Annual Report 2016
Page No Vicar’s Introduc on
Church Wardens’ Reports
Increasing & Developing Disciples
Evangelism & Outreach
Mission: Home & Away
Older People’s Ministry
Children & Families
Holy Trinity Pre-School
External Ac vi es
Agendas for Vestry & APCM 2017
APCM 2016 Minutes
Financial Report
Separate document 3
Vicar’s Introduc on I hope you enjoy reading our Annual report. Having been here only eight months I have been struck by the truly servant-hearted nature of all who give of their me to further the Kingdom of God in Knaphill and Brookwood that goes to make the work here at Holy Trinity and St Saviour’s work. This report represents the huge amount of prayer and working together and, I hope, will give you a picture of everything that goes on that seeks to increase and grow disciples. The role of the church has and will always be to lead people to faith in Jesus, to nurture this faith and for us to always be looking outwards into the world and asking how we can show Christ’s love to others. Since September, the Diocese has challenged us to discern what Transforma on Goals we as a church feel God is leading us to focus on. While we will never see the great commission of spreading the Good News of Jesus as op onal, it has been right for us to focus our a@en on on how we do this afresh in the context we find ourselves. As a curate looking for my first post, I was drawn to Holy Trinity & St Saviour’s Parish Profile because it was a church who wanted to do just that; to seek to proclaim afresh the good news of Jesus to a new genera on in Knaphill, Brookwood and beyond. The profile talked a lot about willing to change and to take risks for the growth of God’s Kingdom. This is exci ng and will con nue to be so as we step out in faith. With this desire to change, along with the Diocesan vision of Transforming Church, Transforming Lives, the PCC has been working through much of what we as a church have been discerning from God and is now looking to step out into what we feel is needed for the next step of the story of God in Knaphill & Brookwood. And while this report looks back on a wonderful year of ministry and, could I say, ‘wai ng’, it does represent the heart and desire of God’s people to see lives changed. Please take me to read the report. We have made it slightly more manageable than in the past, and hopefully won’t take you too long to look at. Maybe as you read, ask the Holy Spirit to prompt you about a certain area of ministry; maybe to pray for or get involved in. 4
Since being here I have had a number of highlights; •
The growth of 20:20 and seeing new families star ng to come and be part of the service.
The bap sm celebra ons (with party cannons) and the wonderful conversa ons with families.
Jules’ and my first Barn Dance at Holy Trinity which engaged with our community. This was on the back of going to the first quiz night at St Saviour’s where we suddenly saw the compe ve edge of a number of people shine through, while also raising money for the Re:Genera on project at St Saviour’s.
Our prayer mee ngs where all who have come have sensed the Spirit’s presence and leading.
Finally, while there are countless people I want to thank, I do just want to say thank you to a few people. Firstly to John Durrant and Chris Hunt. I couldn’t have asked for be@er wardens to help me through the first year (or so) of being an incumbent. Their passion for Jesus and their desire to see the work of God grow has been encouraging and upliIing. As a new vicar, I do hear of ‘nightmare’ stories of church wardens and new vicars. I regularly say thank you for John and Chris and the huge amount of work that they put in that nobody really sees. As we know, John is standing down this year as he comes to the end of his four years. Let’s pray for him as he rests, well as much as he can, and for Chris as she con nues. I’d like to thank all those on the PCC and Standing Commi@ee who have really grasped the need for change and growth and have been hugely willing to step out into a new direc on. Their commitment and passion again has humbled me, and some mes leI me thinking what a joy it is to have them as a PCC. The LLMs, Richard, Bob and David, all did a lot to help lead our services during the vacancy, and while they, along with the staff team, were all very busy they did a fantas c job in keeping everyone’s focus on Christ and not ‘the new vicar’. And last but not least, I want to thank the staff team; Julie Leve@, Jo Birkby, Ben Barnes and Caroline Bowen. As a staff member of other churches I have 5
been through three vacancies before and so appreciate how hard it is to say goodbye to one vicar and then welcome another, who are very different. They have been nothing but suppor ve to me and the whole family, as the whole church family has. Yet, they have, while I have grappled with new situa ons, encouraged and challenged me. They are a truly great staff team and we as a church have been blessed by God with them. Finally, I pray that as we face 2017 together, we will unite in the gospel and seek to build God’s kingdom here in Knaphill and Brookwood in the ways he leads us. There will be some tough challenges ahead, there will be glorious moments of joy, there will be sad mes, but we know as we put our hands to the task with our whole heart that God is with us. Every Blessing, Neil
Church Warden Reports Holy Trinity Warden Report - John Durrant This is my final year as warden. It’s been a privilege to serve and I have come to love and respect even more those who work so hard behind the scenes to keep us on the straight and narrow. Un l I took on this role, I had no real idea how hard they work and I’m sure that that will be the same for many in the church family. This last year presented one or two challenges, but never did I feel that those were insurmountable because I had the support of Caroline (my carer throughout the vacancy and before and aIer). Simon, Malcolm and Judith with Mark were there for me as faithful friends and advisers as well. PCC has been amazing and my rock, Shirley, has been pa ent and suppor ve throughout. I felt that I was meant to serve Jesus in this way and nobody ever said that would be easy. The hea ng con nues to present the church with problems. I hope to serve for one more year as a member of a new group charged with looking aIer Church Fabric. Hopefully, we will sort those problems out this coming year but there will be a massive cost involved. We can overcome that together and I don’t doubt the will in our church to do that. We’ve taken care of some lesser issues – the fir tree has gone, we’ve undertaken some landscaping and we’ve ordered a new church sign – that might actually be in place by the me of the APCM. I know that pride is a sin, but I am proud of two areas where I’ve been able to contribute some influence. 1) we now serve MUCH be@er coffee - thanks to the team. 2) we have been provided with a GREAT new vicar. 6
When someone is as enthusias c and capable as Neil, the danger is that the rest of us might sit back and let him get on with it. But my prayer and hope is that we will instead get behind him and together drive the church forward so that we’ll see more people saved around us and elsewhere. St Saviour’s Warden Report - Chris na Hunt I could run through a list of all the people I should thank, however I would hate to miss someone off, so it is with a very hearNelt thanks from me to all of you for the support I have received, and I hope I haven’t changed too much or ruffled too many feathers, and that you are happy for me to con nue as warden, as we work towards increased outreach at St Saviours and the growth of God’s Kingdom. We have new banners, refreshed the wayside pulpits and have some round tables. We con nue to use the Church building in a flexible and adaptable way, with an increase in numbers at Café Church, Ladies Prayer Breakfast, Lunch Bunch, coffee mornings and aIernoon teas. We also host the Harvest Supper and have had a neighbourhood group Sunday Lunch. Invi ng people to a variety of events and service, including the very successful 20:20 Crib and Carols by Candlelight services last Christmas. It is great to see our Church full of families and young people at Messy Church and Youth Café. Neil and I met with Padre Catherine Gillam from Pirbright barracks, and we are looking to work together on some outreach projects with the army wives, and opening our doors to the community, especially parents before school pick-up in the aIernoon and a toddler praise service. We are s ll looking to improve the facili es at St Saviours, and therefore, thanks to the ReGenera on team for all the fundraising events they put on. If you haven’t managed to get to one yet they are a lot of fun. Thanks to all of the Church family for their con nued support. And I hope you will all be happy for me to stand as Church warden at St Saviour’s for another year. God Bless ,Chris
Increasing and Developing Disciples Home Groups - Neil Hopkins Home groups this year have been a mixture of blessings and sadness. While some are s ll going others have closed for various reasons. The purpose of Home groups is to all of us be and receive support as we grow in our faith in Jesus. Ideally the are groups that bring life within our lives. This has been done faithfully over the year through spending me studying the Bible, praying for one another and simply having fun together. The groups meet at various mes during the week, either in a day me or in evening. If you want to con nue to grow in your faith, share with others the highs and lows of following Jesus and get excited by what God can do through you then why not join one? Thank you to all the home group leaders who have faithfully served each group throughout the year. Home groups leaders are: Clare Leigh, David Gale, Alan Hiblen, Chris na Hayhoe, Bob Bailey, Anne Parsons.
