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Hampshire Scouts the adventure goes on . . .

July/August 2010








A REAL G N I R T S ! W O B R U O Y TO Leaders Skills Day

Saturday 18th September 2010 8:30am to 12pm and 12:30pm to 4pm Join us to learn or refresh your skills. Basic or Advanced Survival Skills - Camp Kitchen Fire Lighting - Fire Wood - GPS and Electronic mapping - In Touch, information - Knife, axe and saw - Knots and Lashings - Map and Compass Membership Services, how to access - Outdoor Cooking - Pioneering Big or Small - Programmes online, how to access and much mach more ... Choose from All day Saturday or AM or PM or Eve. Why not stay all weekend. Social Friday eve, Lyons Copse Scout Activity Centre Sandy Lane, ShedďŹ eld Hampshire



The Scout Association Registered Charity Number(s)

for more information and booking form from County Office or Paul Shutt on 077 0628 1181 or paul@hampshireexplorers.org.uk

WHY NOT? “Some men see things that are and ask why? I dream of things that never were and ask why not?” These words by Robert Kennedy in the 1960’s are as fresh and relevant today as they were back then – and can help us all in Hampshire Scouting make the most of the future. Over the last few weeks I’ve had the privilege of visiting a number of Hampshire Scouting events around the County and beyond – and they show what can be achieved if we focus on the opportunities rather than the problems. 4,500 young people and adults from across Hampshire visited Longleat on a beautiful summer’s day. 100 coaches from nearly every District brought Beavers and Cubs together for a day of fun and adventure, ranging from seeing the lions and wolves to getting lost in the maze and making friends with tarantulas. The high point of the day was when everyone gathered next to Longleat House for a Grand Howl, a Tail Slap, and an unstoppable Mexican Wave. Adventure was highlighted when Dame Mary Fagan, our County President and Lord Lieutenant, opened the new “Sky High” Conservatory at Ferny Crofts. Named after the successful HSX expedition to Nepal in 2007 which put Scouts on top of Everest and brought

them back safely, this was another impossible idea which was turned into reality through a lot of hard work and preparation. Communities based around Scout Groups were what I found as I visited various Centenary Celebrations around the County. Former Scouts and Leaders returned to their old Groups and shared memories with today’s members, families and supporters. Some people say that communities no longer exist, but where Scout Groups become the centre of a community, something really special happens. As we move forwards into the summer and planning for the future, let’s take the time to think of what the future could be for Scouting in Hampshire. Can we expand Scouting to reach even more young people – in the city streets, in the rural villages, and in our diverse communities ? Can we offer every child progressively exciting adventures that help them learn about teamwork, leadership and themselves ? And can we harness the goodwill and community spirit that is laying dormant in our busy adult lives, and through Scouting provide the spark that lights the fire ? Let’s dream of things that never were, and ask “Why not?” Adam Jollans County Commissioner


0 1 0 2 T R A C K

hball ded a pus lu c in n o o ach n between e rday after n tu o a ti S ti e p t r that ball com ing, se ophy. Afte nd volley iday even r tr a F r e n o g th o d in n e y arriv win a t enjo by a Everyone section to hilled nigh t, followed c s a a o d r a g h . o d h le n a peop ones! up camp a there was k head ph ting new e in to e p m h it d n w a o s up early a w e ent disc n the disco il s o y r de cing ing eve day morn teams ma by drag ra n 5 n u 1 o S ti g ti in e n p r ay mo the com them over etwork g te N le in d p ft n li a m On Saturd o e s c c r n e New a dista ts, Explor nt. arts over round the c a e it up of Scou u th s they we c a ir c s le a c to r e ta d v s a o b o team h competed and under ing, each e c n a r O t . s p il u h t e se the overall r r e fo w Forest. W t s a ie k th the Min of 2 all bases reat dible time ell done to complete e r W c in It was a g . n to s a g d in e n g a in n st go out u m s k team ma n trek cart w a th ran and huge team who t n hours! weekend a li il r b and the Paul, Gus it.

E-NEWS SNIPPETS Please be aware that Districts and Groups need to arrange their own insurance for non-member helpers attending events. The County insurance policy covers non-member children at all events, but non-member adults are only covered when attending County events. We have been approached by Lucie Mytton, Coaching Development Officer, Sport Hampshire & IOW. She wrote: A key part of my role as the Coaching Development Officer for Sport Hampshire and IOW is ‘step into sport’, which is a programme supported by the Youth Sports Trust. I am not sure how familiar you are with this but it incorporates volunteering opportunities for young people from 14-19 years old in school, college and the community. If you would like to read more please visit http://www. youthsporttrust.org/page/step-into-sport/ index.html

quarterly – at the end of March, June, September or December. Claim forms must be countersigned and accompanied by original receipts. New GSL Support Material available from HQ Gilwell have developed a new GSL Support resource, “Your Virtual Induction”, and this is due to go live later this week at www.scouts.org.uk/ gslsupport It’s a great set of booklets which we believe new (and existing) GSLs will find very useful. The new resource is being promoted through the Focus resource being mailed along with Scouting magazine, and there will also be an email from HQ directly to GSLs on Friday 11th June.

