September - Comments back by end of September - Paper to October Ops meeting for amendments and any changes to POR - Roll out of new updated info in Dec The Hampshire Scouting Youth Council starting in October is part of our increasing focus on encouraging youth participation in Hampshire Scouting. Fiona Durrant, co-chair of the Hampshire Scout Network, will be leading this initiative and in September she will be reaching out to DCs to ask you to nominate two young people aged 13-21 to represent the young people in your District. They will be invited to participate in the first meeting of the Youth Council over the weekend of 2nd-3rd October at Ferny Crofts. Basingstoke Gazette featured the 100 year celebrations of the Worting St Thomas group which was attended by 250 people in July. Hampshire Scouts were among 420 riders who took part in the Ups and Downs cycle ride which took place near Petersfield raising thousands of pounds for charity.

Odiham District are putting on Aladdin next year and are looking for people to audition for various roles in the production. If you are interested, auditions will be held on Sun 12th September at 10.30 am at Crondall Scout HQ and on Wed 15th Sept at 7.30 pm in 26th Odiham Scout HQ, Calthorpe Park. See www.odsf.escouts.net for more details. The HSX Expedition to Peru has arrived safely in Cuzco and have already set up camp at the Orphanage where they will be helping to improve the living conditions of the youngsters there. For a full update and to keep in touch go to www.hsx.org.uk Building work on the school in Zambia is progressing really well. They have been joined by local Scouts who are helping out on the project. Lots of great new skills being picked up by everyone. Here are the actual links to the Form AA and Form OH to save you the time in looking for them! http://www.scoutbase.org.uk/library/ hqdocs/facts/pdfs/103949.pdf - Form OH http://www.scoutbase.org.uk/library/ hqdocs/facts/pdfs/103947.pdf - Form AA And a reminder that you will also need the Additional Data Collection form. If you haven’t already done so, please register for the SE Regional DC/GSL Forum, which is taking place on Sunday 10th October at Baylis House near Slough in Berkshire. The event is open to DCs, DDCs, GSLs, and AGSLs This is a great opportunity to hear directly from Wayne Bulpitt, UK Chief Commissioner, about the Scout Association’s new Vision to 2018, and also to take part in discussions and workshops relevant to your roles as DCs and GSLs. Registration is open online at http://www.

scoutbase.org.uk/bookings/gsls2010. php?action=events&code=gsl2010 When you go onto the system, please select the workshop on 10th October. For details of the location see http:// www.baylishouse.co.uk/ If you are holding any fundraising activities outside of your District, please ensure that the “host” District Commissioner is notified in advance. This will ensure there are no clashes between events and help route any queries to the correct person.

CONGRATULATIONS... ...to Itchen South on their friendly laughter-filled District AGM, on opening their TRACS computer centre, and to Andy Viney their DC on being awarded a Chief Scout’s Commendation for Good Services ...to Gemma Addison on achieving her Queen’s Scout Award, and being presented with it in front of her Beaver Colony and the rest of the 1st Purbrook Scout Group last Monday ...to 2nd New Forest North (Stanley’s Own) on a very successful Group Camp to celebrate their Centenary last week, held close to and maybe even on the same site of Major Sloane-Stanley’s estate that they camped on 100 years ago ...to 1st Romsey and 7th Gosport on reaching 100 years and being presented with their Centenary Plaques at great family BBQs ...to Simon Taylor on being presented with his Queen’s Scout Award, Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award, and Explorer Scout Leader appointment all on one night at 1st Stubbington ...to Jamboree Unit 3 (Allsorts) and Unit 4 (still to be named) on their great training camps and hospitality at Pinsents and in Surrey over the weekend

...to the Peru expedition on their final training weekend, on becoming mediasavvy, and to whoever won the duck races. ...and to Andy Baird, DC of Silchester, on gaining his Wood Badge To Mike Baxter, ACC DofE & QSA, and Mel (nee James) who got married on Saturday in Romsey. They are now on a “touring around Mont Blanc” honeymoon. Congratulations to Andover Explorers who have reached Macchu Picchu and are nearing the end of a fantastic expedition to Peru... Well done to Sue Smith (Hook Explorers, Bramshill District) and her six Explorer Scouts (Alex Charles, Sophie Mellors, Sam Lochead, Jack Youngs, Lee Craven Ellis Carter-Morgan) who have just achieved their Bronze Award, it is their first batch of Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards to be achieved since Sue took post. WELL DONE ALL. Mike Baxter ACC (D of E and QSA) Congratulations to everyone at HamJam for an fantastic event at Great Tower in the Lake District over the past week, packed full of adventurous activities, and thanks for the welcome they gave Adam and Mark during their visits. A huge well done to the Denmark 2011 Expedition Explorers and Leaders who stepped in at the last minute to help Brent Lodge wildlife trust with car parking at their Dog Show last weekend at Queen Elizabeth Country Park and ended up helping with handing out prizes, holding down tents and assisting wherever needed. And with the rotten Weather they were needed almost everywhere. A fantastic example of Scouting Supporting the community!

to construct a tower which gave us the opportunity to brush up on our knots and 3-2-1’s. In the afternoon we went swimming in Leek.

