2 minute read
Let the words you speak always be filled with grace.
We treasure knowledge. The data we glean from the aforementioned assessments provides us with a picture of student performance, allowing us the ability to see clearly the path towards mastery. Consequently, this year will contain a focus on writing and the skill of written communication. With the emergence of artificial intelligence, we will use our precious instructional minutes under the watchful tutelage of our teachers, encouraging our students to write effectively and creatively. We believe strongly in STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics are so important to the future journey of our society. Mathematics allows us to see the order of God’s universe. We plan to take a more zealous approach to Mathematics, using data informed platforms for the benefit of our educators and students. Targeted areas specifically include geometrical concepts in all grades as well as statistical analysis in upper middle and high school. We are heavily invested in our journey, and we seek dividends from our investments.
As we travel forward with conviction, we ask for your prayers. While we are not in possession of confusion regarding the task at hand, the clarity of the moment acknowledges the challenges in our way. Our mission, vision, and core values require both hands on the wheel as we navigate the pathways and avenues necessary for spiritual and academic growth. By the grace of God, may our quest for truth in all things bear fruit.
Our school communities traveled together in the following pathway of preparation:
July 25 - School Leadership Meeting
July 26 - Elementary Data Meeting
Hosted by Data Recognition Corporation
July 26 - Consultative Boards (All Schools) Collaborative Meeting
July 27 - New Teacher/Staff Orientation
July 29—August 3 - School Based Professional Development and Faculty Retreat
August 4 - Educators’ Convocation
Our Educators’ Convocation brings each of our administrators, faculty and staff together for our opening liturgy with Bishop Mario E. Dorsonville. The day will progress with the theme: “Personal Attention: Partnering With Parents in 21st Century Catholic Education.”
Our special guest and keynote speaker is author and renowned spiritual director Becky Eldrege. Not only is Becky an accomplished author; she is a mother! We are seeking her perspective as we begin our journey. Ultimately, our goal is to facilitate a positive partnership with families that will lead to exponential student growth and student learning 24 hours per day.
Finally, but so importantly, we have chosen a Scripture passage for our academic year. On June 1, 2023, our administrative teams gathered for retreat at the Pastoral Center in Schriever. Through prayer and reflection, our school administrators reached consensus and chose Colossians 4:6: “Let the words you speak always be filled with grace.”
As we begin our instructional days in prayer and song, know of our love and prayers for each of you. We are the school faith communities of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux, and we personally invite you to join us in our parishes for Mass. We will keep you informed of our progress, and may God bless you abundantly.