CONGRATULATIONS... - to Stephen Roe from Southampton SSAGO on being awarded his Explorer Belt

My main focus is on the 16-19 year olds and ensuring the college students have exit routes for their volunteering placements in the community. I am keen to try and extend these opportunities beyond typical sporting venues and uniformed groups is an area I would like to build upon. There is a step into sport online passport where young volunteers can record their hours and they receive awards after so many hours volunteering. In a nutshell, I am asking if the various Scout Groups around the county would like to be involved in the step into sport programme as a placement venue for young volunteers who are at college? If anyone is interested they can contact Lucie at lucie.mytton@hants.gov.uk

- to 3rd Hayling Scouts on an excellent Group AGM following a year of 10% growth, over 2,000 nights camping, and 61 CSAs awarded

To help us manage the County budget, any claims for expenses should be submitted at least

...to Pamber Heath Scout Group on their fundraising for solar power for the Adonai Children’s Home in Uganda, recognised

- to 7th Bramshill (Hook) Scouts on a great Group Camp and the 100th anniversary of their original founding - to 7th Hook Scout Group (Bramshill District)on running a super week-end camp at Garniers Camp Site Farnham. Lots of FUN and challenge. It was good to have the opportunity to meet Jennie Craven,- unit leader, and hear about her plans for preparing for the 22nd World Scout Jamboree in Sweden (David Stemp)

PIG OUT Fancy adding some thing different to you event?? Fancy holding an AGM with a difference. Then we have the answer for you!! Hire our Hog Roast Machine £75.00 ( including Gas) £50.00 (if you supply Gas) Money from hire will go to Denmark 2011 Further details and bookings denmark2011@scouts-hants.org.uk by a CC’s Commendation presented last Thursday ...to 23rd Portsmouth Scouts on their Centenary celebrations and reunion on Saturday, with so many former members and relatives returning to share memories and rekindle old friendships ...to Teresa, Vanessa, and their teams on a fantastic day trip to Longleat for 4,600 Beavers, Cubs and Leaders under a cloudless sky. What a great event with lions, wolves, gorillas, and the high point of everyone together next to the house for a Grand Howl, Tail Slap, and unstoppable Mexican Wave ! ...to 1st Fareham on their Centenary Camp at Lyons Copse over the weekend, with strawberry twists, wide games, and the Mayor telling a yarn at the campfire ...to Donna, Russ, Ian, and the Ferny Crofts team for pulling out all the stops for the opening of the new “Sky High” Conservatory by Dame Mary Fagan, our President and Lord Lieutenant.

Thanks also to the young people from the Gold Team and Jamboree Units who chatted with the representatives of Hampshire County Council, New Forest District Council, and Exxon and showed them around Ferny Crofts - and to Lizzie, Helen, George and Dave for the presentation about Hampshire Scouting, Ferny Crofts and Sky High. ...to Waterlooville District Scout Network on sharing the story of their calm handling of a serious road traffic accident, and on being awarded a well-deserved County Commissioner’s Commendation ...and to Peter, Bill, Bruce and Frank from the County Management Team and all the attendees for a very smooth and successful County AGM ...to David Fairclough on receiving the Silver Acorn from Roy Farmers on Friday, in front of a packed audience including many members of his Scout Troop from 20 years ago

Dave with the Silver Acorn presented by Roy Farmers

TELL US ABOUT YOUR CAMPS THIS SUMMER. Last September’s issue of HSN had articles about the wide range of camps you all went on last summer. I would like to do the same but that relies on you guys. Take a camera to camp, designate someone to take pictures and someone to get some quotes, throw it all together and wang it in to the County Office when you get home. Submissions gratefully received at: county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk If you would prefer to be notified when HSN is published in full colour on the Internet rather than receive HSN by Mail please let us know. HSN is edited by Tim Palmer at the County Office and Printed by Russ Parke MBE.

CC TWEETS What has Adam been up to this month:

GONE HOME By Andy Baird

Silchester District are sad to report that John Feuillade, District Vice President and District Secretary has “gone home” after giving over 50 years of service to Scouting. John did his Scouting as a youth in London and then started as Assistant Scout Leader in Crawley, West Sussex in 1955. In 1961, he moved to Tadley and ran the Scout section until he joined the Silchester District team in 1978. He became DC in 1984, had a spell after that as an ADC and for many years has been Silchester’s District Secretary until this year. John was also an active member of the Calleva Life Saving Club for many years. Always full of ideas and suggestions, offers of help and a positive outlook in life, all of us here will miss him a great deal.

