HSN December 2010

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Hampshire Scouts the adventure goes on . . .

Dec 2010/Jan 2011

HSN www.scouts-hants.org.uk





WELCOME Hello and welcome to the December/ January edition of HSN. Thanks for all the feedback we received at the i-scout leaders conference the other weekend. We are as suggested working on letting more people know about the existence of HSN and on increasing the warning where possible of forthcoming events. Your Diary this month is now 3 pages long and you wouldn’t believe the hassle I had in searching out all the information. So we now know that on the 23rd September next year the newly combined Leader Skills Weekend and i-scout will be held at Ferny Crofts. Put it in your diaries now. Apologies to those who were hoping/ expecting this issue to be dedicated to campsites. Unfortunately very few people sent anything in. Thanks to the two that did. I will just have to do the research myself and hopefully it will see the light of day sometime soon.



Find out about the new Local Development officer Hampshire Scouts are employing and what they will be doing.

Beavers News


What happened at Paultons and next years 25 year celebrations



Cub coming events and more.



County Scout diary for the next year. Loads of Stuff happening.



Tim Palmer

Kudu reports and looking ahead to next years events.



Hampshire Scouts provides adventurous activities and personal development opportunities for over 16,000 young people aged 6-25, promoting the physical, intellectual, social and spiritual well-being of the individual, helping them achieve their full potential. In Scouting, we believe that young people develop most when they are ‘learning by doing,’ when they are given responsibility, work in teams, take acceptable risks and think for themselves.

JOIN US To join the adventure of Scouting whether as a Adult or Young person fill in the form at: www.scouts.org.uk/join or email: county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk or phone us on: 02380 847847



Network tour dates for 2011 and a plea for input from Fi.



I have searched far and wide to bring you a definitive guide to all that’s happening in the County.



Do your Scouts want to go undergaround, your Explorers fancy an Expedition to Tanzania or want your Cubs to try Kayaking. This is the place to be with ideas and contacts from the many Clubs operating in Hampshire.

Adult Training


re… f the Futu o g in m a Dre couting ? be future of S e shouldn’t th r fe li fo t a m h a T re . rd er new dventure What’s ou tinually off ht to an a n g o ri c e ld th u o s h a at it s skills. ryone h day, but th quire new is that eve c ry a e m v a e to re d y d e it r y n Ou repla opportu old movie t, and the n e m e the same it c x lts, and es, fresh e agers, adu n e e stage te , n experienc re ys, from th child a – w ll t a n re to fe en if it if en eryone, ev in many d v ould be op e h le s r ib s fo re s o le tu p b n achieva enture is That adve should be . That adv re ts n tu n re e a v p d d gran d that a untain. An . o wants to the mo expensive person wh r g o n lt u u o c y fi if ry ering e sounds d able to ev ways of off il a w v e a n e d b n fi young g should e should at Scoutin umbers of are full, w n th g ts is s in li s m a g a in re re Our d g to inc the wait of Scoutin rt. Even if e a g p n e e k ll a ta h c to nd ture, fun a ey have the adven vironment. n e . Even if th ylum safe ts a le in m a – h l le peop ren of as r the rura e the child er cities o ’r n y in e e th th if om ven ey come fr ioural difficulties. E Even if th v a h e eds or b tion are special ne nd occupa a , d n u . rs ro e able to ckg seeke hat they’r T ulture, ba c . g n ry e ti v u e o the c m through S also enjoy adults fro ” d t e n a s a o th rp is g u n p of Scouti fe with a Our dream dventure a a “social li e e v th a h m o to able enefit fr g people b re the help youn ts which a h selves. ig m n e g th n their ti re ee adventu valuable in ies and m n it e v th ti c a re , a s t ernp a d skills th n the cam ing in mod s n ru a is t s m a e c n th n e s e ft ri am g expe are so o Building te ng. Buildin ities which ti n u u o c m S m f o o c essence Building Scouting. d n o y e b ber, is to life d in Novem e h c n . u fe la li day which we Strategy, ty n u o C r u ty. point of o ms a reali a le ich o re h d w e s e e h T uarters wh ke th q a d m a e to H t rt u ire o help us sta in Hampsh nt from Sc ra rs g a e a y d e e re ung eiv e also rec fficer for th le more yo ’v O b e t a n w n e e t a m re p th ted d therefo al Develo I’m deligh ctions, an ploy a Loc e S m e w e to n s n u ults, ope will help it more ad ru c re lp e enture. e during to h Hampshir rience adv e – in p x g e n ti to u o d Sc t few years e x people y e n jo n e e th s r and adult uting ove ng people about Sco u o ig y b 0 m 0 a ,0 , let’s dre Nearly 20 nter 2011 e e w s A . 2010 it happen. and make Adam

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. . . . . . D E T WAN

Gordon Brakewell- ACC Development

Local Development Officer

In this month’s edition of Hampshire Scout News I am delighted to report that the Scout Association’s Development Grants Board has just awarded us a substantial grant, that together with the support of the County Executive Committee, will enable us to fund the employment of a Local Development Officer (LDO), for a minimum of three years to help us realise our development plans.

Salary competitive 37 Hours a Week

We want to deliver more adventure for more young people and are looking for the right person to help drive the recruitment and retention of adult volunteers throughout Hampshire.

The main purpose behind the appointment is for the LDO to work closely with Districts and Groups in order to help them with their development needs, particularly where significant growth can be achieved. For example where a Group has a waiting list, the LDO can assist with the recruitment of one or more Leaders or in the opening of a new section allowing those young people on the list to experience the adventure of Scouting. These are just two obvious examples of how the appointment of an LDO can make a difference, but clearly the list of how an LDO may be able to help is endless.

You will be a team player, possess fantastic relationship skills and be capable of managing a diverse workload to reach set targets within challenging deadlines. You must be an enthusiastic motivator, and committed to Scouting values. The role will require extensive travel around Hampshire and further afield and you will need to be able to work evenings and weekends. Think you have got what it takes? The next stage is to download the application pack from the County website. www.scouts-hants.org.uk

The Local Development Officer The appointment will be advertised, locally, with a closing date of the end of January 2011 and we hope to have made an appointment by the end of March 2011. Expressions of interest should initially be directed to George Lewis at Ferny Crofts. Application packs will be available and sent out from the County Office before the end of December. The LDO will be line managed by me and responsible to a County Development Board (CDB) which will not only manage the LDO project, but will help with and support development projects in general. The County Development Board

Application packs will be available from the beginning of January 2011 with a closing date of 31st January 2011. county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk

The work of the LDO will be identified 4

by project sponsors from Districts or Groups completing a short proposal form to give an indication of the type of project. These will then be discussed and approved by the CDB. A key feature of the approval process will be to agree start and end dates for the various projects, together with a clear indication of what has to be achieved.

will almost certainly be key in helping to identify any initial projects. Thirdly, ensure that you District has a current Development Plan in place and encourage all your Groups to consider producing one. It doesn’t have to be a long document and there are a number of tools available to help, either by contacting me or the Information Centre.

Some members of the board have already been identified, but there is still room for more so if you think you have got what it takes and would like to get involved in managing the development projects in our County then please get in touch with me. The board will meet formally four times a year and informally as necessary in between.

The Development of our County is at an exciting stage with the recent launch of our County Strategy. The appointment of a Local Development Officer paves the way for it to become even more exciting. If you would like to hear more about the project, please don’t hesitate to get in touch for a chat.


The first meeting of the board will be a very informal one and take place in January 2011. It will be an opportunity for potential members to discuss the LDO project, together with the role and purpose of the CDB.

It was fantastic to see 3,500 Beavers, Leaders and parents having such a fun day at Paulton’s Park in November. Congratulations to Teresa and the County Beaver Team for organising and managing such a smooth event. Special thanks to Andy Cullen, DC from Basingstoke East, who was The Big Beaver all day. He was mobbed by Beavers, and even rode on the rides with them. Rumours that he snuck to the front of the queue are of course untrue.