Prayer Prayer Ministry - Diane Collingridge Aim – bring the healing of Jesus, in body, mind and spirit to those in need model healing within and outside the Church increase hunger and expecta on to see God at work in our midst listen to God & seek to pass on His message Prayer ministry is available during and aIer each morning service at HT, as well as informally. We long to see an increased expecta on of God among us – to encounter Him, expect Him to speak, to bring healing, to know His power and be empowered by Him to reach out to our communi es. Ask to join us! Prayer & Prosecco - Neil Hopkins In September the Diocese called each church in the Diocese to spend me seeking God as to which of the twelve transforma on goals they should focus on in the coming years. As a church we gathered to pray in October and November both in our own personal pray life, but as a church during prayer and Prosecco. We prayed and then we spent me as a family chaSng over a glass of Prosecco. From these mee ngs we gained insight into where God is leading us and they have helped the PCC discern the next stage for life at Holy Trinity and St Saviour’s.
Revival Prayer - Paul Collingridge If we want to see revival in our parish we need to pray, seek God’s vision and go out. This Sunday evening prayer began by praying in the transi on between Nick and Neil, then moved onto praying for specific outreach opportuni es in the parish. Finally we par cipated in two “Prayer Walks,” one in Knaphill, another through Brookwood. Prayer changed spiritual landscapes and built faith, prayer with outreach empowers the church and releases tes mony. Prayer crushed the opposi on, encouraged our congrega on and brought us Neil. Friday Prayer - Violet Clare This happens for half an hour 9.30-10am on Fridays. A chance to spend me apart from the busyness of our days, to enjoy the silence and peace that is the heart of St Saviour’s. Why not come along and experience this for yourself, as we pray and draw closer to God. Saturday Prayer - Roy Clare When do you pray as a group? Corporate prayer is so powerful and a great way to start the weekend. 8am for just half an hour. All are welcome to come and we come 52 weeks a year. Just pray for whatever Our Good Lord puts on your heart. An early session means it doesn’t eat into Saturday very much. Please come and meet with God; come and be amazed. Pastoral Care - Richard Leve+ Many people from our churches are being `pastoral` to others in different situa ons. There are also people who have undertaken the one year course in the Diocese to be trained and then authorised by the Bishop as Pastoral Assistants in the Parish. The Pastoral Assistants, with some others, meet every two months to pray and support each other in our roles. We try to make sure that pastoral needs in the Parish are known about and that people are being visited; listened to and supported. We usually hear about individuals needs through the staff team, but anyone can refer someone either by phone to the Church Office, or through the leaflets at the back of the churches. Bob Bailey also runs a monthly service at the Princess Chris an Care Centre at Stafford Lake, Knaphill; a home for older people with demen a or serious nursing care needs. The home is full with a capacity for 93 residents and at the monthly services about 12 people a@end. This work is ac ve outreach to our community. Please contact Bob Bailey on 01483 824006 if you would like to come and join in this important work.
Pastoral Assistants are: Ann Hugge@; Bob Bailey; Vi Clare; Joy Rawlings; Dee Roberts and Alan Hiblen. They are supported by Neil Hopkins, Julie and Richard Leve@. Women’s Breakfast - Yvonne Frew The women’s prayer breakfast was restarted in the la@er half of 2016 with the aim of bringing together the women of Holy Trinity and St Saviour’s for a me of social interac on alongside a me of prayer for the men in our lives, in our church and the local community. We have now held two events with good a@endance recorded for each. Neither event has incurred any financial burden on the church as all food for both events has been donated by a@endees of the breakfast. All set up and clear up ac vi es were conducted by ladies of the church. Both mornings began with a con nental style breakfast and me for ladies to socialise and eat together before moving onto a 10-minute talk from a chosen speaker on the topic for the day. We then had half an hour to pray which was conducted in small groups. Posi ve feedback from many members of the congrega on has been received with the following observa ons made: • • • • •
Powerful prayer me with people having me and space to focus on prayer for both their lives and the larger community A posi ve affirming atmosphere Informa ve and encouraging messages from the speakers A great way to meet ladies in the church that we don’t know Great selec on of food
The next date has been confirmed for Saturday 13th May 2017. Welcome - Neil Hopkins The first people visitors meet when they walk through the door are members of the welcome team. Throughout the year the team, along with the stewards, they have faithfully smiled, said hello, greeted, counted, handed out newsle@ers, and made everyone feel welcome. This is a large team and one that gives so much of their me throughout the year. Thank you to all the team, too many to men on by name, for they have made both Holy Trinity and St Saviour’s a very welcoming place. Yet, welcoming is not just their job, we all have a part to play in making everyone welcome in church. So, if you see someone new, please do go and say hello - you never know how God will use you to bless them. And if you want to join the welcome team then please speak to Neil, there the be@er.
The current team of welcomers are: Maureen Gray, Mary Cook, Kath Brooks, Monica Saunders, Sue Kaufman, June Luker, Violet Clare, Derek O’Dell, Alan Hiblen, June Marsh, Cathy Hayes-Allen, Clive Jackson, Clare Leigh, Anne Parsons, Joy Rawlings, Dee Roberts, Fiona Watson, Mary Smith, Thomas Bowen, John Dusek, Andrew Parsons, Robert Parsons, Enid Yaxley, Irene Collingridge, Sylvia Ewens, Cathy McCormack, Julie Bartle@, Pam Ellis, Julie Stearn, Simon Holroyd. Men’s Ministry - Neil Hopkins Men’s Ministry, known as MPG, has had a somewhat hiatus over the past year. A few things have happened however. There have been a few bike rides which has gathered up a number of men. In November around ten men went to the New Wine men’s day. This was a wonderful me to receive teaching, worship God and to be ministered to by the Holy Spirit. We hope to take more men in 2017 to a similar day, and a small team are planning further mes for men to grow in their faith and reach out to other men with the Good News of Jesus. Curry Night - Nigel S rzaker The Knaphill Men’s Curry Club meets monthly at the Garibaldi Pub. The numbers vary from about 6-10. It gives the men in the church chance to get to know each other and build strong friendships. I believe that I should do a promo on and encourage more men to come.