All the lions, wolves and other animals at Longleat getting very excited about the arrival on Saturday of 4,600 cubs, beavers and leaders !! 7:28 AM Jun 25th via web Super centenary celebrations on Saturday by Worting Scout Group - a real community which reminded me of the Wiltshire village I grew up in about 4 hours ago via web Congratulations to Southampton City on their AGM on Wednesday, and to the catering by the Fellowship and fundraising by the Jamboree... about 4 hours ago via web . Well done to City of Portsmouth who held their AGM on Monday - the biggest District in the biggest County AND they grew by 96 and 9% - FAB ! 8:36 AM Jun 16th via web .

ago there to congratulate! 2:30 AM Jun 12th via web Congratulations to Pamber Heath Scouts on their AGM and raising so much money for Uganda 2:03 PM Jun 10th via txt . Boing boing boing - the bouncy castles are arriving at Hook Scout Group Centenary Camp !! 1:30 AM May 31st via txt . Congratulations to Stephen Roe of Southampton SSAGO on being awarded his Explorer Belt last night - and good luck for your exams ! 12:51 AM May 30th via web . Bernie Clark receiving his Bar to the Silver Acorn from Adam. Packed reunion and centenary celebrations for 23rd Portsmouth Scouts last night, with sepia photos, memories and old friendships rekindled 7:11 AM Jun 13th via web . Silver Acorn presentation to David Fairclough in Itchen North yesterday with members of his Troop from 20 years

Fantastic year of success for 3rd Hayling Scouts, celebrated at a great Annual Review Wednesday - 10% growth, 2000 nights camping, 61 CSAs 1:29 AM May 28th via web . Congratulations to 9th Lymington Sea Scouts on retaining their RN recognition last night - adventure with kayaking, sailing and powerboats . 1:43 AM May 22nd via web Adam being lightly smoked over a fire by some of the Cubs from 9th Lymington at their RN inspection.


SKY HIGH CONSERVATORY Hampshire Scout’s President, Dame Mary Fagan was on hand ast weekend to officially open the conservatory which has been built onto the Croft at Ferny Crofts . Presentations were delivered by the Sky High team about their successful Everest climb, by George Lewis from Ferny Crofts who talked about their development programs and Helen Coyte and Lizzie Harvey who gave an overview of adventure in Scouting. The ground source heat pump, which can be seen behind Russ in the above picture, and solar panels are now up and working providing hot water for now and heat when its needed in the winter.

AGM 2010 At least two out of three major happenings on Sunday went off well – the opening of the new “Sky High” conservatory and the County AGM. Despite the heat, 50 members of the Hampshire Scout Council gathered in Mountbatten Lodge in Ferny Crafts for the AGM. The County Chairman, Peter Moody, welcomed those present and said that in the short time he had been Chairman, he had been impressed with the number and variety of events put on for our young members, by thousands of dedicated leaders. This was brought home by an e-mail from Adam the previous evening saying how well Living it large at Longleat had gone. He wished to thank all our leaders for the dedication and efforts. The County Treasurer, Bruce Martin, talked through the accounts covering seven months because of the change of year end. Our finances were in a good state, partly due to a large legacy received right at the end of the year and also because of money held on account for various expeditions being held this year. He thanked Sandra and Nicky for the work they had done in streamlining the accounts which enabled accurate and timely reports to the trustees. Peter Moody then thanked Bruce for all the long hours he had put in to get us in the strong position we are now in. Following the appointment of the officers and trustees, Adam thanked Peter for his work in supporting the County and himself. Quoting Robert Kennedy, “There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why... I dream of things that never were, and ask why not”, Adam said we must all dream of what can be done, as the Sky High team had done before Everest and our ACCs had before Living it Large at Longleat. He wanted to focus on three things; our youngsters – he would be setting up a Youth Council; Adventure; a sense of Community.

Ray Noice introduced two Waterlooville Network members, Kate Durbin and Rob Chidwick who had been involved in dealing with a car accident that happened on a Network event. Prompt first response actions given to one of the passengers almost certainly prevented permanent disability. The way the Network members had dealt with the whole incident, despite serious injuries to one of their own members had won the praise of the police and other emergency services. Adam aid he was very proud of them and presented them with the CC’c Commendation. Tim Kidd, Chief Commissioner for England addressed the meeting and said how impressed he was with the facilities at Ferny Crofts. He referred to the result of a UNICEF report which had asked questions about growing up in the countries of Europe. He said that the UK scored lowest on the number of youngsters who expected to get a good job when they grew up, those who felt they belonged to a community and how much they trusted people living near them. He said that the youngsters of today are the ones who will have to fix these problems, but we in Scouting can provide inspiration to these youngsters, and must tell the world and a sceptical media what many young people are achieving – Scouting can help address the problems of the world. He went on to say that Baden-Powell would recognise modern Scouting for the values it displayed, despite all the changes in uniform and in the technology we have at our finger tips. He concluded by saying that we should all be proud of what Hampshire Scouting does and for Adam’s inspirational leadership. The meeting finished with Russ Parke presenting Bryan Young with his Silver Wolf, Adam presented the Silver Acorn to Monica Moore and various long service and appointment certificates. Thanks to Jamboree Unit Four for their help at the AGM.