THE BIG OUTDOORS By Mike Dawson The first weekend of the school holidays saw Hawley and Frogmore ESU heading north to Gradbach, a remote campsite on the Derbyshire /Staffordshire border. There are 18 camping areas which range from a superb site (ours), perched high up and overlooking the valley, to one situated on the confluence of two rivers. First up on Monday was a full day’s hike to do some geo-caching. The weather deteriorated dramatically and visibility was down to about 25 m. We couldn’t see much and we were navigating by compass and GPS until we gradually lost height and things improved. Tuesday we visited Ashbourne for lunch, some shopping and more geocaching. On Wednesday we visited a local rock formation called Lud’s Church and then continued downstream to Wincle to go trout fishing for our supper. Fortunately we all caught something! Thursday we did a big pioneering project

Friday was spent cycling on the High Peak Trail from Parsley Hey to the canal junction just short of Cromford. It’s about 14 miles each way but there is a huge incline at of 1 in 8 which makes for an exciting descent but means a leg wrecking return! On Friday night we had a torrential downpour and so it was the usual end to camp on Saturday morning packing away wet tents! We’d recommend Gradbach if you’re into the big outdoors. They have just opened a marvellous new toilet and shower block and the crew are all very helpful and friendly.

MORE NEXT MONTH! This month we feature camps taking place close-ish to home but next month we have features on trips by Hampshire Scouts to Canada,Switzerland, Zambia and Malawi plus 2 expeditions to Peru.

SCOTLAND FOR THE BRAVE 1ST MILTON CUBS By Sandra Paice 1st Milton Cubs travelled to Scotland to meet up and camp with 17th West Lothian Cubs at Fordell Firs 1st Milton Cubs took the long route to Edinburgh by overnight coach (financial reasons) and arrived on Monday 2nd August to wet weather. On arriving at the campsite the weather cleared. We enjoyed 5 very full days of activities and events in lovely sunshine. There were 28 cubs on camp and 12 leaders/young leaders. The cubs went climbing, kayaking, sailing, horse riding, orienteering, caving, sumo wrestling, gladiator battles, bmx biking and assault course. As well as visiting an air museum, walking the Forth Bridge and swimming and rock pooling on the beach. The cubs achieved lots of badges, but the most exciting was “the Scottish Challenge� badge. After a great 5 days 1st Milton took the 8-30pm plane home. Now to plan for next year when Scotland visit us.

SWOPSIES 1st Milton and 17th Lothian Leaders have made what could be a challenge easy by taking it in turns to run a camp for both packs. All they have to do is arrange transport when they visit the other pack everything else is arranged for them by the host Pack.

8TH EASTLEIGH AT FERNY CROFTS This years joint Cub & Scout Summer Camp proved to be a massive success. Apart from 1 days rain we had sun, fun, great food and got up to things like: Crate Stacking, Climbing Wall, Cycling (see below), Shooting, Wide Games, Team Building, Obstacle Course (getting very wet & smelly!), Back Woods Cooking, Camp Fires.....

MY CUB CAMP By Dylan from 4th Eling

The start of my journey to have my first Cub camp without any of my parents was when my dad helped put the tent up with Rob - Luke’s dad and other leaders and parents. Me and my little sister helped too.

sparkly woggle as that would have used up most of my money. I like guessing the different tree names, I only knew the Oak tree before this. We also played skimming stones that I enjoyed. Luke and I managed 4 skims each.

Then Ben came with his mum we all got to hold a pole each in the tent to help put it up and we were laughing lots. When it was lunch time me, dad and my little sister went to the chip shop. Then it was time for my dad and sister to go home and camp had begun. I was in the Badgers tent with John, Harry, Luke, Marshall. John was the leader of the tent. Inside the tent it had 2 holes where the ants came in. I liked all the food at camp but especially the pizza. On the 2nd day we went to Brownsea Island. We got on the coach which took us to Poole harbour and then we went on a mini ferry over to the Island. At the shop my group was the 1st in and I found a Brownsea Island woggle to buy, I didn’t buy the On Saturday we went to Moors Valley Country Park. I went in Darrens car with Jack and Marshall. I enjoyed walking the play trail. In the evening we had a camp fire and I burnt my finger when the fire popped and a spark flew in the air. On Sunday my mum came to collect me I was really happy and gave her a big hug.


Summer camp was really good especially being able to try new activities, cook new foods and learning to work in a team. At the beginning of the week we were all struggling to work in a team but by the end we were all working together to get things done so we could have more free time. There were a range of activities for us all to try. Some of us got over fear of heights and we all tried something new. My favourite activity was the crate stacking. It was quite funny when we fell off the crates because we could pretend to fly in the air. The swimming was a very cold experience but it was lots of fun. It was really good to be independent and learn how to live to absolute basics and realise that we manage without TVs and computers and still have fun. Though it was great to get on the minibus at the end of the week to sit on a seat that actually had cushions. I had a really good week and I would really like to do another camp next year. Hopefully without a thunderstorm in the middle.

18 GO TO DORSET By Charlie T and Charlie P

At summer camp, 1st Lymington and Pennington Scouts usually go to cities or towns some days, play games (most days) and do activities such as pioneering, orienteering and hiking. This summer we were at the Five Bells Campsite, Whitchurch Canonicorum in Dorset and visited Weymouth and Exeter. Sleeping in tents isn’t as bad as it sounds. We are usually with our patrol unless there isn’t enough room in the big tents, in which case you get your own little tent all to yourself. Our campsite was ace, with a friendly landlady in the pub who lets us use the games room and is now an honorary member of the Group. From going to Scout camps we have come away with many skills; being able to cook, put up tents, tying knots, working as a team and sleeping through lots of noise. We have been to many camps with Cubs and Scouts including H007. Usually in our Troop there is a Easter, Spring and summer camp and a few bonus camps like the recent one to the Biggin Hill Airshow. Skip came away from the camp saying that was the last one he is doing, but we hope he does another one because they are fantastic fun. Here is our list of do’s and don’ts in camp. Do: • Follow the kit list the leaders gave you! • Do as you’re told. • Have fun. • Help out. Dont: • Pack too much! • Answer back. • Skive.


semifinal. There was also an ebay sale where we managed to sell four of our older scouts as kitchen slaves.