It is anticipated that members of the board will be involved in the interview process for the LDO. What can Districts do to prepare? Clearly it will be difficult for an LDO to service a County the size of Hampshire without having some sort of structure in place within which they can work. Firstly, therefore, Districts should look to appoint a District Development Champion. This needs to be someone who has a keen interest in the development of your District and is motivated and willing to act as a point of contact for the LDO, in order to identify your development needs and coordinate your projects. A short role description is available from George Lewis at the County Office. Secondly, work with your District Development Champion and District team to identify potential projects for the LDO to work with you on. A starting point maybe to keep a keen eye on your Districts Census for 2011 as this 5

ng All the you ’. m o o r d e f my b y to be ‘the size o opportunit e th A d a hilst Y h JO N people E imulator w S s T e U th f O o guide C at the helm d the radar post to T ’ N BEAVER S A nne and ONEY C others ma M fog, snow T h g A u o H r T th ‘ t DAY . the lifeboa I L N R E rms. H to T thunders BUY’ WITH ith a RNLI ntinued w o isited the c v y s r a e d v l on a u e e launch presentati excited B The eventf th e r th fo d r n e a b Fourteen h cto nc n by the Poole in O delicious lu t Institutio a o b e ertificates College in if c L l n. l a a u n o id ti iv a m d fro f in al N boat statio y o s r o fe e li R v t e a o e h th B ls f o The re coxswain of Ca vity Pack. Group we t u o c S Youth Acti d r ty andlers Fo an be ied on safe tr t; the 3rd Ch a uth Pack c o o b Y fe k/ I li ty L a fe N a R d s un The ach .rnli.org.u e w b w t u w / o / b : shown aro a p nt htt le_ t and lear found at: ownloadab D / s lt u equipmen d A / e shorething hlight of th ig h e / th d y vote Resources ticipant, r a p e n The activit o to according ulator day was, sing a sim u t a o b fe li ‘steering a

Beaver Dates for 2011 - Our 25th Birthday These dates are subject to change so please keep your eyes open as I finalise the calendar in the new year. Teresa Ginn - ACC Beavers - beavers@scouts-hants.org.uk March April May May September October November

5th 9th 14th 15th 10th 8th 12th

Beaver ADC and Leaders meeting (10am-12pm) Beaver and Cub Leaders Workshop Beavers 25th Birthday Celebration Beavers 25th Birthday Celebration Beaver ADC and Leaders meeting Beaver Legoland trip Beavers Paultons park santa visit TBC



This is an event designed for the Beavers to do across the year, some they can do as a colony and some they can do individually. They are rough guidelines only so do use your discretion if needed. A Poster has been sent to all the Group Contacts with HSN for you to put up in your HQ and a certificate for you to download once you have completed the challenges is available online. I am more than happy to come and present any certificates to your Beaver Colony.

The downloadable certificate

The 25 challenges are: Do 25 good deeds Sing 25 different songs Plant 25 seeds or bulbs Create a colony prayer book Fit 25 items into a matchbox Keep a weather chart for 25 days Find out 25 different olympic sports Do a physical activity for 25 minutes Name/try 25 different chocolate bars Do a sponsored silence for 25 minutes Find out over 25 fruit and vegetables Make a collage of 25 different creatures Learn how to count in another language Collect 25 jokes and make a book of them Find out 25 interesting facts about Hampshire Find out 25 facts about the world scout jamboree Find someone who’s 25 years old and send them a card Take part in a beaver activity with other beavers Help out in a place in your community for at least 25 minutes Have a birthday party and release 25 balloons with wishes in them See how many raisins you can eat with a cocktail stick in 25 seconds Design a poster saying 25 different reasons why it’s good to be a beaver Take a photo of your 25th beaver birthday event and send to county office. Try and get at least 25 badges awarded in your colony in 2011 Collect postcards from places you visit to build a colony collection of at least 25

I do hope you enjoy doing them and have lots of fun, don’t forget to take any photos of adventures you get up to and forward them to county office to put in HSN, lets really celebrate our 25th year. You will find the certificates in the news section of www.scouts-hants.org.uk and also in the members downloads area under Sections and then Beavers. If you still have problems contact County Office.

ts up Contac ent to Gro s r te s o P The


COUNTY SCRAPHEAP CHALLENGE 16 teams arrived at the Waterlooville Community centre to take part in the biannual Scrap Heap Challenge event. After checking in with their ‘junk’, the teams were told that they needed to design and build a campsite in the future. The hard work of piecing the model together began and after about an hour they were allowed to paint and finish their piece. The judge was watching and speaking to all the teams throughout the afternoon and was very impressed with the range of ideas including an underwater campsite from the Sea Scout Cubs. There were plenty of aerial runways, campfires, high ropes and climbing towers to be seen. The winning team was from Diamond Cubs in Bishops Waltham who were representing Meon Valley District. Well done to every Pack who entered we would like to compliment everyone on their team work and the good ideas they achieved in such a short space of time. As you can see we had to improvise on a trophy (official county one was temporarily misplaced). It certainly kept a few leaders busy whilst the kids where taking part in the competition.


“Two little girls, loyal and loving. One evil guardian, remorseless and cruel. As wolves encircle the land, will the girls manage to reclaim their home?” Forest Forge Theatre company have a fantastic reputation for taking productions all around the village halls of Hampshire and Dorset. This winter they are touring a new production of the children’s classic “ The Wolves of Willoughby Chase”. Brought to life by five actor/ musicians it promises to be pretty special. Forest forge are touring from 2nd Dec to 12th Feb next year and among many venues are visiting; Whitchurch, Borden, Langford, Fordingbridge, Fareham, New Milton, Ringwood, Goodworth Clatford, Mottisfont, Broad chalke, Denmead, Totton, Andover, Ampfield, Timsbury, Blackfield, Awbridge, Brockenhurst, Havant and my home town Lymington. There are plenty more venues so it is well worth checking out their website which has booking phone numbers and much more detail besides. www.forestforge.co.uk/shows/9/performances Let me know if you go and what your Cubs thought of the performance. See you there. 8


produced an astonishing range of dishes. We had Chicken Fajitas, Chilli con Carne, Jambalaya, Sloppy Joes and beef burgers. It was great fun tasting the dishes as a Judge, along with 2 Explorer Scouts who helped out.

2010 has been a busy year, starting in February when we had our District Mastermind Quiz. March saw our 6-a-side football Competition, hotly contested on the Astroturf at Knightwood Leisure centre.

In October we held our Scrapheap Challenge. Five teams of Cubs listened to an extract from Eoin Colfer’s “Artemis Fowl” and set about building a “fairy” winged Jetpack: a troll, and a lava powered shuttlecraft from a large pile of items in the middle of the floor.We also held our swimming gala in October.

A sunny afternoon in June at the Cranbury Park campsite was the venue for our Bainbrigge Shield Competition. Teams of six Cubs competed by completing bases based on the Challenge badges. These included fire lighting, First Aid, Fitness and Creative bases. While the members of the District Support Unit totted up scores, the cubs competed against each other in a Tug-of-War battle.

November saw a large number of Cubs being presented with their Silver Chief Scout Award certificates by Superintendent James Hill at our District awards ceremony.

September brought our Cooking Comp, held outdoors at Cranbury Park under “Camp conditions”. Teams of 2/3 Cubs produce two courses, one of which must be hot, using all fresh ingredients. This year’s theme of North and South America

And in December we will be holding our District Carol Service, where many Packs present boxes of gifts for those who will be guests at the Winchester Churches Night Shelter over the Christmas period.

Cub Dates for 2011

We will be adding at least one sixers camp this year. Dates to come soon. Vanessa Slawson - ACC Cubs - cubs@scouts-hants.org.uk March April April More to come so

20th 9th 10th keep your

County Chess competition Beaver and Cub Leaders Workshop County Six a side finals eyes peeled in HSN and County Website


S FOR D N U F S E S BY RAI R E D D O PINEWO al GROUP N inth annu n O ir T e P th ld M own ently he SOUTHA made their Hut. Group rec d n t a u o it c k S r ) ca ld ut

hfie den Sco ity at our ght a woo n City (Hig v u to a o r p b g m e f a n o o r th y e r pow te. Ever 14th Sou track unde by and Fe r a e n D w d o o r the d o Pinew we raced not only fo h s ic e h iz r w p s a r e a r there we wooden c e also had d W n . a s r s a n c ig t an s s s our tin c riety of de nd brighte a lu a v p t s g la e in o b z b a e for th te tom an am s but also nd chocola e There was a c , a ll r e ta s th e k rs in , ca fun. winning ca affle, bouncy castle ad a lot of h r e n a o , y e r u e c v barbe o so e y on the g e ll a ll a tb foo

Scout Dates for 2011

Booking forms for the activities below are at:www.scouts-hants.org.uk Any question? Dominic Howell - ACC Scouts - hants.scouts@gmail.net February March May May June August September

4th 11th 20th 17th 25th 20th 16th

PL Training, ÂŁ22 per Scout. Fun training camp Scout Winter Camp Expedition Challenge badge weekend by foot or bike CSA Gold presentation evening Ferny Crofts open day County Camp. Ideal for small groups and new leaders Survival camp


Lyons Copse Ferny Crofts Ferny Crofts TBC Ferny Crofts TBC TBC

FAIR TRADE COOKING COMPETITION The 3rd FAIRTRADE COOKING COMPETITION will take place at Cranborne College, Basingstoke on 26th February 2011. Teams of 4 Scouts ,Guides or Explorers are invited to take part. All food ingredients used in the 3 course meal must be fair trade goods. More information is available on the news pages of www. scouts-hants.org.uk or by contacting Rayner Mayer on 01252 873564 or rayner@ scotech.demon.co.uk


Congratulations to 1st Warsash Sea Scouts, who went ahead with their RN inspection evening despite the recent loss of William Blanchard, parent and former leader, sadly killed in Afghanistan a fortnight ago.