100 YEARS AT 5TH FARNBOROUGH By Trevor Smith 5th Farnborough GSL. 2010 is a very special year for 5th Farnborough Scout Group with its humble beginnings in the basement of a house in Southampton Street during 1910. Originally we where known as 1st North Camp but renamed as 5th F in 1915 when the first districts were formed. Amazingly we have provided continuous Scouting in North Camp via four huts all within a stones throw of each other. We celebrated this event at Runways End over the weekend of 14-16th May. In all we managed to gather members, guests and past members to share an enjoyable party type atmosphere finishing Saturday with an open air disco and the best 10 minutes of fireworks I’ve seen for a while. On the site we had 97 people camping (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts Leaders and families) It was so good to see so many supporting this event. Our guest list included Adam Jollans (CC), Janet Lister (DC) and a number of ADCs, Gerald Howarth our MP and his wife plus many current families, past youth members and leaders which swelled our numbers at times to about 160 people. With such support we held our AGM on the campsite field followed by a celebration event and the obligatory cake. Happily the weather allowed us to make the most of the sunshine, but yes we did get a few showers but these failed to dampen any enthusiasm. During the celebration Adam presented the Group with a plaque from Hampshire Scouting recognising our 100 years.

Looking closely at our guests we realised that over the weekend we had seen past and current: 6 Skips, 5 GSLs, 7 Akelas, 3 Chairman, 2 Treasurers and 23 committee members. During the planning phases I made contact with past members from all around the world via Scouts Reunited and Facebook and no doubt will be sending info and badges out. Looking back I feel some of the highlights for me were, our Beavers first nights away, having so many happy campers and seeing many old friends. The downsides were being shown old photographs of me. If anyone would like a copy of the Group’s history booklet for a small donation, please contact me. I recommend we all celebrate our achievements properly. Somebody else can organise the next 100 years event though!

Adam joins in the washing up

RECENT AWARDS Congratulations to the following adults who have been presented with awards for their outstanding contributions to Scouting in Hampshire.

BAR TO THE AWARD OF MERIT John Leeks Susan Whistler Jennifer Barker Rowland Clarke Dawn Ingliss Martyn Ingliss Joan Knowles

ASL 3rd CSL DCSL AGSL -1ST AS Manager Skills instructor appt com member SL 12th ACSL 12th

Chandlers Ford Bramshill Winchester Winchester Winchester Winchester Winchester

THE AWARD OF MERIT Jim Rooke Malcolm Vincent David Hart Steven Callagham Ian Franks Ray Bunce Karen Berger Derek Conway Robin Cook Steve Feeney Ian Johnson Andrew Knowles Bruce Martin James Simpson

County Exec Member 8th Alton GSL 1st DDC GSL 9th GSL 3rd ABSL 1st Horndean Grp Chairman 9th GSL 3rd CSL 1st ASL 14th CSL 12th CSL 1st, Cty Treas SL 3rd Hayling

Hampshire Rotherfield Chandlers Ford Bramshill Bramshill Bramshill Waterlooville Winchester Winchester Winchester Winchester Winchester Winchester Havant

THE CHIEF SCOUTS COMMENDATION FOR GOOD SERVICE Mary Vincent Denise Clark Deborah Gath Robert Hart Steven Adlem Andrew Benwell Peter Hayne Phillip Ralph

BSL 8th Alton ACSL 3rd ACSL 3rd SL 1st ACSL Grp Chairman 14th Dist Exec member GSL 1st

Rotherfield Chandlers Ford Chandlers Ford Chandlers Ford Winchester Winchester Winchester Winchester