Norfolk Scouts and Guides organize a big International Camp every 4 years. It is held at The County Showground just outside Norwich and this year 5000 young people came along, including units from 26 different countries, to enjoy an action packed week of fun and friendship. The overall theme of the mini-jamboree was “The Modern World� and each of the 6 Sub-Camps were suitably named. We were in The Website Sub-Camp and around us we had local Scouts and Guides and a Troop from Kent but in our SubCamp we also had boys and girls from Ireland, Uganda, Norway and Russia. Events in our Sub Camp included continuous challenges such as Tug of War, for which we won the Trophy, and Fivea-side Football in which we reached the

An important part of this NORJAM was the Guide Centenary Celebrations with many related activities. Each of our Scouts gained a special badge by completing 100 different challenges and we also had a Facebook evening dinner when we linked with a Guide Company from Sheringham. We also produced a special Centenary Card which we presented to the Swaffham Guides camped opposite us. There were about 30 different on-site activities including Go-Karts, Quad Bikes, Bumper cars, High Ropes and a Circus Trapeze Swing. Bus trips were made to 15 off-site activities and our Scouts enjoyed Parascending, Swimming and Tenpin Bowling. We also managed to find time to visit the Aircraft Museum on the edge of Norwich Airport and the highlight of this visit was climbing up into the cockpit of an Avro Vulcan. Overall there was lots of mixing between everyone present because all the action was shared and as well there were live bands and discos during the evenings and especially at the opening and closing ceremonies.

NEW FOREST EAST AT CHAMBOREE By Gus Angus On Saturday 31st July 2010 all the young people and leaders met Taff the driver who became a valuable member of the team entertaining us with quizzes, and general knowledge, along the journey, to Cheshire’s show ground and our sub camp; Tower of London The opening ceremony had music from Robbie Williams and Kylie Minogue (wink, wink!!), a firework display and various other forms of entertainment going on late into the evening. On Sunday the Knights of Middle England brought a giant jousting event to the Chamboree which entertained and amazed the young people, with their skills. Throughout the remainder of the week the young people and leaders alike were entertained and challenged by over 150 different zone activities and events and over 100 drop in arena challenges, as well as relaxing with beauty treatments such as massages and manicures!

FANCY GOING TO A BIG CAMP NEXT YEAR? Leicestershire Scouts and Guides International Jamboree- Charnwood 2011 will be held 30th July to 6th August 2011 at Whatton House in the heart of Leicestershire. www.charnwood.org CLANJAM 2011 is an International Scout Jamborette, from 30th July to 6th August. We aim to bring young people together from all over the world to enjoy a week of Scottish hospitality! Enjoy some fun and friendship, learn about clans & tartan, taste some haggis and enjoy the sights and sounds of Edinburgh.

The evenings were packed full off entertainment from Chamboree X, live bands, discos, cinemas and the list goes on! During our experience we took part in off site activities at Tatton Park and additional on site activities, including breaking the world record for the most people wobble boarding in one location at once, this was seen on BBC news. The Chamboree was an experience for all 48 of us to remember, finalised at the closing ceremony with a concert, review of the week and firework display. www.clanjam.org.uk Camjam will be at Huntingdon Racecourse for 2011 from Saturday 30 July to Saturday 6 August. More details from: www.camjam2011.org.uk For a shorter experience try: Malvern challenge (24th -26th June) for under 16s. Central catering makes this an easy one for leaders and for the kids there’s loads of entertainment based around a 7 mile activity hike. The Sun Run (1st - 3rd July 2011) for over 15s includes an overnight run and loads of other cool stuff. More info on both events is at: www.sr-mc.co.uk

By: Adam Jollans 300 Scouts and Leaders have just returned from spending a fantastic week at Great Tower in Lake District - experiencing new adventures on rock and water, camping as troops in stunning scenery, and making friends from across Hampshire. HamJam offered the chance for Scouts to try out many different activities, from sailing and canoeing on Lake Windermere, to climbing on real rock, to the adrenalin of the high ropes course and zip wire Troops camped individually in large campsites on hilly terrain around the site, and came together for campfires and other events in the evenings. Mark Tarry, Deputy Chief Commissioner of England and a former Hampshire leader, visited HamJam on Wednesday, toured the activities and campsites, and presented two 75-night camper badges to Scouts from the 1st Shedfield. With good weather, a packed yet flexible programme, and a great atmosphere HamJam was an outstanding success, and congratulations go to Dominic Howell, our outgoing ACC (Scouts), his County Scout team, and the Great Tower campsite instructors for organising such an amazing event. And who can forget the ghost story around the campfire... but was it true ?