LYNDHURST SCOUTS SAMPLE LIFE UNDERGROUND WITH HSCC By Robin Mair I had some tired but enthusiastic Scouts meet at Lyndhurst at 8.00 a.m. to go to Priddy Green to meet up with the County Caving Club to have a days experience of caving. Fortunately the clocks went back an hour so we supposedly got another hour’s sleep. We all met up at 10.00 a.m. and headed over from Priddy Green to Burrington and the scouts got kitted up to go caving with boiler suits;helmets; lights and belts. The caving club lead all the teams down the various caves and when the scouts reapperaed at lunchtime for a snack they were dirty but had had a great time. They all went down again in the afternoon and some of the more experienced cavers were able to go and visit another set of caves over at Faeries Quarry. When they came out of this set of caves they were a shade of dirty brown but with a smile from ear to ear. I think we need to record thanks to all the County Caving team for providing these excellent opportunities for scouts to go caving. Well done cave leaders and scouts for having a great time. More information on Hampshire Scout Caving Club can be found further on in this issue of HSN

They successfully retained their RN recognition, from Beavers pretending to rescue lives at sea, to Explorers building ballistas. Their guest that evening was Wayne Bulpitt, a former Warsash Venture Scout, and now UK Chief Commissioner. A special mention to Tom, Will’s son and an assistant leader at the Troop, who was present both on Friday and Sunday, and showed amazing commitment and bravery at such a difficult time. 11


There are many opportunities in life, and when the chance to write and edit Scouting came up, it was not one I wanted to miss! Scouting is the national Scout Magazine which is sent to approximately 100,000 leaders and other adults involved in Scouting in the UK. The magazine is usually edited by a team of 4 professionals that work at Gilwell, but every year one edition is written and edited by a team of young people. For several years, I have written/edited my Scout Troop’s newsletter, but late in September, completely out of the blue, I received an email from my assistant Scout Leader about going one step further! All I had to do was send an email and an article idea to the magazine editors and, if selected, I could have their job! So that is what I did; and the next day, I got a reply – I was selected as on of the young editors. This was the start of a long, amazing adventure. Just nine days later, myself and three other young editors met at Gilwell – the Scout Association Head Quarters. The four of us young editors (as from this point on we were to be called) decided exactly what we wanted in the magazine. Once the decisions had been made, we set ourselves some homework (as if teachers don’t give us enough!) and had a couple of pictures taken. Being the only boy, this was very easy for me: get up

and go, but for the girls, it was a whole different board game: hair, make up, mascra, eye liner, foundation… Having done something quite phenomenal – set ourselves some homework (to write the necessary articles), we felt that it was time to do something a bit more in line with what teenagers should do, so we went home and made a Facebook group: ‘Young Editors Of Scouting Mag 2010 :)’. Using the group, we shared photos, etc and discussed articles. We set about writing our articles and preparing questions for interviews. The deadlines were very tight with some articles having to be submitted within two weeks. Time soon flew by, and all articles had been written and submitted. One of the perks to being a young editor was that we got about to interview some interesting people. All four of us went to BBC television centre to see the filming of Blue Peter and interview Helen Skelton. Explorers - Hampshire has a number of Young Spokespeople in it’s ranks and the next training course is in March. If you fancy being the face of Scouting to the media contact George Lewis at george. lewis@scouts-hants.org.uk or 02380 847847 who will be happy to explain more.


She truly is a amazing person who has so much determination and drive to achieve. Sadly, our editing time was coming to an end; we had written the articles, had the photos, and done the interviews. But we hadn’t seen the design of the magazine, so we all spent another day together in London, this time at ‘Think’ publishers. This was a great day and we were able to make any changes we wanted to the layout, pictures and articles. Sadly, the day soon came to an end and it was back on the tube, train and then ferry for Gosport. Thank you very much to all who made this opportunity possible – it was a once in a lifetime experience! The Magazine comes out on 1st December. It will be available at: www.scouts.org.uk/magazine

WANT TO DO “THE AWARD”? For more information on the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme in Hampshire check out the new Hampshire Scouts DofE pages at: www.hampshirescoutsdofe.org or contact Mike Baxter: DofE@scouts-hants.org.uk

YOUNG SPOKES PEOPLE SCOUTS SPEAK UP COURSE by Ellie Ridge (Hampshire Strawberry Jams Unit)

On the weekend of the 23rd and the 24th of November Jack, Brooke and I attended the Scouts Speak Up Event in Bath. The aim was to improve and give us new speaking skills, such as how to talk about scouting to the media. There were about forty scouts there from all over the southeast; Wiltshire, Dorset and Cornwall to mention just a few. We did mock interviews in radio, television and press. These were both challenging and exciting, with media experts instructing us in all of them. In my opinion, television was by far the hardest, radio the most fun and press the easiest. We all found different skills harder and others easier though. We also learnt about campaigning and presented our own campaigns to the group. They ranged from lowering the voting age to 16 to taking away all explorer uniform and just wearing a necker. There was even an expert in campaigning there to give advice and grill us on our campaigns! I think that everyone learnt an incredible amount during the course of the weekend, and hopefully we will get the chance to put to use all of the amazing new skills that we learnt at the Jamboree in Sweden next summer. Young Spokespeople helping Prince Harry and Bear launch the Soldier Challenge last month.


Explorer Dates for 2011

Paul Shutt - ACC Explorers - explorers@scouts-hants.org.uk For booking forms for these events go to: www.hampshireexplorers.org.uk/programme.html Month January February March April May May June July July August September September September December

Dates 28th 18th 18th 22nd 13th 20th 3rd 1st 29th 7th 8th 9th 30th 2nd

Event Young leader training weekend Survival weekend Denmark 2011 training camp County explorer camp Young leader first aid training Bush craft weekend Denmark 2011 training camp Trek Cart Depart for Denmark 2011 Arrive from Denmark 2011 Denmark 2011 presentation evening Explorer leaders camp Young leader training weekend Young leader training weekend

HAMPSHIRE COUNTY KUDU 2010 REPORTS Hampshire County KUDU is an overnight hike that includes a range of bases in which the team is tested on a number of skills and abilities. For each base you do well at the team will gain more points and the most points at the end of the hike will gain first place and the KUDU trophy. Each year there is a different theme, and this year it was Pirates!

OI OI SAILER TRY TO HOLD TROPHY After winning the KUDU horn last year, team ‘Oi Oi Sailor’ were determined to win it again in their last year of participation as Explorers. The other Andover Team, Team ‘R’ was also adamant to steal the trophy from the reigning champions. We set off for the first checkpoint 2km away and we made it there in around 20 minutes. The first challenge was to climb

Venue Cricket Camp TBC Lyons Copse Lyons Copse Cricket Camp Cricket Camp Cricket Camp TBC Denmark Denmark Lyons copse Cricket Camp North Hants

up a ‘rigging’ grab a puzzle piece high up on a tree, jump off the rigging and (hopefully) grab on to the rope and slide back down. For the next few bases we each took turns to lead the team, and we managed to gain 8 points for most of the bases. At base 3, we had to work as a team to direct Jack to the treasure, who couldn’t see both because it was dark and he was wearing beer goggles. The rest of the bases went more or less without a hitch, except when Max almost passed out from exhaustion and Joe managed to put his hand in a massive pile of horse poo at base 2. We hiked along roads, paths and through the forest guided on just a compass bearing. We returned to the campsite having done every base and were satisfied that we had done our best, although our legs hurt from all the power-walking and running that Joe forced us to do. We finished at 14

01:28, grabbed a hot chocolate and then went to bed .the usual ritual of taking the The presentation was at 08:30 and we were all really nervous. We had worked so hard all night, and if we didn’t win the trophy we would all be gutted. Luckily with 56 points we beat all of the Explorer teams and Network teams, 4 points ahead of the 2nd place Network team from Silchester. We claimed our trophy, got our KUDU 2010 badges and ate some more sausages to celebrate.


