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Youth In Action
Youthin action
School: Vandebilt Catholic High School, Houma Grade: 11th grade Church parish: St. Bernadette, Houma
Describe your family unit:
Jamie, mother; Chris, father; Christopher, brother Favorite Hobby: Reading Favorite Movie: Forgotten Favorite T.V. Show: Sweet Home Favorite Genre of Music: Pop
In what ways can young people rise with Christ at Easter and show his love to the world today?
Jesus gave us the gift of his life so that all could rise to new life with him, yet many people in today’s society forget this sacrifice. Instead, people dwell on the trials that they face and allow themselves to drown in their own sorrow. Easter can give us the chance to rise with Christ and show his love to the world. One issue our modern world faces is that many young people don’t know how to show their faith in their everyday lives. One way that the youth of today can display Jesus’ love is by getting involved in their community. Many people have grand ideas of traveling to far off lands and helping people in foreign nations. This passion to help those less fortunate than them is grand, but it causes them to forget that there are people much closer to home who need a helping hand. Young people should consider donating to local charities or volunteering within their own communities. Jesus calls all people to give alms and help the needy. By offering our services, we are showing that we are true Christians living as Jesus would call all people to live.
Another way that the youth of today can rise with Christ this Easter is by attending church and giving their full attention during the Mass. Many people attend Mass every single Sunday and holy day of obligation, but lack the necessary mental presence. Thinking about other things during the homily or saying your prayers without absorbing the meanings of the words are times when we may not be mentally present in the Mass. Listening to every word of the homily, meditating upon every line of our prayers, and remembering that Christ is present every single second of the Mass will help us to grow as Christians of good faith. All of these things that will help us to show our love and rise with Christ may seem simple, but we must put our whole heart and true intentions behind our actions in order to bring them to fruition. Through our faith in Christ, we can do anything that we put our minds to. BC
Church Life
LAWRENCE CHATAGNIER/BAYOU CATHOLIC Catechumen Abraham Garcia, a parishioner of Sacred Heart Church in Cut Off, is shown with his sponsors during the Rite of Election at the Cathedral of St. Francis de Sales in Houma.
Catechumens and candidates gather at Cathedral and Co-Cathedral during first weekend of Lent
Due to the restrictions in place because of the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s Rite of the Call to Continuing Conversion of Baptized Candidates was held at St. Joseph CoCathedral in Thibodaux, and the Rite of Election of Catechumens was held at the Cathedral of St. Francis de Sales in Houma. Both ceremonies took place during the first weekend of Lent.
The catechumens, those who have not been baptized, are called forth by name. Pastors, godparents and catechists give witness to the bishop that the “chosen” catechumens are appropriately prepared for the Easter sacraments. Traditionally, the “elect” keep the Lenten season as their final preparation before they come forward at the Easter Vigil to accept the sacred mysteries of the Easter sacraments. This is called the “Period of Purification and Enlightenment.”
Bishop Shelton J. Fabre declared the following 16 Catechumens “elect” for the sacraments at the upcoming Easter vigil: Krystal H. Falgout, Barbara M. Levy, Kelsey E. Pellegrin, Cathedral of St. Francis de Sales, Houma; Abraham Garcia, Sacred Heart, Cut Off; Coklin Nguyen, Sacred Heart, Morgan City; April N. Trahan, St. Anthony, Bayou Black; Kristen Ellender, Olivia Burnham, Owen Burnham, Andre Brien, St. Bernadette, Houma; Sherry L. Grabert, Garrett M. Porche, St. Eloi, Theriot; Joseph Anthony Niquiporo, Joseph Trey Niquiporo, St. John the Evangelist, Thibodaux; Madalyn Hoskins, St. Joseph Co-Cathedral, Thibodaux; Nicholas Breland, St. Thomas Aquinas, Thibodaux.
The candidates are those who are already baptized in another Christian tradition and desire to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church or those uncatechized Catholics completing their Christian initiation. In a process of formation similar to the catechumenate, these candidates who have been prepared within the parish are presented to the bishop and he celebrates with them the Rite of the Call to Continuing Conversion to be enacted in their parish during Lent to become full members in the Catholic Church.
Bishop Fabre recognized the commitment of the following eight Candidates to continue their conversion and preparation to receive the sacraments of confirmation and Eucharist: Sara P. Galbreath, Cathedral of St. Francis de Sales, Houma; Soriana B. Guevara, Sacred Heart, Morgan City; Marti P. Burnham, William D. Owens, Ashley P. Owens, St. Bernadette, Houma; Amy E. Denton, Brian M. Malbrough Jr., Timothy R. Soignet, St. Eloi, Theriot; Cathrine M. Jeblonski, St. Joseph CoCathedral, Thibodaux; Sydney Swann, Kaleigh Monica, Brittany Bouzigard, St. Thomas Aquinas, Thibodaux. BC