CHRIS LAMBERT’S HAMJAM TWITTER DIARY 8th Basingstoke Scouts went to Hamjam and it looks like they had a fantastic time judging by the pictures on their website some of which are included on the left. Chris ran a twitter feed to the website and here are the edited highlights: • The lorries of kit arrived at Great Tower in the early hours of this morning and now only a few hours until we head off. • It’s far too early for a Saturday! Now for the looooong coach journey.. • We made it to Farnborough. Must be nearly there then! • Back on the coach trying to leave Warwick but the coach doesn’t want to go... • Finally the coach has woken up and we’re of again. • 100 miles to go ;). Should be these fairly soon :) And its not raining! • At the opening ceremony at Tower Rock. (pic left) And watching sunset over Windermere. • This morning we have been completing the site setup. Not forgetting embarrassing Gawain on his birthday. Just had lunch (roast beef, yorkshire pudding, potatoes and veg) and now a brief rest while the Scouts wash up. After lunch its time for orienteering to get to know the site better. • Not much phone signal on site it seems - not without climbing to the top of a big hill anyway. • Apparently 0 out of 7 scouts brought a watch. Did they even read the kit list? • Watching sunset from the highest point at Great Tower. (See bottom pic on left) • Finally got some signal :) • On way to a mine tour, on the first bus at the moment • We’ve finished our mine tour and now on the way back to Keswick. Got a seat now. • Back in Windermere waiting for the minibus pick up at half past. Hopefully dinner this evening will be simple before activities really kick off ... • Another lovely sunny morning - behind the rain clouds. Scouts are dragging themselves out of bed for breakfast then off to Challenge Valley. (See top pic) • only one minor injury in Challenge Valley - a torn pair of trousers. Scouts have apparently showered but some are still a little muddy... • Just back from a session of archery. Alex managed to miss not just the targets but also the back netting. • Sitting on a rock ordering food from ASDA. Odd. • Tuesday means campfire. Everywhere we go, people always ask us, who we are and where we come from. So we tell them we’re from Hampshire - mighty, mighty Hampshire. • Pancakes for breakfast this morning and a bit later we’re off climbing.(See 3rd pic down) • Climbing on Juniper face now. Cameron has the record for the fastest climb - about 30 seconds to the top. • This afternoon we did High Ropes. Sian conquered her fears and made it up and down the zip wire. And then this evening we played charades. • Is it really morning already? • The Scouts, Bryn, Annmarie and Jack have just started the hour hike to water activities. And it has just started raining again. That should be fun. I have to put up with a nice warm cup of tea before a tent inspection and preparing lunch later. Maybe a warm shower too. • The first real rain of the week kicked in last night and is still going! At least it should be easy to get the pegs out tomorrow. This morning we have site services (in the rain) before we get the big clear up underway this afternoon. • Currently waiting for the shop to open then on to the closing ceremony of HamJam 2010. Tomorrow it’s home time. • And when did chomps go up to 17p? • Waiting for the coach home. Due to leave anytime now. • On the way home. Initial guess puts us back in Basingstoke some time around 6pm. • 4 coach loads of Scouts at one service station. It’s a little busy. And not even a KFC • Back home and showered with wet tents now filling the den. Photos from the week will be up as soon as I wake up - so probably some time tomorrow evening!






September 3rd

Theme park Camp


Thorpe Parke

www.summit network.org.uk/tpc


D of E Autumn meeting





National DC and GSL day










County Beaver Leaders Meeting



Teresa Ginn


Intro to DofE course + 29th





Explorer leaders Camp


Lyons copse

Paul Shutt


County Skills day


Lyons copse

Paul Shutt


Emlyn Camping Competition



Les Farrington


Explorer leaders Camp


Lyons copse

Paul Shutt


D of E Autumn meeting





CEC Meeting


Dovetail C'Ford

County Office


Essential Bushcraft Camp


Cricket camp

Paul Shutt


Pulling & Canoeing Regatta


Testwood Lake

David Chadwick


Basingstoke canal challenge



John Penfold


D of E Autumn meeting




October 1st

YL Training Weekend


Cricket camp

Paul Shutt


Caving Day


Priddy Green

Andy Clifton


Essential Bushcraft Camp


Cricket camp

Paul Shutt


HSMT Hillwalking training


South Wales



Regional DC+GSL day


Stoke Poges



Beaver Roadshow North BSL


Teresa Ginn


Fellowships in Hampshire Mtg


St Wilfid's Church, Cowplain

Richard Spearing


Regatta Meeting


13th Soton HQ

David Chadwick


Heritage meeting


Win' Tennis Club

Ron Dear


Sedan Chair



Ray Noice


Caving Day


Priddy Green

Andy Clifton




West of Hants

Romsey Pirates






Hedge End

County Office

November 6th

County Conference



Cubs ADC, DCSL meeting



HSMT Hillwalking training


South Wales



Christmas Wonderland


Paultons Park

Teresa Ginn


Scrapheap Challenge



Vanessa Slawson


CEC Meeting


Dovetail C'Ford

County Office


PL Training weekend


Lyons Copse

Dominic Howell


i Scout Conference


Thornden C'Ford

County Office



Ray Noice

Vanessa Slawson

December 31st

New Year Camp + workshop 2011

28th Jan

YL Training Weekend


Cricket camp

Paul Shutt

4th Feb

NSRA rifle Leader training


Ferny Crofts

John Dohoo

22nd April

Cty Explorer Camp


Ferny Crofts

Paul Shutt

25th June

Ferny Crofts open day


Ferny Crofts

Ferny Crofts

1st July

NSRA rifle Leader training


Ferny Crofts

John Dohoo

1st July

Trek Cart


23rd July

Inter-net 2011



Neil O'Sullivan

27th July




Ian Porter


Beavers Cubs Scouts Explorers


Paul Shutt

Network Everyone Leaders Young Leaders

DCh District Chairs Hopefully the rest of the abbreviations should be clear.

Let us know about County Events that are happening so they can be included in the lists above. County.office@scouts-hants.org.uk Tel: 02380 847847

BOOK BY 10/09/2010

Leader Skills Weekend Booking Application

Please complete the form in BLOCK CAPITALS using black ink and send it to: Leader Skills weekend, County Office, Ferny Crofts, Beaulieu, Brockenhurst, Hampshire SO42 7YQ Mr/Miss/Ms

First name


Surname Group


District Home phone no.

Mobile phone no.