The weekend of 30/31 October 2010, Gladiator Explorers and Network entered 3 teams in the Hampshire County Kudu overnight incident hike. This year’s Kudu was held around the western part of the New Forest, with the base being Harrys Island Campsite. Our groups started off between 18:40 and 19:00, their target to get to 6 bases and complete the activities at each base to earn some points. The highest scoring team would be the winners. There is also a separate prize for the highest scoring Network Unit. So how did our teams do, well it appears they had a great time! Gladiator A team definitely appeared to be enjoying the experience rather than going for points. Gladiator B team were doing well, but for some reason decided to get lost near

Gladiators gathered together with the trophy

the end, but after a little searching they were found safe and sound, and put on the right track! Gladiator B team also can take credit for posting the slowest Kudu time, ever! So what about the Gladiator ‘C’ team? Well they are our stars of the event! They were entered as a Network team, and won the Network Kudu trophy and also came overall 2nd (out of 16), so big well done to Andy Watkins, Jamie Watkins, Chris Hallett and Sam Davidson for doing so well! Gladiator ‘A’ team unfortunately brought up the rear in the rankings, but well done as I know you all had a great time! Gladiator ‘B’ came just about in the middle of the rankings at 11th place, Well done and it was a good job you weren’t placed by times! I had the pleasure of helping to run a base so got to see all of our teams first hand. They all had a great time, although had to avoid the dreaded ‘pony poo’ when jumping over the beam! See you all at next years Kudu, which Andover district have been charged with organising. Serves them right for winning really! 15

INTER-NET With Christmas just around the corner, we know you will be spending out on others so we thought that we’d take the opportunity to give you a little something back, to ensure you make it to what is sure to be THE Scout Network event of 2011! We have some unmissable special offers in the run up to Christmas…. 1. Pay just a £50 deposit by Christmas, to secure you place at inter-net 2011! 2. Be one of the 100 people to register between the 17th November and the 17th December to win yourself £20 worth of refreshment vouchers for the week of the event, to be used for food and / or drink onsite! 3. Win a free place to inter-net for Christmas. The inter-net elves work hard for Santa, but each year he gives them one day off to give out presents as they please. On the 23rd December the elves will use the registration numbers of those who have paid their deposit before midnight on the 22nd, to draw out 2 lucky winners. They will get a free place each to internet as an extra special present!! All you need to do is register on the website at www.inter-net.org.uk. So go there now… don’t miss out!!

So what makes it different from any other camp… - Three adventure filled days of high calibre activities - snowboarding, skiing, ringoing, wakeboarding, sailing, quad biking, indoor free Fflling, go-karting, parascending, gliding and horse riding. - A 48 hour mystery tour to a foreign destination – so make sure you bring your passport! Become a fan of ‘inter-net 2011’ on Facebook Follow our tweets on Twitter – inet2011 16

WHAT DO YOU THINK? By Fi Durrant With less than 3 months to go until the World Scout Conference and World Scout Youth Forum, I am keen to hear what you all think about scouting both locally, nationally, and globally. I recently attended a delegation meeting in London with the rest of the UK members who will be attending the Conference in Brazil, and was surprised to hear about the differences in scouting across the world. For example, some countries make scouting part of their national curriculum, and others believe that young people have no place in the decision making of the organisation. In the next couple of months I will be gathering information from Networks with the hope to gain an insight into where you feel we are performing, and what matters you wish to be raised on the global platform; this is your chance to have your voices heard globally and nationally. If you have anything you wish to discuss in detail, please do call or email me. T: 077 0839 1137 E: youth.council@scouts-hants.org


Watch out for net-news which you should receive form your network leaders network@scouts-hants.org.uk Month






1st to 2nd


Runways End



25th to 27th

Fun in Beds





Cooking Comp


Real Paul



Activity Day

Pinsent campsite

Dave Pannell


26th to 28th

Youth Council

Sandy Acres



9th to 10th





21st to 25th





21st to 25th

Network Gathering

Great Tower, Lake district


29th to 2nd

Not Evo

Ferny Crofts

Sam and Fi




Ferny Crofts

Sam and Fi


QE Country Park

Clare Webb

May June

3rd to 5th





24th to 26th


Basildon, Essex



1st to 3rd

Trek Cart

Hants Explorers

Raft Race

Hants Explorers

July July

23rd to 30th





Hants Scouts Kate Durbin


26th to 29th




26th to 29th

Beer Festival

Beaulieu Road/Ferny Crofts

Tall Paul


2nd to 4th

Theme Park Camp

Thorpe Park

Summit Network


2nd to 4th





9th to 11th



Avon Network


30th to 2nd

Youth Council




14th to 16th

Alton Towers camp

Alton Towers

Derby Network


21st to 23rd

Sedan Chair






Xmas Ball

Andover Explorers Chris Scott


LEADERS SKILLS WEEKEND By Friday 17 September saw the first Hampshire Scout Leaders Skills weekend held at Lyons Copse, near Shedfield. The skills bases on offer included ‘Wood Carving’, ‘Knife, Axe & Saws’, ‘Pioneering (Large & Small)’, ‘Fire Lighting’, ‘Survival (Basic & Advanced)’, ‘Tent Pitching’, UK C hief Comm issioner W ‘Map & Compass’, ‘Knots & ayne Bulp itt tries ou t the cata Lashing’ and ‘Outdoor Cooking’. pults (Phew that’s a lot). The idea was to go along to the bases and Learn by Doing. I spent a few hours lashing ropes to large poles in an attempt to make a working drawbridge! Our small group had very little experience doing this kind of task it didn’t turn out too bad… After lunch Wayne Bulpitt, the UK Chief Commissioner and Adam Jollans, the County Commissioner, came along to show their support as well as for the afternoon cake. A group of leaders went on to attempt some good old fashioned wood carving; the art of turning a chunk of wood into a spoon for the night’s dinner; for some it was a total success, and for others… let’s just say that we weren’t getting much soup on our spoons. I think my spoon will quite happily live out the rest of its natural life in the bottom of a drawer. The last base I attempted was making fire with just a knife , a small amount of cord and some dry tinder/wood… oh not forgetting a lot of physical effort. It was amazing to see the look on a leaders

face just for being successful, I can only imagine the success a Scout would feel in achieving such a task… and now that I know how to do it maybe I could even teach a few!! Following a group discussion on how well the events had gone during the day a large contingent went down to the camp fire to be taught/shown the skills to run a successful campfire. Picture some two dozen tone deaf leaders attempting to sing some traditional scouting campfire songs…good job nobody had a video camera!! All the leaders who attended the Skills weekend came away with new skills, ideas and most importantly a huge smile on their face. The weekend will be back next year and in the meantime Probadge training will be running a Leaders Skills weekend on 18th- 20th February 2011 at Lyons copse focussing on Fire lighting, tent pitching and map and compass work. More information at www.pro-badge. org.uk or call Les Farrington on 07761 912914 18

i.scout two Last seen high fiving Beaver Scouts at Paultons park , Big Beaver made an unscheduled visit to i.scout two last month. Tim Pike who was compering the event was momentarily put of his stride before regaining his composure and wishing the Beaver well in all his adventures next year during the Beaver’s 25th birthday celebrations.

The section leaders who came along were able to network with a large number of people manning stalls. This included all the County activity clubs and a number of the campsites in Hampshire. They were joined by the information centre staff from Gilwell and the Beaver and Cub County Team. Guest speaker was Tim Kidd who uplifted everyone with his stories and after lunch a number of the international teams gave presentations to the audience. This was followed by workshop meetings. Next years event will be combined with the Leader Skills weekend featured on the next page and will be in September.

