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Vandebilt inducts three new Hall of Fame members

newest members of the Vandebilt catholic high School hall of Fame were honored recently. accepting awards from left, with school president Jeremy gueldner, are: brother ronald hingle, S.c., on behalf of brother anthon Miklic, S.c.; Dr. Fritz rau along with his five sons on behalf of Rhoda Rau; and Mike Barker.
Vandebilt Catholic High School inducts three new Hall of Fame members
Vandebilt Catholic High School inducted three new members into its Hall of Fame this year: the late Brother Anthon Miklic, S.C.; the late Rhoda Rau, and Michael Barker.
The Vandebilt Catholic Hall of Fame was established to honor those with outstanding achievements, accomplishments, service and/or dedication to the school. In 2022, the school adopted a new nomination and selection process in order to further preserve, strengthen, and honor Vandebilt Catholic. The hope is that those selected as Hall of Fame members will be an inspiration to current students, staff and community members. Vandebilt Catholic Hall of Fame recognition is bestowed upon up to four long-time supporters of Vandebilt Catholic. Hall of Fame recipients are former faculty, staff, alumni, parents and/or community members who through their outstanding achievements in their spiritual, professional and civic lives, have brought honor to themselves and Vandebilt Catholic, and whose contributions have had a broad and positive impact on others.
Brother Ronald Hingle, S.C., provincial of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart, accepted the Hall of Fame Induction award on behalf of Brother Anthon Miklic, S.C.
Brother Anthon (Francis Joseph)
Miklic, S.C., was born in Tuscaloosa, AL. He entered the Brothers of the Sacred Heart in Metuchen, NJ, in 1935, pronouncing first vows in 1937 and making final profession in Bay St. Louis, MS, in 1943.
Brother Anthon probably had very few childhood memories that did not involve the Brothers. At only nine years old, Brother Anthon’s mother died and he was placed in foster care. In 1926, he arrived at the Boys’ Industrial School (BIS), an institution in Mobile, AL, conducted by the Brothers. He continued at McGill Institute and remained there until he entered the Brothers of the Sacred Heart community in Metuchen, NJ, in December 1935. During his years at BIS, Brother Anthon came into contact with those Brothers whose good example and influence helped develop in this young man many of the enviable characteristics that emerged in his later life: Energy, initiative, discipline, a love of work, kindness and helpfulness.
It was during these same years at BIS and McGill Institute that Brother Anthon became an accomplished musician and a star athlete. Well over six feet, he starred in football while in high school where he won All-State honors as a lineman for the McGill Yellow Jackets of Mobile, AL. In later years, his love for athletics led him to golf and he liked nothing better than to use his strength to drive the ball “a country mile” down the fairway. His strengths were not restricted to things physical. While in high school, he also studied music under the perfectionist, the late professor Joseph H. Taverna, M.M., and became an accomplished clarinetist.
From his start as an elementary teacher for eight years in Brooklyn, N.Y.; Huntington, N.Y.; and the Bronx, N.Y.; to a four-year assignment at St. Aloysius in New Orleans, Brother Anthon demanded the same perfection of his students that he himself exhibited. Although he did not get a master’s degree until he was 53 years
old, he had a lifelong admiration for learning. Much of his leisure time was spent reading.
One of the happiest periods of Brother Anthon’s life was the 17 years he worked in Kenya and Uganda. He taught English, which was the most difficult subject to teach in African schools. To teach it required a toughminded person who would give unstintingly of himself in correcting and making students revise and rewrite. Brother Anthon’s students would see much success from his disciplined classroom.
Brother Anthon completed his 50 year teaching career at Vandebilt Catholic High School in his “beloved” Houma, LA, from 1973 until he retired to Mobile in 1988, where he died at the age of 78 after some months in a nursing home when his needs became too great for the Brothers in his local community to care for him adequately.
Brother Anthon was a serious, hardworking individual with a strong and sturdy constitution. He was a simple man in whom there was no guile. He was down to earth, and at times rigid. He liked everything in clear-cut terms with no subtleties whatsoever. Brother Anthon was a dependable and conscientious brother, totally committed to his community. His religious life is an example for us of one who offered to God all that he had to carry out the Christian education of youth.
