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Youth in Action
Youthin action

Marijain Elizabeth Burns

School: Holy Rosary Catholic School, Larose Grade: 8th Church parish: Our Lady of the Rosary, Larose Family Unit: Desiree Darda (mother); Jonathan Darda (stepfather); Dain Burns (father); Jerica Burns (stepmother); Cullen St. Amant (stepbrother); Nathan Darda and Ezra Burns (brothers); Haisley Burns, Vivianne Darda and Emmalina Darda (sisters) Favorite Hobby: Swimming Favorite Movie: The Impossible Favorite T.V. Show: Boy Meets World Favorite Genre of Music: Pop

What are some resolutions you can make
in the New Year to help you grow your faith?
There are many resolutions for the new year that will help me grow my faith and here are some I hope to keep: • Reading the Bible 15-20 minutes a day every day • Going to Mass every week without fail • Setting aside 10 minutes to pray to God before I go to sleep • Asking a different friend to Mass each week • Starting to volunteer more at your church parish with things like reading • Reading a Christian book a month • Showing more love to my enemies • Refusing to gossip about others • Listening to Christian music every day • Doing more random acts of kindness I suggest you start small and focus on one goal at a time because the best resolutions are the ones you can actually keep. One of these that you should definitely make time for is going to Mass without fail because it is already in the Ten Commandments. Out of these 10 resolutions, you should pick five that you can make time for and will not say “I will do that tomorrow,” because we all know you will most likely forget about it tomorrow, also. BC