AUTUMN DCh+ DC CONFERENCE Seventy DCs, District Chairmen and members of the County team came together on the 6th of November for their Autumn conference. Tim Pike introduced the meeting and Adam then ran through what we have been doing as a County since we last met in April. He covered many topics including the visit by Bear Grylls last month and our international expeditions . Tim then took us through the County Strategy in more detail and then handed on to County Training Manager Martin Rudd. Martin explained the Appointment review process in more detail including the need for mandatory safeguarding training at the time of appointment reviews. He gave us 12 dates for the safeguarding training next year and then answered any questions people had about training. Russ Parke, Deputy CC, took over the reins and talked about managing activities safely and then handed over to Fi Durrant who gave us all a report on the excellent launch of the Youth Council as we reported in last months HSN. After a revitalising lunch we split into two with the Chairmen going upstairs to discuss Governance and Financial management issues and the DCs staying downstairs to discuss Providing support for GSLs and Scout Active Support changeover. Thanks to 13th Itchen North for the use of their excellent venue and Ferny Crofts Bursary Students; Rob, Dan, Jack and Tom for our lunch.





















































Bag Packing for Uganda



County Cub Chess Competition

Caving day. For novice cavers. £90 for a group of 6

SASH County Quiz

Caving day. For novice cavers. £90 for a group of 6

Probadge campsite service

Scout Winter Camp

Assessors Conference

Campsite conference

Monopoly run £15 or £52 for weekend inc B+B+D

Beaver ADC and Leaders meeting (10am-12pm)

Fairtrade cooking competition- 3 course meal

Explorer Survival camp

Probadge Leader skills , map reader, Global

Safeguarding workshop

NSRA rifle Leader training

PL Training, £22 per Scout. Fun training camp

Hillwalking and Mountain Skills weekend (GLSW +Surrey)

Safeguarding workshop

Caving weekend. For those interested in Caving

YL Training Weekend (must have completed Module A)

Peer Education Training for First Aid

SASH Meeting 2.30pm

Probadge Global conservation, camp cook etc

Closing date for Tanzania 2012 applications

New Year Get together + workshop
























Dof E











Lyons Copse

Ferny Crofts

Ferny Crofts

Ferny Crofts


3rd Chandlers Ford

Cranborne College


Lyons Copse

Hook Scout HQ

Ferny Crofts

Lyons Copse

Bethseda, Wales

Copythorne HQ


Cricket camp

Lyons Copse

Copythorne HQ

Lyons Copse





Vanessa Slawson

Andrew Watson

Richard Spearing

Andrew Watson

Les Farrington

Dominic Howell

Russ Parke

Russ Parke

Matt Collins

Teresa Ginn

Rayner Mayer

Paul Shutt

Les Farrington

David Stemp

John Dohoo

Dominic Howell

Ian Tombleson

David Stemp

David Chadwick

Paul Shutt

Mike Baxter

Richard Spearing

Les Farrington

Julian Sore

Ray Noice

Margaret Ellis
















































































Youth Council weekend



Caving day. For novice cavers. £90 for a group of 6

Ferny Crofts open day

Caving day. For novice cavers. £90 for a group of 6

Gilwell Park Fundays. £13 Cubs/ Beavers, £4 Adults

Scout Active Support Hampshire (SASH) Meeting

Explorer Bushcraft Camp

Expedition Challenge badge weekend by foot or bike

CSA Gold presentation evening

Beavers 25th Birthday Celebration

Caving day. For novice cavers. £90 for a group of 6

Beavers 25th Birthday Celebration

Caving day. For novice cavers. £90 for a group of 6

Young Leader First Aid training

Hillwalking and Mountain Skills weekend (GLSW +Surrey)

National Scout Archery Competition

Safeguarding workshop

County Explorer Camp- the big one

Heritage Open day

Lake District Hillwalking Week

Probadge naturalist, camper, survival skills

County Cub 6-a-side football finals

County Conference

Beaver and Cub Leaders Workshop

Kayaking Permit and BCU Foundation Safety Training

Safeguarding workshop
































Ferny Crofts




Cricket Camp

Ferny Crofts



Cricket Camp

Bethseda, Wales

Phasels Wood

Copythorne HQ

Ferny Crofts

13th Hedge End HQ


Lyons Copse




Stoke lake, Gosport

Hillsea Scout centre

Sandy Acres campsite


Andrew Watson

Ferny Crofts

Andrew Watson


Richard Spearing

Paul Shutt

Dominic Howell

Dominic Howell

Teresa Ginn

Andrew Watson

Teresa Ginn

Andrew Watson

Paul Shutt

Ian Tombleson

Tim Beeching

David Stemp

Paul Shutt

Richard Spearing

John Dohoo

Les Farrington

Ivan Sparkes

County Office

Teresa Ginn

John Penfold

David Stemp

Fi Durrant






























NSRA rifle Leader training



















































YL Training Weekend (must have completed Module A)

Beavers Paultons park santa visit TBC

Caving day. For novice cavers. £90 for a group of 6

Caving day. For novice cavers. £90 for a group of 6

SASH Meeting

JOTA/ JOTI Jamborees on radio and internet

National scout Rifle Championships

Beaver Legoland trip

Youth Council weekend

YL Training Weekend (must have completed Module A)

Basingstoke canal Challenge

Leaders Skills/ i scout weekend TBC

County Pulling Regatta

Emlyn Camping competition

Survival camp

Beaver ADC and Leaders meeting

Explorer leaders workshop

Gilwell Reunion. Wood Badge holders get together

County Camp. A traditional summer camp


Inter-net 2011

County Sailing Regatta

Gilwell 24. 24 hours of activites for Explorers

Trek Cart - more info and rules on Explorer website






























Cricket camp




Chandlers Ford

Bishops Waltham



Runways End

Cricket camp


Ferny Crofts

Testwood Lakes


Lyons copse

Gilwell park



Blashford Lakes

Gilwell Parl


Ferny Crofts


Paul Shutt

Teresa Gin

Andrew Watson

Andrew Watson

Richard Spearing

Andy Digby (GØJLX)

John Dohoo

Teresa Gin

Fi Durrant

Paul Shutt

John Penfold

County Office

David Chadwick

Les Farrington

Dominic Howell

Teresa Ginn

Paul Shutt


Dominic Howell

Ian Porter

Neil O'Sullivan

David Chadwick


Paul Shutt

John Dohoo




























Add some more adventure to your program! Hampshire Activities Clubs exist to help Scouts of all ages expand their horizons.


ACC Activities - Mark Langdown activities@ scouts-hants.org.uk

TARGET SHOOTING HSRC -Hampshire Scout Rifle Club aims to provide the activity of target shooting to members of the Scout and Guide Associations, especially in Hampshire. HSRC provides air rifle shooting for Scout Groups and Explorer Scout Units. Each of the County Advisers listed on the website operates a mobile range and can provide all that is needed for a safe and enjoyable shoot in your own HQ. Contact them for more information. They run training for Adults who wish to supervise Scout rifle shooting and also run the National Scout Rifle competition which takes place at Bisley on the 3rd Saturday in October. For Scouts and Explorers who have tried air rifle shooting and would like to something else they organise opportunities to try small bore .22 rifle shooting at Basingstoke and

Southampton. Dates for this can be found at: www.dohoo.clara.net/hsrc/22dates.htm Occasionally they organise clay pigeon shooting so keep an eye on their website which is regularly updated. It has lots of information, factsheets and links to target shooting websites and the club themselves are always ready to advise and support Scout leaders. Find out more at:


ARCHERY Hampshire Scout Archery Club (HSAC) exists for those members of the Scout Association who wish to take their interest in archery a little further. Hampshire Scout Archery Club meets to shoot each Monday evening at St George RC School, Leaside Way, Southampton. From May to September, we shoot 23

outdoors (weather permitting) in the School’s extensive playing fields, and from October to April we shoot indoors in the new sports hall, construction of which has recently been completed.

As soon as the next course is arranged it will appear on their website and in these pages. In the meantime check out their website for more info: www.hsac.org.uk

The Club runs six-week courses for beginners and improvers. These courses are suitable for both Juniors and Seniors.

Mark Langdown ACC Activities will be hosting two conferences in March. The first on the 5th March is for anyone who has a Scout campsite in Hampshire and the second on the 6th March is for County Assessors and those who are interested in taking on such a role. More info from: activities@scoutshants.org.uk

The Club can run archery sessions at your Scout HQ which cost £1.50 per person subject to a minimum charge of £25 + travel expenses. They also run the Scout National Championships which will be at Hertfordshire’s Phasels Wood campsite this year. Entry form etc can be downloaded at:


Although the Club does not run GNAS Archery Leader Course itself it arranges one course a year for the benefit of those who wish to be able to instruct others in archery. In the recent course the following Hampshire Leaders gained qualifications to allow them to instruct archery sessions: Chris and William Andrews from Fordingbridge, Anthony Charidge from Fareham, Kristal Derrick from Park Gate, John Edwards from Eastleigh, Nick Green from Winchester, Peter Long from Locksheath, Hugh Paton from Ringwood Richard Ross from Petersfield, Suzanne Stephens from Purbrook and Stephanie Willis from Fareham. 24


Why not try Caving on one Hampshire Scout Caving Club’s Caving Days: Scouts, Explorers, Network

Hampshire Scout Caving Club exists to provide members of the Scout Association from Hampshire with the chance to try caving.