July 2nd

NSRA air rifle course


Ferny Crofts

Ferny Crofts


Archery Eliminator Central



Tim Beeching


Gilwell 24





Sailing Regatta


David Chadwick


Regatta Meeting


13th Soton HQ

David Chadwick


CEC Meeting


Dovetail C'Ford

County Office


Raft Race


Lakeside E'leigh Paul Shutt


Archery Finals



Tim Beeching


Zambia 2010 Expedition



Julian Sore


Kenya Moot 2010



Ray Noice

August 3rd

Peru 2010



Dave King


Hamjam 2010


Lake District

Dominic Howell

September 3rd

Suisse Adventure reunion


Ferny Crofts



Theme park Camp


Thorpe Parke

www.summit network.org.uk/tpc







County Beaver Leaders Meeting



Teresa Ginn


Pulling & Canoeing Regatta


Testwood Lake

David Chadwick


Explorer leaders Camp


Lyons copse

Paul Shutt


County Skills day


Lyons copse

Paul Shutt


Emlyn Camping Competition



Les Farrington


Explorer leaders Camp


Lyons copse

Paul Shutt


CEC Meeting


Dovetail C'Ford

County Office


Bushcraft Camp


Cricket camp

Paul Shutt


Basingstoke canal challenge



John Penfold


Cricket camp

Paul Shutt

October 1st

YL Training Weekend







Essential Bushcraft Camp


Cricket camp

Paul Shutt


Regional DC+GSL day


Stoke Poges



Cubs ADC, DCSL meeting



Beaver Roadshow North BSL


Teresa Ginn


Regatta Meeting


13th Soton HQ

David Chadwick


Sedan Chair



Ray Noice


Caving Day


Priddy Green

Andy Clifton


Caving Day


Priddy Green

Andy Clifton




West of Hants

Romsey Pirates

Vanessa Slawson

November 6th

County Conference


Hedge End

County Office


Christmas Wonderland


Paultons Park

Teresa Ginn


Scrapheap Challenge



Vanessa Slawson


CEC Meeting


Dovetail C'Ford

County Office


PL Training weekend


Lyons Copse

Dominic Howell


i Scout Conference


Thornden C'Ford

County Office



Ray Noice

December 31st

New Year Camp + workshop 2011

28th Jan

YL Training Weekend


Cricket camp

Paul Shutt

22nd April

Cty Explorer Camp


Ferny Crofts

Paul Shutt

25th June

Ferny Crofts open day


Ferny Crofts

Ferny Crofts

1st July

Trek Cart


23rd July

Inter-net 2011



Neil O'Sullivan

27th July




Ian Porter


Beavers Cubs Scouts Explorers


Paul Shutt

Network Everyone Leaders Young Leaders

DCh District Chairs Hopefully the rest of the abbreviations should be clear.

0 1 0 2 T A E L NG


Giant Afric an land Sn ails Helen Ren ouf

Meeting Lord Bath Helen Renouf


Photos by Nick Scott Photography unless marked otherwise.

Helen Renouf

Smiles all round at Longleat on the 26th June as 4500 Hampshire Beavers and Cubs enjoy the sun and fun. Well done to all the Leaders and Parents and particular thanks to Teresa, Vanessa nd the rest of the County “tigers� who did such a fantastic job of looking after us all.

r Tim Palme

passionate about delivering Adventure to scouts?

YOUR County needS

Hampshire County Scouts Youth Programme Team have identified a number of roles that we would like to fill in order to improve the support we give. If you’re passionate about delivering Adventure to out young people/young adults, we are looking for you. We plan to strengthen our teams by appointing County Beaver Scout Leaders, County Cub Scout Leaders, County Explorer Scout Leaders, County Scout Network Leaders and County DofE Advisors. You should have enthusiasm for the section role that you are applying for and be willing to complete the relevant training requirements. You may continue in your current role. Each County Leader/Advisor will be asked to give local support to a Cluster of Districts and support the Section in a specialised area such as County Camp or Communications. The Explorer, Network and DofE sections are ready to accept nominations with


Beaver and Cub sections being ready very soon. As the Scout section is awaiting the appointment of a new ACC they will need time to plan how they would like to manage their section. Role Descriptions and nomination (self nomination is acceptable) forms are available from County Office, Ferny Crofts, Beaulieu Road, Beaulieu, Brockenhurst, Hampshire. SO42 7YQ Email: county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk Tel: 02380 847 847 For more information, contact: beavers@scouts-hants.org.uk 023 9212 3143 cubs@scouts-hants.org.uk 023 8086 7582 scouts@scouts-hants.org.uk explorers@scouts-hants.org.uk 077 0628 1181 network@scouts-hants.org.uk 01329 835323 dofe@scouts-hants.org.uk 01252 403890

ACC BEAVERS - TERESA GINN beavers@scouts-hants.org.uk


The Blackwater Valley Beaver Waterworld Fun Day was held at Runways End on Sunday 9th May. The day looked overcast and the weather forecast was for rain later in the day. The Beavers were divided into seven groups and spent the morning doing dry activities such as cooking, hoopla, darts, three craft bases and a treasure hunt. The rain held off for us so the weather men must not have checked their seaweed properly. We stopped for lunch and then the Beavers were divided into five groups for

the water bases. A good time was had by all, just check out the photos which were supplied by Holly from 10th Farnborough. There was only a slight drizzle in the afternoon but going by the amount of water that was being thrown around I don’t think anyone noticed and not one Beaver or Leader went home dry!!