Dr. Fritz Rau, along with his five sons, accepted the Hall of Fame Induction award on behalf of Rhoda Rau.
Rhoda Ann Guillot Rau was born in Houma, LA, and grew up downtown on Maple Ave. She attended St. Francis de Sales School and was a member of the only class to attend Houma Central Catholic High, later known as Vandebilt Catholic High from grades 7-12. While attending Vandebilt Catholic, Rhoda was a member of the drill squad and was crowned Homecoming Queen before graduating in 1971.
After graduating, Rhoda worked in the insurance industry and married Dr. Fritz Rau ‘71, her high school sweetheart, in July 1975. They moved around during his medical training and settled back in Houma in 1983. Rhoda then began to raise her five boys: Dr. Brian ‘97 (Teri), Dr. Jeremy ‘99 (Lori), Dr. Jeffrey ‘00 (Katelyn), Dr. Nicholas ‘03 (Jenny), and Patrick ‘06 (Monica). All five boys were raised with a Catholic education, all attending St. Francis de Sales Cathedral School and Vandebilt Catholic High School. Rhoda has 15 grandchildren, 12 of which continue to carry on the tradition and currently attend St. Francis de Sales Cathedral School and Vandebilt Catholic.
Rhoda was well known for her involvement in every school sport or activity. She was an avid Vandebilt Catholic fan. Rhoda was a devoted mother and grandmother and was very involved in the community. She participated in the medical auxiliary, carnival, bereavement committees, school functions and class reunions. Her outgoing personality and involvement in the community resulted in a vast network of friends and acquaintances. Rhoda never met a stranger.
Rhoda passed away after a short battle with cancer in 2019. Her legacy continues through the Rhoda Ann Guillot Rau Foundation, which was established in her honor to assist special needs children in a faith based learning program at St. Francis de Sales Cathedral School.
Michael (Mike) Barker was born and raised in Houma, LA. After graduating from Vandebilt Catholic in 1978, Mike attended Louisiana State University, and Nicholls State University where he obtained a bachelor’s degree in business in 1983. Soon after, Mike entered the automotive business as a salesman at Terrebonne Ford. He then transitioned to sales manager. In 1990, he opened Barker Mitsubishi as dealer principal and in 1995 added Barker Kia. In 2000, he purchased Barker Buick GMC and Barker Honda, where he currently holds the position of dealer principal for both dealerships.
During his 39 years in the automotive industry, Mike has earned countless accolades and served on many boards at the local, state and national levels. He currently serves on the Louisiana Dealer Services Inc. – Executive Board of Directors; New Orleans Buick/GMC LMA – Treasurer; Buick GMC National Fixed Operations Board, National Dealer Council, and the Louisiana Honda Dealers Advertising Association - President. Some of the awards earned for Barker Buick GMC include Standards for Excellence (multiple award winner) and GMC Leaders of Distinction (multiple award winner.) At Barker Honda, some awards earned included the Honda President’s Award Elite, Honda President’s Award (multiple award winner,) and Honda Financial Council of Excellence (multiple award winner.) In 1999, Mike earned the All-Star Dealer Award for Exceptional Community and Industry Service, which is given at the American International Dealers Association (AIADA) Gala in Washington, D.C.
Along with being a stand-out businessman, Mike has always been dedicated to giving back to the community. Over the years, he has been a Kiwanis Club member, served on the Board of Directors for the Houma Chamber of Commerce, and the Morganza Action Coalition. His dedication can also be seen in his sponsorships of local awards and programs, such as the Woman’s Business/Alliance Athena Award and as a corporate sponsor for the Terrebonne Parish NAACP for the past 24 years. He is a 1995 graduate of the Leadership Terrebonne Program and has also been an active member of the Krewe of Houmas for 35 years. He has also served the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux in a number of roles including cemetery trust, pastoral council vice chairman, Legatus vice president and on the strategic plan executive committee.
Mike has been married to his wife and VCHS 1979 alumna, Angelique for 38 years. They are the parents of three children, Michael Jr. ‘06 (Jamie); Michell ‘07 (Zuna), and Allyson ‘12. And, they have five grandchildren. BC