Evangelism and Outreach Alpha - Neil Hopkins Alpha is a course where people get to explore the Chris an faith in a friendly way. It is great for anyone who has no understanding of Chris anity, who is de-churched, or just wants to refresh themselves with the fundamental truths of Chris anity. It usually involves a meal, a brief talk and then discussion within the group which usually run over me because everyone is really into it. While Alpha hasn’t happened in 2016, it did start in 2017, with the aim to run two courses per year. Healing on the Streets - Diane Collingridge HOTS is an amazing opportunity where we share the love and healing of Jesus on the streets of Knaphill (monthly) and Woking (twice monthly) alongside other churches, through offering individual prayer. In this last year we have prayed for >300 people - with cancer, concerns about employment, fear and anxiety, family issues, mental health issues, liver and diges ve problems and people searching for God. We have seen God transform the lives of people with anxiety and mental health problems, pain reduced or totally healed, God’s 11
peace and presence descend, and several come to know Jesus. Praise God! For regular stories, check out our Facebook page “Healing on the Streets – Woking”. We desperately need more help, especially in Knaphill as occasionally we have been unable to meet due to insufficient numbers – please pray and chat with the team. Lunch Bunch - Violet Clare Lunch Bunch started in February for people on their own to come together to share a meal once a month. We serve soup and a roll in the winter months, and a ploughmans when it is warmer. The folk who come enjoy meeting up with one another and numbers have increased with three new diners to 26. Two charities were chosen by members; the York Road Project and Marie Curie, and both have received donations throughout the year. Ladies Who Lunch - Cathy Hayes-Allen We con nue to meet in Stef's for lunch on the first and third Thursday of each month. Between 6 and 12 people come and we would welcome anyone who would like to join us -we just need to book a table the day before. Please contact me, Cathy Hayes-Allen 01483 824160. Barn Dance 2016 - Caroline Bowen The Koinonia Home Group worked hard to plan and prepare another successful Barn Dance welcoming the local community in to enjoy an evening of music and dancing. Hot dogs were offered for the first time which went down a storm and £600, proceeds from ticket sales and fundraising activities on the night, which included a photo booth and the, now obligatory, heads and tails game, were donated to ShelterBox, helping families overwhelmed by devastation and displacement around the world. Pioneer Schools Minister - Caroline Bowen We sadly said goodbye to Chrissie Lacey in May as she went to start her new career as RAF Chaplain, successfully completing her Officer Training in December and then starting her first post in Norfolk. We continue to support Engage with their work in Primary and Secondary Schools and are really pleased about the recent appointment of Woking College Chaplain.
Worship Worship Band & AV Such exci ng mes ahead – but in confidence of faith we can explore the future together & with Him. New formats and service reorganisa ons have challenged us, but the year ahead will require us so much more to fit our musical and public worship to God’s plan for His church body. Thank you Simon and the selfless team on projec on for the high quality of screen-based resources – your success is probably measured in how li@le anyone no ces what you are doing! And thank you, too, to the audio-troop that have struggled with temperamental equipment, services in the hall, puppets & cafes, late-night barn-dances and all the demands of a 21st century service – you are amazing. The band of musicians has been growing new members and praying that it can serve all, from the youngest to oldest, the most established to those who have yet to walk in the doors. Exci ng mes. Baptisms, Weddings & Funerals In 2016 Holy Trinity & St Saviour’s Church conducted seven baptisms and one funeral within the churches. Café Church - Richard Leve+ Cafe Church has been running in the current format since September 2015. The main team have been Tim Benson; Jo Birkby; Ben Barnes; Julie and Richard Leve@. There are many other members of the congrega on who help the monthly service go well. Cooking the bacon; serving drinks; helping with the craIs; leading discussions on the topic; welcoming; washing up and building rela onships. There are three principles we have for the services; to be INFORMAL, INTERACTIVE and INCLUSIVE. While Cafe Church has increased the number of people and families coming into St Saviour`s every third Sunday of the month, it is also a part of the larger picture of Chris ans interac ng with others at Messy Church and the 20:20 service. LLMs - Neil Hopkins At Holy Trinity and St Saviour’s we are truly blessed to have three LLMs (formerly known as readers) who serve us faithfully throughout the year. They role is mul face@ed but primarily they lead us in worship on Sundays and preach. Through 2016 Bob Bailey, David Gale and Richard Leve@ gave more of their me to help out during the vacancy and to help us as a church grow in faith. Their commitment and dedica on is truly impressive and as a church we benefited from their ministry and will con nue to be blessed as we progress into 2017. Please do pray for them as they are relicensed in June to con nue to serve us. 13
Coffee Team at Holy Trinity - Ann Cattelain Coffee at Holy Trinity is provided by only fi:een dedicated volunteers who serve, much appreciated, Fairtrade tea and coffee in the hall with a smile and a friendly ear. Occasionally it’s served in church for a special occasion. This has been made easier with the introduc on of paper cups allevia ng the need to carry heavy mugs across from the kitchen, for which we are all grateful. The long awaited filter coffee seems to be a sense of enjoyment since its introduc on just over a year ago. Many more volunteers, really, are needed.
Coffee Team at St Saviour’s - Ann Hugge+ At St. Saviour's Church we have coffee, tea and squash available aIer each Sunday Service including the 20:20 Puppet service and Cafe Church when we have breakfast, and the two Crib Services at Christmas. AIer the Christmas Carol service we have mulled wine and mince pies. This is a me of Fellowship with each other, listening to anyone who is going through a hard me and saying a Prayer with them if that is appropriate. It is also a me of welcoming people who are new to our Church and geSng to know them. We have a rota so different people serve the coffee each week. Violet Clare and myself are very grateful to everyone involved in this and we would like to thank you all. Dance Group - Ruth Davies Aim: to worship the Lord with all of our being and encourage others to do the same; interpret God’s word in movement; and intercede in prayer. How: with crea ve prayer, praise and worship using music, dance, flags and more. When: Thursday evenings in Holy Trinity Church. Want to know more? Please speak to Diane or Ruth. Flowers - Cathy Hayes-Allen A big thank you to everyone who has arranged flowers in the church this year. We would love to have more people helping! A bunch of flowers in a vase is fine - you don't have to do complicated arrangements. Please sign up on the Flower Rota at the back of church and do ask if you would like help - Cathy Hayes-Allen, 01483 824160.