Fax no. Postcode

e-mail address

Attending for - Please tick Whole weekend (Fri Eve to Sun PM £15

Saturday AM or PM or eve £10

Sunday only £5

Saturday’s Skill bases on offer - Please tick the ones that you are interested in attending Base Advanced Survival Skills Basic Survival Skills Camp Kitchen Fire Lighting Fire Wood GPS and Electronic mapping In Touch Knife, axe and saw Knots and Lashings Map and Compass Membership Services Outdoor Cooking Pioneering (Big) Pioneering (Small) Programmes on-line Risk Assessments Stoves and Lanterns Tent Pitching Tracking What would you also like to do? Wood Carving Young Leader Signed:

Tick AM

Tick PM

Admin use

admin use Received:

Please enclose a Cheque made payable to ‘HCSC’ with this application form.

A REAL G N I R T S ! W O B R U O Y O T BOOK USING Leaders Skills Day

Saturday 18th September 2010 8:30am to 12pm and 12:30pm to 4pm


Join us to learn or refresh your skills. Basic or Advanced Survival Skills - Camp Kitchen Fire Lighting - Fire Wood - GPS and Electronic mapping - In Touch, information - Knife, axe and saw - Knots and Lashings - Map and Compass Membership Services, how to access - Outdoor Cooking - Pioneering Big or Small - Programmes online, how to access and much mach more ... Choose from All day Saturday or AM or PM or Eve. Why not stay all weekend. Social Friday eve, Lyons Copse Scout Activity Centre Sandy Lane, ShedďŹ eld Hampshire



The Scout Association Registered Charity Number(s)

GIVE US YOUR CAMPSITE RECOMMENDATIONS In a future issue of HSN we are planning a big feature on places to take your Cubs, Scouts and Explorers Camping. So contact us with your recommended camp sites in Hampshire and beyond. If your HQ can be used for sleepovers or Pack holidays let us know so we can let others know and the same goes for activity centres, farmers fields and anywhere else you think is ace.


Thanks to Wightlink Ferries and one of our Dads – we spent the last evening of the summer term enjoying a trip to the Isle of Wight and back – we got to explore the Ferry, visiting the bridge and engine rooms, and to find out all about the marker posts in the channel! Some of us even got to wear the Captain’s hat and have a go at steering!................. Heron 9th Lymington Beavers

BE PREPARED FOR PAULTONS PARK Our annual visit to Paultons park to meet Father Christmas is coming up on the 13th of November.

access to the park for the day, a visit to Father Christmas and a present from him. Adults don’t get to meet the man but do get a mince pie and tea.

The paperwork will be out with your ADCs soon so look out for it as you wouldn’t want to miss this fantastic day out for Hampshire Beavers.

Don’t delay and start preparing the moment you get the flyer and booking form from your District.

Recent experience has made us decide that we will be much tougher on late bookings which will not be accepted under any circumstances. But with the stick comes a carrot. Get your paperwork in early and there will be a £1 discount on the £14 cost. ( NB. This figure is lower than in the printed copies of HSN because Paultons came up with a better than expected deal!) Tickets for the Beavers include


On Sunday 23rd May, teams of Cubs and Beaver Scouts were at the Toynbee Sports College to participate in the first Chandlers Ford Scout District sports and fun day. The event was organised by Lyn Darbyshire, District Commissioner and Julie Spillar ADC (BS), in liaison with Lisa Binney, Partnership Development Manager, Toynbee School Sport Partnership (SSP). Lisa is very keen that all Scout Districts in Hampshire Scouting are aware of the SSP network across the county and would like to have details of all Districts interested in developing Scouting and SSP partnerships in order to develop Sport and Physical Activity provision for Young People. The young people took part in several activities including football sessions from an outside football coach organised and funded through Lisa Binney; tug of war; human skittles; cricket; parachute games and duck racing. The event was located on the Sports College’s athletics field and new astro turf. Despite the extremely hot weather, everyone had an enjoyable time and hope to return to Toynbee for more events in the future

BEE-VERS 14th Southampton (Highfield) Beavers had fun when the Bee-man came to tell us about beekeeping and making honey!

BEAVER ROADSHOW Come and meet the County Beaver team at the Beaver Roadshow at Tadley HQ. 10 til 12 . No uniform, just pop in for a chat whether it be about next years 25 year celebrations or anything else Colony related. Refreshments are available for the parched.


vers s and Bea b u C r u o one Peter s TV and , n s e h r it d il m h S C tt 3 Ma ar was od fun m Bakers, me this ye o e T th 2 s , avers. Go l’ n e a e B iv m k n r r e le a b a C y g out D C n couple of Lymingto and handin ho. Cue 6 a ly W d s r n u a D io r s ts e a n s go ssista r role wanted to n Tom Bake , various a n e o o th d Penningto g u J in k A la ta gton and e in k m A y L y Davidson, t b s 1 d r, Akela, y all helpe Tim Palme .. .. .. was had b .. .. .. abies!... the Jelly b


It’s early February, the night is crisp and dry with a stillness in the air...... when out of the shadows comes the excited chatter of Sixers and Seconders and their Leaders, setting off on a Night Hike through the dark squelchy ruts around the countryside. A couple of hours later, they return tired but happy to finish the evening with a hotdog and hot chocolate supper. Our next event ‘Super Six’ is run for the District by the SAS (Scout Active Support) who visit every Pack during their regular meeting night to set a series of challenges to the Sixes which consists of games, quizzes, puzzles etc.

plus how they perform their ‘Grand Howl’, culminating in the six with the highest score being declared ‘Super Six’ and awarded the trophy for the year. During May we are lucky to have members of Basingstoke Hockey Club who run a ‘Hockey Week’ when Packs go to the club on their Pack nights and are then taken through the safety regulations and basic rules of the game before taking part in a mini tournament. Onto Longleat..... What a day! Phew! So much done and we are only halfway through the year with many more exciting events to come... Scouting in Basingstoke West is the result of everyone working as a team – long may it continue!!



