6 minute read
Heavenly Recipes
Heavenly Recipes
Mary Truxillo Kees
Mary makes a: PARTY SALAD
Story and Photos by Lawrence Chatagnier
Mary Truxillo Kees, a native of Metairie and resident of Thibodaux, is sharing her recipe for a party cabbage salad. Mary concedes that she doesn’t cook very much but she can surely throw together a tasty salad. Mary has been working for the diocese since 2013. She is an administrative support specialist for Computer Operations and Technology. Mary graduated from Mercy Academy in New Orleans and from there received a degree from Loyola University in computer information processing. “I worked at Nicholls State University for 15 years at the University’s Computer Services department.”
Mary has been married to Stephen Kees for the past 14 years.
Mary has one child, a daughter Rosalyn, who she is very proud of. “Rosalyn graduated with a master’s from Florida State University in English Literature. She received her undergraduate degree from Nicholls. She is getting ready to move to Boulder, CO, to work for the National Center for Atmospheric Research where she will be a digital engagement specialist.”
The Kees are parishioners of St. Thomas Aquinas Church parish in Thibodaux. “St. Thomas is home for us. It is where we were married. I have also served on the pastoral council there in previous years.”
Mary’s devotion to her Catholic faith is evident after a few minutes of conversation with her. “My mother had a strong Catholic faith. I had contemplated being a nun at an early age. My third grade school teacher was a major influence on my faith. I knew that I wanted to be a wife and a mother, also.”
Mary has been on a number of pilgrimages to the Holy Land and to Europe. “In the year 2000, I went on my first pilgrimage; it was to the Holy Land and Rome. After my first
Cabbage Salad
1 bag of cole slaw cut cabbage 1 pack of chicken flavored Ramen noodles 1 small container of sesame seeds 1 pack of sliced almonds
Dressing 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil 2 tbsp. red wine vinegar 2 tbsp. sugar (Thibodaux raw brown cane sugar) 1 tsp. salt 1/2 teaspoon pepper 1 packet of chicken flavoring from Ramen noodles
Crush noodles while still in the pack. Toast noodles, seeds and almonds in oven at 250 for 7 minutes. Mix dressing well. In a large bowl mix cabbage, toasted noodles/seeds/nuts and dressing.
If going to a party, keep the baked items and the dressing separate and assemble before eating.
pilgrimage, my life changed. I feel that all of life is a pilgrimage. Everything I do I want to do it to be closer to the Lord. In 2003, I went on a Marian pilgrimage to Portugal, Spain and France; in 2012 to Rome on a pilgrimage when Bishop Sam Jacobs had his ad limina visit; and in 2015, to Israel and the Holy Land on a pilgrimage with Bishop Fabre.” Mary says she feels that she has found where God wants her to be, working at the Pastoral Center. “I feel honored to be allowed to work here. When you feel you are at the right place where God wants you, you will know it. That is how I feel here. I love the church. I love the people here.”
In her spare time Mary enjoys gardening, interior decorating and collecting antiques. One of her favorites is her vast collection of vintage fiestaware. BC
Seminarian eDucation burSeS

Seminarian Spotlight
Rev. Mr. James Rome
n What church parish are you from?
Life-long parishioner of Our Lady of Prompt
Succor in Golden Meadow n How many siblings do you have; what number are you?
I was the fourth of four with one brother and two sisters. I was a little late as my mom was 43 and my dad 47. My siblings were 10, 13 and 18 when I arrived; therefore, similarities to an only child. If fact, I was so late that my brother and my sister are my godparents. n Where are you studying and in what year of your studies are you?
I am a third year theology seminarian at
Notre Dame Seminary, which means I am in my fourth of six years. Diaconate ordination was May 29, 2021, and priestly ordination is scheduled for June 5, 2022. n What sacrament are you most looking forward to celebrating?
Anointing of the sick to a person needing the sacrament will energize me to new heights. n Does pineapple belong on pizza?
Is pineapple a meat!?!
DiD you know?
Seminarian eDucation coStS on average $45,000 a year for eight yearS Seminarian enDowmentS can be nameD enDoweD funDS/burSeS. each year intereSt earneD form the enDowmentS are granteD to the DioceSe to cover annual coStS of their eDucation. catholic founDation of South louiSiana manageS Seminarian enDowmentS for the DioceSe.
all completeD Seminarian eDucation burSeS can be vieweD online at www.htDioceSe.org/vocationS
Cover Feature
C0-Cathedral is filled for joyous celebration

Friar Nathaniel Maria Gadalia was ordained to the priesthood at St. Joseph Co-Cathedral in Thibodaux recently. Bishop Shelton J. Fabre was the ordaining prelate. Concelebrants were Bishop Emeritus Sam G. Jacobs, priests of the diocese and members of the Poor Friars of Jesus and Mary.
Photos by Tyler Neil

Cover Feature
From my first steps into the entrance procession, I was filled with a great joy. Then, seeing the faces of many who helped me during my journey, I was impressed that, together with others not physically present, we were all participating in the long-awaited fulfilment of God’s work. During the promises, while I was answering each time “I do,” and then said, “with the help of God,” I acknowledged again that God will always give me his strength to the extent that I give him my “yes” (cf. Philippians 4:13). During the imposition of hands and the fraternal embrace, I experienced the power and communion of God through his ordained ministers – and, with a special joy, through those of my religious community. In that moment, our founder exhorted me to become a saint, which should be the goal for each and every one of us (cf. Lumen Gentium 40) so that our ministries can be truly fruitful. Friar Nathaniel Maria Gadalia

Cover Feature


Church Life

Transitional diaconate ordination
Stephen Castille and James Rome were ordained as transitional deacons recently at St. Joseph CoCathedral in Thibodaux. Bishop Shelton J. Fabre was the ordaining prelate. The Co-Cathedral was filled with priests, family members and wellwishers for both of the candidates.
Photos by Tyler Neil

Church Life

Church Life