ACC CUBS - Vanessa Slawson cubs@scouts-hants.org.uk

CUB SURVIVAL CAMP. Open to Sixers and Seconders with a min of 5 nights away. Friday 22nd Oct to Sunday 24th Oct 2010. More details will be despatched to District Cub leaders and ADCs as soon as I have them.


Basingstoke East has had an active few months. Back in March, we run our first District Badge Day. The Beavers were already having their fun day, so we decided to run them both in parallel. After finding all the suitable large Scout huts were previously booked, we ended up at a local school. This was a great decision, because it meant we could grow into extra classrooms as the numbers increased. We ended up with nearly 90 Cubs. Each Cub selected 4 badges they wanted to work on, and depending on the number of sessions needed, each Cub overall gained at least two badges during the

day. The sessions included : Map reading, Communicators, Emergency Aid 1 and 2, Musicians 1 and 2, Entertainer and Artist. A lot of these badges need specialist knowledge or skills, and it was great to be able to share the skills within the District. The day finished with an indoor singalong with the Beavers, led our by DC, Andy. A great day. Well worth the effort in organising it, and definitely will be repeated next year, including some different badges. The second weekend in June saw our annual District Camp. 80 Cubs with an additional 20 helpers and leaders trekked down to Ferny Crofts for the weekend. The weather was very kind to us, which is more than can be said about the mossies and midges, which bit us, especially me, all over !! That’s the New Forest for you.

Our theme was Treasure Island, and we arranged activities and groups around this theme. Six Packs from the District came down, and we mixed them up for their activities so they could all make new friends. Each group was named after a character from The Pirates of the Caribbean. The activities included Catching your dinner Archery Escaping from your island Raft Building How to survive on your island Survival skills Climbing the tree for coconuts and a look out Climbing Salvaging your booty from the ship Giant Push ball In search of hidden treasure Hike The chef, Davy Jones, had a suitable menu including, worm sausages, blackeyed beans, fried squid pond water, liver soup (his speciality!), smelly eggy bread, weevil biscuits, to name some of the delights! I’m sure all the Cubs had a great time, and hopefully they all tried something they’ve never attempted before. Basingstoke East Cubs continue to grow and several Cubs have recently gained their Chief Scout Silver Award. Congratulations to them all. We also welcome several new Leaders to the section. Great to see the continuing growth in Cubs.

Making our way around London with our Shelterbox.


Last Saturday Hilary Farrow and I took five 9th Lymington Cubs to London to take part in the Shelterbox Challenge. They carried the box round 2 miles of Kensington Gardens and 3 miles of Hyde Park. They had to see how many Cubs you can get into the box and met some lovely policemen. We had a fantastic day met the founder of shelterbox loads of people asked what we were doing, we left Brockenhurst at 7.10 in the morning and arrived home 7.10 in the evening, trains, underground and a lot of ‘shanks pony’. We hope to do it again next year if it runs. We have also been out to the forest to meet Jonathan, a New Forest Agister and met a police dog handler recently for whom the Cubs were unusually quiet.

Dates: 4th June 13th August 27th August

S Y A D Y T ACTIVI mmer. forest this su

nture in the e v d a fire and d a n a g n in u t f h e g li m , o s s Have ilding shelter u b g n take part in in o n o r n o r e m t f e a h t e h d t Spen . n it. Then in o h c n ing activities lu b r m u li o C y e g e r in T k coo hallenge and C m a e T t n a our brilli hole day. w e h t r o f 8 2 day and £ £18 for half a

177138 9 0 0 8 0 l e T . crofts.org.uk 28) is 9am-5pm


es 6-14. Half

Suitable for ag

m-12.30pm 18) is either 9a

day (£

We do cool birthday part ie

. Full day (£

or 1.30pm-5pm

s too. Call us for more info


ACC SCOUTS - DOMINIC HOWELL scouts@scouts-hants.org.uk


Are you complying with the law? Over the last few years bush craft or perhaps it should be called scout craft has become very popular unfortunately as with all good things there is always downside and you may not be complying with the law. Just recently one of the bush craft skills instructors was stopped in his car while returning from a training session and was pulled up for not transporting knives and axes in an appropriate container these items were sealed in his rucksack. How many of us will have a pocket knife in our kit while on our way to camp, it has been very difficult to get all the answers so we

have approached the police to try and get clarification on the issue and if there are enough leaders interested I believe they would be prepared to come out and clarify the situation and answer any other questions on the subject we would also on the same evening be able to offer instruction on the correct way to carry and use knives and axes. If this might be of interest please send me an email and I can let you know when we have something arranged. tony@hampshireexplorers.org.uk

HAVE YOU HELD YOUR DISTRICT EMLYN YET? Blackfield Scouts, seen below, were the winners of the New Forest East Emlyn camping competition and will be representing their District in the County Competition coming up in September. Let me know if you will be entering too!