Saturday 13th November 2010 Waterlooville Community Centre, 1.30pm – 5.00pm Entry fee: £15 per team

During June 29th Odiham Cubs did four weeks of canoeing, cycling, archery and fishing. The fishing was particularly successful with every Cub catching at least one fish and Danny (below) catching a giant carp. All the fish were returned, unharmed, to the lake at the end of the session.

Each District may enter one team of six Cubs whose combined ages should add up to no more than 54. I would expect leaders to use their sense of fair play by not entering a team made up of all sixers! The competition: A theme will be given to the teams at the start. They will then make a model of their choice related in some way to the theme. Supplies of ‘junk’ will be provided along with glue, sellotape, pens, paint etc.

We reckon this Carp weighed in at around 11 lbs. All done with whip rods and helped by 4 or 5 staff from the local fishing shop in Fleet (Tackle Up). Thanks go to the shop and the many parents who helped out.

Teams will gain points based on their teamwork during the competition and the model made. Teams should arrive between 1.00pm and 1.15pm for registration. We plan to be finished by 5.00pm.

COUNTY SIXERS CAMP Calling all Sixers and Seconders who would like to attend the County Camp from 22nd Oct - 24th Oct 2010 in Winchester. You need to be over 9 1/2 and have at least 5 nights away under your belt. The cost will be £20 and this includes all your food and the activities. Come and find out what activities you will be doing in the Scout section with your Cub friends. You will also meet other

Cubs from all over the County and have the chance to take part in the County Sixer’s Forum. Get your leader to book your place now - spaces are limited to 60 Cubs and each pack will need to send a leader. For more details contact cubs@ scouts-hants.co.uk


I don’t know if you can find space for the picture on the right in the next issue of HSN as an example of how the older scouts look after the younger ones............. while the leaders get out their cameras!....Matt

Renouf ASL 9th Lymington

st 2 Breakfa BBC Radio , hris Evans C r, te n e s pre nted with was prese g ral Scoutin the inaugu eur Award Entrepren rd . This awa last month the skills celebrates hen Scouts on show w a mind for te demonstra business.

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By Fiona Durrant The Hampshire Scout Youth Council is an initiative set up by Adam Jollans, County Comissioner, and supported by Hampshire Scout Network. The Youth Council will be a platform for young people in scouting to share their thoughts and ideas on topics that matter to them, and input directly into the county core team. The Youth Council is open for the top age scouts, right through Explorers and into the bottom age of Network, with upper age Network offering support through facilitation. The Youth Council will also allow young people to develop skills in public speaking and running meetings, as well as the opportunity to take part in outdoor activities. The Youth Council is being officially launched with a residential camp at Ferny Crofts over the 2nd and 3rd of October,

where 2 young people from every area aged between 13 and 21 will be invited to represent their district. The weekend will include team building games and activities as well as workshops and consultations and the chance to quiz members of the county core team. Anyone interested in more information or attending/supporting the weekend should contact Fi Durrant (County Scout Network Co-Chair) on Fiona.durrant@hotmail.com or 07708 39137.

BIKE AND HIKE 2010 Sunday 3rd October in aid of Oakhaven Hospice. 5,15, or 30 mile rides in the New Forest. Walks of 3, 6 and 10 miles. Entry fee and then raise sponsorship to help them beat last years total of ÂŁ33,000. More information from: www.oakhavenhospice.co.uk

14 - 18 YEARS OLD

PUT KUDU IN YOUR DIARY This year’s Kudu incident hike will take place overnight on Saturday 30th to Sunday 31st October in the deepest South West with the theme of Pirates. Please save the date and be on the lookout for further information in September.

D of E UPDATES The following meetings are important updates on D of E: Award HQ and Gilwell and it would be really good to see at least one representative from each District or Award Group. It will also be a useful time to discuss the development of D of E within Scouting. The sessions are as follows: Thu 9 Sept South East (Denmead) Mon 20 Sept North (Farnborough)

Wed 29 Sept SW and Central Winchester 15 and 29 Sept Intro to D of E - Winchester 7.30- 9.30 approx. Joining instructions will be sent by email to all registered on the courses by email. Current bookings attached. The intro to D of E course is the nationally recognised course, costs ÂŁ15 and includes an Award Handbook and Induction Pack. Please email me names, emails and phone numbers of those wishing to attend. Meetings are open to D of E participants, Explorer Leader, Network Leaders and DESCs or anyone else interested in D of E. For more info contact Mike Baxter on DofE@scouts-hants.org.uk

23rd – 30th July 2011 Newbury Showground, Newbury, Berkshire Inter-net 2011 - Less than a year to go! After already 18 months in the planning, the inter-net 2011 staff team are excited to be at this point where now all we need to do is confirm a few of the activities and get 1000 of you guys, the participants, there. Simple!!! Inter-net 2011 is going to be the event of all events for 17-24 year olds right across the UK. You won’t want to miss out on what we have in store for you • A 7 day camp, the first Scout Network week long camp in the UK. • Gold Standard off-site activities including: Snowboarding, Skiing, Ringoing, Wakeboarding, Sailing, Quad Biking, Indoor Free Falling, Go-Karting, Parascending, Gliding & Horse Riding (subject to change). • A 48 hour foreign experience to a major European city, including a surprise activity when you arrive. • Evening entertainment…fun, games, live music & entertainment. • Competitions with fabulous prizes and a record breaking attempt every day. • Your own sub-camp team to make sure you get the most enjoyment out of the week. • All your standard onsite activities to keep you entertained. • Radio station, Daily Newsletter & podcasts. • Onsite facilities include Shops, catering, toilets and hot showers.

