How to Make Sure your Heater Keeps You Warm During the Winter

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How to Make Sure Your Furnace Keeps You Toasty Warm This Winter

Most of us just turn our heater on every winter, without thinking twice about it, and hope that it will keep us warm throughout. Unfortunately, when you do this you are skipping some easy steps that will help you get the most out of your furnace. These tips are simple to implement, help you make sure your furnace is working well, lead to lower utility bills and help you make sure your heater will keep you toasty warm this winter.

Look for Leaks around Windows and Doors The first thing you should do is check your windows and doors to make sure there aren’t any leaks around them or broken seals. These let warm air out of your home and let cold air in, forcing you to use your heater more often or at higher temperatures. When you do this, you will be running the furnace more than you need to which leads to higher utility bills and could even wear you furnace out faster. Install a Carbon Monoxide Detector Furnaces that are broken or aren’t working properly can leak carbon monoxide into your home. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include tiredness and headaches, and in severe cases, carbon monoxide poisoning can lead to death. Before you start your furnace for the winter, install a carbon monoxide detector or replace the batteries in the existing one and then test it to make sure it is working correctly. Turn Your Furnace on Early Most people start their furnace on the first cold day of the season. The problem with this is that if you find out your furnace isn’t working correctly and call a repair technician, you may find that everyone else is doing the same thing and your furnace won’t be serviced right away. Avoid this problem by turning your furnace on early, before most other people do, and checking to make sure it is working. If it isn’t, you will have plenty of time to set up an appointment and have it serviced before the cold weather sets in.

Clean or Replace the Filters Furnace filters are designed to trap dust, pollen, dirt and other debris before it can enter your home. The filter will keep your air, carpet and walls clean and it can even help you stay healthy. If you or someone in your home has allergies, it is important to make sure your filter is working correctly, so it isn’t allowing allergens to enter your home. If your furnace has filters that are designed to be cleaned and reused, clean your filter before you turn the furnace on for the winter. Replace the filter if your furnace uses disposable filters. Your filters should be replaced every few months, or even sooner if you have furry pets in your home. Keep in mind that even if you change your filter now, you may need to do it again before the end of winter. Clear the Area Around the Furnace Make sure the area around your furnace is clear of furniture or stored items that could block air from entering the unit. If your furnace doesn’t receive enough air, it won’t work as efficiently as it could be and you will deal with a chilly home or high utility bills as a result of trying to compensate for a poorly working heater. It can also be dangerous to store things around the heater, as this space could get very warm, and could be a fire hazard. So, before you turn that switch to “on,” clear out the area around the unit. Make Sure the Heat Coil is Clean Use a damp rag to make sure the components, including the heat coil, are clean before you start using your furnace. Dirty parts make a furnace less efficient, and this is an easy way to get the most out of your furnace. Make sure the furnace is disconnected from its power source before you do any kind of cleaning. Check the Fan Belt for Cracks or other Damage While you are cleaning your furnace, visually inspect the fan belt to make sure it isn’t cracked or broken. If it is, have a technician replace it before you turn your furnace on for the winter. If the belt looks too tight or too lose, you will also need to contact a professional. Fan belts that are damaged or aren’t installed properly will prevent your furnace from working correctly.

Clean Ducts and Vents Dirty ducts and vents make your heater less efficient because they prevent proper air flow. Use a vacuum cleaner with a hose to vacuum dust and dirt out of these areas and then use a damp rag to make sure vent covers are clean. Like replacing air filters, this step can actually help you prevent allergic reactions since when you turn the heater on, any dust and pollen in the ducts and vents will be forced into your home. Have the Furnace Inspected It is wise to have your furnace inspected by a professional who can make sure everything is in working order before you turn your furnace on. While all of these tips can help you get the most out of your furnace, a trained expert will be able to spot problems that you aren’t able to see. When you know about these problems you can make necessary repairs so the furnace will work well and you might even be able to avoid further damage and high expenses. Use Curtains and Blinds You may not have thought of how your curtains and blinds can help you stay warm this winter, but they can. Closing heavy curtains and blinds when it is dark outside can help you keep warmer by trapping the warm air inside the room and preventing cool air that comes from windows from traveling throughout your house. Use these tips to make sure your heater is working properly before you turn it on, stay safe this winter and keep cozy during the cold months and holiday season. Stay toasty! To browse HSS Sales' extensive collection of heating solutions, please visit our website:

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