Mission: Home & Away - Mission Partners The church has con nued its support of its five mission partners, local chari es CPAS and Engage and the three Kenyan chari es Turning Point, A Rocha Kenya (ARK), and the Wycliffe Nawila Project. The church has been kept in touch through the mission representa ves who have fed back news and prayer requests to the wider church. CPAS, the Church Pastoral Aid Society, con nue in their mission to enable churches to help every person hear and discover the good news of Jesus, through their courses such as Growing Leaders and mentoring ma@ers. Pioneer minister Rev Chrissie Lacey will surely have seemed irreplaceable for Engage when she leI last summer, but the work goes on as Engage engages across 35 local primary schools, two secondary schools and Woking College. They have been working closely with Open the Book which con nues to run with great enthusiasm from members of our church. We had a very engaging day of another sort last spring with the very successful Turning Point Hi! Tea event and Jamboree. We were also greatly blessed to have Jon Parsons speak to the church that Sunday morning. This year the Parsons took a further step back from Turning Point having moved back to Britain, but in good faith that they leave the school in very caring and capable hands. As the Parsons leI the Jacksons made it back to Kenya this year, returning to A Rocha from Colin’s studies in South Africa, almost confirmed as Dr Colin Jackson having handed in the completed thesis of his PHD. As with most of our chari es, ARK have found it a tough year financially but they con nue their work of Nature Conserving and People Transforming. ARK representa ve David Cartledge spoke to us in the Autumn about the work of ARK and the Chris an call to crea on care. The Nawila Project con nued to pioneer and engage this past year as it completed its New Testament transla on and, despite significant local difficul es and dangers, con nues to engage as it provides its literacy projects for the Nawila people. Please accept the sincere thanks from all of our mission chari es for how we support and partner with them.
Buildings Holy Trinity Hall - Judith Hookins 2016 looked like it was going to be a quiet year for hall bookings, with fewer party bookings and less regular users. However, by the end of the year our income was nearly £1000.00 more than 2015 – Praise the Lord! Bookings for 2017 are considerably more than this me last year. It was good to refurbish our hall toilets and we’ve received great feedback. We look forward to being involved with the buildings commi@ee looking at how we can further improve our facili es and meet the needs of our hall users. Please pray for all hall users, par cularly those for whom this is their only contact with the church. St Saviour’s Hall - Nick Webster The church hall and other rooms are used by members of the church as well as being available for hire by the general public. This offers a service to the community, contributes to the church funds and is part of our vision of making Jesus visible to others. The hall is being used at present by the pre-school, keep-fit, counselling and various church youth groups during the week. Children’s par es at the weekends have increased over the year. Mark Craven has been adver sing the hall on the internet which has created added interest in the hire of the hall and hopefully we will get some more long term bookings. Holy Trinity Development - John Durrant We have looked this last year or so at various potential ideas for making our church more relevant to the community and utilising the building space that we have available for that purpose. If we can involve the community with our buildings, then the community’s first steps into our place of worship should be a lot easier. We have the issue that the hall is decrepit. Preschool is the main occupant and it creates an obvious opportunity to reach into our community. We cannot refurbish our hall without first having an alternative space for them to move into. We, therefore, need toilets and refreshment facilities in our church. The first stage will be reducing the chancel size so that we can create more space at the back. Further stages will, hopefully, create an extension to the front of the church creating the necessary facilities. Hall development will have to follow that.
St Saviour’s Re-Genera on - Yvonne Craven St Saviour’s Re-Genera on commi@ee was set up in 2013 by Tim Benson to further his vision for the church, hall, and the local community. Our aim is to welcome as many people as possible to St Saviour’s, whether a church service or a social event. 2016 started with a Quiz Night in January, and a concert in April with blues band, Stormy Waters. In June, St Saviour’s par cipated in Brookwood Village events celebra ng the Queen’s 90th birthday weekend, with the church open for two days for an art exhibi on. Harpist, Siobhan Owen held a concert in September with her remarkable voice and playing, which was followed by the Harvest Supper with entertainment from opera singer, Elizabeth Fulleylove accompanied by David Pennant. In October, singing duo Classical Reflec on gave a concert which was well a@ended. We are thrilled that we now have an established flexible space that can be used for the community for a wide range of events other than church services, such as coffee mornings, prayer mee ngs and private tea par es. We have raised over £5000 and have the PCC’s permission to use this money towards improving the hall. Having adver sed the church and hall space on several websites we are now geSng weekly enquiries about hiring. Our plans include replacing the windows for double glazed ones, new blinds, replacing the worktops in the kitchen and general redecora ng to make the place more presentable. We will con nue to work towards our goal of redesigning the church interior as drawn up by the architect last year. The commi@ee would like to thank both St Saviour’s and Holy Trinity church members for all their support and help over the past year and their con nuing encouragement.
Older People’s Ministry Holiday At Home - Bob Bailey Holiday at Home is for older people, many of whom do not get the chance to enjoy holiday ac vi es. During 2016, we enjoyed day trips to Exbury Gardens in the New Forest and the Sea Life Centre in Brighton. In August we held an event in the Church hall with craIs and some visi ng animals. In the aIernoon we had a trip out with a cream tea. The events for 2017 will be day trips to the Mary Rose ship in Portsmouth Historic Dockyard and to Marwell Zoo. In August, there will be a day with a speaker and lunch in the Church hall followed by an aIernoon ou ng. We will be short of helpers this year. Can you help, especially in pushing wheelchairs ? If you are over 60 and would like to join in these events, please contact Bob and Pauline Bailey on 01483 824006. Friday Coffee Morning - Violet Clare Friday Coffee Morning has been running for five years now. People drop in for a quick coffee or some like to stay longer for a good chat. For some this is the highlight of their week, and many have been coming since we started. Numbers vary week by week, and it’s been encouraging to have new folk joining us. It’s always great when the mums pop in with their babies and toddlers. We held a Macmillan Coffee in September and in February a fundraiser for the Hospice. Both of these were well supported an monies raised going to good causes. The school came along in December to sing carols, and we enjoyed being part of the Pre-School Nativity. If you are in Brookwood on a Friday between 10am and 12 noon pop in and say hello. Silver Stars - Dee Roberts Silver Stars continues to meet on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 1.45pm in Holy Trinity Church Hall. Our numbers stay static despite deaths and folk becoming too frail to leave their homes. We enjoy hearing a variety of speakers, meals and three services a year. Alongside the formal part there is a lot of chat going on and friendships are rekindled from school days. We learn something new at most meetings and for some people Silver Stars is the highlight of their week. The group remains fifty percent church members and fifty percent contact we have made. It is always sad when there are not sufficient drivers to collect people who want to come. Four people from the Monday evening Kings Crafters group come regularly to Silver Stars and help provide lifts. The two groups enable the church to reach out to older 18
people in our community. Do come along; you would be welcome.