19th 14th 25th 29th

In addition to running Scout caving the club meets monthly for training and social activities and organises trips to other caving areas. Fot the full club calendar go to: www.scouts-hants.org.uk/hscc

of of of of

March 2011 May 2011 June 2011 October 2011

A Caving Day consists of about 3 hours caving in the morning and 3 hours of caving in the afternoon(normally at Burrington Coombe and Priddy or in the local area).

If you hanker after walking or climbing mountainous terrain or building a school in Africa there are a number of groups in Hampshire to help you;

Based around Priddy in the Mendip Hills of Somerset the cost is £90 per group of 6 or part thereof (this does not include food or transport to Mendip).

Hampshire Scout Mountaineering team’s objective is to provide training

and practical experience so that aspirant hillwalking and climbing leaders may safely and enjoyably lead and supervise mountaineering activities for the benefit of young (and not so young ) people.

We can take around 30 each Caving Day but they get booked up quickly from early in the new year.

Their excellent website includes details of courses they run and a lot more information besides:

Leaders can still book days for groups of 6/12/18 individually if we can get leaders. Avoid the summer holidays unless on camps in caving areas (Mendips/Wales) where we will try for you if the dates are set early enough.


Expeditions are usually based in developing countries, last from four to six weeks and involve a team of young people aged 14 years and upwards taking part in community projects and an adventurous challenge. As well as running expeditions, HSX hold

20th 15th 26th 30th

The activities are targeted at the novice caver who has little or no experience. If you have been before let us know and we can arrange slightly harder trips in the same area.


Hampshire Scout Expeditions or HSX is a Hampshire-based Scout group that specialises in running international expeditions for Hampshire Scouts. In order to provide this service the group runs regular outdoor-based training weekends for its members, so that they may gain the necessary skills to lead such expeditions.

or or or or

HSCC Booking Secretary Andrew Watson can be contacted on 07881 420048 or lemoncandy@btinternet.com regular training weekends in Hampshire to develop and enhance young people’s leadership and technical skills in the outdoor environment. In order to put the skills learnt into practice the group regularly visits the Lake District, North Wales and Scotland. The membership of HSX consists of Explorers, Network and Active Support 25

members mainly from Hampshire Scouts. Members are encouraged to remain active within their current Scouting role and continue with their Scout training programme. Several weekends are run each year for new and prospective members to get involved. Visit www.hsx.org.uk/ for more info about their trip to Peru in 2010 and more info on the forthcoming trip to Belize.

After Zambia comes Tanzania 2012 Scouts, Explorers, Network Many of you will have read about the Zambian expedition in HSN recently. If you fancied the idea then Julian Sore will be leading an expedition lasting 4 weeks to Tanzania in August 2012? The expedition team will consist of between 20 and 26 Scouts and Guides (aged 14 to 20), accompanied by 6 leaders. The main purpose of the expedition is to undertake a major community project in Tanzania, such as building a school, renovating an orphanage etc followed by a Safari and adventure activities. This expedition is a Multi-County event, with the team mainly from Southern England, but with Hampshire taking the lead. Three of the leader team come from Hampshire Scouts (including the Expedition Leader), with the others from Surrey and Leicester. The expedition is open to members of the Scouts and / or Guide Associations, aged between 14 and 20, as of 1st August 2012 (born between 2nd August 1992 and 1st August 1998). This includes Scouts, Explorers, Network, Young Leaders, Guides and Ranger Guides. Application forms are now available from www.int-scout.org.uk - Closing date is 31st December 2010.

WATER ACTIVITIES if you are in a Sea Scout group your program will be full of water activities, but what if you aren’t. There are plenty of ways of getting out on the water. Lakes , Sea and rivers have different classifications from C for very calm shallow waters to A for more adventurous water and it is important leaders have the right qualifications to lead any activities. A Leader with the appropriate skills and knowledge may supervise certain activities on “Class C” waters in accordance with the procedures in the Class C waters factsheet. No specific water authorisation is required, although as with all activities, these must be approved through the normal channels. This is a recent change intended to extend water activities to more Scouts. All other water activities must be under the control of a leader authorised by their District Commissioner. This authorisation will detail the type of activity; the number of participants; the location and class of water and sometimes the time of year. Full details of the permit scheme are present on the scoutbase web site. Canoe/ Kayak permit assessment at Stoke Lake, Gosport 2nd April 2011 In order to gain a canoe/ kayak permit leaders will need to attend an assessment session. Exceptions to this are those holding BCU coaching qualifications. We are planning an assessment day at Stoke Lake, Gosport on 2nd April 2011 between 9am and 5pm The assessment will be aimed at a permit to lead on B1 waters – in kayaks or canoes. It is expected that candidates will be able to paddle at BCU 2 star or greater level. Candidates should bring full kayaking equipment and a packed lunch. This should include a kayak / canoe as appropriate. 26

There will be a £5 fee to cover the cost of the facilities and tea / coffee. Application should be made on the Adventurous Activity Permit Application Form which should be posted to me with the fee (cheque payable to HCSC). John Penfold, 25 Petworth Road, Portsmouth PO3 6DH 023 92862834 John.penfold@scouts-hants.org.uk

An Introduction to Kayaking for your Scouts with Canoe Gosport. Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, Network Gosport Scout training courses have taught thousands of people from one star to four star. Some have taken their skills further competing in national events like Devizes to Westminster or International Events like the World Freestyle championships.

Canoe Gosport will also be running one or more BCU Foundation Safety and Rescue Courses during 2011. These courses will be held at Stoke Lake and if you want more details please contact Peter Mansell on 01256 780334 or by e-mail to janellaandpeter@gmail.com.

If your Scouts are new to the world of Kayaking and canoeing why not try their BCU Paddle Power Start OR Taster session for Ages 8 and upwards. They take place any Monday or Tuesday evening from May to September, 2 hours long for a Maximum 15 pupils (times to be arranged)

County Scout Regattas

There are 2 regattas each year. The sailing regatta takes place on 9th July 2011 at Blashford lakes near Ringwood and the pulling/canoeing/ kayaking regatta takes place on 17th September 2011 at Testwood lakes near Southampton.

COST: Taster MINIMUM £1 each OR BCU Paddle Power Start with certificate £1 each.

Many Groups have been coming for years but the organisers are keen to see new entrants from Sea and land based Scout Troops and Explorer Units. They are also looking for new blood to help run the events each year. For more information contact Dave Chadwick on hscc@

All equipment provided, all you need is a change of clothes. Booking is essential and can be made on our website: www.canoegosport.co.uk For those who want to do more then there are other courses available up to BCU 3 star. Check out the website for the full range of courses or call Ken Greenwood on 023-92582175. or kenanneg@talktalk.net


Hampshire Scout County Canoe Club Provides Advanced Paddlesport Opportunities for Everyone in Hampshire Scouting. The Club welcomes Scouting members of any age who have at least BCU 2* (or Paddlepower Discover); membership is only £5 for the first year (or part thereof) and is designed to compliment existing local canoe sport opportunities. To contact us, please send an e-mail to: committee@hsccc.org.uk and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Following the recent launch of HSCCC, we are proud to offer some UKCC/BCU training courses at discount prices: 26-28th Nov 2010 BCU 3* Whitewater Kayak Training £70 12th March 2011 Coastal Navigation and Tidal Planning £40 9-10th April 2011 BCU 4* Sea Kayak Training £120 All prices include transport from 27

Hampshire, meals and accommodation. Membership of HSCCC is open to anyone involved in Scouting with a minimum of BCU2*, or Paddlepower Discover. See our website for more details. www.hsccc.org. uk/members.


Beavers,Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, Network Itchen South Water Activities Centre is, as the name implies, there to support Scouting water activities such as one to one kayaking, Kayaking, Pulling Dinghys, Ribs, Sailing, Bath tubs and rafting.

Tall Ships Opportunities Scouts, Explorers, Network

The Tall Ships Youth Trust have some last minute opportunities for Scouts. Places are very limited so call now.