ACC EXPLORERS - PAUL SHUTT explorers@scouts-hants.org.uk This year’s Kudu will take place overnight on Saturday 30th to Sunday 31st October in the deepest South West with the theme of Pirates. Please save the date and be on the lookout for further information in September.

WANTED BUSHCRAFT EXPERTS Due to the huge success of our bushcraft weekends we a looking for more volunteer instructors. They don’t have to attend every other week, just when they can. Instruction can be given to bring them up to speed with our equipment etc. Also we are in need of a few leaders to take the lead of HEAT’s first aid school. We have a group of Explorer and Network members that are fully trained to Red Cross standard. further details can be found on www. heatsu.org.uk or by contacting me.

RAFT RACE Hi everyone. Yet another year gone and it’s time for the raft race again. Last year great fun was had by all on a sunny July day. The weather is booked again for this year’s event on Sunday 18th July at Lakeside near Eastleigh. Booking forms have been sent out but in case you did not get one please email me and I will send you out a copy along with the rules. Hope to see you there for a fun day. tony@hampshireexplorers.org.uk

If you love the outdoor life, are over 14 and have any role in scouting the Hampshire Activities And Training (HEAT) Bush Craft team would like to invite you to join us at the UK’s largest Bush Craft and Survival weekend near Salisbury. Normally the cost of entry would be £80.00 we can offer you this absolutely free to the first 20 who apply however you would be required to undertake some site service over the weekend and must commit to joining us for all four days 19th – 22nd Aug 2010. The list of experiences and activities are too numerous to list so please visit the wilderness gathering web site to get the full picture. www.wildernessgathering. co.uk if you want to take part in this unique experience please send me an email to reserve you place. tony@heatsu.org.uk


I would like to introduce you to the Jubilee Sailing Trust (JST), a charity based in Southampton which is unique in that it takes able bodied and disabled people to sea. Each voyage has up to 40 voyage crew (there are no passengers on board!) and up to 50% of the voyage crew can be disabled. We own and operate 2 specially made tall ships, which are the only ones in the world which are capable of taking non able bodied people sailing. I recently met Matt Cook, an Explorer Leader from Winchester who has been working with us and he suggested that other Units may be interested in our work. We offer a Leadership @ Sea scheme which is for 16 to 25 year olds and runs alongside the normal voyage. Participants partake in activities such as leading a watch, logging how fast the ship is going etc. It builds on communication, leadership, confidence and teamwork skills and also includes an element of

disability awareness through participants experiencing life at sea in a wheelchair or blindfolded for a period of time. At the end of the process they receive a certificate as proof of their achievements. It’s great to put on their CVs as it shows they can cope in different situations, work with a range of people (young and old, and with various disabilities) and also counts towards the residential section of the DofE Gold Award. The scheme is open to 16-25 years, and has proved to be of great interest to those working towards their DofE Gold Award. I feel it is an experience that many of your scouts would benefit from. We offer bursary funding of up to £300 towards the cost of the voyage for Leadership @ Sea participants which brings the cost down considerately. Please have a look at our website at www.jst.org.uk for more information about our voyages and the JST in general. Voyages start from 5 days upwards and we sail in both the UK and abroad.


Thanks go to Eastleigh Network for organizing the event and also to Chris Scott, Ray Noice, David McGregor and Sandy McGregor for judging the competition.



The now traditional Hampshire Network cooking competition took place in Eastleigh on the night of Wednesday 17th February. Organized by Eastleigh Network, the event is the yearly check on Hampshire Network members’ cookery skills. Some five teams entered, being able to only use £10 worth of ingredients, with all equipment and ingredients needing to fit into a 60 litre rucksack. This making it the most contested cooking competition so far. The standard of the competition was excellent, with the judges enjoying the food that they sampled from all 5 tables. Fi Durrant & Tall Paul’s chocolate fondue was sublime, while Fareham East, Basingstoke and reigning champions Waterlooville all cooked up some quality dishes. But home team Eastleigh won the day being the first holders of the brand new gold frying pan. Judge Chris Scott said ‘the standard of the food was excellent; all us judges were mightily impressed with what the teams had to offer’ Ray Noice added ‘we know who will be providing the catering at the next County Scout event!’