Youth - Ben Barnes It has been another great year for youth work in Knaphill and Brookwood with lots going on, hopefully this report will provide a snapshot of what we've been up to but please do come and chat to us about everything we've been up to! I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank all our volunteers without whom none of this would be possible! This year has been a very interes ng year for The Cabin, with the previous manager stepping down just before the summer break the group was at risk of closing down. However, due to an amazing team of volunteers from both the church, the local community and a partnership with Surrey County Council the group has not only stayed open but flourished! We see an average of 45 local young people per session which provides us with a fantas c opportunity to meet the young people where they are at, to connect and build rela onships with them, as well as providing an exci ng outreach opportunity to young people in our community, many of whom have never stepped foot inside the church or ever heard the good news. Influx our Friday night youth group is going well, although numbers have dipped in recent months this has allowed us to spend more focussed me geSng to know the young people and to build rela onships with them. It has also given us the space to reevaluate the aims and purpose of the group and to look at how we can modify and adapt the group to be@er meet the needs of our young people. Our crossover group with the Children’s work Youth Cafe con nues to go from strength to strength with the number of young people a@ending con nuing to grow each year. It’s great to see young people from Brookwood primary school and Winston Churchill secondary school interac ng and building friendships that will hopefully help to make the transi on from primary to secondary school much easier and less scary! However, what is most exci ng is the fruit we are beginning to see with the young people that a@end Youth Cafe a@ending Messy Church, Cafe Church, becoming puppeteers at 20:20 as well as coming along to the other youth groups we run once they begin secondary school. Illuminate and Ignite Bible study have both been in a state of change as we said goodbye in the summer to our veteran a@endees who have now gone off to University and welcomed a whole new bunch of young people in September. We’ve been exploring the overarching storyline and themes of the Bible in Illuminate, looking at how the Old and New Testament e in together and how through them is woven one big story about our incredible God! In Ignite we have been exploring ques ons that the young people have about life, faith and God which has been amazing, they’ve all been great deep ques ons, many of which have made my brain hurt! It’s 19
been a privilege to see the young people grow in their faith and rela onship with God and to see their real hunger to know and understand Him more. We have consolidated the work we do in schools over the last year and have been focussing on the rela onship we have with Winston Churchill School through our detached work every fortnight and the Chris an Union we run each week. Detached has proven to be a valuable resource in strengthening the rela onships we have built with young people across all the groups as well as building new rela onships with both staff and students. It’s been great to be able to talk with the young people over their lunch me and to be available to help with any issues they might be facing as well as having some really interes ng and deep conversa ons about faith and God! It has been an interes ng year for the Chris an Union with many of the a@endees going off to college over the next couple of years we’ve had to begin to think about the future of the group and how we invite new members along, aIer Easter we are invi ng all 1500 students to come along to an Alpha Course star ng every Wednesday aIer school, which is a fantas c opportunity we’ll let you know how it went next year! As well as the regular groups that we run we also take the young people to Soul Survivor each summer which has been an incredible privilege. It has been amazing to see the young people exploring faith and many of the ques ons they have, with many of them making commitments for the very first me!
Children & Families - Jo Birkby I am thrilled to report that our ministry to children & families in Knaphill and Brookwood goes far beyond what happens on a Sunday, as you will see from this brief overview. We are going out to where the children are, taking opportuni es to meet with families on days that suit modern busy lives and developing groups in our buildings where communi es are formed. I want to say a huge thank you to the many volunteers each of these groups represent, to those who faithfully pray for our leaders and helpers and to our amazing God who inspires and sustains us as we seek to make followers of Jesus and see lives transformed. Although our ministry to children at Holy Trinity on a Sunday has seen a fall in numbers, this has enabled us to reassess the way in which we run our groups. Ju:C has been brilliantly led by Helen & Paul Simmons; their energy and enthusiasm really helping the children to engage with the Bible. They commi@ed to run our Ju:C group for three years, which have now ended, so we want to give huge thanks to them for their me, pa ence, skill and amazing sense of fun with which they have led our lovely team and children in their journey of faith. Meanwhile, our very youngest children are cared for in the HT crèche where bible stories are shared, along with a simple craI rela ng to the week’s theme, as well as allowing them freedom to play. We would ask for prayers for more families with 20
younger children to join us each Sunday in the faith that, as they do, God will provide enough volunteers to care for them. During the week, our two Open the Book teams con nue to deliver a weekly Bible story to the children of Brookwood and Knaphill Lower Schools, with a lunch club at Brookwood which enables us to chat further with the children about the story and develop rela onships. It’s always wonderful to see the children’s enthusiasm for the Bible stories and those ‘golden’ moments, for example, when a child at lunch club exclaimed ‘so the Bible is all true!’ As part of our service to families in the community, the Sunrise Breakfast Club provides breakfast and craI/ play facili es for 21 children. The ongoing conundrum is the danger of over-reliance on the goodwill of our flexible, exis ng volunteers and paid staff. We really need some extra helpers to spread the current load and more importantly give some resilience for the future. On a sad note, our Parents & Toddlers group which had been run for the benefit of our community for many years had to be closed during 2016 due to lack of volunteers. However, before the end of the year, our pre-school manager and I had plans for a new style of group called Messy Me! More on that in next year’s report. Our Messy Church con nues to thrive and we’ve been blessed to have a strong team of volunteers (although we sadly have to say farewell to Violet Clare aIer many years of faithful service in the kitchen). Lots of our Messy families are geSng involved, so there’s less of a ‘them and us’ feel, with a lovely core of families with children at Brookwood school who see our Open the Book story every week then come to our Lunch Club, Youth Café at St Saviour’s and Café Church, and so we’re seeing real rela onships being built. Our families with younger children con nue to enjoy the interac ve delights of 20:20 Church at St Saviour’s featuring puppet dramas and songs, craIs and me for reflec on, prayer and fellowship. We are delighted to have had a growth in our junior team; keen to be involved in all aspects of the service (even packing away!). In the mean me, our SPARK group has benefited our older children, allowing them a space where they can con nue to develop their faith and deepen their rela onships with God and each other through Bible study and prayer, as well as s ll enjoying all the fun of games & craI. Throughout the year, there are one-off ac vi es which allow us to interact even further with the families in our community, for instance through our Light Fantas c Party and our Holiday Club. With a different theme each year, these are great opportuni es to crea vely link something which families can iden fy and engage with to Biblical themes….with some families encountering the Gospel message for the first me. 21
Holy Trinity Pre-School - Sarah Gill Holy Trinity Pre-School delivers educa on and care for 2-5 year olds from the local community. Our provision has seen low numbers of children accessing the 3-5 year old room (Frogs) in the main hall. AIer a targeted adver sing campaign, the numbers have increased. The Ducks room (2-3 year olds), which is located in the small room, has con nued to grow as we have welcomed new children each term under the government Free Early Educa on for Two year olds (FEET) funding scheme. In each room we plan age appropriate ac vi es. This approach makes it easier to tailor our provision to the individual needs of the children more effec vely. We have up to 80% of the children staying for lunchclub and aIernoon sessions on Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays. Unfortunately toddler group closed in May, enabling pre-school to expand to three aIernoons each week. In January Jo and Pre-School started a group for toddler-aged children and their parents called Messy Me! Each week, sensory and messy ac vi es are structured around a bible story. At the me of wri ng, we are completely booked up. All of the children have enjoyed the security of the pre-school garden during all weathers. We have found during the winter months that the grassy area becomes waterlogged and muddy and pre-school would benefit from a larger area of hard standing to allow the children to ride bikes and scooters during the winter months. There is a team of 14 prac oners, who work directly with the children, in a combina on of days and hours. We welcome back one team member aIer her maternity leave ends. We have said goodbye to our Special Educa onal Needs Coordinator (SENCo), leading to one of our experienced team members taking on the role. We work well together enabling each other to work to their strengths and suppor ng each other when needed. The children thrive and their development is enhanced by the close working rela onships the team show to each other. We have had four team members studying for their Level 3, Early Years’ Educator qualifica on and one who is studying for her Level 2 in Early Years’ Educa on. They have either completed and are awai ng their cer ficates or have very nearly finished. 22
Please support Holy Trinity Pre-School by adding these points to your prayers, •
Pre-school’s presence in Knaphill and surrounding areas, to con nue suppor ng families in our community with their children’s care and educa on.
