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When you hear the word Lent, what are some of the images that come to mind and what do those
For me, Lent is a season that I spend trying to better myself spiritually. I always begin this season by calling to mind something that I will fast from for the duration of Lent. Fasting can at times be difficult for me, so I access my spiritual tools to dedicate my sacrifices to Christ. One of my favorite “spiritual tools” is serving others. Some of my favorite service projects to partake in during Lent are volunteering time with Crossroads Pregnancy Resource Center and Louisiana Right to Life. When I work with these programs, I offer up my time and talents to Christ.
Another way that I celebrate Lent is through prayer. Spending time in prayer in Mass and adoration has always had a positive effect on me. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve expanded the methods of prayer that I use in my daily life. For example, I pray guided prayers like the rosary, but sometimes I just meditate and “chat” with God. Overall, prayer brings me an inner peace that helps me to have a deeper understanding
images mean for you?
of Lent.
At school, we celebrate Lent through various school activities. One of my favorites is praying The Way of the Cross with the entire student body. I feel as though I am walking with Jesus through his crucifixion. I feel blessed to be able to share such an intimate and prayerful experience with my school peers. At home, my family and I focus on Lent by adding in extra prayers throughout our day, and work on seeing Christ in each other. One of my favorite family events is, of course, crawfish boils on Fridays. I love that everyone comes together through the sacrifice of meat to enjoy a meal together.
Lent is a busy time of preparation, sacrifice and meditation. I put in extra effort to act as Christ would. The season of Lent has always had a strong impact on my faith, and I feel blessed to have the opportunity to flourish in my faith. BC