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Reflections from our youth
12th grade
E.D. White Catholic High School, Thibodaux
The March for Life was something that practically fell into my lap, it wasn’t planned, and I never thought of going, but God has his wonderful ways. Seeing the crowds of people, learning the history of those before me, and learning of the man who gave his own life for a world full of sinners allowed me to grow tumultuously in my faith. I’ve never prayed as hard as I did in that week, and I’ve never felt a loving community like the one at the March. Impactful is an understatement; the flowing faith felt from each and every soul on that March was like God moving our feet. Trust God and say “yes.” BC
11th grade
Central Catholic School, Morgan City
What impacted me the most during my March for Life trip was that people from all walks of life gathered together to march for those who do not have a voice. My March for Life experience was nothing short of amazing, and I am so grateful that I was fortunate enough to attend. We were able to explore the sights of Washington, D.C., and take a step back into history. On this trip, I had the opportunity to meet many people and make amazing memories. One of my favorite parts of the trip was attending Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. It was by far the most beautiful Mass I have ever witnessed because of the number of people gathered there to celebrate how important it is to cherish life. On the bus ride to Washington, D.C., we were constantly being reminded that we were, “Pilgrims not tourists.” Even though we