Pre-school to remain a welcoming and friendly place for children to experience their first taste of being away from their parents or carers.
Resilience in the current ‘early years’ climate, the introduc on of 30 hours funded childcare from the government in September and the decrease in funding, leading to concerns for sustainability of pre-school, in an uncertain future with the cuts made by local government to the Early Years and Childcare Service, which supported seSngs.
Good outcome from the Ofsted inspec on due this year!
External Ac vi es Agape - Bob Bailey The “Agape” team meets with the homeless underneath Waterloo Bridge each Wednesday evening. A team of five people goes from our church but we would be delighted if younger people could join us. Many of those who come to “Agape” are men aged 40 to 60 who have been on the streets for some me. Others find it hard to survive in meagre flats or bedsits and they come to us because they find it very lonely in their accommoda on. Thank you to everyone who has supported us. Dona ons of food are welcome. Contact Bob Bailey on 01483 824006
1st Knaphill Brownies - Pauline Bailey Another busy year having lots of fun. We have been encouraging our older Brownies to join Guides by cooking on open fires and visi ng Guides at camp. We went to Foxlease in the New Forest for our annual pack holiday and enjoyed fencing, tunnelling and swimming as well as the excitement of a bat flying round one of the bedrooms. We a@ended the Remembrance Church Parade with several parents joining us. I would dearly love the Chris an leadership to con nue as well as encouraging the girls and parents to join church ac vi es. We need to be in the community! Could this be you!
Management Deanery Synod Meetings - Neil Wells May 2016: Ma@ Prior spoke on ‘Whole Life Discipleship, what works and what doesn’t’. Ma@ spoke about ‘reframing’ three key ques ons in the church today; 1) Who is ‘in’ (to be discipled) and who is ‘out’ (to be evangelised), 2) Moving from ‘programs’ to ‘giIs’ 3) From Gathered to Sca@ered Oct 2016: Alan Hulme spoke on " How we can lead our churches from where they are now to where God wants them to be ". Two key words: prayer and planning. Growing churches make prayer a priority. Helping each other to make this happen. Invita on rela onship, ask someone to church, especially the young people. We need to engage people with Jesus , especially on a one to one basis, very important. Vision for the future , first simple steps, make and grow disciples Feb 2017: Alan Hulme spoke again following on with "Always be prepared to give an answer". An evening to help you grow in confidence in talking about your Chris an faith . Go out and share your story , how you came to faith . What difference it makes to you day to day. The difference your faith made at a difficult me in your life. Making prayer a priority . Structure & Opera on of the PCC Holy Trinity & St Saviour’s Church has one PCC (Parochial Church Council). The PCC is the governing body within the Church and assists the Vicar to promote the mission including pastoral, evangelical, social and ecumenical facets within the parish. It is also responsible for maintaining two church buildings, the two church halls, and St Saviour’s house. The Church operates as a Charity ad members of the PCC are the Trustees. In 2016 the PCC operated through the following management commi@ees, mee ng variously between full mee ngs of the PCC: Standing Commi+ee has authority to transact the business of the PCC between its mee ngs, subject to any direc ons given by the PCC. It prepares the agendas for the PCC mee ngs. Safeguarding Working Group comprises of June Luker (Parish Safeguarding representa ve for Children), Simon Holroyd (Parish Safeguarding representa ve for Vulnerable adults), Revd Julie Leve@ and Revd Neil Hopkins (September 2016). It meets three mes a year to review safeguarding policy and opera on, and make recommenda ons to the PCC. It includes ma@ers such as DBS checks, confiden al declara ons, recruitment of leaders and Safeguarding training.
Members of the Parochial Church Council Members of the PCC are either ex officio or are elected at the Annual Parochial Church Mee ng (APCM) in accordance with the Church Representa on Rules. During the year the following served as members of the PCC:
The following are due to complete their terms of office this year: Bob Bailey (co-opted yearly), Thomas Bowen (co-opt for one year), Clare Leigh (Deanery Synod), Kath Brooks (Deanery Synod), Neil Wells (Deanery Synod), Roy Clare, Sue Kaufman, Yvonne Craven (co-opted) In April 2016 The following were elected/ re-elected to serve on PCC: Olivia Moses, Yvonne Frew, Josh Leve@, Vicki Veness PCC Secretary’s Report - Yvonne Frew The PCC elected at the APCM on 24th April 2016 has met 8 mes for PCC mee ngs in the last year, and taken part in a ‘PCC Away Day’ on 21st January 2017. Mee ng have taken place in the coffee room in the Holy Trinity Hall with the one excep on of the mee ng of 11th July taking place in Holy Trinity Church. Rev Neil Hopkins joined the PCC in September. For the mee ng on 19th September and those prior to this date, the mee ngs were chaired by Neil Wells. John Durrant (Church Warden for Holy Trinity) chaired the inaugural mee ng of the new PCC on 25th April 2016. The PCC currently comprises 17 members, two of which were co-opted on during the year. 25
The members of the PCC have all contributed to the discussion and agreement of a wide range of topics through the year. Minutes of each mee ng have been taken and displayed in both churches aIerwards. The arrival of Rev Neil Hopkins coincided with the Diocese of Guildford launching their twelve goals of ‘Transforming Church, Transforming Lives’. Rev Hopkins requested the PCC to make a Saturday available in January to pray, discuss and agree two goals (other than goals 1 + 2 rela ng to the spread of the gospel) for our parish to focus on. The goals of ‘Youth and Families’ and ‘Improving Church Buildings’ were the two goals agreed upon by all members of the PCC and recorded in the minutes of 23rd January 2017. The PCC members will now work together with members of the church in working groups to move these two goals forward. The working groups will report back to the PCC on a regular basis with their progress and requests for ra fica on of suggested amendments and changes. The next PCC mee ng is scheduled for 27th March 2017. Report on Electoral Roll (total in 2016) The number on the Electoral Roll as at 24th April 2017 is 175. 124 live within the parish and 51 live out of the parish. 134 members a@end Holy Trinity and 41 a@end St Saviour’s. Church Attendances in 2016 The average Sunday attendance in October was as follows: Holy Trinity: 73 adults, 20 children St Saviour’s: 31 adults, 8 children Combined adult and child attendance on Easter Day: Holy Trinity: 110 St Saviour’s: 47 Total combined adult and child attendance on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day: Holy Trinity: 211 St Saviour’s: 333 Safeguarding Policies for Children & Vulnerable Adults - June Luker Firstly, I would like to thank all of you who organise, help or support Holy Trinity and St Saviour’s groups, voluntarily giving their me and energy helping week in week out. Without you these groups would not func on properly and safely and 26