• An Inter-net 2011 T-shirt. • And memories and new friends that will stay with you for a life time! Quite an impressive line-up if we do say so ourselves….. And, you will get all this for just £260! With less than a year to go, if you are coming along then this is definitely the best time to register, secure your place with the £50 deposit now and you will find it easy to spread the remaining payments for the rest of the event out over the up coming months - you won’t even notice that the money has gone. It works out around £8 per week if you start paying now! So, just visit our website – www.internet.org.uk , and go to the ‘Click here to register’ link on the home page. Complete the registration form and consider yourself an official inter-net 2011 participant. Over the summer, the Inter-net 2011 team were out and about on tour visiting as many of you as possible to tell what the event is all about. If you missed us, not to worry the website has everything you need to know and if you want us to come to your Unit or District to talk to you more about the event, then let us know via the Contact Us page on the website! Follow what’s going on by joining the inter-net 2011 Facebook group or following us on twitter, look for ‘inet2011’.


NETWORK GOES MAD IN ESSEX! Members of Hampshire Network donned their new yellow “on tour” polo shirts for a weekend of activities and fun in Essex. Network members from Southampton, Romsey, Eastleigh and the New Forest joined forces to take part in the annual activity camp in Basildon. Network members gathered from far and wide to participate in a range of activities, including: zip wire, archery, inflatable’s, and crafts. Also popular was the swimming pool that was provided by members of Southampton Duck Network! This year’s evening theme was “prehistoric”, so several cavemen and a sabre toothed tiger. Later the Network were ready to party long into the night. The evening was made very special as all helped to celebrate New Forest North Pegasus Network, Leader Tall Paul (aka Jon Rowsell), turning 23! The next morning Hampshire Hunts conjoined with some real northern people to take part in the highly contested “its a knockout” tournament. After nearly 2 hours of welly wanging, bungee running, and water filling we were announced as this year’s winning team, bringing home a lovely solid plastic trophy!

YOUR JOINT NETWORK CHAIRS Fiona Durrant -Age: 22 Network: Romsey Pirates/Gosport Sharks

Aims as Chair: to be comfortable and supportive and cushioning. Contact: sam.chapman@live.co.uk

Time involved in Scouting: since I was 10, before that I was a Brownie! Favourite Scouting Memory: Completing the Lotchenpass walk in Switzerland on Suisse Adventure ‘09, and winning the Emlyn trophy in 2002 as a patrol leader! Unusual Skill/Hobby: Fixing my Mini (Jemima!) who breaks down nearly every weekend, and going to mini shows. Current Status: Working and in need of a holiday!


Plans for the future: To go back to uni and become a full time youth worker. Aims as Chair: to set up the Hampshire Scout Youth Council and to develop participation of young people in Scouting. Contact: fiona.durrant@hotmail.com

Sam Chapman - Age: 24

Lyndhurst Park Hotel, Lyndhurst Saturday 4th December 2010 Cost £40 (The more people that book the less the cost) Overnight in local Scout HQ with breakfast.

Time involved in Scouting: 18 years

Pay £10 deposit by 31st August 2010 Pay £20 by 30th September 2010 Pay £10 by 31st October 2010

Favourite Scouting Memory: Week spent in Lancashire (in Ventures) on LIV best week ever, hopefully will be relived at Inter-Net 2011.

miss a payment = 10% added to your bill every 7 days! pay on time = a free beer, wine or soft drink on the night

Unusual Skill/Hobby: no idea. Come up with something... (now there’s a challenge for Sam’s Network)

Cheques payable to ‘HCSC’ to Chris Scott, (Eastleigh Network) 4 Winchester Road, Lower Upham, Southampton SO32 1HA E: cjscott@live.co.uk T: 079 1712 0175

Network: Southampton City Duck

Current Status: uninspiringly un-funny and unhappy about it. Plans for the future: open-mic night tonight and camping this week. Best to keep it short term.

Hampshire Scout Network E: scout.network@scouts-hants.org.uk T/text: 077 7228 9061 W: www.scouts-hants.org.uk/network

GOING ABROAD If you are thinking of organising a Scout trip abroad please get in touch with the County International Team as early as possible. As well as being a requirement of POR to send form TA to ACC International, the team has a wealth of experience of trips abroad and can save you a lot of time and effort in your preparations.


This will be the 14th Annual Workshop which brings together persons interested in creating awareness of the world around us and undertaking international activities at home and abroad as part of the Global section of the Scout programme. This is a networking event which will also involve those who have and those who intend to travel. The venue as usual will be the United Reformed Church, London Road, Basingstoke from 10.00 until 16.00 which is within easy walking distance of Basingstoke station through the shopping centre and just around the corner from the Haymarket theatre. The cost will be £10 per person which includes lunch and morning/afternoon refreshments. A comprehensive folder of information will also be available. To register your interest and reserve your place(s), please email rayner@ sciotech.demon.co.uk giving your group and contact details. Of interest to older Scouts, Explorers, Networkers and Guides


