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Youth In Action
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How does your Christian faith relate to your everyday life?

My Christian faith relates to my everyday life in more ways than I could imagine. For instance, I pray when I wake up, throughout my day, and before I go to sleep. Growing up in Catholic school my whole life, we are taught to see the good in people, love everyone, and put God first. This background of faith that I have helps me strive to do those actions daily. I participate in clubs at school, such as retreat team and Sisters in Christ, which also allow me to grow my love for God and put it into practice every day with my friends and teachers. My faith also allows me to know not to worry about life’s struggles. I put all my trust in God every day to
Olivia Black

School: Central Catholic School, Morgan City Grade: 12th Church parish: Holy Cross, Morgan City
Describe your family unit:
Alaina Black, mother; Chris Black, father; Talen, Brennan, Micheal, Tyler and Brendan, brothers Favorite Hobby: Softball and hanging out with friends Favorite Movie: Five Feet Apart Favorite T.V. Show: Full House
Favorite Genre of Music:
Country or anything upbeat
get through whatever the day has in store. One of my favorite quotes I live by is Proverbs 3:5-7: ”Trust the Lord completely, and don’t depend on your own knowledge. With every step you take, think about what he wants, and he will help you go the right way. Don’t trust in your own wisdom, but fear and respect the Lord and stay away from evil.” With the uncertainty of our world, I tend to stress over problems I cannot control, but this reminds me that the Lord already has it taken care of. As I got older and finally realized that I am living for someone greater than anything on this earth and that he chooses me every day to live for him brings me hope and happiness. This helps me get through all of life’s struggles and to try to be a good and helping friend to everyone. It also helps me be a better leader for my school as a role model to the underclassmen and helps me be a great teammate during sports. Overall, my Christian faith makes me a better person. It formed me into the follower of Christ I am today and I will continue to help others learn his love and goodness. BC

Church Life

Acadian Mass
The annual Acadian Mass held at St. Hilary of Poitiers Church in Mathews was celebrated in conjunction with the feast of the Assumption. Friar Nathaniel Maria Gadalia, a native of Orleans, France, was the principal celebrant of the Mass, which he celebrated in French, with Bishop Shelton J. Fabre presiding. Priests of the diocese concelebrated the Mass. Catholics from across the diocese gathered for the Mass which celebrated the Cajun culture of the bayou area.
Photos by Lawrence Chatagnier