our church would be a very different place. Instead we can welcome newcomers with a variety of weekly events and social groups for them and their families to join. A very big ‘THANK YOU’ to you all. Thank you also to Simon Holroyd who ensures that we all comply to the C of E’s in ‘Safe Hands’ with respect to the vulnerable adult groups. If you consider yourself to be a vulnerable adult please talk to Simon if you have any concerns. Presently there are a few volunteers in the church who are happy to help with liIs to medical appointments etc. if you have any special requests please contact Simon or speak to him at Holy Trinity on a Sunday. These days we have to be even more stringent on checking those who offer their me to help at these groups, whether it is regular children’s events or those for the older genera on. These groups would not happen at all if those adults who volunteer did not complete the DBS forms issued by the Diocese and a@end a relevant training once every three years. All adults are DBS checked before helping at these groups. These measures are currently being updated by the Diocese of Guildford who are re-issuing guidelines as desired by the Diocesan Synod. They are being replaced with protocols which complement the new Church of England Policies; but these are basically following the rules laid down as above that we have been following for a number of years now. We check everyone who comes into regular contact with children in our Church groups, this has been our policy for some years now. The PCC also ensures that we are maintaining our current standards. Health & Safety - Simon Holroyd The PCC has carried out an annual review of our Parish Health and Safety Policy, a copy of which can be found on church website. This is a living document to be referred to everyone using the church premises and any perceived errors or shortcomings must be reported to the PCC for ac on or clarifica on. In accordance with our policy the churchwardens and/or health and safety officer have held a periodical walk about to assess the nature and level of risk and, where necessary, have brought any concerns to the a@en on of the PCC for remedial ac on. There have been a number of “slips, trips and falls” reported over the year both inside and immediately outside the church grounds. Although most have been fairly minor in nature, each one has been inves gated, considered and where 27
appropriate remedial ac on taken either immediately or as soon as was reasonably prac cal. The undertaking of risk assessments is ac vely encouraged and required for all ac vi es taking place on or off church premises. Church Office - Caroline Bowen Another year of challenges and change – notably the new leader(!) - in the office where (nearly) all things are possible! The team works well with the revised office layout and I enjoy being able to greet people when they first arrive through that wooden door - as well as being the first point of contact via phone/email/social media and website. Although the four of us located in the office enjoy our team environment and camaradie, we do struggle with the lack of space for preparation, storage and welcoming people and the lack of heat due to no central heating. Thank you to all those who support the Church Office in a myriad of voluntary ways; you are all brilliant. Communications - Neil Hopkins Over the past year we have seen the communica ons side of our church develop. With the wonderful work that John Durrant put in on the church logo and new church signs we are star ng to increase our visible presence curb side presence at both churches. The ‘welcome’ pack which was planned to come out in 2016 didn’t come out as planned. With the arrival of the new vicar, the communica ons group is reviewing how such a pack will look in order to help all new members and visitors to our church know what we do and how they can be part of it. The group has also looked at the church website and developed it further over the year with a new look which incorporates the new logo. In 2017 this will be further developed to enable the site to be mobile friendly, so that we can access all social plaNorms that people use. Caroline has done a wonderful job in accessing lots of social media plaNorms such as Facebook and Twi@er and con nued to develop this more and more throughout the year.
At present the communica ons group consists of Neil Hopkins, Caroline Bowen and Ben Barnes.
ANNUAL CHURCH MEETINGS 9.30am Sunday 23rd April 2017 In Holy Trinity Church VESTRY MEETING AGENDA 1.
Approval of minutes from mee ng held 24th April 2016
Thanks to Wardens and Associate Wardens
Appointment of Wardens and Associate Wardens
Apologies for absence on copy of Electoral Roll at the door
Approval of minutes from APCM held 24th April 2016
Ma@ers arising that will not be covered elsewhere in this Agenda
Receive report on changes to the Electoral Roll
Elec on of Representa ves to PCC including 3 to Deanery Synod
Review of Welcomers
Finances a) Receive Parish Report b) Receive Examined Accounts - introduced by Helen Simmons c) Presenta on of Budget d) Thanks and Appointment of Independent Examiner of Accounts
Receive report on Proceedings of the Deanery Synod
Receive Churchwarden’s Reports a) Property of PCC and the fabric, goods and ornaments of the Church b) No ces
10. Comments and Ques ons arising from reports and any other concerns. 11. Vicar’s Summing up Intending to end no later than 11.30am
KNAPHILL WITH BROOKWOOD MINUTES OF THE 17TH ANNUAL VESTRY MEETING Held on Sunday 24th April 2016 at 9:30am in Holy Trinity Church Present: 93 Electoral Roll Members and 9 Non Electoral Roll Members Chair: Ben Barnes, Youth Pastor. Apologies: 14 Members of the Electoral Roll Ben Barnes opened the 17th Annual vestry mee ng with prayer and sung worship and the Bible passage Ephesians 5:7-27 was read. Ben expressed thanks to all those who had contributed to the APCM reports and to Caroline Bowen for puSng them together and encouraged everyone to read the reports. 1)
Approval of the minutes of the 16th Annual Vestry mee ng held on Monday 27th April 2015: Those present were asked if there were any issues of fact needing to be amended to these Minutes. As no amendments were forthcoming, Mike Hawkins proposed and John Durrant seconded that these minutes should be accepted as a true representa on of the proceedings of that day.
Thanks to Wardens and Associate Wardens: A video was shown displaying words of thanks to the Wardens and Associate Wardens from members of the church family for the amazing work, me and effort given to the church. A round of applause was given. Appointment of Wardens and Associate Wardens Ben reported that John Durrant was willing to stand again but that Mike Hawkins was standing down. Malcolm Smith proposed, and Helen Simmons seconded, that John Durrant be elected in his role of Church Warden at Holy Trinity. Mike expressed his gra tude for all the love and trust that has been shown to him; which he can’t repay, and that he was only stepping down that the pressures of work and home had become too much to act as St Saviour’s Warden also. It was announced that Chris na Hunt was standing for the role of St Saviour’s Church Warden. 30
Chris na shared how she had been welcomed back into the church family about four years ago and as God has given her husband a new role in Pirbright following his redundancy this allows Chris na greater certainty in her future in Brookwood and an opportunity to take on this role. Mike Hawkins proposed, and Jo Birkby seconded, that Chris na Hunt be elected in his role of Church Warden at St Saviour’s and she was duly elected. 4)
Prayer for churchwardens Ben declared the Wardens and Associate Wardens were truly legends and asked them to stand as he prayed for them, giving thanks for their servanthood and for those who support them. A round of applause was given.
Minutes of the 17th Annual Parochial Church Mee ng Present: 93 Electoral Roll Members and 9 Non Electoral Roll Members Chair: Ben Barnes, Youth Pastor 1)
Apologies for absence on copy of Electoral roll at door. 14 members of the Electoral Roll gave their apologies for the mee ng.
Approval of minutes from APCM held 27th April 2015 Copies of the minutes had previously been distributed (together with a number of reports and extracts from the accounts). As no errors were indicated by those present or in advance of this mee ng, the minutes were declared to be a true reflec on of the mee ng and were proposed as such by John Durrant and seconded by Mike Hawkins. Passed with no objec ons.