LOOKING FOR A NEW CHALLENGE? Then the County Scout Network Team needs you! We are looking to appoint County Scout Network Leaders who will be responsible for supporting Clusters of Districts. The duties will include the promotion of the Scout Network section, support County Scout Network events, offer support to District teams, Network Leaders and Network members. Job descriptions and application forms are available from County Office If want to discuss the roles please call County Scout Network Commissioner, Ray Noice. E: ray.noice@scouts-hants.org.uk M: 079 6858 6344 T: 01329 835323 Closing date for applications - Friday 23rd July 2010

that details using the correct forms and the covering of Module 1 is done by then. ACC FELLOWSHIPS/ACTIVE SUPPORT RICHARD SPEARING richard.spearing@scouts-hants.org.uk At the last meeting of Fellowships in Hampshire, district reps reported back regarding the progress being made in the change to Scout Active Support. Some districts have already adopted the new scheme and are registered and others are due to do so after the Summer break. All Districts have until the end of December to convert. If the District has not done so by then, all details regarding Fellowship membership will be removed from the National Database and members will no longer receive Scouting Magazine or have their service recognised, so it is vital

Because a District Fellowship Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer will not be “elected” under the new scheme, it will not be necessary to hold an “AGM” anymore, but District Support Units/ Teams may hold an annual meeting where Unit officers are chosen if they so wish. It is also important to keep the service of members up to date so that their long service awards may be issued on time. Make your DC aware of any member who you think should be recognised for special service in the way of a St. George’s Day award as sometimes Fellowship members are left out. Our next meeting is on Sunday October 17th in Cowplain which will also be our Annual Service for the Roll of Honour, the last under the title of Fellowships in Hampshire.

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PHOTOS PHOTOS Will the children of today’s Scouts find in the Attic that box of old photographs? - If we’re not careful, the answer will be “NO!” On the radio the other evening, the question was raised with regard to recording family events for the future that are being “photographed” on our mobile phones, digital cameras and the world of modern technology. These can be downloaded onto disks and sticks and, with the right equipment, we can have the great pleasure of linking them through to our television screens and watching our latest holiday and camping images. However, unless we take hard copies, what do we hand on to future generations? If we upgrade our computers and we forget to download onto the new one, or the hard drive gets corrupted, then we will lose the lot! Thinking of the wonderful past records we have thanks to photography, please can I ask for thought to be given for today’s Scouting to be recorded for tomorrow?

NEXT MEETING The date of the next meeting is Thursday 21st October, 1pm at Winchester Tennis Club. The meeting dates after that (all in 2011) will be Thursday 3rd March, Thursday 19th May and Thursday 20th October, venue(s) to be advised.

NUMBERS UP AT OPEN DAY Despite clashing with the Cubs and Beavers visiting Longleat on the same day, the 4th Open Day at Ferny Crofts was a huge success. Numbers were up on previous years with more activity tickets sold, more ice creams eaten and even more staff needed. The only thing down thanks to the weather was sales of tea which plummeted to three cups which must be a record low for a Scouting event. 50 staff members were on duty over the day providing hundreds of Beavers, Cubs, Scout, Explorers, Parents and the general public with adventurous activities. At one point 80 climbing harnesses were in use throughout the site. The Staff were real troopers working in stifling conditions and deserved their slap up feast at the end of the day. Thanks very much to everyone who helped out on what was a fantastic day of Scouting fun.

ZAMBIA 2010 By Flic Wright

With only 3 weeks to go before the Zambia 2010 party fly out, we were delighted to see photos of the steel framework of the new school we are funding being put together. Our team of Guides and Scouts from across southern England have raised over £25000 to pay for the new school and medical centre for a fishing village near the town of Siavonga. Once in Zambia the group will help build the centre as well as spending time with local Scouts and seeing some of the local wildlife.



GOING ABROAD If you are thinking of organising a Scout trip abroad please get in touch with the County International Team as early as possible. As well as being a requirement of POR to send form TA to ACC International, the team has a wealth of experience of trips abroad and can save you a lot of time and effort in your preparations.


Don’t miss out on your opportunity to take part in a Jamboree this year with Jamboree on the Air and Internet (JOTA & JOTI) This event is held across the world on the third full weekend in October every year and is open to all Scouts. It offers an excellent opportunity to make contact with Scouts from another country outside the United Kingdom by amateur radio or Internet as the basis of a Patrol or Troop activity to meet one of the requirements of the Scout Global Challenge. More information on JOTA is available in Factsheet (FS120521) “Jamboree on the Air”, available from the Information Centre or as http://www.scoutbase.org. uk/library/hqdocs/facts/pdfs/fs120521. pdf Information on JOTI is available from http://www.joti.org Check out our quiz on the next page. The answers can be found on the back page.

Where are these Scouts?




1. UGANDA 2. HAMPSHIRE 3. KOREA 4. MALDIVES 5. JAPAN Answers on back cover

Answers from International JOTI quiz: A5, B1, C4, D3, E2

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