Based at Netley Abbey they can be contacted via Kim on 07590041208 or k.t.dale@yahoo.co.uk

12 – 13 yr old Catamaran Voyage 18th – 21st December 2010 Start 18th Dec 1000 hrs Haslar Marina Gosport Finish 21st Dec 1600 hrs Haslar Marina Gosport Cost £99 per person (Excludes travel & Insurance) 16 – 25 yr old Challenger 72’ Voyage 27th Dec 10 – 2nd Jan 11 Start 27th December 1300 hrs Portsmouth Gunwharf Quay Marina Finish 2nd January 1200 hrs Portsmouth Gunwharf Quay Marina Cost £99 per person (Excludes travel & Insurance). Places are limited so places will be first come first served. Chas Cowell - Youth Development and Training Manager Tall Ships Youth Trust Tel: ++44 (0)2392 832055 chas.cowell@tallships.org www.tallships.org

Basingstoke Canal Challenge Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, Network

Canoeing over a course of 2, 6 or 8 miles either to achieve a personal best time; to win individually or to be part of the winning Group. 25th September 2011. More details and booking form from John.penfold@scouts-hants.org.uk

CAMPING The cornerstone of Scouting is camping and it’s the one thing that Scout’s all over the County stay with us for. Variety is the spice of life and doing the same thing every year will soon put them off. Why not try something different: Visit a site you haven’t been to before, have a water activities camp at Longridge on the Thames(www.longridge-uk. org), Have a themed camp, Find a local carnival and join in, Go to a big jamboree style camp, Go abroad, Travel by train, Have a Winter camp, Stay on a boat in London Docklands (www.lordamory.org), Do an Explorer Belt Expedition, Stay on a narrow boat, Visit Wales or Scotland, Stay on an island, Go Gliding, Have a joint camp with another Troop or even a Guide unit! Have a cycle camp, Go horse riding, Stay at a Youth Hostel, Stay in a camping barn, Sleep under the stars, Link up with a Scout Troop elsewhere and swop camps biannually, Hike from Scout HQ to Scout HQ .............................. You get the idea. I am sure there are hundreds more.

Big Camps Next Year Leicestershire Scouts and Guides International Jamboree- Charnwood 28

2011 will be held 30th July to 6th August 2011 at Whatton House in the heart of Leicestershire. www.charnwood.org CLANJAM 2011 is an International Scout Jamborette, from 30th July to 6th August. We aim to bring young people together from all over the world to enjoy a week of Scottish hospitality! Enjoy some fun and friendship, learn about clans & tartan, taste some haggis and enjoy the sights and sounds of Edinburgh. www.clanjam.org.uk Camjam will be at Huntingdon Racecourse for 2011 from Saturday 30 July to Saturday 6 August. More details from: www.camjam2011.org.uk For a shorter experience try: Malvern challenge (24th -26th June) for under 16s. Central catering makes this an easy one for leaders and for the kids there’s loads of entertainment based around a 7 mile activity hike. The Sun Run (1st - 3rd July 2011) for over 15s includes an overnight run and loads of other cool stuff. More info on both events is at: www.sr-mc.co.uk

Runways End News Good news for friends of Runways End Outdoor Centre in the north of the County. The Hampshire County Council website for Runways End is up and live. It can be viewed at www3.hants.gov.uk/ runwaysend.htm In addition for anyone who uses the property at present or who may be interested in the development, a blog has been established to keep everyone up to date. over the next week a lot of information will be put up on the blog, so have a look to see what interests you. http://runwaysend.wordpress.com/ To enable the management team to develop the programmes that will be delivered, alongside the conventional Scouting activities, they need to know

Bookings and Information on 02380 845092

Ferny Crofts a finalist in the New Forest Green Leaf Sustainable Business Awards. All of the hard work put in by staff and volunteers at Ferny Crofts over the past few years seems to have paid off. Ferny Crofts has made it to the final of the New Forest Business Partnership Brilliance in Business Awards for the ‘Best Sustainable Business of the Year’. Donna Neseyif, Centre Manager faced the judging panel – one of the questions she was asked was whether the Ferny Crofts team and visitors to the site supported the ‘sustainability culture’. Donna’s response was – ‘The essence of Scouting is and has always been to be sustainable. “Recycling, reducing and reusing” has been a part of Scouting long before it became the slogan for ‘green campaigners’! Donna went on to say ‘Although Ferny Crofts is developing as a successful Activity Centre as well as a campsite, the fundamentals of Scouting remain at the heart of our business, and we believe this is what is helping us compete in today’s difficult economic climate.’ Ferny Crofts embarked on a programme of sustainable development 5 years ago when all refurbishments were undertaken in a responsible and sustainable manner. This has been complemented over the past year with the installation of a Ground Source Heat Pump ~(GSHP) to provide heating for the Croft building and Sky High Conservatory. Solar panels have been installed to provide hot water. Rainwater harvesting is currently being installed to flush the toilets. The new staff accommodation block, which is currently 29

under construction, will also include a GSHP, Solar Panels and Rainwater harvesting. Plans for 2011 include improvements to the toilet block, which will include water recycling as well as rain- water harvesting. This will increase the amount of water available at peak times and provide improved facilities for customers. There are also plans to give the entire amenities a ‘makeover’. New Programmes and Challenges are on the horizon. We are looking to introduce new Activities and include Ferny Crofts Challenge badges around Nature, the Environment and Sustainability. All in all Ferny Crofts is the ideal place for Cubs and Scouts to see renewable technologies in action (the pump room is on display behind a glass panel in the Conservatory) and to undertake their environment badges. Ferny Crofts will be able to provide advice, literature and ideas to support this.

A Few Campsites in Hampshire. Cranbury Park - 2 acres situated only 2 minutes from J12 of the M3 this is arural site which is not miles away. New for 2011 is the roundhouse shelter and the campsite is equipped with toilets and hot water. info at www.chandlerfordscouts. org.uk Bookings via David hart on 02380 361354 or campsite@ntlworld.com Harry’s island - A 4 acre campsite near Burley in the New Forest. Only one group at a time gets to enjoy the site which has cooking bases, water points, showers and toilets, a campfire circle, pioneering poles and a wet weather area. www. harrysisland.org Bookings with Tony Parker at info@harrysisland.org Pinsent Camp - Pinsent is a charming wooded area just outside Winchester with toilets, washing facilities and showers. The site is ideally situated for hiking on the Clarendon Way and is one of the few sites where ground fires are still

permitted. More info and bookings at: www.winscouts.org.uk/pinsent.htm Wilverley Cottage - Situated in the New Forest this site has a building suitable for up to 30 people as well as various camping areas. Great for cycling in the forest. Bookings via Peter Hull on 023 80553232 or more information at: www. stonehengetouringpark.com/Wilverley/ about.htm Cricket Camp - Activity centre near the Hamble River with lots to do and both camping and indoor facilities. more info at: www.isdsc.org.uk/cricket Lyons Copse - Activity centre near fareham. Lots of indoor and outdoor options. More info at: www.lyonscopse. org.uk/

NEWS WANTED Next deadline: 20th January County.office@scouts-hants.org.uk The County Office, Ferny Crofts, Beaulieu Rd, Beaulieu, Hampshire, SO42 7YQ Tel: 02380 847847 The internet link into the County Office and Ferny Crofts is via satellite. This imposes constraints in terms of speed and capacity so if you have large files you wish to send to the County Office, please contact us first.

MEETINGS Next meeting and the first as SASH: Sunday January 16th 2011 2.30pm Copythorne (NFN) – hosted by Kaira Konko (First SASH meet!) Further meetings in 2011 June 5th 2011 Winchester October 16th 2011 Chandler’s Ford January 15th 2012 TBA


Tuesday 26th April 1900 to 2230 (Copythorne Scout HQ) Romsey Rd A31

SAFEGUARDING WORKSHOPS We are pleased to announce further dates and venues for the Safeguarding Workshops:Thursday 9th December 1900 to 2230 (Hilsea) PO2 OUF Sunday 30th January - b to b 0930 to 1200 (Copythorne HQ) Romsey Rd A 31 Thursday 10th February 1900 to 2230 (Hook Scout HQ) Raven Rd RG27 9HH Saturday 26th March- b to b 0930 to 1200; 1300 to 1600 (Hilsea Scout Centre)


After 30 years as CCA Margaret Taylor has decided to hang up her ‘woggle’ on 31st December 2010. We are therefore looking to appoint a replacement to this important position. Job Description: County Course Administrator – current duties • Receive delegate applications for county courses • Keep list of delegates throughout year who attend modules by number/ district/role etc. Etc. • Book venues for county training courses/training events & advise trainers • Advise trainers of venue details & contacts • Send out Joining Instructions to delegates & initial paperwork to trainers • Advise County Office of module delegate numbers for trainer resources/ handouts • Answer phone & email general

A reminder from Carol Sleath ACC(SN) that Module 36 Special Needs Training has been arranged for Saturday 22nd January at Kempshott Basingstoke.