Ma+ers arising that will not be covered by other agenda items There being none, the mee ng proceeded. Receive reports on changes to the electoral roll A video was shown of Rev Chrissie Lacey, presen ng a visual explana on of the electoral roll and sta ng that despite some changes over the year, this con nues to stand at 177 (2015-2016). Elec on of representa ves Ben stated that Nigel Warburton, John Dusek and Mike Hawkins would be stepping down from their roles on the PCC and thanked them for their loyal service and everything that they have done for the PCC. A giI was given to each of them and a round of applause given. In terms of those standing for elec ons, Chris na Hunt had already been elected as St Saviour’s Church Warden but there had been nomina ons as follows: Olivia Moses (proposed by Ben Barnes, seconded by Chris na Hayhoe Vicki Veness (proposed by Louise Bishop, seconded by Gaynor Ralls) Thomas Bowen (proposed by Mike Veness, seconded by Mark Hookins) Josh Leve@ (proposed by Nigel Warburton, seconded by Ben Barnes) Yvonne Frew (proposed by Jo Birkby, seconded by Caroline Bowen) With the excep on of Thomas Bowen’s nomina on which, John Durrant explained, needed to be cleared with the Charity Commission, those present unanimously approved the appointments onto the PCC. Ben stated that there would be a short PCC mee ng tomorrow (25/04) evening at 8pm to issue papers and welcome the new term of office.
Review of Welcomers Ben stated that Julie Leve@ and a team were working on making changes to the way we “do” Welcome; being put in place in the next few months. Ben asked those Welcomers present to stand up and a round of applause was given, showing gra tude for the role they fill, being the face of the church and ensuring that a warm welcome is given to those entering the church.
Finances Receive Parish report Helen Simmons asked children to come up and hold some props which were a visual representa on of some of our expenses. She thanked the church family for giving money – and the tax man for GiI Aid which also gives us money. She then talked through the accounts, clarifying that although a lot of money was in restricted funds, this had paid for items such as lights at St Saviour’s, the photocopier, memorial garden, Chrissie, the giIs for Nick & Chris ne Grew. In the General Fund, there was £237,000 which is spent on wages, Diocese, bills and expenses (including 1000 loo rolls!). Helen highlighted that as our expenditure was £242,000 this leI a gap of £5,000. A large amount of money (and me) has been spent on the boiler at Holy Trinity. Having been billed £19,603, £4,000 more than quoted, only £14,000 has been paid. It is hoped that money might be able to be claimed from Insurance for the damage but it is possible that a further £9,000 may need to be spent to fully rec fy the problem. Helen asked those present to pray for this situa on and acknowledged how much energy and me John Durrant had given to this – and gave him a medal. Our Reserves (savings) of £146,000 are to pay for emergency items so the shorNall will come out of these Reserves. £63,000 is bricks and mortar, £35,000 is designated for building provisions and £48,000 set aside, as advised, as working capital. Helen reminded those present that last year it was thought there would be a £40,000 deficit. To cover the £10,000 deficit, she suggested that the work on growth needed to be postponed and greater financial contribu on requested from the church family: £1.75 extra per week from each current giver. But, she asked, would this be enough? Are we ready for change? In our Church Profile, we said we were. Neil Hopkins will be ready to get going – and we need to have the money…we need to put our hands in our pockets. Helen said she would be sending a le@er asking to assess giving within the next 33
month and encouraged others to start giving. £1.75 per week equates to sacrificing one cup of coffee to help balance the books. She urged people to make increasing their giving the first thing to do when they got home. She reiterated that we have been given a new vicar to help us expand and we should pray and give. A round of applause was given and no ques ons were asked of Helen. Receive Examined accounts: As the PCC had approved these at a previous PCC mee ng and noone present raised any concerns, the accounts were taken as approved. 9)
Receive Churchwardens Reports A) Property of the PCC and the fabric, goods and ornaments of the Church Reports from both Churchwardens were received and can be found from page 24 of the APCM Formal Documents Report. The wardens made the following addi onal comments. Mike Hawkins: Speaking personally he feels that our welcome needs to improve and numbers increased – by removing physical and personal barriers. As the current media organisa ons are so nega ve towards Chris anity, we need to fight this. But the change from pews to chairs has demonstrated the Holy Spirit moving within St Saviour’s, improving worship and con nuity. Numbers have increased at fes vals and at the new Café Church service; for which he thanked the team for such a wonderful service and the great interac on. Mike also thanked John Durrant, Clare Leigh, Chrissie Lacey and Chris na Hunt for producing the Parish Profile. He expressed gra tude for the help and support of the PCC, Helen Simmons’ sterling work, Caroline Bowen for chasing reports and Ben Barnes for leading today. A round of applause was given.
John Durrant: John thanked Mike and thanked everyone, asking if anyone had any ques ons regarding his report, of which there were none. He reminded those present that Chrissie Lacey would be leaving shortly – and remarked on the crea vity and strength that she has brought to the church in her teaching and care. A card was available to sign and contribu ons to a giI would be received by Helen or Caroline. John went on to state how he feels this is an amazing church, brought home by the Parish Profile. There is so much going on and this takes effort and me but it’s worth it as it’s serving God’s Kingdom. He asked what people thought the theme of his report was… Love! What makes Church different from a club? Love! We do it because we love God and God’s love commanded us to love one another. Love makes the world go round and it makes the role of Church Warden easier, such as Mary Smith taking on the organising of the catering for this APCM Celebra on. John thanked everyone for all they do for the Kingdom. John pointed out that a couple of years ago he made the decision to finish his emails with “Love, John” as an expression of love as brothers and sisters in Christ. BUT, how can we “love our enemies and those who persecute us” unless we show love to our brothers and sisters? John then invited everyone to share the peace with others present B) No ces: No no ces were presented. 10)
Mastermind A representa ve from Open The Book, Café Church, Silver Stars and a Home Group took part in a Mastermind style ques on and answer session to give people an idea of some of the ac vi es taking place within our parish to further God’s kingdom and Ben encouraged those present to talk to people involved in the groups to find out more.
Comments and Ques ons arising from reports and any other concerns No comments and ques ons were arising but when John Durrant asked the floor whether the APCM should be run like this again (ie café-style, all together on a Sunday morning), the response was a resounding “Yes”.
Prayer for Nick and Chris ne Grew John Durrant reported that Nick hadn’t yet been able to replace the warden who had resigned and the treasurer had just resigned also. Diane Collingridge prayed for Nick and Chris ne and all those in the church family at St Francis, Luton.
Chair’s Summing Up Pam Holroyd read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 “4 Love is pa ent, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be s lled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.” Ben stated that he loved APCMs because it provided an opportunity to look back at challenges and victories, and to look forward to what we want to be celebra ng in a year. He shared that he feels that the next year will be a year to dream impossible dreams and see God at work in Knaphill and Brookwood, seeing lives saved and communi es transformed. We can do this as it’s a reflec on of how God feels about us. If we replace the word “love” with “God” and take the passage seriously, then it can completely transform how we relate. It sets us a challenge to reflect God, just as we are made in His image. Ben encouraged the church family to love each other the way God has loved us. The church described in Acts 2 is an a@rac ve model and Ben asked everyone to write the passage down and use it as a ba@le cry. He finished by expressing his excitement to come back in a year and rejoice over all that God has done. A prayer was said and then a worship song sung. Clive Jackson stood to express his gra tude to every single tea and coffee maker.
Notes & Holy Spirit Promp ngs