Once again we are running a series of the popular Training Adviser Events. These events are open to Training Advisers and Local Training Managers as well as District Commissioners, District Chairs and anyone who has an interest in Adult Training in Scouting. We are holding the 2010 events on the following dates: Tuesday 2nd November - Pauline’s Lodge, Cricket Camp, Pylands Lane, Bursledon. SO31 1BH (map ref: SU 493112) Thurs 4th November - Hook Scout HQ, Raven Road, Hook. RG27 9HH (map ref:SU 723539) Thurs 11th November - Copythorne Scout HQ, A31 Romsey Road, Off Junction 1 M27. SO40 2PB (map ref: SU 307147) All evenings will start at 8.00 pm and finish at 10.00 pm (or earlier). Coffee/ tea and biscuits will be served upon arrival. Over recent years you will know that these sessions have been really successful (i.e. requested each year by TAs) as TAs can get up to date information from the Training Management Team about where we are in Hampshire on Adult Training/ Learning, hear about any new initiatives from Hampshire & Gilwell and discuss any issues arising on quality or completion of PLPs. The draft Programme looks like this:  Welcome & Intros  Where are we in Hampshire?  Gilwell News

   

An LTM’s view Papers & processes – an update Quality discussion Summary

Please register your attendance with Phill Pegg, County Training Administrator on cta_hants@btinternet.com.

Bookings and Information on 02380 845092


The summer holiday period at Ferny Crofts is always busy but this year even the lead up to the season has been brilliant with sales up 60% on last year. Much of the growth has come from Schools and other non Scouting users for which we have Ferny Crofts status as a National Centre to thank. Along with HQ and the other National Centres, a great deal of work has been done to attract Schools with fresh Brochures, mail shots and follow up calls. They are not resting on their laurels though and are listening closely to what customers are saying both informally as they work around the site and with feedback forms. Each of the forms is personally looked at and signed off by Donna, the manager and the feedback is discussed in staff meetings and the Ferny Crofts board meetings. I had a read through all of the recent forms and the themes were repeated. Firstly people seem to love the staff who are consistently getting top marks on the forms. The activities came out highly too with most people finding them challenging, exciting and good value.

A tiny minority thought them more expensive than other sites but I had a look on a few site websites and prices varied above and below others depending on the activity. Parking proved a bugbear for some and Donna said that changes were made this year and they will continue to find more space where they can. A new toilet block is definitely on the agenda when finances allow and will be welcomed by customers and staff alike. Campers seem to really appreciative of the staff habit of checking with them that everything is going well for them and the overwhelming majority of the respondents said they’d had a fantastic time and would be back again soon. To double check the feedback I sent roving reporter Terry Phelps out to get opinions from the campers mouths and once again the feedback was positive and Terry came back unscathed. 2nd Braunston Scouts told him “ Will come back many times in the future and will recommend it to everyone” and 1st Hilperton said “Overall a pleasant experience and good value.

It may sound odd but working in the County Office you don’t see much of Ferny Crofts as a campsite but reading all the feedback forms made me realise what a fantastic resource we have in Hampshire and how lucky we are. I have just booked my Cubs in for the weekend of the next open day and am really looking forward to it.

With all these aims in mind, I ask the members of Hampshire Scouting to dig deep and let’s see how far back we can go. Who knows, we may be able to make contact with a Scout from the early days of the competition.

NEW BOOK LAUNCHED Baden Powell’s footprint across Britain

NEXT MEETING The date of the next meeting is Thursday 21st October, 1pm at Winchester Tennis Club. The meeting dates after that (all in 2011) will be Thursday 3rd March, Thursday 19th May and Thursday 20th October, venue(s) to be advised.


The Emlyn Woodcraft Competition was first organised in 1925 to encourage woodcraft and good camping in Hampshire. The first competition was held in Winchester on 19th September 1925, with four districts taking part — Bournemouth, Lymington, Christchurch and Alresford. It has, to the best of my knowledge, continued under the same principles every year since, with the exception of the War Years. The Heritage Project would like to make a montage of the competition through the years and my intention will be to run something in the local rags inviting exmembers of the movement to contact us. Hopefully they will have photos and information on the competition, particularly if they were one of the winning patrols.

Where did Baden-Powell go on honeymoon? Is the hotel he stayed in still there? Did Baden-Powell live in a castle? What is Scouting’s Founder’s connection with Dick Whittington? Where was the oldest Scout Troop in the country formed? In this fascinating book the author revisits many of the former homes of Baden-Powell and his family, and also the sites of important Scout rallies and jamborees. Over 400 b/w and colour photographs… Fascinating detail

CENTENARY GROUPS To-date the presentation of the special ‘Centenary Plaques and Certificates’, which began in March 2008, has seen some 19 Hampshire Groups recognised as providing Scouting in their local Communities ‘continuously” for one hundred years. (excluding the war years of WW.1 and WW.2) The County Commissioner, Adam Jollans, has reviewed this qualification and now retrospectively any Group which has provided Scouting to their local community ‘over’ 100 years is eligible to apply for a ‘Centenary Plaque and accompanying Certificate’. “The spirit of this change is that a Group will have commenced 100 years ago and will have been in existence for the major part of the ensuing one hundred years.” If your Group does now qualify under the revised qualification, please contact County Office, with as much relevant detail as possible.


atta. g e R g n i l l Scout Pu e r i h s p m at the Ha t i e nwards v o o r p m a 9 0 If so ber 201 m e t p e S hampton t u o 25th S r n Lakes Testwood re with

pshi m a H n i s ut Group aks. o y c a S K l l e l a b o u t Open aks, Do y a K e l g igs. n i G S d r o n f a s s e e s i clas s, Ding e o n a C n e here is p t O s p e l u b o r u g o D e of age g n a r e d i outs to c S m o r f With a w e e the ever yon r o r f o e f b g n n i i h t some ntr y for m e u o y t e g o Network s tember. p e S f o h t 1 1 o.uk t.Demon.c oos

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R avid@The D : n o i t a for m

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