TRAINING HELP Want to now who your Local Training Manager is or what a TA does then look no further than the County Websites Training area. Downloads for next years training courses, booking instructions, PLPs and much more can be downloaded from: www.scouts-hants.org.uk/training enquiries from leaders/trainers • Advise Course Director of delegate numbers and details • Photo copy delegate application forms for trainers • Support CTM/TMT with special requests • Chases trainers for JI’s course roles etc. • Holds County video camera and equipment • Processes training venue invoices to County • Holds selection of Training Course Manuals for Course Directors • Manages loan system for eLearning discs and Workbooks Anyone interested should ideally be IT literate, both in terms of Microsoft Office applications (including Excel), and perhaps also be able to support the transfer from a long time ‘paper based’ system to a fully online electronic booking and administrative system. Anyone interested should talk in the first instance to Martin Rudd, Director of Adult Training, Hampshire Scouts by email to ctm@scout-hants.org.uk 31


By Sam Bunce - Explorer Meon Valley The River Usk was my first trip with the HSCCC, and I must admit, it was a great start. There were 6 members on the expedition, of whom I was the youngest, at 14. Once on the river we took a few minutes to get used to the river before paddling 100’ downstream, plunging straight off a 3’ weir and for me, taking my first swim. Back in my boat we continued downstream, managing some rapids, and continued on. We eddied out at a few of the more exciting ones where some of the group showed off by surfing the biggest rapids they could find. The biggest was yet to come as, at a later rapid I dropped, rose, and flew through the air. The only flaw was, in doing so I flipped myself completely, landing upside down in the water. After returning to my kayak again, all but my pride unharmed, we went over the “last” rapid six times before reaching a long, calm section to paddle towards the end. It was on this section that Frank decided to paddle with his legs outside the kayak. This is where me and Mark, the second youngest at 17, claimed our revenge for Franks earlier comment about under-18 kayakers. Once we got out of our boats, and Frank finished his nice, relaxing swim, we had a late lunch, before packing up to head towards home with every intention to come back for another trip with the HSCCC.

TIM PIKE TAKES ON NEW ROLE Congratulations to Tim Pike, currently Director of Adult Support in Hampshire, on his appointment as Deputy UK Commissioner (Activities). In this UK HQ role he will lead projects related to Activities, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and support the team of UK Technical Advisers for specific Activities. Tim has previously worked at Gilwell as part of the Programme staff team, and was also Deputy UK Contingent Leader for the 2007 World Scout Jamboree. In his role in Hampshire over the past 15 months he has led the development of the County Strategy, run the County Conferences, strengthened the role of Cluster Groups and ACCs (District Support), and supported the transition to Scout Active Support. We’re grateful to Tim for all he has done and continues to do for Hampshire, and wish him all the best in his new role - and the good news is we won’t be losing him completely from Hampshire.

SPITFIRE CD LAUNCHED 14th Eastleigh Scout and Guide Band, have launched their first CD recording. The album, entitled ‘By Request’ features eleven tracks and will be raising funds for a variety of charities CDs are priced at £10 and you can find out more about the band by visiting their website: http://www.14thspitfires.co.uk 32


Basingstoke Voluntary Services host an annual award ceremony, celebrating the work of volunteers within the area, and we are given the opportunity to nominate 2 people from the District who we feel have given a lot to Scouting. These are usually non uniformed people who do fantastic jobs behind the scenes. This year was no exception as we nominated two very worthy people, ladies who devote many hours to Scouting. One being Flip Kumm (District Secretary) and the other Chrissie Clarke (Worting Scout Group). Flip does so much for the District in so many ways and Chrissie wife of Gavin, helps him both at Explorers, Scouts and on Expeditions. Both never seem to tire of the help and support they offer both to Adults and our Young People. These awards were presented by The Mayor of Basingstoke, Cllr Keith Chapman at a ceremony held in the Civic offices and afterwards a reception in the Mayors Parlour. A very pleasant evening and well deserved awards.

(left to right) Chrissie Clark Rebecca Kennelly Basingstoke Voluntary Service, Flip Kumm.

THE ANDOVER VISION SPECIAL AWARD WINNER JULIAN SORE In an evening packed with tears and laughter the good, the brave and the unsung were all recognised at the Pride of Andover awards on Tuesday 5th October. Esther Rantzen once again hosted the show, accompanied by Richard Cartridge, and asked that her fee for the night be paid directly to Childline. She commented at the end of the evening that all the memories would remain strong in her mind, but that these memories would fade and need refreshing next year. “I get so much out of the evening: laughter, tears inspiration,” she said afterwards. For me it really is one of the most enjoyable evenings of my whole year.”

Julian and Esther at the pride of Andover Awards.

Julian was recognised for his devoted work with Scouts and Guides building schools in Uganda and Zambia. Every other year Julian leads a working party to Africa to help small communities. He is currently planning his seventh trip. 33


By Brenda Knight

A bright, sunny September morning greeted Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Leaders from 5th New Forest East (Marchwood) Scout Group and their families as they gathered together on the quayside at Sandbanks, Poole. They were on their way to Brownsea Island, where the first experimental camp from which Scouting developed took place in 1907. Where else could they celebrate their 100th birthday? Everybody was able to discover the island in their own way; bird watching over the water from the special hides; following the many trails – especially the Baden-Powell trail; tracking down the red squirrels; discovering the island’s history in the visitors centre, or simply enjoying the scenery. The Group all met for lunch at the far side of the island exactly where the first camp took place, where they also had the opportunity to buy special badges and souvenirs from ‘The Trading Post’. The meal was completed by lighting the candles on 100 cakes and then of course – the best part – eating them too! After a few games on the original camping field we were able to spend time sunbathing, paddling, walking around the island or joining the afternoon service in the island church. Some of us were lucky to meet visiting scouts from Brazil and Italy and even had our pictures taken!! After taking a last look at the special bust of Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell, erected on the island in 2007, the last few members of the group reluctantly took the return ferry back to Sandbanks.


7th Farnborough Cubs had an exciting time at the Emergency Help Action Day at Gilwell Park. They visited lots of display stands and were particularly impressed with the chip pan fire demonstration, and the Riot Police who allowed the crowd to throw golf balls and bricks at them. The Cubs watched the Rover Rescue Service successfully recover a vehicle out of a ditch and also had a go at filling sandbags. Some of them visited the Red Cross stand and completed parts of the Emergency Aid badge and they also had the opportunity to have a go on a Subaru Simulator and fill their pockets with freebies.


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H G I E L T S A E AY D T N E M RECRUIT ing, the day finally n d to ths of plan stleigh trie a E After mon n e h w ell, e day outing. W c S to arrived - th in s e new adult sites in th o tw recruit 50 e th t y with mp star usy all da b after a da t p e k e r e we for both town centr Scouting, t u o b a g kin . people as ir children e th d n a s themselve ntre, e Swan Ce th e id ts u the enue, o g wall from The first v in b m li us C 30ft e main foc h T . e featured a tr n e ers Activity C ew memb n Tile Barn e th it u r to rec d by here was as manne w d n a t ic m istr ding a tea lu c into the D in , le p of peo twork. a number ts and Ne u o c S r e r given of Explo had been le p o e p g n Young These you ion of the s e r e v d e s e them th iv g to a conden g in talk to rson train quired to Spokespe e r ls il k s and confidence lic. of the pub s r e b m e m n e the Swa id s in , e u n d ve g The secon d to raisin te a ic d e d as arity, Centre, w chosen ch r u o f o s s ave awarene trict, we h is D a s y A x. ugh mone o Shelterbo n e g in is to ra h oxes whic committed b e s e th f ee o rld to buy thr nd the wo u o r a d te u t their are distrib o have los h w le p o e ters. to help p tural disas a n f o e s u ca homes be 35

Are you part of Scouting or Guiding ? Aged 14 – 20 in August 2012 ? Looking for an International Experience ?

Good, because our main aim is to complete a local Community Project All Training will be based in the Hampshire/Surrey Area

For Application Details Visit: www.int-scout.org.uk 36

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